My Wicked Step-Au*t

When I was in 9th grade I was living with my Mom and her 3rd husband , when out of the blue she told me she and George were going to get divorced . It was a shock to me , because there was no sign of either one being unhappy and I really liked him , but what was I to do. My Mom also informed me that she was moving in with another man and was going to eventually marry him .She informed me I could come live with them . This was all a little too much for me to process and was kinda reeling it all in , when I blurted out I'm tired of you and Dad jerking me around from place to place and that I would figure something out etc. etc.
That night I went to best friends house to tell him what was going down and asked him if I could make a couple of long distance phone calls from his place . He told his m Mom what was going on and she felt for me and agreed to let make the calls , so I called my older brothers and told them what Mom was doing they were both pissed also , especially my oldest brother . He said I could move in with them (he , his wife and son), so I packed up my shit and moved 60 miles away from where my Mom lived . I finished the school year living with them , but my s*s in-law didn't really dig it and with another c***d on the way by brother said I was going to have to figure something else out . My only option was to move back in with my mom and new step dad.
I had my own room which shared a bath with the other bedroom , the bathroom was walk thru bath that connected the 2 rooms separated by pocket doors (sliders that recess into the wall).
shortly after moving in they had their wedding , which I attended . At the wedding my mom was introducing me around , when we came to Marie my step dad's sister . Marie was very slender about 5'8" or so , grey hair just past the shoulders , blue eyes and a nice smile . She was wearing a fairly snug light blue dress that came just above her knees , with modestly high heels . All in all she was very attractive for a woman I thought to be in her late 40s to early 50s and I ws immediately smitten .
After the wedding the reception was held at the VFW club where alcohol was being consumed by all , as my step-dad family all seemed to big drinkers . My Mother would fit right in . The only people I knew there were my two brothers , so I hung with them until they left after making an " official appearance" , as they were still not real happy with my mom . So what was I to do ? Then I saw my Aunt sitting down chatting with my mom , so I went over and sat with them . Both were feeling little pain by then . After some small talk my mom was beckoned away and I started talking to Marie (she told me to drop the aunt crap) about this and that , we seemed to converse fairly easily and out of the blue she asked if I could dance I said
" I don't know "
"Come either you can't or you can, lets find out"
We went to the dance floor and our different ideas of dancing soon became so comical we returned to sit down at the table with my mom a few other people . Everybody was just chatting away , any conversation directed towards me was met with minimal answers , then the subject of the honeymoon came up and my Mom said
"Hawaii 10 days , but we're not leaving for a couple of weeks "
My Aunt Sherry (mom's sister)asked
"What about Drew(me)"
"He's sure as hell not going " my step-dad threw out
"He should come stay with me and his cousins"
I shuddered at the thought of staying with my obese Aunt and her human bowling balls she called her girls . I quickly chimed in
" I can't , I got a job and am trying to make some money before school start"
" Shit Bob (step-dad), we didn't even think about that" my mom said
" I'll be alright on my own , I'm old enough that I don't need a sitter , for Christ sake"
" Oh no you don't , I'm not leaving you incharge of my house for 10 days" Bob barked out
" Easy Bob , I have some time off built up that I need to use , so I can come up and "be in charge " while you guys are gone " said Marie " It'd be nice to get out of the city for a while anyway "
" Seriously Marie ? He's not that much trouble , he eats anything "
" absolutely , just let me know the dates and if he does give me any trouble I 'll just put over knee"
Again laughter
It was settled , Marie would come stay with me while they were in Hawaii
I was at the stage in a boy's life where I jerking off all the time and always thinking of Marie in her tight blue dress and heels , that is until I found some of Bob's family photo albums while cleaning out the other bedroom to get it ready for Marie's arrival. First I found a coulpe of pics where she's in some cut off jean shorts , not quite "Daisy Dukes" , but good enough . Then I hit the jackpot , the pages were titled Jackson's lake , there were several pics of her in a black bikini that were awesome , one in particular , where she is bending over the boat to get something out. She's kinda in the backround , but it shows her tight little ass and her nice legs . I took the best shorts pic , the bent over bikini pic and a full frontal bikini pic out for some jerk off material.For the next two weeks I jerked everyday kneeling by my bed with the photos displayed on the bed . I couldn't wait for her to arrive in person.
Mom and Bob left early for the airport and left me a note that Marie would be at the house around noon . I went off to work and when I got home Marie greeted me with a little hug , she was dressed for summer in a red tank top and I could see thin straps to a black bra. She had on a pair of fairly short shorts that showed off her legs and tight enough to make ass look great.
We chatted for a few and then I told I had better get in the shower. She said
"Perfect I forgot a few toiletries , so I'm gonna run into town real quick and get what I need , then we'll figure out what to do about dinner ok"
" sounds good"
A little backround on Marie provided by my Mom. She has been a widow for about 10 years and as far as my mom knew didn't really date.
I went to my room , stripped down and decided to rub one out while Marie was gone. I got my pics out laid out on the bed , then got the bright idea to look in her room to see what I could find in the way of under garments . Her bags were unpacked so I hit the dresser , score , panties , bras galore I grabbed black bra and matching panties and put the panties on and tried to figure out the bra and got it on also. It felt weird , but yet exiting , then went back to my room and knelt down infront of the pics. I don't know if it was wearing the underwear was turning me on or just the thought they were Maries , but I was already half erect. I slid the panties to one side and started to stroke my cock looking at the oics and thinking of her and moaning
"Oh, Marie you are so hot , I want to suck on your tits, oh I want eat your pussy" . Even though I had never even seen or done any of those. " oh Marie "
" Oh shit , Marie I thought " I didn't get to finish
"I'm so sorry I" again I was cut off
As she said this she came toward me and slapped me on the side head so hard it knocked me back against the night stand . I fumbled at the bra , fuck I had a hard enough time trying to get it on let alone trying to get it . The whole time she is berating me about what pervert I am then I hear
"I told your mother that if you gave me any trouble I'd put you over my knee , so stand up "
As soon as I did she slapped me again
" What you can get it on , but you can't get it off , you're pathetic"
I stood there petrified , except for my dick which deflated upon her entering the room
She sat down on the bed while at the same time grabbing my arm trying to pull me down with her ,but I resisted and jerked away
" No fucking way"
" No" I wimped
She started to get up while saying
" Wait til your Mother hears of and my brother . She'll be disappointed and he'll beat the shit out of you "
" No no , please don't"
Then she noticed the pics
"WTF , those are of me ! Where did you get those " her voice had lowered a bit " You were jerking off to my pictures wearing my underwear" ?
" I'm sorry , please don't tell my mom and Bob , I got no where else to go, PLEASE"
She came toward me and went to slap me again , but I leaned back and turned my head to one side. she still made contact , but mostly with her nails . I stumbled a little but caught myself against the wall. She drew blood on my cheeks in a 3 stripe pattern from her nails .
"Fuck , god damn , stop it"
"Don't you dare talk to me like that, you little pervert" she was now talking in a relative normal tone given the circumstances " You have invaded my privacy and shown no respect for me , so like I said before , I old you rMother that if you gave me any trouble I'd put you over my knee , so I will consider not telling if you take your punishment ". She withdrew and sat back down on the bed .
"What ? Are you serious " ?
"Yes . now get over here"
I stepped next to her on the bed , she reached up and dabbed a little blood from my cheek and said
" Come on , over my knees "
She scooted back to where legs were fully supported by the bed and patted her thigh and said
"Come on "
So I laid across her thighs , no sooner than I had done that , WHACK, her bare hand across my ass . I let out an ow! and jumped alittle when I came back down my package , still to one side of the panties came to rest in the area between her thighs , with legs shut tight . Then WHACK , WHACK , WHACK , WHACK with every whack my cock was rubbing against her thighs in spite of the pain I could feel my self getting hard . She continued spanking my ass , I wasn't counting , but it must have been a couple dozen WHACKS and I was semi hard and my dick was getting forced between her legs with every smack to my ass causing more surface of my cock to come in contact with more of her thighs . Shit what was I going to do ? Then she stopped
"You got to be k**ding me , you're getting a hard on from this " as she pushed me away
I kainda rolled off her on to tell floor on my side facing her with my now , not quite fully erect penis pointing in her general direction
"Well you horny little devil , well maybe not so little " she said with a smerk "Does that turn you on , getting spanked "?
"Then why are you hard "
"I guess cause it was between those gorgeous legs of yours" my hand instinctively wwas now on my Johnson not really stroking it , but just kinda fondling it a little
'Is that what you like , my legs"
"Yes , those and other things"
"What else" ?
"Your face, your eyes and.....your ass. I just think you are sexy. thought from the first time I saw you" still kinda fondling myself
"What, these old things " as she straightened them out to where her sandals were about 6 inches from my chest
" Yes , they're beautiful" I gripped my shaft and very slowly started to stroke "Ever since I came across your photos I can't get them out of my mind "
She noticed what I was doing and withdrew her legs and crossed them , I guess she thought that would put a damper on things , but it had the opposite effect for me . she picked up the photos and started to say
"Which one do you.... are you masturbating" ?
I quickly removed , my swollen member now pretty much fully erect
"Oh shit, I'm sorry I couldn't help myself , you are just so beautiful"
She had turned away looking at the pictures again and while turning again towards me started to say "
"Which do you like the .. Oh my " her eyes fixed on my cock twitching up at her " Do you like best " her eyes off my dick and into mine
" I like 'em all ,it was hard for me to pick out just three , but I like the one where you are bending over the boat the best" my hand returning to my shaft .
'But I'm way in the back " she looked down again , but didn't say anything
"Beggars can't be choosers" she glanced down briefly
"How often do you do that " pointing down at my privates that I'm barely stroking
"I've done every day , at least once a day , for the last two weeks " she blushed a little turning slightly away " Thinking about ME"
"How long does it take" she spoke this a soft tone returning her eyes to hard cock then up to my eyes
" It depends on how long I want it to last"
"Are you going to do it now"
" Can I"
"I guess do you want the picture "
" No I got you right here to look at" I started to stroke a little faster as I did she uncrossed her legs and straightened them out again
As I had been laying on my side my left arm had about gone numb so I started to stand . this alarmed Marie little and she also got up
"What are you doing"?
"My arm was going numb"
"Oh" she stood eyes focused on my activities " What should I do, ah I mean I do want to do anything"
I cut her off
" You can strike the boat pose "
With said she slowly turned and bent over and I picked my pace up
"Oh Marie " I moaned "You are so beautiful"
"Is this better than the boat picture"
"Uuuuh it would be if you had your bikini bottoms on"
She straightened up and then I saw her reach around front for a second then hook her thumbs on yhe sides of her short sand slowly slide her shorts down bending at the waist until her hands were down around her ankles . She had on white bikini briefs on her ass looked incredible and with her legs together I could see the folds of her pussy. I was in nirvana
"Oh Marie , I'm gonna cum" she looked back just in time to see me shoot my load . It had been pent up inside me so long the pressure my it come out in small spurts that flew all the way across the room .
"Oh no , look what you did you naughty boy , I may have to give you another spanking "

To Be Continued

Published by avamha
10 years ago
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