Whitedogs lucky lotto chapter 10

Lucky Lotto
Chapter 10

By ten am I had completed cleaning the bottom of the boat. It was a rigorous job but Steve an expeirianced diver had taaught me how to dive just for this purpose. It took over two hours to wipe away the barnical and algie buildup from the bottom of the boat but it was once again looking smooth, I knew we would have to pull the boat out of the water in the next several weeks as it was due for a good waxing, which would be an all day job for me.

I then ate some breakfast and cleaned the barbaque grill to get it ready for later in the day, I knew Steve and my wife would probably sleep in until about noon an hour or so before the guests arrived. Just before noon I decided to vacuum up the sand they had tracked in last night as I heard their shower turn on.

By the time I had finished vacuuming Steve had made his way down to the kitchen where he sat drinking his coffee, remarkably he showed no signs of a hang over. Something seems to have changed last night though as he looked at me as I came into the kitchen, he had a smug superior look on his face that I had not noticed before.

He never seemed to come off as arrogant but now I was beginning to wonder that afer the way I complied with my wifes orders yesterday to be a menial workhorse that maybe he had lost any small amount of respect he may have ever had for me. Then again maybe I was just noticing something I hadn't before so as he just pointed to his cup and said "refill" before lowering his eyes back to the paper I brought the coffee pot over and topped off his cup.

I then poured myself a cup as Sara walked in looking as beautiful as ever as she gave Steve a hug and a kiss before sitting down next to him saying "so how are the men in my life this beatifull day" She was in a chipper mood amazingly enough she also had no hangover.

Without her even asking I brought her coffee to the table and set it before her "why thank you sweety," "your welcome honey" I replied happy to see that she no longer appeared to be upset with me and I was about to sit at the table with them when Sara said "I think just a light salad will do for now sweety, we don't want to fill up before the barbaque"

I hadn't even thaught of asking if they were hungry but she made the decision as if I was a just their waiter. I shrugged it off as she took a section of the paper to thumb through as I made their salads, I had already eaten breakfast and wasn't hungry.

I servered their salads and again thaught about sittin down at the table with them but once again Sara said "you had better get dressed sweety, I want you to wear the butler outfit, I think Katy will get a kick out of that" I'm sure she would I thaught and was about to protest but I held my tongue realizing things would get worse for me if I complained.

I finished getting into my uniform and was walking through the living room when Kim and her two roomates Tracy and Michele walked in. The three of them all wearing shorts and sandals and bikini tops were enough to make any guy of any age stop and drool, let out little giggles as they saw me in my uniform.

The door was still open and Kim called out towards the driveway "hurry up with those bags Doofas!" I had not known Kim was bringing her roomates let alone the pledge as she smiled and said "we brought your pal Doofas along Tim, I thaught you might need some help serving, wasn't that nice of me"

It was still hard for me to swallow that my own step daughter, the girl I helped raised thaught of me as nothing more than a servant in her mothers home but I already feeling embarassed dressed as I was in front of Tracy and Michele meekly said "yes Kim that was nice of you"

Tracy who was never shy about giving commands exspecially since she already knew of my servile status said "well your the butler, go out and help our boy with our bags" this gourgous dark skinned girl frightened me, she had many ways of tormenting submissives whether by teasing them with their paticular fetishes or by just being downright demanding, I knew she was not one to mess with and I quickly followed her orders saying "oh yes of course Miss Tracy"

The three girls laughed as I rushed out to the driveway. Doofas had unloaded all the bags from the trunk of Kim's BMW and was trying to lift them all at once with little success. I couldn't help but imagine the hell he had just gone through on the three or more hour drive in with these three sexy vixens.

Even he snickered at my outfit as I said hello to him and picked up a couple of the bags. We walked back into the house as the girls and Steve and Sara were all exchanging hugs and greetings "well it looks like were going to have a full house swe I mean Jeeves, why don't you set the girls up in Kim's and your room, Katy and Mark will use the guest room and we'll just have to find a place for you and ...oh I'm sorry what is the pledges name?" my wife said and Michele replied "we call him Doofas but he'll answer to many names"

And I thaught Michele was the cute shy type apparently she also carried a cruel streak as she made her little humiliating remark to increase her own popularity. The group then just went on talking leaving Doofas and myself to haul the bags upstairs.

We had just put the bags in the rooms when I heard the doorbell ring followed by Steve's voice "Jeeves! the door!" This was going to be a long day I muttered to myself as I made my way back downstairs. They were still gathered in the living room but of course I was expected to answer the door, afterall I was the butler today.

Without even looking to see who it was I knew this was going to be embarrassing and of course it was Katy and Mark. Katy looked as radiant as ever, it was clear where Kim got her good looks from as my wife and Katy both in their late thirties still looked awesome. Katy did a double take as she looked at me at first thinking I was a butler but after a few seconds she busted out in laughter saying "oh my god, Tim is that you!"

Sara was looking over my shoulder as I turned beet red "we prefer to call him Jeeves s*s" I was rather rudely pushed aside as the sisters hugged each other and said their hellos, I stayed off to the side as Sara interduced Katy and Mark to Steve and the girls.

I felt like crawling into a hole but the attention came back to me as I still stood silently by the door "I just love what you did with him Sara, I knew you would come to your senses one day" Katy said to my wife as she looked me up and down. "I thaught you'd like the new Tim s*s" Sara said to her "oh it's the same old Tim, he's just in his proper place now Sara" Katy said with a chuckle.

I was still red from embarrassment as Sara said "let me show you the house Katy, Jeeves, get their luggage" Katy shot me a wicked smile as they turned to walk away, my wife was treating me quite rudely but I knew it was a show to impress her big sister or at least that was what I was telling myself as I headed out to Katy's and Mark's rented Jaguar.

After I made four trips carrying the four heavy suitcases and two smaller bags up to the spare room much of the group had made their way outside as the girls wanted to give the jetskis a whirl. I passed Michele as she was comming back in to use the bathroom "oh there you are, Steve wants you outside pronto to take drink orders, I'll have a strawberry daquari" she said stopping just long enough to give me her order.

I'm still somewhat amazed how easy it comes to these young ladies to act so snooty and easily to give orders to a man twice their age. I replied with a "yes Miss" but she didn't even wait long enough to here it. I wrote her order down on a piece of paper not knowing how many different drinks would be requested and headed outside.

Steve and Mark were on the dock along with Kim and Tracy as Steve was showing the girls how the skis operated, Doofas already had a job as he stood off to the side holding the girls towels, shorts and sandals. I could already feel the sun beating down on me as I wore that ridiculous black starched butlers outfit while everyone else looked cool and comfortable in their shorts and swimwear.

I stood quietly off to the side not wanting to interupt Steve but he saw me and said "anybody thirsty? Jeeves here will take your orders" "ya I could use a cold beer" said Mark, I'm not sure if he even knew that I wasn't really a butler yet. "have a pitcher of strawberry margeritas ready for when we get back" Kim ordered "aw girl, I wanted peach margeritas" whined Tracy. "no problem Tracy, we've got two blenders, he can make them both" Steve voulanteered, little did he know I already had to use one to make Michele's daquari but I guess that was my problem as Tracy was happy.

I looked to Doofas but Tracy ordered for him "tap water is fine for him" Steve chuckled and said "a cold beer for me also Jeeves" I made my way back to the house with my list and this time passed Michele on her way back out "where's my drink Jeeves?" she ask snobishly "I I'm sorry Miss, I'm just getting started on the drinks" I replied feeling very uncomfortable around this snooty pretty little oriental girl.

"well hurry up, I'm thirsty" was all she said as she walked back outside. I began gathering all the different mixers and started on Michele's drink first. My tray full I headed back out to the back yard. The girls were now out cruising on the jetskis, Michele was reclining on a loungechaiir down by the water, Steve was showing the boat to Mark and Doofas was still standing on the deck his arms full.

I first headed to Michele and lowered the tray to her, she took her drink and took a sip and then yelled out "Doofas!, get over here!" I stayed for a moment as Doofas made his way to the young vixen. When he got to her she held out her glass saying "hold this for me" his arms already loaded down he somehow managed to stick out his hand and grabbed the chilly glass. I was stunned by her arrogance but just moved on to serve the remainder of the drinks after setting Doofas's tap water on the ground since he was unable to hold it.

Before I got to the deck I noticed Sara and Katy walking down to see the guys after Sara had given Katy the full house tour. The two ladies paused either to chat or wait for me to get to them and as I approached Katy smiled and said to Sara "see, I always told you he'd make such a good house servant" My wife replied wanting to impress her sister again "he is quite handy to have around, but he does still need work, how come you don't have a drink for Katy and me, Jeeves?" "I ah I'm sorry honey, I didn't know what you wanted" I replied and her eyebrow raised "is that any way to address the lady of the house Jeeves?" she wasn't angry she was just putting me in my place in front of her sister and I quickly corrected myself.

"I'm sorry Miss Sara" they both chuckled as my wife said "that's better, I think strawberry margeritas sound good today" Katy agreed and I was thankful for the duplicate order as I replied "I'll have them ready shortly, Miss Sara" I fell in behind them as we made our way down to the guys since they made no effort to deliver the beers to Steve and Mark themselves.

As we walked the last fifty feet Katy said "you did a marvoulous job scrubbing the deck Ti I mean Jeeves, Sara told me I can fly you out to our house in the Hamptons the next time I throw a party, Mark and I have a huge deck and those damn day labororers are just to lazy to clean it properly" I don't think it was a compliment but more of her snooty way of giving me a shot but since I knew it was expected I meekly replied "thank you Miss Katy"

The guys took their beers from the serving tray and I headed back to the house to make the margeritas. The next couple of hours went the same way with me fetching drinks and order'vs while the group lounged and enjoyed the jetskis and even water skied. I was wondering why I hadn't been told to start the grill or for that matter I was never even told what to cook, but that question was soon answered as Vicki arrived.

Chapter 11 the party gets a little bizzare as Sara knows that Katy and Mark dabble in some of the big S&M clubs in New York City, she invited Vicki to add some interesting flavor to her party.
Published by Skatana28
10 years ago
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