Whitedogs lucky lotto chapter 13 final chapter
Lucky Lotto
Chapter 13
I brought the breakfast tray to the kitchen, I noticed Doofas outside in the driveway washing and waxing Kim's BMW, they were returning to college today and Kim obviouslly wanted her luxery ride looking sharp. I looked out the back window as I cleared everyone elses breakfast plates from the table and loaded the dishwasher.
It occured to me that it wasn't that long ago I was part of a family now I was regarded as the family servant, even worse now I was the family slave. I saw no way out, I could try to convice myself that Sara would someday leave Steve and we would go back to the way things once were but I knew that would never happen. Then I told myself being a slave wasn't so bad, I was never much good at making decisions and now I didn't have to, someone was always there to tell me what to do.
They all looked so happy out there, the girls were getting in some water skiing before they left as I watched Steve and Mark in the boat pulling them around the lake. Sara and Katy sat on the deck chairs watching and chatting, I wondered if they were talking about me and the possibility of Sara loaning my services to Katy and Mark.
I finished the dishes and was confused on what to do next, I knew I was expected to report to my wife but I was feeling way to embarrassed to go out there. As I said I'm not very good with decissions and as I sat and conteplated what to do the decission was made for me as a strong jolt hit my harness dropping me to the floor. Damn I had forgotten I was still wearing that damn thing. Obviouslly I was being summoned as only a slave would be.
My head hanging low I walked out the the dock where the two sisters were seated. Even before I got close to them I could see my wife snickering. I knew she still cared for me but not like the way a wife cares for her husband but more like the way a woman cares for a really comfortable pair of shoes, they really hate to part with them because they feel so good.
When I reached the two smiling women Sara remarked to Katy "this thing works better than a bell, it really keeps a servant on their toes" Katy laughed along with her. "what have you been doing Tim?" my wife asked "I ah I was just doing the dishes Miss Sara" just calling her Sara just didn't seem appropriate anymore and honey was out of the question.
"well you certainlly took your time, anyways the girls will be leaving soon, hurry up and do their laundry and then pack their bags, they left instructions for what their wearing back to school so lay those items out and then make all the beds" She didn't even wait for my response as she went back to her conversation with Katy, something had changed big time was I now really just a slave? Just there to serve her and Steve and anyone else they wanted me to serve, it sure seemed that way.
I hung my head and meekly walked back into the house and up to Kim's room where the girls had been staying. Like most young college woman they had only been here for one night and the room was a total disaster. Clothes, towels, and shoes layed everywhere, there were open makeup and perfume bottles on the dresser and in the bathroom. Each girl had left a note of which clothes they wouuld be wearing and Kim added that she wanted her mules polished. What a spoiled lot they were.
There was no way to tell what was clean or dirty so I gathered up all the clothes for washing. While the washer was going I began to polish Kim's shoes and realizing the other two girls would bitch I went ahead and shined up all their footwear. Another glance out the window I noticed Doofas underneath Kim's car, that spoiled princess of a step daughter of mine even had the poor k** washing and waxing the bottom of her car.
With the final load in the dryer and the first load ironed and packed in their bags I made the bed, vacuumed, dusted and cleaned the bathroom and then went to Sara's and Steve's room and did the same. My wife mustv'e known exactly how long all this would take because as soon as I put the last of Michele's blouses in her bag I was knocked to the floor again by a jolt.
No time to even get a drink of water as I headed down the stairs two more smaller jolts hit me, she was getting rather impatient. I picked up my pace and actually found it was Tracy pushing the button "oh there you are Jeeves, I chipped my toenail polish, your going to have to give me a quick pedicure" the young black girl demanded rather arrogantly. What the hell was going on today? It was as if everyone had been encouraged to treat me like shit even more so than usual.
I had to admit though that this was one order I didn't mind. Tracy's feet like Kim's were absoulutly perfect and I loved the feel of them in my hands it was just the way these young woman showed me no respect that bothered me. I had used Tracy's pedicure kit before so I knew just which one it was as I went to get it.
I returned and all the others were in the boat or on jet skis only Tracy was reclining in the recliner, she looked like a queen as she looked through a glamor magazine waiting on her slave to attend to her feet. Whats more Doofas had finished the car and Tracy had instantly put him to work fanning her with a serving tray.
I knealt at the foot of her chaise lounge and was about to start removing her old polish when she pressed her long dark red finger nail to the remote sending me sprawling backwards "is that the way you were taught to care for my feet!? Where's the ice cubes? If you can't do it right I'll just have you and Doofas switch spots" "no please Miss Tracy, I just forgot I'm sorry" I pleaded remember now how I had watched Doofas caring for her feet the first time I had met her. Not only did I not want to be waiving that tray but I really wanted to touch her devine dark feet.
I tried desperately to make up for my mistake as I rose up saying "I'll get the ice right now Miss, may I bring you a drink or some snacks also?" Tracy flashed a big smile as she had told me before she had a way of making submissive men fall all over themselves to be at her feet "yes I would, bring me a daquari and some snacks but be quick about it" what more could a girl ask for I thaught as I rushed back into the house.
I quickly brought out a strawberry daquari and a tray of fresh fruit and creme knowing how much she liked fruit. She seemed pleased as I set the tray down and excused myself to get the ice and towels. She was quite content as I once again knealt at her feet. I was about to take the ice cold wash cloth to her soles but she stopped me saying "I have a better idea, put an ice cube in you mouth until it's almost melted and then lick the dirt and sweat from my feet"
I quicly did as she wanted feeling like I might actually enjoy this and she knew it and decided this was too much like a treat for me as an evil grin came to her face and she said "hold on a sec Jeeves" and with that she stood up and walked over to the garden and trampled in the dirt before walking back and reclining again and presenting her now filthy soles to my face. Evan Doofas laughed as she arrogantlly said "let's make this intresting, get started slave!"
Now I was almost positive there was a consparcy to humble me today, what a cruel thing to do as I looked at her wiggleing her pretty toes before me waiting for me to lick off the dirt that was caked on her feet. When I didn't move fast enough she held up the remote threatening to push it. My tongue extended and she sighed with pleasure as my moist cold tongue began to remove the dirt. It wasn't as bad as licking Mark's ass but it was no longer the pleasurable expeiriance I had expected, at least not for me.
Tracy let out a school girl giggle as my tongue moved around her filty sole, she rotated her slender ankle making sure I licked every bit of the garden dirt from her foot and she insisted I push my tongue between her toes to leave no trace of the dirt while she enjoyed the breeze of Doofas''s fanning while sipping her daquari and popping fresh cremey strawberries into her mouth.
When the majority of the dirt was cleaned from her feet she told me I could now bathe them with the wash clothe. As I was wiping her feet dry Kim, Michele, Sara and Katy walked up, the guys were still on the boat. The four of the laughed as they approached with Katy saying "well what's going on here?" "oh not much, Jeeves here is just touching up my pedicure" smiled Tracy.
"it looks like he's been playing in the mud" Kim laughed noticing my dirt covered face "here let me clean you up Tim" she continued as she pulled my hair tilting my head back and then much to the amusement of the others she poured her half full now luke warm beer she had been drinking over my face.
I felt totally humiliated as all the women and Doofas laughed as the beer ran down my face carrying away the dirt that had been stuck there. Why was everyone being so cruel to me today as I was on the brink of tears and even when Kim said "I think aunt Katy just might win this bet mom" I had no idea what she was talking about and no explanation was given as Sara just shrugged her shoulders and responded "you may be right Kim"
My wife and Katy then walked away and Tracy not even giving me time to wipe my face dry said "back to work slave,were going to be leaving soon and you haven't even removed my old polish yet" I had shrugged that off earlier also but being called a slave was something new, I of course knew that's basically what I was now but I hadn't been referred to one before.
I began removing Tracy's old polish as Michele and Kim sat down next to Tracy and turned their attention to Doofas which was fine with me. "My cars washed and waxed?" Kim asked him and he told her it was "including the bottom?" again he assured her it was. "I'm not feeling that fan" Michele whined and Doofas moved the tray faster even though his arms had to be aching by this time.
I was now ready to apply new polish to Tracy's toenails but even this was an ordeal as she and Michele and Kim had to agree on a color, so I had to paint each nail a different color and when they agreed on a medium red color I had to wipe them all clean again and then repaint them.
Her pedicure finnaly completed the girls went to change while Steve who along with Mark had rejoined Sara and Katy ordered me to clean out the boat. It was a mess with empty bottles and cans everywhere. When I finished everyone was in the house so I headed in.
The girls were all ready to leave and Doofas was loading their bags into the trunk of Kim's beamer as they all hugged and and said their goodbyes. I stood awkwardly off to the side like I wasn't even part of this family anymore. Sara, Steve, Katy and Mark followed the girls out to the car and Katy said "follow" to me as they walked out. I fell in at the end and as Doofas held open the doors for the girls Mark said "I'd hate to see you dirty up those clean floor mats, get over here! Your now a doormat!" he ordered me sternly.
I was shocked and everyone looked at me with amused grins and for some reason I jumped at his order probably because of his masterfull firm voice. I layed down on the concrete by the drivers side door and Michele was the first to step on me with her sneakers, I knew they were clean because I had just cleaned them not long ago but that didn't stop her from wiping them several times on my back before she entered the back seat.
Kim followed her up and she used my hair to wipe the soles of her mules clean before entering the drivers seat. I was then ordered to the other side where Tracy and even Doofas wiped their shoes on me before entering the car. Once they were all seated Sara said "I guess that clinches it s*s, you win" "aw don't give up so quick Sara, I have one more surprise left" Katy laughed, I still had no idea what was going on and as Kim started her car I was kept pinned to the ground as Katy had her sandal on my neck.
The BMW pulled away as they waived goodbye then Katy pushed her foot down harder on my neck saying "stick that slave tongue out!" I extended my tongue and she then said "now as we walk in your to follow on your belly just behind my heels keeping your tongue to the concrete and when we get to the door I had better see a clean streak or you'll be licking the whole driveway clean. Do I make myself clear slave!" she demanded pushing even harder on my neck to empasize her point. I answered yes the best I could with my tongue hanging out and tears in my eyes.
They then moved towards the door all laughing as I performed my ultimate degradation behind them. When we reached the door I was more amazed then everyone to actually see a noticable difference on the concrete where my tongue had just dragged along. "very good wimp, now bring us all some drinks and we'll tell you about our little bet" Katy said and as I put my battered tongue back in my mouth tasting the dirt and gravel I went to do as she said.
Their drinks served I was ordered to kneel before them with eyes down as Sara said "Tim, Katy made a bet with me this mourning after you served them that you were a born slave and would carry out any degrading or humiliating task that any of us gave you. I told her you'd put up with allot but that you still had some pride and there were some things you just wouldn't do, well I was wrong, you obviously have no pride left and to tell you the truth any respect I may have had for you is now gone. I no longer even think of you as anything other than a slave. In fact Steve and I are seriously considering marrying which leaves you out. So that leaves you two choices, one you pack up your shit and leave or two you realize like me that you are a born slave and you agree to be ours. But let there be no doubt in your mind that I feel anything for you anymore if you decide yo be our slave that is what you'll be, you'll be worked hard, you'll be whipped, degraded, and humiliated to be honest it actually gets me excited to see you under Steve's feet and I actually have some little torments I've been dreaming up myself. You'll sign a legal slave document which means Steve and I can rent you out or even sell you to a new owner if we choose. Oh and one last thing if you decide to stay part of the bet was you'll be joining Katy and Mark on their cruise, they inform me that after one week with them you'll understand what really being a slave means"
Chapter 13
I brought the breakfast tray to the kitchen, I noticed Doofas outside in the driveway washing and waxing Kim's BMW, they were returning to college today and Kim obviouslly wanted her luxery ride looking sharp. I looked out the back window as I cleared everyone elses breakfast plates from the table and loaded the dishwasher.
It occured to me that it wasn't that long ago I was part of a family now I was regarded as the family servant, even worse now I was the family slave. I saw no way out, I could try to convice myself that Sara would someday leave Steve and we would go back to the way things once were but I knew that would never happen. Then I told myself being a slave wasn't so bad, I was never much good at making decisions and now I didn't have to, someone was always there to tell me what to do.
They all looked so happy out there, the girls were getting in some water skiing before they left as I watched Steve and Mark in the boat pulling them around the lake. Sara and Katy sat on the deck chairs watching and chatting, I wondered if they were talking about me and the possibility of Sara loaning my services to Katy and Mark.
I finished the dishes and was confused on what to do next, I knew I was expected to report to my wife but I was feeling way to embarrassed to go out there. As I said I'm not very good with decissions and as I sat and conteplated what to do the decission was made for me as a strong jolt hit my harness dropping me to the floor. Damn I had forgotten I was still wearing that damn thing. Obviouslly I was being summoned as only a slave would be.
My head hanging low I walked out the the dock where the two sisters were seated. Even before I got close to them I could see my wife snickering. I knew she still cared for me but not like the way a wife cares for her husband but more like the way a woman cares for a really comfortable pair of shoes, they really hate to part with them because they feel so good.
When I reached the two smiling women Sara remarked to Katy "this thing works better than a bell, it really keeps a servant on their toes" Katy laughed along with her. "what have you been doing Tim?" my wife asked "I ah I was just doing the dishes Miss Sara" just calling her Sara just didn't seem appropriate anymore and honey was out of the question.
"well you certainlly took your time, anyways the girls will be leaving soon, hurry up and do their laundry and then pack their bags, they left instructions for what their wearing back to school so lay those items out and then make all the beds" She didn't even wait for my response as she went back to her conversation with Katy, something had changed big time was I now really just a slave? Just there to serve her and Steve and anyone else they wanted me to serve, it sure seemed that way.
I hung my head and meekly walked back into the house and up to Kim's room where the girls had been staying. Like most young college woman they had only been here for one night and the room was a total disaster. Clothes, towels, and shoes layed everywhere, there were open makeup and perfume bottles on the dresser and in the bathroom. Each girl had left a note of which clothes they wouuld be wearing and Kim added that she wanted her mules polished. What a spoiled lot they were.
There was no way to tell what was clean or dirty so I gathered up all the clothes for washing. While the washer was going I began to polish Kim's shoes and realizing the other two girls would bitch I went ahead and shined up all their footwear. Another glance out the window I noticed Doofas underneath Kim's car, that spoiled princess of a step daughter of mine even had the poor k** washing and waxing the bottom of her car.
With the final load in the dryer and the first load ironed and packed in their bags I made the bed, vacuumed, dusted and cleaned the bathroom and then went to Sara's and Steve's room and did the same. My wife mustv'e known exactly how long all this would take because as soon as I put the last of Michele's blouses in her bag I was knocked to the floor again by a jolt.
No time to even get a drink of water as I headed down the stairs two more smaller jolts hit me, she was getting rather impatient. I picked up my pace and actually found it was Tracy pushing the button "oh there you are Jeeves, I chipped my toenail polish, your going to have to give me a quick pedicure" the young black girl demanded rather arrogantly. What the hell was going on today? It was as if everyone had been encouraged to treat me like shit even more so than usual.
I had to admit though that this was one order I didn't mind. Tracy's feet like Kim's were absoulutly perfect and I loved the feel of them in my hands it was just the way these young woman showed me no respect that bothered me. I had used Tracy's pedicure kit before so I knew just which one it was as I went to get it.
I returned and all the others were in the boat or on jet skis only Tracy was reclining in the recliner, she looked like a queen as she looked through a glamor magazine waiting on her slave to attend to her feet. Whats more Doofas had finished the car and Tracy had instantly put him to work fanning her with a serving tray.
I knealt at the foot of her chaise lounge and was about to start removing her old polish when she pressed her long dark red finger nail to the remote sending me sprawling backwards "is that the way you were taught to care for my feet!? Where's the ice cubes? If you can't do it right I'll just have you and Doofas switch spots" "no please Miss Tracy, I just forgot I'm sorry" I pleaded remember now how I had watched Doofas caring for her feet the first time I had met her. Not only did I not want to be waiving that tray but I really wanted to touch her devine dark feet.
I tried desperately to make up for my mistake as I rose up saying "I'll get the ice right now Miss, may I bring you a drink or some snacks also?" Tracy flashed a big smile as she had told me before she had a way of making submissive men fall all over themselves to be at her feet "yes I would, bring me a daquari and some snacks but be quick about it" what more could a girl ask for I thaught as I rushed back into the house.
I quickly brought out a strawberry daquari and a tray of fresh fruit and creme knowing how much she liked fruit. She seemed pleased as I set the tray down and excused myself to get the ice and towels. She was quite content as I once again knealt at her feet. I was about to take the ice cold wash cloth to her soles but she stopped me saying "I have a better idea, put an ice cube in you mouth until it's almost melted and then lick the dirt and sweat from my feet"
I quicly did as she wanted feeling like I might actually enjoy this and she knew it and decided this was too much like a treat for me as an evil grin came to her face and she said "hold on a sec Jeeves" and with that she stood up and walked over to the garden and trampled in the dirt before walking back and reclining again and presenting her now filthy soles to my face. Evan Doofas laughed as she arrogantlly said "let's make this intresting, get started slave!"
Now I was almost positive there was a consparcy to humble me today, what a cruel thing to do as I looked at her wiggleing her pretty toes before me waiting for me to lick off the dirt that was caked on her feet. When I didn't move fast enough she held up the remote threatening to push it. My tongue extended and she sighed with pleasure as my moist cold tongue began to remove the dirt. It wasn't as bad as licking Mark's ass but it was no longer the pleasurable expeiriance I had expected, at least not for me.
Tracy let out a school girl giggle as my tongue moved around her filty sole, she rotated her slender ankle making sure I licked every bit of the garden dirt from her foot and she insisted I push my tongue between her toes to leave no trace of the dirt while she enjoyed the breeze of Doofas''s fanning while sipping her daquari and popping fresh cremey strawberries into her mouth.
When the majority of the dirt was cleaned from her feet she told me I could now bathe them with the wash clothe. As I was wiping her feet dry Kim, Michele, Sara and Katy walked up, the guys were still on the boat. The four of the laughed as they approached with Katy saying "well what's going on here?" "oh not much, Jeeves here is just touching up my pedicure" smiled Tracy.
"it looks like he's been playing in the mud" Kim laughed noticing my dirt covered face "here let me clean you up Tim" she continued as she pulled my hair tilting my head back and then much to the amusement of the others she poured her half full now luke warm beer she had been drinking over my face.
I felt totally humiliated as all the women and Doofas laughed as the beer ran down my face carrying away the dirt that had been stuck there. Why was everyone being so cruel to me today as I was on the brink of tears and even when Kim said "I think aunt Katy just might win this bet mom" I had no idea what she was talking about and no explanation was given as Sara just shrugged her shoulders and responded "you may be right Kim"
My wife and Katy then walked away and Tracy not even giving me time to wipe my face dry said "back to work slave,were going to be leaving soon and you haven't even removed my old polish yet" I had shrugged that off earlier also but being called a slave was something new, I of course knew that's basically what I was now but I hadn't been referred to one before.
I began removing Tracy's old polish as Michele and Kim sat down next to Tracy and turned their attention to Doofas which was fine with me. "My cars washed and waxed?" Kim asked him and he told her it was "including the bottom?" again he assured her it was. "I'm not feeling that fan" Michele whined and Doofas moved the tray faster even though his arms had to be aching by this time.
I was now ready to apply new polish to Tracy's toenails but even this was an ordeal as she and Michele and Kim had to agree on a color, so I had to paint each nail a different color and when they agreed on a medium red color I had to wipe them all clean again and then repaint them.
Her pedicure finnaly completed the girls went to change while Steve who along with Mark had rejoined Sara and Katy ordered me to clean out the boat. It was a mess with empty bottles and cans everywhere. When I finished everyone was in the house so I headed in.
The girls were all ready to leave and Doofas was loading their bags into the trunk of Kim's beamer as they all hugged and and said their goodbyes. I stood awkwardly off to the side like I wasn't even part of this family anymore. Sara, Steve, Katy and Mark followed the girls out to the car and Katy said "follow" to me as they walked out. I fell in at the end and as Doofas held open the doors for the girls Mark said "I'd hate to see you dirty up those clean floor mats, get over here! Your now a doormat!" he ordered me sternly.
I was shocked and everyone looked at me with amused grins and for some reason I jumped at his order probably because of his masterfull firm voice. I layed down on the concrete by the drivers side door and Michele was the first to step on me with her sneakers, I knew they were clean because I had just cleaned them not long ago but that didn't stop her from wiping them several times on my back before she entered the back seat.
Kim followed her up and she used my hair to wipe the soles of her mules clean before entering the drivers seat. I was then ordered to the other side where Tracy and even Doofas wiped their shoes on me before entering the car. Once they were all seated Sara said "I guess that clinches it s*s, you win" "aw don't give up so quick Sara, I have one more surprise left" Katy laughed, I still had no idea what was going on and as Kim started her car I was kept pinned to the ground as Katy had her sandal on my neck.
The BMW pulled away as they waived goodbye then Katy pushed her foot down harder on my neck saying "stick that slave tongue out!" I extended my tongue and she then said "now as we walk in your to follow on your belly just behind my heels keeping your tongue to the concrete and when we get to the door I had better see a clean streak or you'll be licking the whole driveway clean. Do I make myself clear slave!" she demanded pushing even harder on my neck to empasize her point. I answered yes the best I could with my tongue hanging out and tears in my eyes.
They then moved towards the door all laughing as I performed my ultimate degradation behind them. When we reached the door I was more amazed then everyone to actually see a noticable difference on the concrete where my tongue had just dragged along. "very good wimp, now bring us all some drinks and we'll tell you about our little bet" Katy said and as I put my battered tongue back in my mouth tasting the dirt and gravel I went to do as she said.
Their drinks served I was ordered to kneel before them with eyes down as Sara said "Tim, Katy made a bet with me this mourning after you served them that you were a born slave and would carry out any degrading or humiliating task that any of us gave you. I told her you'd put up with allot but that you still had some pride and there were some things you just wouldn't do, well I was wrong, you obviously have no pride left and to tell you the truth any respect I may have had for you is now gone. I no longer even think of you as anything other than a slave. In fact Steve and I are seriously considering marrying which leaves you out. So that leaves you two choices, one you pack up your shit and leave or two you realize like me that you are a born slave and you agree to be ours. But let there be no doubt in your mind that I feel anything for you anymore if you decide yo be our slave that is what you'll be, you'll be worked hard, you'll be whipped, degraded, and humiliated to be honest it actually gets me excited to see you under Steve's feet and I actually have some little torments I've been dreaming up myself. You'll sign a legal slave document which means Steve and I can rent you out or even sell you to a new owner if we choose. Oh and one last thing if you decide to stay part of the bet was you'll be joining Katy and Mark on their cruise, they inform me that after one week with them you'll understand what really being a slave means"
10 years ago