Whitedogs lucky lotto chapter 7
Lucky Lotto
Chapter 7
I had an excellent nights sleep as I had pleasent dreams of my wife's gentle touch, I felt very fullfilled, it may seem strange to most people but I had never been more in love with my wife. It wasn't that I craved degradation or humiliation it was more the fact that with our new arrangement my wife now had a constant glow about her. Steve was just what she had been needing for a long time and he really was a fantastic guy, it was hard for me to dislike him.
I truly believe that having me in the picture even adds to both of their enjoyment with each other and I knew my wife still cared for me even if you really couldn't call it love. I was turning into somewhat of a puppy being trained by them as whenever they choose to humiliate or degrade me I began to realize I would be rewarded afterwards. These rewards were some of the best orgasams I had acheived in years.
I was also finding that they both were becoming very accustommed to my doing any and all menial chores that needed doing along with running most of their errands. This bothered me sometimes when I began to feel overwhelmed with the amount of chores that had to get done but they had a way of just how far I could be pushed to get the maximum effort from me before I went bonkers.
I was awakened at about 8am as Tracy came back into the house, she was a fanatical jogger and had already been out for her mourning run. She sat down on the love seat across from me. Her dark smooth skin was glistening with her perspiration as she began to wipe the moisture off with a towel.
"good mourning sleepy head" she said smiling at me as I was waking up. "good mourning Tracy" I replied, she then gave me a sly look as she sighed "my poor feet get so sore after my jogs, would it be to much to ask for a little pampering, you know, like the way you seen Doofas do it"
She knew I would not be able to resist the chance to touch her perfect feet but I tried to act nonchallant about it saying "ya, I guess I could do that for you Tracy" My relaxed attitude kinda backfired on me as she didn't feel I was enthused enough and said "oh that's ok Tim, if you really don't feel like doing it" she immeadiatelly got the response she had been looking for as I jumped off the couch pleading "no, it's ok Tracy I'll do it, please let me do it"
A big grin came to her lovely face and she said "ok if you really want to, but I have to warn you my feet probablly smell some" this nineteen year old black girl had just munipulated me into practically begging to pamper her sweaty bare feet but I didn't mind as I wanted to be allowed to pleasure her feet.
I quickly went to fill a container with water and ice cubes like I had seen Doofas do and brought it back to her along with a wash cloth and fluffy towel. I placed the container at her feet and knealt down before her as she held out her sneakered foot to me, I removed her shoe and already I began to feel my penis begin to stiffen as she flexed her toes inside her white socks. Before I could pull the moist sock from her foot she presented me her other sneaker to be removed.
Now with both her sneekers removed she crossed her legs and picked up a magazine off the table saying "now let's see how you match up to Doofas, he's pretty damn good at this service" and then she began browsing through the magazine. That was all the inspiration I needed as I was now determined to give her the most soothing relaxing foot washing she had ever had.
When I removed the dirt stained sock from her moist foot a bit of an odor did emerge but it was an intoxicating odor of the sweet smell of perfume mixed with her womanly perspiration. I took great care to first wrap her foot with the cool wash cloth to cool the heat from her foot and then rinsed the cloth before maticuosly beginning to wipe the small bits of sock lint stuck to her dark red painted toenails.
I constantly glanced at her expressions as I frequented rinsed the clothe and wiped down her soles and heels. The smiles and soft moans told me I was pleasing her. For more than ten minutes I gently wiped her entire foot before moving on to her ankles and well toned calf. When I reached her knee she smiled and said "very nice Tim, you can dry that foot now and start on the other"
I patted her foot and leg dry with the big fluffy towel and she recrossed her legs as she continued reading the article that caught her interest. Her other foot and leg recieved the same devoted attention and even though my penis was fully erect now and making me feel pretty uncomfortable after I dryed her foot and leg I wasn't ready to leave her feet so I asked more like pleaded "may I rub some foot creme into them Tracy?"
Her huge grin told me I had just clensed her feet better than any of the pledges, those college boys had nothing on me when it came to pampering a woman. "that would be nice Tim" she answered my request and I could here her giggle as I reached for the drawer where the creme was obviously exposing the ridgid boner I had in my shorts.
"a bit excited are we" came my wifes voice, I hadn't noticed her and my step daughter walk up behind me as I was enthralled with the dark gorgous feet in front of me. I turned several shades of red as all three of them giggled. "I think he really likes my feet" teased Tracy as she rubbed the bottoms of her toes on my cheek.
"well we can't have any accidents like that while were looking at houses, I think we'll just have to put you in that harness today" my wife said, "good call mom" laughed Kim, I had no response as I just knealt there dumbfounded "well go ahead and finish Tracy's feet sweety and then you can rub some of that creme into mine and Kim's feet before you make breakfast"
That was an order I had no problem obeying although I was not looking foreward to having that damn harness on again, hell I didn't even think I was going with them to look at houses. Kim and my wife sat on the couch I had slept on and watched me massage the lotion into Tracy's feet each of them in their soft fluffy bathrobes and my wifes swaying leg and bare foot swinging only inches from my working hands.
Even with the humiliaton of being caught by my wife and step daughter my boner was still holding firm and it amused all three of them as I struggled to move from foot to foot applying lotion. Tracy was telling them of the marvolous job I did giving her a foot bath and as I finished massaging the lotion into Kim's feet my wife said "I am very pleased you made my guest happy honey so I'll give you a little treat, since your little wennie is going to be locked up the rest of the day why don't you give us a little entertainment and show us how you wank off"
Kim and Tracy giggled at my wife's suggestion and even though it was going to be quite degrading I could no loger bare the pain of my erection without releiving it. They had me kneel before them over the towel I had used to dry Tracy's feet and they coaxed me on as I began to jag off, their show didn't last long as I exploded within a minute and after their laughter subsided my wife said "go clean up sweety and make sure you wash tour hands before starting on our breakfast"
I made omllets for everyone, even myself as I sat at the table and ate with them, I was becoming much more comfotable with my new role and even after being thoroughly humilated by them I was able to regain some dignity and be a small part of their conversations not quite as an equal but at least treated with some respect.
They all knew I was there to serve and provide entertainment and I was beginning to know my full role also. The three ladies then went to shower and dress leaving me to clear the table and clean up. When they were all ready to go my wife asked me "do you have all the folders and your palm pilot to take notes honey?" I told her I did and then Kim walked up behind us holding that damn cock harness "we musn't forget this Tim" she smiled at me with that evil little smirk of hers "oh yes that's right, hurry up and put it on honey" my wife said.
Kim and Tracy again helped me to put it in place instructing me how to do it so I could do it myself in the future and Sara produced the key that she wore proudly around her neck to open the lock so it could be relocked securing the harness in place.
"you had best give me the remote also sweety, just in case" my wife said as she pointed to it on the coffee table where she had left it. I carried it back to her and she dropped it into her handbag and we were off. We all got into Sara's new Lincoln which she had gotten just a few days ago, she had liked the ride of the rental one so much that she decided to buy one, of course this one was decked out to the max with every possible option, she still had her sporty Lexus so now she had two cars while I still drove my old clunker to work and on errands.
Sara drove with me next to her and Kim and Tracy in the back. We met the realestate woman at the first house, she was a fairly attrative woman in her mid forties and her name was Kay. The first house was not all that impressive and after a quick walk through with me following behind the four women typing notes into my palm pilot as Sara, Kim and Tracy made their remarks we got back in the car and followed Kay to the next house on the list.
The second house was much more impressive as it was a three story contempoary home overlooking a huge ski and fishing lake. Sara liked the four car garage as she dictated to me "there's plenty of room for my cars and Steve's and Steve's Harley and a nice covered boat dock if Steve wants to get a boat"
We then all followed Kay up the stairs to the front door and into the house which was vacant. "oh look mom a really big dining room for entertaining" Kim said and I typed in her comment. "I love the hardwood floors" Tracy said and I also typed in her remarks.
As we made our way through the house I could tell by Sara's expressions that I was pretty sure she had found the home she was looking for and it was only $750,000 well within her budget after winning the lottery. "wow, look at that view" kim said looking out the huge family room sliding doors that led to a deck overlooking the prestine big lake. All I was thinking was how hard they would be to keep clean as I typed in her comment. "and what an impressive fireplace" Tracy said and as her comment was typed into my palm pilot I was thinking of how many stairs needed to be climbed to get the logs up here.
We walked out onto the massive deck where a large jacuzzi sat on one side surrounded by lush plants "what a romantic hot tub, Steve and I could spend allot of time in there" my wife said thinking ahead and Kay the realestate woman then asked "so Steve is your husband?"
"oh no he's my boyfriend, Tim here is my husband" she said it so as a matter of factly I guess not realizing the shock Kay would get "oh,...I'm sorry, I thaught he was your secretary" the woman responded turning a bit red "he is that also" Sara responded still like it was no big deal and Kim giggled and said "he's also the butler" and even Tracy got in a shot as she was also giggling "and the maid"
I may have turned a little red myself but I was beginning to get accustommed to these little embarassing situations and remarkably Kay pulled herself together quickly saying "well, I wish my husband was so well trained" Sara smiled and said "he probably can be it just takes a little work"
The little moment over we continued viewing the house but I was now noticing Kay checking me out a little closer trying to figure out what made me tick. "this bedroom is huge" Sara was impressed with the size of the master bedroom and I made note of it "and plenty of closet space" I also made note of that knowing it was important to her.
There were four bedrooms and an office along with three full size bathrooms in the 4000 square foot home, I wasn't sure why she wanted such a big house but then again she wasn't going to be the one cleaning it. Kay then led the way to the yard, the house sat on an acre and a half and also had a big inground pool and even a one bedroom fully equiped guest cottage which Kim loved saying she could move back home when she graduated and still have a home of her own.
Kay was pointing out a large rose garden on the side of the house and was not looking where she was walking when she stepped into a fresh pile of dog shit probablly from a neighbors dog "oh my!" exclaimed my wife and she quicly snapped her fingers at me and pointed to the woman's shoes. I hesitated thinking did she really want me to clean the dog poop from Kay's shoes.
My wife did not like my hesitation and she quickly remembered her little remote as her hand moved into her handbag, I on the other hand had forgotten I was even wearing that damn harness but instantly I was reminded as the short electrical surge hit my penis and just as quickly I was on my knees with one of my two hankerchiefs ready to wipe the shit from Kay's shoe.
Kay was startled at first and totally unaware of the jolt that sent me to her feet so quickly as she was trying to wipe her shoe clean in the grass but as soon as she realized I was there to clean it for her she became more at ease and bent her knee up to present me the shit stained sole which I wiped clean amongst the chuckles of my wife and the two girls.
The shit cleaned off I looked up at my wife and with a simple jesture from her I pulled out my other clean hankie and cleaned the tops of both of Kay's red pumps. Kay also got a litte chuckle in saying "now that's what I call an attentive husband"
I left the shit stained hankie on the ground as I stood up and my wife gave me a lok as to say well done sweety. After we finished viewing the spectacular rose garden my wife said "I don't think we need to look any more, I'll take this one" Kay was pleased as was Kim who also loved the house and Kay said "ok then, we can go back to the office and start on the credit report and then make an offer" "no need" my wife started "I'll be paying cash and the price listed is fine with me"
Kay was stunned and like most commisioned sales people realizing they have a wealthy client started falling all over herself to kiss up to my wife "well, that's great, I'll make sure someone comes out and cleans all that dog poop out of the yard" "that's ok, I have my own gardener who can do that" my wife stated and all eyes looked at me then my wife continued "but I would like a maid service to come in and clean the place spotless from top to bottom including the guest house, that's a little to much work for one servant"
Sara was now talking like a true wealthy snob knowing this sales woman would do almost anything she requested to close this deal and Kay quickly replied "yes, of course Ms, Thomas, I'll get a staff right on it, is there anything else?" Sara thaught for a second and then said "yes, I'd like the pool and jacuzzi drained, scrubbed and refilled and I want it all done soon so I can move in next weekend"
I was quite impressed the way my wife stated her demands and why shouldn't she make some demands, she was about to spend three quarters of a million dollars on this house meaning a nice commision for Kay who quickly aggreed to all her terms.
And that was it, we now had a new home and from her comments earlier I had a feeling Steve would be moving in with us. Sara signed all the contracts as my name would be nowhere on this house and in just three hours we were done home shopping.
The day was not over yet though as Sara and the girls still had plenty of energy and my wife suggested they could help her pick out some new furniture to fill the large house and the girls happily agreed. So it was back in the car and we headed to several fine furnature stores where again I followed behind like a good little toady typing in comments and prices into my palm pilot.
When they grew board with furnature shopping it was off to the mall for some clothes shopping and this time no palm pilot was needed, I was put to better use following behind them toteing their many purchases which Sara flipped the entire bill for.
When we all sat down for a late lunch in one of the finer resturants in the mall I was put in the uncomfortable position of having to ask my wife for the key to my harness so I could use the bathroom. Kim giggled and said "you don't need a key Tim, there's a little valcro tab on the end that you can pull down"
I then excused myself and headed for the restroom, I got to the urinal and just as I did another gentleman took the one next to me and even though there was a devider I was now woried the guy might actually see the harness on me or here me releasing the valcro tab. I tried to pretend I was going until he left just not to look stupid but the guy was taking forever to piss.
Finally he finished and as he began to walk away I rushed to release the tab as I just couldn't hold it any longer, no sooner had I gotten the tab opened I was caught tottaly off guard by a jolt stronger than I had felt before and as I danced around my piss going everywhere the guy quickly walked out thinking I was some kind of wierdo.
I was worried that I short circuited the thing somehow and as a second jolt hit I again did a little pain dance, how long was this going to go on I wondered. I began trying to remove the harness but it was no use without the key. My only option was to go back out hoping it wouldn't jolt me again and tell my wife what had happened so she could give me the key.
I zipped up carefully and probably looked very foolish walking back to the table very gingerly bracing myself for another jolt. All three woman had devilish grins on their faces as I returned to the table and sat down. "did everything go ok sweety, you were gone an allfull long time?" my wife asked me appearing to hold back a giggle.
"ah I ah I think ah that somethings wrong with it" I tried to say quietly to my wife "oh and why's that?" she quizzed me "I ah it's just I think it's got a short, i ah I got zapped" I mumbled, Sara could no longer stiffle her giggles as she then said "ohh you mean like this" I bounced around in my chair as the jolt when through me and all three women laughed quite loudly drawing attention to our table.
Damn, I hated when she got together with Kim and her friends, she always became much crueller to me trying to fit in with the younger girls. Sara said after she stopped laughing "I'm really impressed with the range of this thing Kim, I didn't beleive you when you said it would go that far"
Fortunatlly I was left alone the rest of the meal and Sara did appologize for the cruel joke which did make me feel a little better.
Chapter 8 we move in
Chapter 7
I had an excellent nights sleep as I had pleasent dreams of my wife's gentle touch, I felt very fullfilled, it may seem strange to most people but I had never been more in love with my wife. It wasn't that I craved degradation or humiliation it was more the fact that with our new arrangement my wife now had a constant glow about her. Steve was just what she had been needing for a long time and he really was a fantastic guy, it was hard for me to dislike him.
I truly believe that having me in the picture even adds to both of their enjoyment with each other and I knew my wife still cared for me even if you really couldn't call it love. I was turning into somewhat of a puppy being trained by them as whenever they choose to humiliate or degrade me I began to realize I would be rewarded afterwards. These rewards were some of the best orgasams I had acheived in years.
I was also finding that they both were becoming very accustommed to my doing any and all menial chores that needed doing along with running most of their errands. This bothered me sometimes when I began to feel overwhelmed with the amount of chores that had to get done but they had a way of just how far I could be pushed to get the maximum effort from me before I went bonkers.
I was awakened at about 8am as Tracy came back into the house, she was a fanatical jogger and had already been out for her mourning run. She sat down on the love seat across from me. Her dark smooth skin was glistening with her perspiration as she began to wipe the moisture off with a towel.
"good mourning sleepy head" she said smiling at me as I was waking up. "good mourning Tracy" I replied, she then gave me a sly look as she sighed "my poor feet get so sore after my jogs, would it be to much to ask for a little pampering, you know, like the way you seen Doofas do it"
She knew I would not be able to resist the chance to touch her perfect feet but I tried to act nonchallant about it saying "ya, I guess I could do that for you Tracy" My relaxed attitude kinda backfired on me as she didn't feel I was enthused enough and said "oh that's ok Tim, if you really don't feel like doing it" she immeadiatelly got the response she had been looking for as I jumped off the couch pleading "no, it's ok Tracy I'll do it, please let me do it"
A big grin came to her lovely face and she said "ok if you really want to, but I have to warn you my feet probablly smell some" this nineteen year old black girl had just munipulated me into practically begging to pamper her sweaty bare feet but I didn't mind as I wanted to be allowed to pleasure her feet.
I quickly went to fill a container with water and ice cubes like I had seen Doofas do and brought it back to her along with a wash cloth and fluffy towel. I placed the container at her feet and knealt down before her as she held out her sneakered foot to me, I removed her shoe and already I began to feel my penis begin to stiffen as she flexed her toes inside her white socks. Before I could pull the moist sock from her foot she presented me her other sneaker to be removed.
Now with both her sneekers removed she crossed her legs and picked up a magazine off the table saying "now let's see how you match up to Doofas, he's pretty damn good at this service" and then she began browsing through the magazine. That was all the inspiration I needed as I was now determined to give her the most soothing relaxing foot washing she had ever had.
When I removed the dirt stained sock from her moist foot a bit of an odor did emerge but it was an intoxicating odor of the sweet smell of perfume mixed with her womanly perspiration. I took great care to first wrap her foot with the cool wash cloth to cool the heat from her foot and then rinsed the cloth before maticuosly beginning to wipe the small bits of sock lint stuck to her dark red painted toenails.
I constantly glanced at her expressions as I frequented rinsed the clothe and wiped down her soles and heels. The smiles and soft moans told me I was pleasing her. For more than ten minutes I gently wiped her entire foot before moving on to her ankles and well toned calf. When I reached her knee she smiled and said "very nice Tim, you can dry that foot now and start on the other"
I patted her foot and leg dry with the big fluffy towel and she recrossed her legs as she continued reading the article that caught her interest. Her other foot and leg recieved the same devoted attention and even though my penis was fully erect now and making me feel pretty uncomfortable after I dryed her foot and leg I wasn't ready to leave her feet so I asked more like pleaded "may I rub some foot creme into them Tracy?"
Her huge grin told me I had just clensed her feet better than any of the pledges, those college boys had nothing on me when it came to pampering a woman. "that would be nice Tim" she answered my request and I could here her giggle as I reached for the drawer where the creme was obviously exposing the ridgid boner I had in my shorts.
"a bit excited are we" came my wifes voice, I hadn't noticed her and my step daughter walk up behind me as I was enthralled with the dark gorgous feet in front of me. I turned several shades of red as all three of them giggled. "I think he really likes my feet" teased Tracy as she rubbed the bottoms of her toes on my cheek.
"well we can't have any accidents like that while were looking at houses, I think we'll just have to put you in that harness today" my wife said, "good call mom" laughed Kim, I had no response as I just knealt there dumbfounded "well go ahead and finish Tracy's feet sweety and then you can rub some of that creme into mine and Kim's feet before you make breakfast"
That was an order I had no problem obeying although I was not looking foreward to having that damn harness on again, hell I didn't even think I was going with them to look at houses. Kim and my wife sat on the couch I had slept on and watched me massage the lotion into Tracy's feet each of them in their soft fluffy bathrobes and my wifes swaying leg and bare foot swinging only inches from my working hands.
Even with the humiliaton of being caught by my wife and step daughter my boner was still holding firm and it amused all three of them as I struggled to move from foot to foot applying lotion. Tracy was telling them of the marvolous job I did giving her a foot bath and as I finished massaging the lotion into Kim's feet my wife said "I am very pleased you made my guest happy honey so I'll give you a little treat, since your little wennie is going to be locked up the rest of the day why don't you give us a little entertainment and show us how you wank off"
Kim and Tracy giggled at my wife's suggestion and even though it was going to be quite degrading I could no loger bare the pain of my erection without releiving it. They had me kneel before them over the towel I had used to dry Tracy's feet and they coaxed me on as I began to jag off, their show didn't last long as I exploded within a minute and after their laughter subsided my wife said "go clean up sweety and make sure you wash tour hands before starting on our breakfast"
I made omllets for everyone, even myself as I sat at the table and ate with them, I was becoming much more comfotable with my new role and even after being thoroughly humilated by them I was able to regain some dignity and be a small part of their conversations not quite as an equal but at least treated with some respect.
They all knew I was there to serve and provide entertainment and I was beginning to know my full role also. The three ladies then went to shower and dress leaving me to clear the table and clean up. When they were all ready to go my wife asked me "do you have all the folders and your palm pilot to take notes honey?" I told her I did and then Kim walked up behind us holding that damn cock harness "we musn't forget this Tim" she smiled at me with that evil little smirk of hers "oh yes that's right, hurry up and put it on honey" my wife said.
Kim and Tracy again helped me to put it in place instructing me how to do it so I could do it myself in the future and Sara produced the key that she wore proudly around her neck to open the lock so it could be relocked securing the harness in place.
"you had best give me the remote also sweety, just in case" my wife said as she pointed to it on the coffee table where she had left it. I carried it back to her and she dropped it into her handbag and we were off. We all got into Sara's new Lincoln which she had gotten just a few days ago, she had liked the ride of the rental one so much that she decided to buy one, of course this one was decked out to the max with every possible option, she still had her sporty Lexus so now she had two cars while I still drove my old clunker to work and on errands.
Sara drove with me next to her and Kim and Tracy in the back. We met the realestate woman at the first house, she was a fairly attrative woman in her mid forties and her name was Kay. The first house was not all that impressive and after a quick walk through with me following behind the four women typing notes into my palm pilot as Sara, Kim and Tracy made their remarks we got back in the car and followed Kay to the next house on the list.
The second house was much more impressive as it was a three story contempoary home overlooking a huge ski and fishing lake. Sara liked the four car garage as she dictated to me "there's plenty of room for my cars and Steve's and Steve's Harley and a nice covered boat dock if Steve wants to get a boat"
We then all followed Kay up the stairs to the front door and into the house which was vacant. "oh look mom a really big dining room for entertaining" Kim said and I typed in her comment. "I love the hardwood floors" Tracy said and I also typed in her remarks.
As we made our way through the house I could tell by Sara's expressions that I was pretty sure she had found the home she was looking for and it was only $750,000 well within her budget after winning the lottery. "wow, look at that view" kim said looking out the huge family room sliding doors that led to a deck overlooking the prestine big lake. All I was thinking was how hard they would be to keep clean as I typed in her comment. "and what an impressive fireplace" Tracy said and as her comment was typed into my palm pilot I was thinking of how many stairs needed to be climbed to get the logs up here.
We walked out onto the massive deck where a large jacuzzi sat on one side surrounded by lush plants "what a romantic hot tub, Steve and I could spend allot of time in there" my wife said thinking ahead and Kay the realestate woman then asked "so Steve is your husband?"
"oh no he's my boyfriend, Tim here is my husband" she said it so as a matter of factly I guess not realizing the shock Kay would get "oh,...I'm sorry, I thaught he was your secretary" the woman responded turning a bit red "he is that also" Sara responded still like it was no big deal and Kim giggled and said "he's also the butler" and even Tracy got in a shot as she was also giggling "and the maid"
I may have turned a little red myself but I was beginning to get accustommed to these little embarassing situations and remarkably Kay pulled herself together quickly saying "well, I wish my husband was so well trained" Sara smiled and said "he probably can be it just takes a little work"
The little moment over we continued viewing the house but I was now noticing Kay checking me out a little closer trying to figure out what made me tick. "this bedroom is huge" Sara was impressed with the size of the master bedroom and I made note of it "and plenty of closet space" I also made note of that knowing it was important to her.
There were four bedrooms and an office along with three full size bathrooms in the 4000 square foot home, I wasn't sure why she wanted such a big house but then again she wasn't going to be the one cleaning it. Kay then led the way to the yard, the house sat on an acre and a half and also had a big inground pool and even a one bedroom fully equiped guest cottage which Kim loved saying she could move back home when she graduated and still have a home of her own.
Kay was pointing out a large rose garden on the side of the house and was not looking where she was walking when she stepped into a fresh pile of dog shit probablly from a neighbors dog "oh my!" exclaimed my wife and she quicly snapped her fingers at me and pointed to the woman's shoes. I hesitated thinking did she really want me to clean the dog poop from Kay's shoes.
My wife did not like my hesitation and she quickly remembered her little remote as her hand moved into her handbag, I on the other hand had forgotten I was even wearing that damn harness but instantly I was reminded as the short electrical surge hit my penis and just as quickly I was on my knees with one of my two hankerchiefs ready to wipe the shit from Kay's shoe.
Kay was startled at first and totally unaware of the jolt that sent me to her feet so quickly as she was trying to wipe her shoe clean in the grass but as soon as she realized I was there to clean it for her she became more at ease and bent her knee up to present me the shit stained sole which I wiped clean amongst the chuckles of my wife and the two girls.
The shit cleaned off I looked up at my wife and with a simple jesture from her I pulled out my other clean hankie and cleaned the tops of both of Kay's red pumps. Kay also got a litte chuckle in saying "now that's what I call an attentive husband"
I left the shit stained hankie on the ground as I stood up and my wife gave me a lok as to say well done sweety. After we finished viewing the spectacular rose garden my wife said "I don't think we need to look any more, I'll take this one" Kay was pleased as was Kim who also loved the house and Kay said "ok then, we can go back to the office and start on the credit report and then make an offer" "no need" my wife started "I'll be paying cash and the price listed is fine with me"
Kay was stunned and like most commisioned sales people realizing they have a wealthy client started falling all over herself to kiss up to my wife "well, that's great, I'll make sure someone comes out and cleans all that dog poop out of the yard" "that's ok, I have my own gardener who can do that" my wife stated and all eyes looked at me then my wife continued "but I would like a maid service to come in and clean the place spotless from top to bottom including the guest house, that's a little to much work for one servant"
Sara was now talking like a true wealthy snob knowing this sales woman would do almost anything she requested to close this deal and Kay quickly replied "yes, of course Ms, Thomas, I'll get a staff right on it, is there anything else?" Sara thaught for a second and then said "yes, I'd like the pool and jacuzzi drained, scrubbed and refilled and I want it all done soon so I can move in next weekend"
I was quite impressed the way my wife stated her demands and why shouldn't she make some demands, she was about to spend three quarters of a million dollars on this house meaning a nice commision for Kay who quickly aggreed to all her terms.
And that was it, we now had a new home and from her comments earlier I had a feeling Steve would be moving in with us. Sara signed all the contracts as my name would be nowhere on this house and in just three hours we were done home shopping.
The day was not over yet though as Sara and the girls still had plenty of energy and my wife suggested they could help her pick out some new furniture to fill the large house and the girls happily agreed. So it was back in the car and we headed to several fine furnature stores where again I followed behind like a good little toady typing in comments and prices into my palm pilot.
When they grew board with furnature shopping it was off to the mall for some clothes shopping and this time no palm pilot was needed, I was put to better use following behind them toteing their many purchases which Sara flipped the entire bill for.
When we all sat down for a late lunch in one of the finer resturants in the mall I was put in the uncomfortable position of having to ask my wife for the key to my harness so I could use the bathroom. Kim giggled and said "you don't need a key Tim, there's a little valcro tab on the end that you can pull down"
I then excused myself and headed for the restroom, I got to the urinal and just as I did another gentleman took the one next to me and even though there was a devider I was now woried the guy might actually see the harness on me or here me releasing the valcro tab. I tried to pretend I was going until he left just not to look stupid but the guy was taking forever to piss.
Finally he finished and as he began to walk away I rushed to release the tab as I just couldn't hold it any longer, no sooner had I gotten the tab opened I was caught tottaly off guard by a jolt stronger than I had felt before and as I danced around my piss going everywhere the guy quickly walked out thinking I was some kind of wierdo.
I was worried that I short circuited the thing somehow and as a second jolt hit I again did a little pain dance, how long was this going to go on I wondered. I began trying to remove the harness but it was no use without the key. My only option was to go back out hoping it wouldn't jolt me again and tell my wife what had happened so she could give me the key.
I zipped up carefully and probably looked very foolish walking back to the table very gingerly bracing myself for another jolt. All three woman had devilish grins on their faces as I returned to the table and sat down. "did everything go ok sweety, you were gone an allfull long time?" my wife asked me appearing to hold back a giggle.
"ah I ah I think ah that somethings wrong with it" I tried to say quietly to my wife "oh and why's that?" she quizzed me "I ah it's just I think it's got a short, i ah I got zapped" I mumbled, Sara could no longer stiffle her giggles as she then said "ohh you mean like this" I bounced around in my chair as the jolt when through me and all three women laughed quite loudly drawing attention to our table.
Damn, I hated when she got together with Kim and her friends, she always became much crueller to me trying to fit in with the younger girls. Sara said after she stopped laughing "I'm really impressed with the range of this thing Kim, I didn't beleive you when you said it would go that far"
Fortunatlly I was left alone the rest of the meal and Sara did appologize for the cruel joke which did make me feel a little better.
Chapter 8 we move in
10 years ago