Whitedogs lucky lotto chapter 11

Lucky Lotto
Chapter 11

I was serving the second round of drinks to my wife, Katy and Steve and Mark as they sat in their lounges watching the girls enjoying themselves on the jetskis when Victoria made her grand entrance. She was dressed in a stunning black bikini with a silk wrap and spiked open heeled slides. She held two leashes in her finely manicured fingers, the leashes led to dog collars around the necks of a fortish looking man and woman as they walked behind Vicki carring to large silver covered trays.

"oh my Sara! The kinky side of you has finally emerged" exclaimed Katy "I thaught you would enjoy this" replied Sara to her sister and then adding "let me interduce you" All four of them rose and went to greet Vicki. I glanced at Doofas who still stood beside the chaise lounge that Michele had occupied before she joined the other two girls on the skis. He appeared to cowar some and something told me he had met Victoria before. He still held Michele's half filled drink along with the girls shorts shoes and towels and he looked like he wanted to hide but there was nowhere to run too.

The two of us looked on as somehow Vicki''s two pets managed to kneel while still holding their trays as the introductions were made. A few moments later my wife called me over "Jeeves, come here and help these two unload the car" I walked over and Vicki smiled at me "now don't you look sweet" she said sacastically. She then snapped her fingers saying "up, Jeeves is it" my wife nodded "Jeeves will show you where to set up" Vicki finished her sentence.

The man and woman followed me to a table Sara had had me set up earlier. I later learned that these two were husband and wife and they owned a successfull catering buisness that allowed them to pay Victoria's handsome fee to live out some of their fantasies of public humiliation. It seemed Vicki had clients in all sorts of professions which not only allowed her to live a lavish lifestyle but also provided her all kinds of personal services that most people paid good money for, not only was she not paying for these services but she was getting paid good money for the services to be provided for her. It was quite a cozy system, her clients consisted of doctors, lawyers, accountants, realtors, construction tradesman and many more proffessions.

I helped the two caterers remove the rest of the serving trays from their truck and they set all the trays out in an organized manner on the table. It was quite a spread of sandwiches, salads, cassoroles and desserts. I then watched as Vicki had her two pets kneel on either side of the table and attatched their leasches to the table legs, she then had them extend their arms out and point their fingers, paper towel rolls were then put on their fingers turning them into human paper towel holders and Vicki anounced lunch was ready.

Being the butler I was not allowed to eat, I was positioned behind the table to help serve and clean up any messes as the guests filled their plates. It was a pretty typical afternoon barbaque that any wealty family might enjoy as the guests filled their plates and found comfortable shade covered tables to sit at as they ate talked and laughed.

Doofas had assumed the role as cabana boy as he was there to fetch drink refills. When the guests had their fill Doofas myself and Vicki's two pets were allowed to eat the leftovers as we cleaned up. Once all the food was put away we reported back to the guests who were still seated in the shade allowing their food to digest as they continued chatting.

Vicki waisted no time putting her pets to use as she snapped her fingers in their direction and pointed to the ground at her feet and in a spiit second the two were on their hands and knees pressing their lips to the tops of her sandy toes. A wierd scene maybe, but other than a few chuckles no one was really schocked. Kim and Tracy even took the oppertunity to use the two pets backs to rest their bare feet on as they were seated on either side of Vicki.

Michele not wanting to be outdone by her fellow roomates then snapped her imperious fingers at Doofas and pointed to the ground as she had seen Vicki do. Doofas seemed a bit confused on what he was suppose to do, he was obviously use to being a lackey for these spoiled girls but apparantly not really familiar with the S&M scene.

Everyone seemed amused by his confusion as Michele taunted him "what are you waiting for Doofas, monkey see monkey do, or would you rather I tell Josh that you displeased me" she said with her arrogant smile. Doofas turned a deep shade of red and still not sure what his tormentress wanted of him he knealt before her thinking she wanted him as a footstool but the young sexy oriental girl used her pretty feet to manuver him into the position that Vicki's pets were in and in moments Doofas's lips were pressed to her feet.

Michele happy with her victory leaned back in her chair taking a sip of her cool cocktail as she crossed her legs letting her other foot dangle over Doofas's head. Katy and Mark were not bashfull at all as they plopped their feet onto Doofas's back. I became very uncomfortable now as I knew I was the next one to recieve some degrading task and no sooner had the thaught cross my mind when Kim spoke up "maybe we need to get Doofas a toy like Tim or I mean Jeeves has, that might get him to respond a little quicker"

There were several chuckles and I feared what was coming next as Katy and Mark had no idea what she was refering to. Kim knew this and she was eager to impress her favorite aunt who she knew would get a thrill from the humiliating device she had bought for me. "are you wearing it now Jeeves?" my step daughter asked me.

I looked to wife nervously pretty sure I would get no support from her as she laughed and said "That's right, I forgot all about that nice gift, Jeeves, go put it on and make sure you put in new batteries and bring out both remotes" much to my dismay she was just as excited to show Katy the torture device as Kim was. There was no point in arguing as there was no way I would wiin so with my head hung low I headed to the house only to be told I wasn't moving fast enough as Katy yelled out "hurry Jeeves! I can't wait to see what their talking about."

I'm not sure why but I picked up my pace. The harness had been packed away in my closet as I had thankfully not had to wear it in some time. The remotes were with it along with several extra packs of batteries that Kim had thaughtfully included. It took me a few minutes to remember how to put it on but once it wason it was barely visible under my butler outfit.

I returned to the group, Vicki's pets had now turned and weresucking on Tracy's and Kim's toes and Katy was now recieving the same pleasure from Doofas's mouth while Michele's feet rested on his back. Sara couldn't keep from grinning as I presented the remotes to her "give one to Katy please" she told me and I presented the second remote to her sister.

Katy took the TV remote like device and examined it quisically, "try it aunt Katy, I think you'll be happy with the result" giggled Kim. A bead of nervous sweat formed on my forehead as Katy conteplated which button to push, just as I thaught her perfectly polished forefinger landed on the high button and a split second later the jolt sent me sprawling to the ground at her feet.

All I could hear was the roring laughter of everyone as I continued squirming for what seemed like minutes before Katy released the button. "I love it! How does it work!" exclaimed Katy as I tried to regain my composure. Still laughing my wife ordered "get up Tim and show Katy what Kim got you"

I struggeled back to my knees and then stood up and unbuttoned my pants to show her sister the bizzare device. Kim explained how it operated as I modeled it for her and then Katy squeezed Marks arm saying "we have got to get some of these honey, they'd be a hit at the club" "I couldn't agree more darling" Mark said leaning over and kissing his wife.

"youv'e come to the right place then aunt Katy, it was Vicki's idea" Kim told Katy and Vicki smiled, happy that her invention was bringing so much amusement. Katy and Vicki talked for a few minutes on how Katy could get some of the cock and even vagina shock devices as well as some other toys that Vicki supplied before Vicki said "enough shop talk, let's have some fun with my pets!"

A snap ofVicki's imperial fingers brought thefortish couple to an upright kneeling position. Vicki then had the two remove their shirts and began attatching allagator clips to their nipples, I missed some of this as catching me completely by surprise another jolt shot through my harness sending me once again sprawling on the ground, I looked up at Katy but she just grinned and said.

"don't look at me, I didn't do it" I then looked back at my giggling wife as she said "just wanted to get your attention Jeeves, it occurred to me that Steve and I were the only ones not to have our toes sucked, get to it!" I was a little angry with her but complying as I always do I stayed on my belly as I slithered to their feet as the others laughed.

Katy and Mark rested their feet on my back and Steve let his heels rest on my head as I began sucking and licking my pretty wife's pink polished toes. I smelt the lighting of a candle and listened to the ohs and ahs from the group as Vicki must have begun tormenting her pets with hot wax.

As Sara pushed my face towards Steve's feet with her foot the laughter and applause continued as I now heard the sound of a whip lightly hitting the pets flesh. When Steve had had enough toe sucking he pushed me away with his foot and another jolt rippled through me, I again guessed wrong as to who was shocking me as I looked to my wife but this time Katy spoke up "move on to Mark's feet Jeeves, he hasn't had his toes cleaned yet either"

I had spent more than fortyfive minutes licking feet and had not seen any of the games they were playing with the pets. There was however one more torment Vicki wanted to share with the others. When I finished on Mark's toes and was finally able to get off the ground Vicki beckoned me towards her.

I approached her cautiously not knowing what to expect as she produced what looked like a speaker wire and said to the group "There's one more thing this harness does that I haven't even showed Kim yet" everyone watched closely as like only she could she first carresed my balls which started an immeadiate erection to start bringing giggles from the girls and as she did so she plugged in the wire to a small recepticle on the harness and while continuing to keep me erect she plugged the other multi end into the chains attatched to the nipple clamps on her pets.

Even though it was now pretty obvious what was going to happen Vicki prolonged the anticipation by not only keeping me at full erection but also played with her pets nipples, cock and pussy bringing them to the brink of exploding and then as the three of us were so aroused we were barely aware of what was going on she asked Katy and Sara which lady would like to have the honors.

My wife and her sister decided they would both push the button simaltaiouslly and when the high buttons were pushed the three of us were brought to our knees, mine and the other guys erections quckly went limp, it was an excrutiating torment and as everyone laughed.

"I use this to teach my submissives that my pleasure always comes before theirs, sometimes I'll have three or four orgasams after each one performing this little game with my pets before allowing them to cum, it's quite amazing how talented their tongues become after a few jolts" Vicki explained to the others.

The rest of the afternoon and evening was much like a typical friends and family gathering with boating and swimming, Vicki and her pets didn't stay much longer as they had another engagement to attend. I was not allowed to remove my harness and the remotes were left on the table. Occassionally someone would torment me by pushing the button.

When it got late Doofas and I cleaned up while the others got ready for bed. I reported to my wife and Steve's room as instructed, they were on the bed fooling around as I knocked and was told to enter. Sara had been drinking and was a bit giddy and as always when she was drunk she tended to enjoy humiliating me.

I entered the room and my wife giggled as she saw me, Kim and her friends had one last bit of humiliation for me before they retired for the night, after Doofas and I kissed all their feet goodnight
Published by Skatana28
10 years ago
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