WoW 6.0+ : Nude / Bewbs / Slutty gear patch compil

I don't play WoW anymore, but I know a lot of you little monsters still do, so here you go.

Once again compiled by yours truly, and made by various artists/modelers you can find on Darknest. All credits goes to them, make sure to check the original and separate posts. Link right here; (You'll need an account.)

"OMG, look at all teh tits !!!1"

> Contains :
- Nude skins for every single female race.
- XL boobs for Draeneis, Nelves, Humans, Worgens, Belves, Trolls, Orcs and Goblins.
- XL butts/body for Draeneis and Worgens.
- High Heels for Belves.
- Hair Highlights for Humans and Nelves.
- Makeup / Lipstick for Humans, Nelves and Belves.
- Large compilation of slutty gear, some made a while ago by myself. (Second link !)

> Does Contain :
- Any form of nude skin, or gear for NPCs.
- Any form of modified WoD gear.

> Known Bugs :
- Draeneis will "lose" their legs if you zoom out too far with the camera. There is no way to fix it ATM.
- Random crash with some Night Elves stuff. Don't know what causes it yet. Happens rarely.
- Some hairstyles won't work with the new models. That's just Blizzard being numbnuts. No way to fix it either ATM.

> How to Install + Stuff :
- Extract the "Character" folder from the .rar, and just put it in your WoW folder. (See picture)

- Works exactly the same for the second patch. (Put the "Item" folder in the same place, see picture.)
- You will still NEED a modified WoW.exe to make these work. (Darknest / Ownedcore)
- Works with all the monk animations, and all that. There shouldn't be any compatibility issues.
- A few examples, just so you get an idea of what you're downloading.

> Patches Links :
- (First part, includes most of the skins/models)
- (Second part, includes the clothes edits.)

Have fun !


P.S.: Be sure to read the "known bugs" section. Just in case.

Published by keyla94
10 years ago
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cefaci123 10 years ago
humm , merci super intéressant, sinon aucun risque de BAN ?
keyla94 Publisher 10 years ago
to anios : J'en suis ravie !
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anios 10 years ago
Et bien finalement, il s'avère que ton pack marche mieux que ce que j'avais récupéré ! :smile: Et en plus, le "vieux" T5 sham remanié en version bikini ? Okay, Keyla là je t'aime ! \o/
keyla94 Publisher 10 years ago
to anios : J'ai bien peur que malheureusement, les crashs soient encore bien d'actualité. Je n'ai pas la possibilité (ni même l'envie :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) d'essayer le patch dans des environnements autres que les zones de départ, où j'ai vaguement fait quelques essais.

Il va falloir attendre que les choses deviennent plus stables ! Surtout que d'après ce que je sais, les nouveaux modèles sont une véritable plaies à éditer.
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anios 10 years ago
J'vais essayer, des fois que ta compil' plante moins que mes errances sur Darknest ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: J'avais énormément de crashes avec les XL boobs sur les serviteurs de mon fiefs (notamment les elfettes avec des glitches sur leur coupes de cheveux) ou dans les anciens raids (surtout les orquettes). Merci pour les liens ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (et s'dommage qu'on ne puisse voir la Keyla se trémousser en "FoulHacheDé" quand blizz sortira le modèle belf :3)
caca51 10 years ago
Et donc me voici ici ...
Merci :smile:
Maysha 10 years ago
Wah *_* Marci beaucoup !
keyla94 Publisher 10 years ago
to nakatina : I do believe they all are from Imashocker, except Worgen/Draenei.
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nakatina 10 years ago
as a fellow Darknester I do ask you witch ones you took.. as the nelf looks rather interesting! whom did you take her from? and the orther models was it form Imashocker's work?
MaeveGX 10 years ago
Thank you
Zehrr 10 years ago
ohh thank you !
Zezemra 10 years ago
to keyla94 : Oh yeah you do since you had the one of the blonde girl cutely sucking on that lollipop with her big eyes.
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keyla94 Publisher 10 years ago
to Zezemra : They indeed are cute.

But then again, I always use cute pictures as avatars :3
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Zezemra 10 years ago
to keyla94 : I saw it but yeah I had to search for it a bit cause of a bunch of other news bits on here and yeah there are a few of them round here so the word needs to be spread about this most definitely.

Oh and may I say a nice picture you are using there their expressions are just lovely.
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keyla94 Publisher 10 years ago
to Zezemra : Great ! Some people probably missed it, because of their huge news feed, or maybe because they don't really pay attention to blog posts. So really, I don't mind at all if people spread the word. There are still a lot of WoW players around here.
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Zezemra 10 years ago
to keyla94 : Yeah I linked them to this post and thus through it to Darknest as well but this was exactly what I was looking for myself so thanks :smile:
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keyla94 Publisher 10 years ago
to Zezemra : Well if you link them to this blog post, yeah, it's totally fine.
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Zezemra 10 years ago
Thanks so much for putting this up since this is as close to my old custom patch, that doesn't work anymore since WoD, that I could find and some asked me where I got this from so I linked them it if that's ok.
cydelu 10 years ago
The human....
keyla94 Publisher 10 years ago
to chrisbbc1 : Either darknest, or ownedcore.

Here are some links for the current WoW version, won't work with the next one.

32 bits exe :
64 bits exe :
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chrisbbc1 10 years ago
where can i get a modifed WoW.exe file for this?
keyla94 Publisher 10 years ago
to Seawen : Glad you like it. I indeed compiled that for all of you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Seawen 10 years ago
You are so good to us Keyla :smile: a godness in disguise :grinning: