Restart. part 2

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Pain ... you have ever woke up after the wildest drinking bouts in good company. So, what you feel then a hangover, no comparison does not go with what I feel now. Consciousness returned slowly and unevenly, as if you're lying on the edge of a sandy beach and with each wave face accumulates water mixed with sand. I tried to move, but it was very painful and I decided not to twitch.

- Good morning Lera. As my good sleep?

Kohl asked appearing in my field of vision.

- Sick ...

Hesitated, not without effort I said closing his eyes.

- Well, it's okay, let it be soon, she said that this could be, now that's puncture and be as good as new.

Kohl said and began rustling cellophane pulling vials and a syringe. When Nick introduced me to inject a light pink color, with a veil of consciousness slowly began to crawl very slowly, but it brought relief and takes away the pain.

- Well, you see? All is well, all is well.

Kohl said and patted my head gently kissed her lips. I replied shyly and hesitantly reached for it with his lips. We kissed, I felt this girl who kisses on really strong and reliable man. I started to get excited, the trunk of my penis began to rise gradually. That's only on the "little" things went, I did not understand why, but full erection I had that could not disturb. Nick pulled away and looked me in the eyes, his deep gray lakes made ​​me forget about everything. The next moment he put his hand under the blanket where I was completely naked took my penis in his hand.

- Do not worry, it's all because of the change of hormones, soon will he do not get up.

- But ... I'm ...

- Now you're a girl, to be exact, and it is already a woman, working member you do not need, and so be able to finish. Waiting for you at the bottom, get dressed and go out to breakfast.

He said and kissed me again, and left the room.

I raised my head and looked around. The pain is gone completely, only rare echoes slipped on the periphery of consciousness. I was lying on a huge bed in the center of the spacious room. On one wall were two windows covered with thick curtains, built-in wardrobe occupied the whole of the opposite side. Not far from the bed was a chair with a neatly arranged on it things. I threw back the covers, swung his feet to the floor and stood up. On a chair lay things as I already said, but they were women ... Although, what else could I expect ... My flaccid segment appeared covered with small G-string panties, the thin portion entered between the buttocks and put her into the base of the anal plug. I wiggled her ass feeling unusual but pleasant interior padding.

Deciding not to retrieve the device, I began awkwardly wear nylon stockings, nylon cool on the skin on the legs and excites the nerves causing sends shivers down my back. Slightly twisting the belt in his hands, I guess, and secure it on the waist gave him stockings, bra dress did not, to sense if there is no chest, I hope that just yet. Complement the overall picture frivolous dress with a hem on the palm above the knee. Sensitively hesitating bare feet, I looked under the bed. There were bright yellow shoes on high heels, because no other shoe next observed, had to wear this. Size came, anyhow, but was difficult to stand and to walk gets only slowly.

That's right, holding the wall and railing, I just barely came down to the first floor, Nick sat at the table and typing something on the plate.

- What are you my beauty Lera, you're just a sweetie.

He said when he looked up at me, I'm embarrassed and blushed.

- Come on, do not be so ashamed, you even zaaleli ears, sit down, have breakfast and go.

He pointed me to a chair opposite, and poured into a glass of juice. I slowly walked over to the chair, knees slightly trembling legs and strove to disperse due to the studs.

- Where are you going? Can rest a little?

I asked, picking up his fork and knife on a plate steak looked appetizing, besides hunger best seasoning.

- No, today we have a rest will not, and we'll go to a beauty salon, there are good working professionals and will do everything quickly.

- What will they do?

- What you have me dull, make-up, or rather no makeup and makeup. erotic stories sexytales way I hired a makeup artist, you'll be taking lessons, you will learn to be a woman.

- Even so ...

- Yeah, so, the way the legs cleared.

- What?

I was surprised and distracted from the meat.

- Legs, I say, Be moved, stouter. Women do not sit back and straighter, and generally watch the gestures and reflexes.

- Not the tediousness.

I smiled obediently moving legs and straighten your back.

After finishing breakfast we got in the car and drove into the city center. Forty minutes later, Nick was parked in a parking lot near the two-story building sheathed shiny panels and a sign of a beauty salon. We entered the room smelled of varnish and chemicals, my legs went home, and all hands were shaking, I was afraid and nervous.

- Hi Albina, we were assigned.

Kohl said the girl behind the counter and she nodded spent us into a private room, shut the door and we saw Kolya a subtle kind of young man in a black silk shirt, glasses and a haircut drunken parrot. Different strands on his head were painted in different colors all the colors.

- Oh, Nicolas. Hello, I'm so glad to see you again, you have not come.

Gunda nose he came to Cole and began to shake his hand, imitating a handshake.

- Made of the girl candy.

Kohl and tossed out of the room.

- What's your name?

Turned to me salon employee.

- Le ... Lera.

I said, he noticed a brief stumble and smiled knowingly pointed me to a chair.

- My name is George, but I prefer to simply Gosh, do not mind if you just move on to you?

He asked, and threw me on the cover with the image model. I nodded and looked at herself in the mirror. With glass surface looked at me the most quiet boy Alex, but I knew that I was in a cloth dress, stockings and thong with a butt plug in her ass, no way back.

- So so Lera, let us decide what we will do from you? Who do you want to be, brunette, blonde, red-haired, or experiment with the color palette?

He asked quickly pass me around, his voice ceased to annoy, I started to get used to him and his manner of speech, a little nose and drawing at the end of words.

- I want to be a brunette.

I said firmly deciding anything left of the old self and the old life, I still sentimental, afraid to let go of the past and finally clung to him in just such little things that mean absolutely nothing.

- A bit boring, but quite reasonable, so now ramp up your hair and paint, makeup zaymёmsya bit later.

He said, and began to pace the room is ready devices are not familiar to me.

- Why build?

I retired to the background a bit.

- Oh, it's a personal desire, Nicolas, he wants to be his girl had long hair.

Gosh chirped and started something pushing on my chair back, suddenly it started and beginning decomposed, in a moment I was reclining headrest and went to the back of almost barely supporting his neck.

- Do not be scared now swill the head, you want to remove hair from all foreign matter, Cast away the crown.

I slowed slightly tilted her head and put her to stand on my forehead and poured warm water in the tub dripped murmuring under my head. Shampoo with a mild odor orchid lather on my hair and hands George pleasantly massaged my head and I closed my eyes, now I understand why women are so fond of these procedures, and soon feel that I will love.

I closed my eyes and felt like water flowing through my hair. Then gently Gosh ...
Published by aleksandr40
10 years ago
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