Whitedogs lucky lotto chapter 8
Lucky Lotto
Chapter 8
Moving day went pretty smooth, My wife had left it in my hands to schedule the movers and to supervise most of the packing and unpacking and as I had expected Steve was moving in also. He was keeping his condo for now so all that really needed to be moved from his place was most of his clothes and some personal items he wanted in the new house.
Steve actually helped me move his items which we completed in just two trips. Sara had decided to donate much of our old furniture to Goodwell and she had purchased many new furnishings which I was also responsible for scheduling the deliveries.
Once we were all moved in things became rather hetic, Sara had decided to enroll in several classes. She had taken up kick boxing and karate to help her stay in shape. Steve had become quite busy at the club and I was finding it increasingly difficult to handle my job along with the domestic duties of the new house that was more than twice the size of our old house.
As the weeks passed and with everyones hetic schedules I was beginning to feel less a part of my wife's life and more like the unpaid hired help. Steve and her had settled into a more typical husband wife relationship each returning home from their busy days to eat dinner together. Somewhere along the line I evan lost the privledge of sitting down to eat with them as I now prepared the meals and served them and then returned to the kitchen which was sealed off the dining room by a swinging door.
I would wait in the kitchen while they ate and discussed their days listening for the tinkle of her bell which informed me they needed something or dishes were ready to be cleared away. When they finished eating I would serve coffee or drinks in the family room and then clear the table and do the dishes before eating my dinner in the kitchen.
Then in what had become another nughtly ritual I would join them in the family room where Steve would usually be reading the paper his feet propped up on the ottaman and my wife would usually be reading a book or watching TV. I would then give Steve his nightly foot massage, rubbing his socked or bare feet while they wound down from their strenuos days before the two of them would go to bed leaving me to try to catch up on the many chores that were backing up before I retired to my smaller bedroom.
I was really becoming frustrated as I had begun to loose all sexual contat with my wife and she was rarely even speaking to me unless to give me an order. It all came to a head one evening as I was on my hands and knees waxing the upstairs hall floor. My wife was using the bathroom at the end of the hall, she stepped out in a rage "Dmanit Tim, why wasn't there a new roll of toilet paper on the holder!?" I didn't even realize it was low it was just one of the many chores I had not gotten to.
I didn't know why she was so pissed off but she reached down and backhanded me across the face to show her dissapoitment. Not even realizing the force she now hit with from her karate training her smack sent me sprawling accross the floor.
She had never hit me before and it stunned her as much as me and I was actually in pain as I curled up on the floor and began balling like a baby "I just can't do this anymore Sara, there's just too much to do, I want to make you happy but I just can't take this anymore" I blabbered out while trying to rub the pain away from my cheek.
Tears actually came to my wifes eyes also as she seemed really sorry for hitting me, exspeacially with such force. She walked over to me and reached down and hugged me saying "I know our trying sweety, I guess things have gotten a bit out of control. I'm sorry I hit you honey"
We held each other for several minutes as our tears subsided, She appeared guininelly worried that I might actually leave which was a first and surprised me. She continued to say "I'll talk with Steve tonight, maybe we can come up with something to make things better"
For the first time now in several months since we had moved in I saw some light at the end of the tunnel that things might get better. I had prepared a magnificant meal for them but as dinner went as usual with me in the kitchen only comming out to serve I began to wonder if she was going to talk with Steve.
And then as I was massaging Steve's black dress socked covered feet as he read the sports page Sara set down her book and said "Steve honey, I think we need to talk about Tim" "oh, what about him?" Steve asked her taking a quick peek at me over his socked covered toes as I continued rubbing his soles.
"well I think we may be working him a little too hard" my wife said as she stood up and moved over to the sofa where Steve was and sat down next to him and he put his arm around her as she laid her head onto his chest and smiled at me as she watched me rubbing her boyfriends feet.
"Hum, I guess I hadn't really had much time to think about it, but the poor fella does seem to always be working" Steve said to my wife as they discussed me like I wasn't even in the room with them. "what do you have in mind?" Steve asked Sara, "well at first I thaught I sould just have him quit his job so he could work around here full time, but it's still nice to have his income comming in for spending cash, so now I'm leaning towards hiring a maid, someone who can do the daily chores like dusting, vacuuming and making the beds"
I was liking that idea, those mundane tasks were really getting to me, although it was really Sara's decission it seemed like she was looking to Steve for approval and he decided to use his power a little. "a maid huh, would you like that Tim?" he asked me "oh yes sir, I think it's a great idea" I replied "well what would you do then?" he prompted me for ideas as to how I would be usefull to him if he gave his ok.
I'm not sure I really had to give him any ideas but I through some out anyways "it would give me more time to keep your boat and jet ski clean sir, I could also get around to do that thorough cleaning on your Harley like you wanted" "ya, I guess there still would be plenty to keep you occupied, sure baby a maid sounds good to me" He then said to my wife.
"great, Tim go ahead and put a posting in the paper" my wife said and then Steve added taking advantage of my now good mood "a little more pressure on the heels Tim, I did allot of walking today" "oh yes of course sir" I replied grinding my thumbs a bit harder into his heels and my wife grinned and said "now don't use up all his strength honey I want my feet rubbed tonight also" as she snuggled even closer to Steve while placing her bare feet on the ottaman next to his.
I was hoping to get a little sexual releif from my wife that night but when I completed her foot rub they were both a bit horny and apparently had gone several nights without sex and wated to be alone for the night but I dd get a hug and a kiss from her which did feel good after going weeks without the feel of her touch.
The next day I posted the add for a maid in our daily paper and by the end of the week I had three appointments for interviews that I set up per my wifes schedule. I was much more relaxed at home the next few nights and things were going back to the way they were before we moved.
Although I still wasn't sitting down at the dinner table with them the next few days I was still feeling good, my wife had gone back to calling me sweety and honey and I was once again allowed a tremendous orgasam from the touch of her toes. When I came home from work on Friday my wife was concluding her interview with the forth of five applicants for the maid position.
I walked into the kitchen to find my wife talkng to an attractive young woman of about twentyfive, "oh hi honey, please say hello to Vicki, I think she's the one for the job" my wife said. I said hello to the woman and she smiled and said hello back and then said to my wife "so this is the husband?" "yes Vicki, Steve will be home in about twenty minutes" my wife replied to her and I began to wonder just how much Sara had told the woman about our living situation.
"so when can you start Vicki?" my wife asked the long dark haired woman "I can start tomarrow if you'd like Ms. Thomas" "oh please call me Sara, Vicki and tomarrow would be great, we'll all be home so it will give us all time to get aquainted and go over what we expect."
"ok then I'll be here tomarrow about ten Ms I mean Sara" Vicki said, she just didn't look like the maid type, with her smooth tan complexion she looked more like a lingere model in fact now that I thaught about it I didn't even remember booking her for an interview. The woman said goodbye to my wife and me and left.
Sara had a big smile on her face as she said "I think Vicki's going to be perfect sweety" "I'm glad your happy with her honey, she just didn't look like the maid type to me" I stated the obvious "I know, that's what Steve and I wanted, we really didn't want the traditional type maid" my wife informed me.
I wanted to ask her more about Vicki but she cut me short saying "you had better get started on dinner honey, Steve will be home shortly, you'll have all your questions answered tomarrow." I tried to listen in on Steve and Sara's dinner conversation to see if I could find out more about this Vicki person but Sara only mentioned to him that she found the perfect person for the job and he would meet her tomarrow.
I also didn't learn anymore that night as Steve and Sara decided to take the boat out for a ride. The boat was one of the nicer ones on the lake, a thirty foot cabin cruiser with enough power to pull two or three water skiers easily but only the best for my honey as Sara put it.
They didn't come home until close to midnight probablly visiting some of the tiki bars on the other side of the huge lake. I was already in bed but was having trouble sleeping, there was something about this Vicki person that I found intriguing.
Saturday mourning and I was up early as usual to catch up on some of the chores I hadn't gotten to during the week. After doing some laundry I decided to weed the rose garden before it got to hot, Sara really loved the many colored roses and took great pride in her garden, she would often do some of the pruneing but the weeding and fertilizing were left to me.
It was nine o'clock and still no sign of either of them, they had apparantly decided to sleep in this mourning. At ninethirty I saw my wife and Steve come out onto the porch in their robes with their coffee I had prepared earlier. They sat down on the cushioned deck chairs enjoying the warming sun on their faces.
"how are my roses doing this mourning sweety?" my wife called out to me as I toiled in the dirt pulling weeds. "there beginning to bloom again honey, would you like me to cut a few for you" I called back "yes, thank you honey that would be nice" she answered.
I trimmed off four roses and put them in a vase from a gardner area and carried them up to where they were sitting. I placed them on the table and she said "why thank you honey, there very pretty, you deserve a kiss" I was very happy and as I leaned in to kiss her she pulled back and said "ewe your all dirty and sweaty, here you can kiss my foot" she giggled slightly extending her bare foot out.
I would have prefered a lip kiss but this was ok as I knealt down on the decking and kissed the top of her foot. I was about to get up and go back to my weeding but before I got up Steve who was reading the paper said "I think the roses are pretty also Tim, do I get a kiss?" I heard my wife chuckle above me but they both seemed in good moods and I found his comment to be more playfull than humilating and I lowered my head under the table and kissed the top of his bare foot also.
"thanks Tim, that was nice" he smiled as I then did go back to the garden. It was now after ten and I began to wonder where the new maid was, she wasn't exactly prompt. I also began to wonder what she might think when she saw me toiling in the dirt while my wife and her boyfriend relaxed on the deck above me.
I didn't have to wait any longer as a few minutes later I looked up and there she was, I was quite surprised to see her wearing a pretty sun dress with white sandals, not exactly maid attire. I tried not to stare as she sat down at the table with Sara and Steve, I had not been invited up so I just kept working in the large garden trying nonchalantly to evesdrop but I really couldn't make out what was being said.
The next time I looked up after hereing some laughter I was shocked to see a woman in her late forties to early fifties attired like a scrub woman. What was really strange was the older woman looked quite out of place dressed this way, she had the appearance of a wealthy woman even in the rags she was wearing.
I actualy found it somewhat arousing to see the older woman standing before the younger seated people her arms loaded down with cleaning supplies. I just had to here what was being said so I eased my way under the deck to a place I wouldn't be seen but could hear the conversation.
"yes, of course Steve she does do windows, and toilets and anything else that needs cleaning" Vicki was saying as she answered a question Steve must have asked. "this is quite a setup youv'e got here Vicki, so you get paid by them and by us, very nice" my wife laughed and then it hit me, I knew this Vicki looked like someone I had seen before. I had seen her face in an add in one of those non hardcore fetish papers, this woman was a dominatrix.
I remembered now how excited I had gotten when I read her add, it was in one of those papers that Kim had brought home. She specialized in public humiliation and maid service. Apparantlly the older woman was one of her customers, that explained my wifes blushing grin yesterday when she told me all my questions would be answered today. I was almost certain Kim had coaxed her into this as my wife wouldn't have thaught about such a thing on her own.
I listened some more as Vicki said "well if there's no more questions I'll get the pig started on her chores" "oh please do" laughed my wife. "come on piggy time to work" Vicki said as I heard her chair slide back on the deck. I almost started to run a batch right there but I heard my wifes voice "I wonder where Tim ran off too?" "hum, i don't know" I heard Steve reply as I quickly made my way out of the tight spot I was in.
I managed to get out to the back of the garden just as my wife leaned out over the deck "there you are, the new maid is here, wouldn't you like to say hello?" whew, I thaught to myself, I was glad she hadn't caught me evesdropping, it wouldn't have upset her but it may have been embarrassing to me. "oh yes, sure honey just let me clean up a little" I answered her.
I now really wondered how much Vicki knew of our lifestyle as I washed up at the garden sink. By the time I had reached the top of the stairs Vickie had returned and was seated at the table again. "hello Tim, been doing some yard work I see" Vickie said as I reached the top stair. "oh yes, in the garden actually, hello Vicki"
I glanced at my wife who was giddy and anxious to show me the suprise as she wasn't aware I already knew what was going on. "do you think it's time to inspect the maids work yet Vicki?" my wife asked her excitedly, I decided to play along with the game and said "I thaught Vicki was the maid" all three of them chuckled as Vicki said "and ruin this $100 manicure scrubbing toilets, get real, yes I think we could check on her progress Sara"
They all stood up and Vicki led the way followed by Sara and Steve who walked in arm and arm still in their bathrobes and I fell in behind as we made our way to the upstairs hall. Vicki walked into the large bathroom and Steve and my wife stopped at the door laughing hysterically, "oh my , I guess that's one way to clean a toilet" my wife said rather loudly. I managed to peek in between them and saw the older woman on her hands and knees, a dog collar had been put on her neck and a long leash had been attached which was the wrapped around the toilet bowl holding the woman in place as she scrubbed the toilet bowl with a tooth brush.
Vicky sat down on the womans rump and gave her ass a playful slap saying "how''s it comming piggy?" "very good Mistress Vicky, it's almost done" the woman responded "well let's just giive it a little rinse and check it out shall we" Vicky said as she reached out and flushed the toilet, she, Sara and Steve giggled as Vicky pressed down on the womans head keeping her face inches from the swirling water.
"hum, not bad piggy, now rescrub it the proper way and then clean the rest of the bathroom, I want all the bathrooms cleaned and all the dusting and vacuuming done today" Vicky ordered the woman unsnapping the leash to allow the woman to properly complete her cleaning.
As the four of us walked away leaving the older woman to her chores Vicky said "my maids may not be the fastest but I garantee they will do a more thourough job than any other maid service" my wife chuckled and said "it's fun to watch them too" Steve then nudged me with his elbow saying "and you thaught we were hard on you Tim, maybe you need to spend some time with Vicky"
Vicky hearing the remark laughed and looked at me "that would be fun, breaking in new maids is quite a thrill for me" I immadiatelly looked to my wife to defend me and she just griinned and said "hum, that's something to consider, but for now we'll just see how your maids work out"
Vicky then said she had to go check on one of her other maids and that she would return in the afternoon to pick up piggy. She assured Sara and Steve that piggy knew what to do but they should feel free to taunt, humiliate or add to her chores if they wished.
I followed behind Steve and Sara as they walked towards their bedroom to take a shower, my wife said with a big grin "why don't you join us sweety, you could use a shower" I of course jumped at the invatation.
Sara was in a playfull mood as she and Steve dropped their robes to the floor and she began stroking Steve's cock. They then entered the large shower which Sara had remodeled after we moved in. There were now multiple shower heads in the walls and ceilings which provided a soothing pulsating water massage in the very big marble shower stall.
They sat down on the bench seat along one wall as they continued fondeling each other. Sara extended her lovely leg and said "sweety could you shave my legs" I knealt down on the marble tiled floor at their feet and began soaping up my wifes silky calves.
I began to cautiously run the raiser from her ankle to her knee. Although they continued to fondle each other they slowed down some so I could shave Sara's legs without the risk of nicking them with the raiser. As the warm water pulsated down on us Steve rested his bare foot on my thigh as the two of them looked down on me.
"he really does that quite well baby" Steve remarked to my wife "well he should, he's had many years of practace" giggled Sara. For the moment they seemed contented to sit and watch as I performed my task on her legs. After I had shaven her legs smooth she instructed me to do her underarms and I knealt upright and did those also.
The shaving over Steve put his hand on my head and pushed me back down "ok Tim start lathering us up" he said and as I grabbed the lufa sponge they stood up and embraced and let their fingers began to wonder around each others bodies again while I began lathering up their feet.
Each of them in turn lifted their feet allowing me to run the sponge under their soles and between their toes. Once I started on their ankles and calves their fondeling picked up and I noticed Steve's tool begin to grow as my wife ran her fingers along his shaft. I continued up to Sara's firm ass noticing Steve had inserted several of his fingers into her dripping pussy.
I was then roughly pushed back down into a crouched position as Steve planted his foot on my back using me as leverage as my wife mounted his erect penis. My wife in her thrill of passion used the back of my head to step on as she bounced up and wrapped her legs around Steve's. I listened to their moans of pleasure as with my wife now clinging to Steve as she bounced on his cock addinf=g more weight to Steve's foot as it rested on my back keeping me pinned to the stall floor as the water splashed against my face.
After several minutes they climaxed together and my wife's feet once again came down on the tile in front of me and Steve removed his foot from my back allowing me to catch my breath. "That was wonderful stud" my wife told Steve as she sat down on the bench again.
"here sweety, I have a treat for you" she giggled pointing to her musky pussy. Even though it was filled with Steve's cum I was still excited to be given the chance to lick at her lucious pussy. I raised up between her thighs and began licking their juices from her love triangle.
Steve sat down next to her and they began kissing again as I lapped at my wifes pussy. My wife held me tightly in her pussy with Steve's help as she climaxed again and then I was released to continue bathing them, Sara even instructed me on how to clean Steve's penis having me gently hold up his cock as I very gently lathered his ball sack.
We had spent almost fortyfive minutes in the shower as Steve turned of the water. I knealt on the floor and dried their feet and legs as they dried each others upper bodies. "I think having a maid is really working out well, it frees you up for more personal service, don't you agree sweety?" my wife asked me "ah yes I agree" I answered.
"I thaught you would, just leave the towels on the floor, piggy will take care of them, come join us in the bedroom, you can give us both a massage" my wife informed me.
Chapter 9 to follow soon
Chapter 8
Moving day went pretty smooth, My wife had left it in my hands to schedule the movers and to supervise most of the packing and unpacking and as I had expected Steve was moving in also. He was keeping his condo for now so all that really needed to be moved from his place was most of his clothes and some personal items he wanted in the new house.
Steve actually helped me move his items which we completed in just two trips. Sara had decided to donate much of our old furniture to Goodwell and she had purchased many new furnishings which I was also responsible for scheduling the deliveries.
Once we were all moved in things became rather hetic, Sara had decided to enroll in several classes. She had taken up kick boxing and karate to help her stay in shape. Steve had become quite busy at the club and I was finding it increasingly difficult to handle my job along with the domestic duties of the new house that was more than twice the size of our old house.
As the weeks passed and with everyones hetic schedules I was beginning to feel less a part of my wife's life and more like the unpaid hired help. Steve and her had settled into a more typical husband wife relationship each returning home from their busy days to eat dinner together. Somewhere along the line I evan lost the privledge of sitting down to eat with them as I now prepared the meals and served them and then returned to the kitchen which was sealed off the dining room by a swinging door.
I would wait in the kitchen while they ate and discussed their days listening for the tinkle of her bell which informed me they needed something or dishes were ready to be cleared away. When they finished eating I would serve coffee or drinks in the family room and then clear the table and do the dishes before eating my dinner in the kitchen.
Then in what had become another nughtly ritual I would join them in the family room where Steve would usually be reading the paper his feet propped up on the ottaman and my wife would usually be reading a book or watching TV. I would then give Steve his nightly foot massage, rubbing his socked or bare feet while they wound down from their strenuos days before the two of them would go to bed leaving me to try to catch up on the many chores that were backing up before I retired to my smaller bedroom.
I was really becoming frustrated as I had begun to loose all sexual contat with my wife and she was rarely even speaking to me unless to give me an order. It all came to a head one evening as I was on my hands and knees waxing the upstairs hall floor. My wife was using the bathroom at the end of the hall, she stepped out in a rage "Dmanit Tim, why wasn't there a new roll of toilet paper on the holder!?" I didn't even realize it was low it was just one of the many chores I had not gotten to.
I didn't know why she was so pissed off but she reached down and backhanded me across the face to show her dissapoitment. Not even realizing the force she now hit with from her karate training her smack sent me sprawling accross the floor.
She had never hit me before and it stunned her as much as me and I was actually in pain as I curled up on the floor and began balling like a baby "I just can't do this anymore Sara, there's just too much to do, I want to make you happy but I just can't take this anymore" I blabbered out while trying to rub the pain away from my cheek.
Tears actually came to my wifes eyes also as she seemed really sorry for hitting me, exspeacially with such force. She walked over to me and reached down and hugged me saying "I know our trying sweety, I guess things have gotten a bit out of control. I'm sorry I hit you honey"
We held each other for several minutes as our tears subsided, She appeared guininelly worried that I might actually leave which was a first and surprised me. She continued to say "I'll talk with Steve tonight, maybe we can come up with something to make things better"
For the first time now in several months since we had moved in I saw some light at the end of the tunnel that things might get better. I had prepared a magnificant meal for them but as dinner went as usual with me in the kitchen only comming out to serve I began to wonder if she was going to talk with Steve.
And then as I was massaging Steve's black dress socked covered feet as he read the sports page Sara set down her book and said "Steve honey, I think we need to talk about Tim" "oh, what about him?" Steve asked her taking a quick peek at me over his socked covered toes as I continued rubbing his soles.
"well I think we may be working him a little too hard" my wife said as she stood up and moved over to the sofa where Steve was and sat down next to him and he put his arm around her as she laid her head onto his chest and smiled at me as she watched me rubbing her boyfriends feet.
"Hum, I guess I hadn't really had much time to think about it, but the poor fella does seem to always be working" Steve said to my wife as they discussed me like I wasn't even in the room with them. "what do you have in mind?" Steve asked Sara, "well at first I thaught I sould just have him quit his job so he could work around here full time, but it's still nice to have his income comming in for spending cash, so now I'm leaning towards hiring a maid, someone who can do the daily chores like dusting, vacuuming and making the beds"
I was liking that idea, those mundane tasks were really getting to me, although it was really Sara's decission it seemed like she was looking to Steve for approval and he decided to use his power a little. "a maid huh, would you like that Tim?" he asked me "oh yes sir, I think it's a great idea" I replied "well what would you do then?" he prompted me for ideas as to how I would be usefull to him if he gave his ok.
I'm not sure I really had to give him any ideas but I through some out anyways "it would give me more time to keep your boat and jet ski clean sir, I could also get around to do that thorough cleaning on your Harley like you wanted" "ya, I guess there still would be plenty to keep you occupied, sure baby a maid sounds good to me" He then said to my wife.
"great, Tim go ahead and put a posting in the paper" my wife said and then Steve added taking advantage of my now good mood "a little more pressure on the heels Tim, I did allot of walking today" "oh yes of course sir" I replied grinding my thumbs a bit harder into his heels and my wife grinned and said "now don't use up all his strength honey I want my feet rubbed tonight also" as she snuggled even closer to Steve while placing her bare feet on the ottaman next to his.
I was hoping to get a little sexual releif from my wife that night but when I completed her foot rub they were both a bit horny and apparently had gone several nights without sex and wated to be alone for the night but I dd get a hug and a kiss from her which did feel good after going weeks without the feel of her touch.
The next day I posted the add for a maid in our daily paper and by the end of the week I had three appointments for interviews that I set up per my wifes schedule. I was much more relaxed at home the next few nights and things were going back to the way they were before we moved.
Although I still wasn't sitting down at the dinner table with them the next few days I was still feeling good, my wife had gone back to calling me sweety and honey and I was once again allowed a tremendous orgasam from the touch of her toes. When I came home from work on Friday my wife was concluding her interview with the forth of five applicants for the maid position.
I walked into the kitchen to find my wife talkng to an attractive young woman of about twentyfive, "oh hi honey, please say hello to Vicki, I think she's the one for the job" my wife said. I said hello to the woman and she smiled and said hello back and then said to my wife "so this is the husband?" "yes Vicki, Steve will be home in about twenty minutes" my wife replied to her and I began to wonder just how much Sara had told the woman about our living situation.
"so when can you start Vicki?" my wife asked the long dark haired woman "I can start tomarrow if you'd like Ms. Thomas" "oh please call me Sara, Vicki and tomarrow would be great, we'll all be home so it will give us all time to get aquainted and go over what we expect."
"ok then I'll be here tomarrow about ten Ms I mean Sara" Vicki said, she just didn't look like the maid type, with her smooth tan complexion she looked more like a lingere model in fact now that I thaught about it I didn't even remember booking her for an interview. The woman said goodbye to my wife and me and left.
Sara had a big smile on her face as she said "I think Vicki's going to be perfect sweety" "I'm glad your happy with her honey, she just didn't look like the maid type to me" I stated the obvious "I know, that's what Steve and I wanted, we really didn't want the traditional type maid" my wife informed me.
I wanted to ask her more about Vicki but she cut me short saying "you had better get started on dinner honey, Steve will be home shortly, you'll have all your questions answered tomarrow." I tried to listen in on Steve and Sara's dinner conversation to see if I could find out more about this Vicki person but Sara only mentioned to him that she found the perfect person for the job and he would meet her tomarrow.
I also didn't learn anymore that night as Steve and Sara decided to take the boat out for a ride. The boat was one of the nicer ones on the lake, a thirty foot cabin cruiser with enough power to pull two or three water skiers easily but only the best for my honey as Sara put it.
They didn't come home until close to midnight probablly visiting some of the tiki bars on the other side of the huge lake. I was already in bed but was having trouble sleeping, there was something about this Vicki person that I found intriguing.
Saturday mourning and I was up early as usual to catch up on some of the chores I hadn't gotten to during the week. After doing some laundry I decided to weed the rose garden before it got to hot, Sara really loved the many colored roses and took great pride in her garden, she would often do some of the pruneing but the weeding and fertilizing were left to me.
It was nine o'clock and still no sign of either of them, they had apparantly decided to sleep in this mourning. At ninethirty I saw my wife and Steve come out onto the porch in their robes with their coffee I had prepared earlier. They sat down on the cushioned deck chairs enjoying the warming sun on their faces.
"how are my roses doing this mourning sweety?" my wife called out to me as I toiled in the dirt pulling weeds. "there beginning to bloom again honey, would you like me to cut a few for you" I called back "yes, thank you honey that would be nice" she answered.
I trimmed off four roses and put them in a vase from a gardner area and carried them up to where they were sitting. I placed them on the table and she said "why thank you honey, there very pretty, you deserve a kiss" I was very happy and as I leaned in to kiss her she pulled back and said "ewe your all dirty and sweaty, here you can kiss my foot" she giggled slightly extending her bare foot out.
I would have prefered a lip kiss but this was ok as I knealt down on the decking and kissed the top of her foot. I was about to get up and go back to my weeding but before I got up Steve who was reading the paper said "I think the roses are pretty also Tim, do I get a kiss?" I heard my wife chuckle above me but they both seemed in good moods and I found his comment to be more playfull than humilating and I lowered my head under the table and kissed the top of his bare foot also.
"thanks Tim, that was nice" he smiled as I then did go back to the garden. It was now after ten and I began to wonder where the new maid was, she wasn't exactly prompt. I also began to wonder what she might think when she saw me toiling in the dirt while my wife and her boyfriend relaxed on the deck above me.
I didn't have to wait any longer as a few minutes later I looked up and there she was, I was quite surprised to see her wearing a pretty sun dress with white sandals, not exactly maid attire. I tried not to stare as she sat down at the table with Sara and Steve, I had not been invited up so I just kept working in the large garden trying nonchalantly to evesdrop but I really couldn't make out what was being said.
The next time I looked up after hereing some laughter I was shocked to see a woman in her late forties to early fifties attired like a scrub woman. What was really strange was the older woman looked quite out of place dressed this way, she had the appearance of a wealthy woman even in the rags she was wearing.
I actualy found it somewhat arousing to see the older woman standing before the younger seated people her arms loaded down with cleaning supplies. I just had to here what was being said so I eased my way under the deck to a place I wouldn't be seen but could hear the conversation.
"yes, of course Steve she does do windows, and toilets and anything else that needs cleaning" Vicki was saying as she answered a question Steve must have asked. "this is quite a setup youv'e got here Vicki, so you get paid by them and by us, very nice" my wife laughed and then it hit me, I knew this Vicki looked like someone I had seen before. I had seen her face in an add in one of those non hardcore fetish papers, this woman was a dominatrix.
I remembered now how excited I had gotten when I read her add, it was in one of those papers that Kim had brought home. She specialized in public humiliation and maid service. Apparantlly the older woman was one of her customers, that explained my wifes blushing grin yesterday when she told me all my questions would be answered today. I was almost certain Kim had coaxed her into this as my wife wouldn't have thaught about such a thing on her own.
I listened some more as Vicki said "well if there's no more questions I'll get the pig started on her chores" "oh please do" laughed my wife. "come on piggy time to work" Vicki said as I heard her chair slide back on the deck. I almost started to run a batch right there but I heard my wifes voice "I wonder where Tim ran off too?" "hum, i don't know" I heard Steve reply as I quickly made my way out of the tight spot I was in.
I managed to get out to the back of the garden just as my wife leaned out over the deck "there you are, the new maid is here, wouldn't you like to say hello?" whew, I thaught to myself, I was glad she hadn't caught me evesdropping, it wouldn't have upset her but it may have been embarrassing to me. "oh yes, sure honey just let me clean up a little" I answered her.
I now really wondered how much Vicki knew of our lifestyle as I washed up at the garden sink. By the time I had reached the top of the stairs Vickie had returned and was seated at the table again. "hello Tim, been doing some yard work I see" Vickie said as I reached the top stair. "oh yes, in the garden actually, hello Vicki"
I glanced at my wife who was giddy and anxious to show me the suprise as she wasn't aware I already knew what was going on. "do you think it's time to inspect the maids work yet Vicki?" my wife asked her excitedly, I decided to play along with the game and said "I thaught Vicki was the maid" all three of them chuckled as Vicki said "and ruin this $100 manicure scrubbing toilets, get real, yes I think we could check on her progress Sara"
They all stood up and Vicki led the way followed by Sara and Steve who walked in arm and arm still in their bathrobes and I fell in behind as we made our way to the upstairs hall. Vicki walked into the large bathroom and Steve and my wife stopped at the door laughing hysterically, "oh my , I guess that's one way to clean a toilet" my wife said rather loudly. I managed to peek in between them and saw the older woman on her hands and knees, a dog collar had been put on her neck and a long leash had been attached which was the wrapped around the toilet bowl holding the woman in place as she scrubbed the toilet bowl with a tooth brush.
Vicky sat down on the womans rump and gave her ass a playful slap saying "how''s it comming piggy?" "very good Mistress Vicky, it's almost done" the woman responded "well let's just giive it a little rinse and check it out shall we" Vicky said as she reached out and flushed the toilet, she, Sara and Steve giggled as Vicky pressed down on the womans head keeping her face inches from the swirling water.
"hum, not bad piggy, now rescrub it the proper way and then clean the rest of the bathroom, I want all the bathrooms cleaned and all the dusting and vacuuming done today" Vicky ordered the woman unsnapping the leash to allow the woman to properly complete her cleaning.
As the four of us walked away leaving the older woman to her chores Vicky said "my maids may not be the fastest but I garantee they will do a more thourough job than any other maid service" my wife chuckled and said "it's fun to watch them too" Steve then nudged me with his elbow saying "and you thaught we were hard on you Tim, maybe you need to spend some time with Vicky"
Vicky hearing the remark laughed and looked at me "that would be fun, breaking in new maids is quite a thrill for me" I immadiatelly looked to my wife to defend me and she just griinned and said "hum, that's something to consider, but for now we'll just see how your maids work out"
Vicky then said she had to go check on one of her other maids and that she would return in the afternoon to pick up piggy. She assured Sara and Steve that piggy knew what to do but they should feel free to taunt, humiliate or add to her chores if they wished.
I followed behind Steve and Sara as they walked towards their bedroom to take a shower, my wife said with a big grin "why don't you join us sweety, you could use a shower" I of course jumped at the invatation.
Sara was in a playfull mood as she and Steve dropped their robes to the floor and she began stroking Steve's cock. They then entered the large shower which Sara had remodeled after we moved in. There were now multiple shower heads in the walls and ceilings which provided a soothing pulsating water massage in the very big marble shower stall.
They sat down on the bench seat along one wall as they continued fondeling each other. Sara extended her lovely leg and said "sweety could you shave my legs" I knealt down on the marble tiled floor at their feet and began soaping up my wifes silky calves.
I began to cautiously run the raiser from her ankle to her knee. Although they continued to fondle each other they slowed down some so I could shave Sara's legs without the risk of nicking them with the raiser. As the warm water pulsated down on us Steve rested his bare foot on my thigh as the two of them looked down on me.
"he really does that quite well baby" Steve remarked to my wife "well he should, he's had many years of practace" giggled Sara. For the moment they seemed contented to sit and watch as I performed my task on her legs. After I had shaven her legs smooth she instructed me to do her underarms and I knealt upright and did those also.
The shaving over Steve put his hand on my head and pushed me back down "ok Tim start lathering us up" he said and as I grabbed the lufa sponge they stood up and embraced and let their fingers began to wonder around each others bodies again while I began lathering up their feet.
Each of them in turn lifted their feet allowing me to run the sponge under their soles and between their toes. Once I started on their ankles and calves their fondeling picked up and I noticed Steve's tool begin to grow as my wife ran her fingers along his shaft. I continued up to Sara's firm ass noticing Steve had inserted several of his fingers into her dripping pussy.
I was then roughly pushed back down into a crouched position as Steve planted his foot on my back using me as leverage as my wife mounted his erect penis. My wife in her thrill of passion used the back of my head to step on as she bounced up and wrapped her legs around Steve's. I listened to their moans of pleasure as with my wife now clinging to Steve as she bounced on his cock addinf=g more weight to Steve's foot as it rested on my back keeping me pinned to the stall floor as the water splashed against my face.
After several minutes they climaxed together and my wife's feet once again came down on the tile in front of me and Steve removed his foot from my back allowing me to catch my breath. "That was wonderful stud" my wife told Steve as she sat down on the bench again.
"here sweety, I have a treat for you" she giggled pointing to her musky pussy. Even though it was filled with Steve's cum I was still excited to be given the chance to lick at her lucious pussy. I raised up between her thighs and began licking their juices from her love triangle.
Steve sat down next to her and they began kissing again as I lapped at my wifes pussy. My wife held me tightly in her pussy with Steve's help as she climaxed again and then I was released to continue bathing them, Sara even instructed me on how to clean Steve's penis having me gently hold up his cock as I very gently lathered his ball sack.
We had spent almost fortyfive minutes in the shower as Steve turned of the water. I knealt on the floor and dried their feet and legs as they dried each others upper bodies. "I think having a maid is really working out well, it frees you up for more personal service, don't you agree sweety?" my wife asked me "ah yes I agree" I answered.
"I thaught you would, just leave the towels on the floor, piggy will take care of them, come join us in the bedroom, you can give us both a massage" my wife informed me.
Chapter 9 to follow soon
10 years ago