A little about socialism...
Recently I had the "pleasure" of meeting a TRUE socialist this week.
Please allow me to get you updated on socialists...
We can call this "Socialism 101" and run from there...
Socialism does NOT work. It never has. Everywhere it has been tried, it's a TOTAL failure. Here is how socialism works:
You go out fishing and catch a bunch of fish to feed your family. You have some extra left over so you decide to freeze them for a dinner at a later time.
You get to talking with your neighbor about how many fish you caught and that you had many left over, so you saved them in the freezer for a dinner later. Your neighbor says that he wishes he had some fish for his family too, but he never learned how to fish.
You are a kind hearted person, so you give him some of your extra fish for his family. You explain to him that it's ok, you still have enough for another dinner even after you give him some of your fish.
The next day, you see your neighbor again and he asks for some more fish. "Sorry," you tell him, "I have just enough left for my family." You offer to teach him how to fish and get as many as he wants. He says, "No thanks" and saunters away.
One week later you get a letter in the mail. The government has learned that you have a lot of fish and you are obligated to give them to your neighbors!
WTF??? you think to yourself. Now I have to supply the whole community with my fish?
Socialism ends with a gun placed to your head. You lose your freedom by subscribing to it.
Now, let's figure out what goes thru a socialists mind. (sometimes they can't even spell it, lol)
A socialist believes that the world owes them a living. Generally, they hide behind the mantra of "everything being equal and fair."
Now, who the hell can argue with everything being "equal and fair?"
Sounds so damn nice, doesn't it?
The real idea behind it is being "fair and equally miserable" like them. Their belief is that YOU, yes YOU owe THEM a living. If they can't get it thru means other than breaking into your house and stealing your fish, they ask the government to steal it for them.
Therefore, it is now considered "legal theft."
Socialism goes back many years, but recently it can be traced to the pilgrims who came to America. Captain John Smith was designated governor of of the new colonists In America. He was told to run things like a "commune" and everybody owned everything. Eventually, some people didn't like to work the fields and raise cattle... those people decided to LEECH off those that were working. John Smith decided that this was unacceptable.
He, against the British rule, gave everybody a tract of land that they could use themselves, which eventually led to private property ownership. Those that did not want to work their land and LEECH off others became obsolete. Those that did not want to learn how to grow crops and tend cattle became shunned.
Meanwhile, their community grew prosperous and traded with the local Indians and others across the sea to make a living. It wasn't easy, but they did it. This is the TRUE story of Thanksgiving!
Now, this eventually led to the Americas succeeding from England.
Captain John Smith proved that socialism DID NOT WORK!!!
The sad thing is that some people believe that this so-called "utopia" of socialism actually works. It doesn't. What do you do when the people work to provide for you give up and tell you that the "fish supply" is cut off? What happens when you tax the shit out of people until they can no longer support your lazy ass?
Be very careful when you hate the rich people in the world. Those are the people that hire you to do work for them. If you tax them into oblivion, they hold back on their spending and therefore, other companies go out of business.
And, I have to say, If you expect that government welfare check in the mail because you decide not to work, just remember, those rich people that pay taxes to support you and your fish may decide NOT to support you any longer.
I'll post more in another blog soon, but I do hope this makes you think about being a leech.
Nobody owes you a living. Nobody owes you the next drink. Nobody owes you anything.
Life is NOT fair.
Please allow me to get you updated on socialists...
We can call this "Socialism 101" and run from there...
Socialism does NOT work. It never has. Everywhere it has been tried, it's a TOTAL failure. Here is how socialism works:
You go out fishing and catch a bunch of fish to feed your family. You have some extra left over so you decide to freeze them for a dinner at a later time.
You get to talking with your neighbor about how many fish you caught and that you had many left over, so you saved them in the freezer for a dinner later. Your neighbor says that he wishes he had some fish for his family too, but he never learned how to fish.
You are a kind hearted person, so you give him some of your extra fish for his family. You explain to him that it's ok, you still have enough for another dinner even after you give him some of your fish.
The next day, you see your neighbor again and he asks for some more fish. "Sorry," you tell him, "I have just enough left for my family." You offer to teach him how to fish and get as many as he wants. He says, "No thanks" and saunters away.
One week later you get a letter in the mail. The government has learned that you have a lot of fish and you are obligated to give them to your neighbors!
WTF??? you think to yourself. Now I have to supply the whole community with my fish?
Socialism ends with a gun placed to your head. You lose your freedom by subscribing to it.
Now, let's figure out what goes thru a socialists mind. (sometimes they can't even spell it, lol)
A socialist believes that the world owes them a living. Generally, they hide behind the mantra of "everything being equal and fair."
Now, who the hell can argue with everything being "equal and fair?"
Sounds so damn nice, doesn't it?
The real idea behind it is being "fair and equally miserable" like them. Their belief is that YOU, yes YOU owe THEM a living. If they can't get it thru means other than breaking into your house and stealing your fish, they ask the government to steal it for them.
Therefore, it is now considered "legal theft."
Socialism goes back many years, but recently it can be traced to the pilgrims who came to America. Captain John Smith was designated governor of of the new colonists In America. He was told to run things like a "commune" and everybody owned everything. Eventually, some people didn't like to work the fields and raise cattle... those people decided to LEECH off those that were working. John Smith decided that this was unacceptable.
He, against the British rule, gave everybody a tract of land that they could use themselves, which eventually led to private property ownership. Those that did not want to work their land and LEECH off others became obsolete. Those that did not want to learn how to grow crops and tend cattle became shunned.
Meanwhile, their community grew prosperous and traded with the local Indians and others across the sea to make a living. It wasn't easy, but they did it. This is the TRUE story of Thanksgiving!
Now, this eventually led to the Americas succeeding from England.
Captain John Smith proved that socialism DID NOT WORK!!!
The sad thing is that some people believe that this so-called "utopia" of socialism actually works. It doesn't. What do you do when the people work to provide for you give up and tell you that the "fish supply" is cut off? What happens when you tax the shit out of people until they can no longer support your lazy ass?
Be very careful when you hate the rich people in the world. Those are the people that hire you to do work for them. If you tax them into oblivion, they hold back on their spending and therefore, other companies go out of business.
And, I have to say, If you expect that government welfare check in the mail because you decide not to work, just remember, those rich people that pay taxes to support you and your fish may decide NOT to support you any longer.
I'll post more in another blog soon, but I do hope this makes you think about being a leech.
Nobody owes you a living. Nobody owes you the next drink. Nobody owes you anything.
Life is NOT fair.
15 years ago