Restart. part 1
Evening. Late Friday night, pouring rain outside the window and shine lightning. I'm standing in the kitchen and look forward to working mother, the excitement is reflected on the face, because outside this rain, and it without an umbrella. To be honest, it does not really matter, just call a taxi and will drive straight to the entrance of the matter is that I have serious problems begin with the head. I'll tell you everything in detail.
My name is Alex, I'm 19 years old, studying in the second year. Our family is incomplete, I live with my mother, you may think that I am the only man in the house, the roof and the support for the family ... but no, it's not. In our small family dominates exactly mom. Lidia Ivanovna, CEO of a major law firm that went from her father, to him from his father, in general the family business. A pile of branches, a large flow of cases, customer base, and of course a huge mass of subordinates. This is a very strong effect on her character, commanding at work and do not tolerate bickering, so she behaved and house.
In fact, I got used and not paid much attention to the team and mandative tone. The problem is not that the thing is that I became interested in boys, or rather not at all the boys. A month ago, I accidentally came across a website for transsexuals in search of something new. At the time I had finished a very powerful, looking at how the men were inflated in ass of beautiful girls with members between the legs. Since then, the images of busty women members did not go out of my head and my erotic fantasies. I always thought of these miraculously, and not as a fuck "girl" and how to be on her place. I was wondering what they feel when a member comes to them in the ass raspiraya inside wall of the colon, the same interest was to blow, especially to those members of his scenes when males were deep in the throat.
Despite the interest and I'm still afraid. I'll tell you the truth, I'm a terrible coward and a conformist, I find it easier to adjust to others than to express dissatisfaction. I fear very much afraid of pain, afraid of what people might think, even walk down the street without looking up, just afraid to meet with somebody, look. Maybe the thing is that I lived like Christ in his bosom. Forever working mother constantly supplied me with all that I want, I rarely left the house, only to school and then to university. Little contact with humans. All this affected the formation of my personality, and when it is time to look for a girl, I had the idea to become a girl.
Quietly snapped locking the front door, I heard how my mother went flat and put her purse on the shelf. Coming out of the stupor I walked away from the window, the rain, the thunder, and these streams of water running down the window pane fascinated me and I completely forgot about the dishes, cleaning ...
- Hi, how are you day has passed? - I asked the mother leaving the corridor. She stood at the door is closed, already pereobulsya in house shoes and slowly untied the belt of his light overcoat. On the shoulders were dark drops of moisture, but they were very few, so my guess was correct about the taxi.
- Hey, let's not bad, that's just a car service center I gave the wrong time, saw some rain pours? - She replied with a smile and shook her head shaking rare drop of water deposited on the hair. Long black hair spread over her shoulders.
Mom has forty-two years, my father died and left her for another woman. He is a workaholic computer business. Seven years ago, my mother put him to choose, either I or a ten-year contract with Canada. My father took a job, it was very sad, but he fanatic of the business is moving towards the goal of the wreckage of the family. This is how my mother seven years ago there were one. Financial difficulties, we have never had, after all, my mother's work brought a huge profit. Mom regularly three times a week goes to the gym, she says that a successful woman should be successful in everything. That is why in its forty-two at her often looked the man in our rare walks.
- Yes, dozhdina pours just terrible, I thought that the sky will collapse to the ground - I replied smiling helping her take off his coat and hanging it on a hanger in the closet.
- Do not clean up, hang here, first let dry out slightly.
Mother stopped me with his hand on his elbow, I stopped and hung shoulder on the handle of the cabinet. In our apartment five rooms except the kitchen and bathrooms, so I could sit in my office and work, do homework, play games, watch soap operas, it is the main reservoir of my conscious life. Mum lived in my office and in my bedroom doing chores even working at home, alas, this is the price of success. I was left to my own basic amount of time, my mother did not touch me with lessons trusting me in this regard, the only thing I had to do is to wash the dishes and clean up the house.
Since the free time I had a lot, it does not work I was. The thing is that my mother did not tolerate strangers in his house, apparently tired of her with their problems at work, so she hired a maid. Today I started thinking about the problems and did nothing all evening after standing at the window, staring into the wet darkness.
- Alex. You promised me today to wash the dishes.
Reproachfully rock mother pointing at a stack of dirty plates on the edge of the sink.
- Yes, Mom, please forgive me, I'm done, just ran today.
- And what did you do this that do not have time to do anything?
Mama's voice was full of irony and sarcasm.
- I ... er ... - have not found the answer I immediately.
- Clear everything with you again my series about Winchester looked, - she said, and patted me on the head had gone to her.
I put on an apron that would not slap a shirt and began methodically to lay the dishes in the dishwasher, the process is not the most difficult and energy intensive, but sometimes just too lazy, and sometimes like today forget about such a trifle. According to the murmur of water, I realized that my mother is relaxing in the tub, she loves soak in hot water with a cap of foam after the working day. I took out of the fridge a few steaks and threw them into the pan. Roast meat and cook spaghetti just by the time my mother comes out of the bathroom. While the meat was roasting, I stood and thought about his feelings. Let it sounds nasty and izvraschenskih, but I want to become a woman.
This desire to appear in the back of my mind a week ago, I just lay there and engaged in masturbation and realized that I do not have an erection at the beauties with the monitor, but it appeared when I started thinking about the male member, is also not about her, but about someone else. About powerful, thick and long term transplanted veins with red juicy head. Maybe I should have been born a woman, apparently so I have no means the male physique, a little plump, rounded hips and shapely legs, hands, neither Bouguereau muscles and almost no hair. In addition to the nature of the appendage has decided to make a joke and I have a very very small penis. This is one of the reasons that I'm terribly from complexes and are not familiar with the girls, because if suddenly comes to business, things will not work.
Mom came into the kitchen in the home suit, sat down and turned on AUC, even at dinner, and she sits in the tablet parses a lot of cases of their clients, as if she worked alone but all the other numbers just like that, for the sake of creating an image and working masses of people . I put the food in a dish and one pulled her mom ate in silence and buried in the monitor. At the end of dinner, she finally gasped loudly and put PPK.
- Well, that's all. Now this is our contract.
She said gulp drinking a glass of orange juice.
- What's the deal?
Swallowing the lump I asked.
- Yes, you do not need it, just know that all is well now and you can relax. I will go to him, uberёsh dishes?
- Yes, Mom, okay. Go rest.
She patted me on the head and left the kitchen, I was, I was still half of the plate and I proceeded leisurely meal. Finished with dinner, I made the dishes, rinsed his hands and went to him.
In my office I have been waiting for ...
My name is Alex, I'm 19 years old, studying in the second year. Our family is incomplete, I live with my mother, you may think that I am the only man in the house, the roof and the support for the family ... but no, it's not. In our small family dominates exactly mom. Lidia Ivanovna, CEO of a major law firm that went from her father, to him from his father, in general the family business. A pile of branches, a large flow of cases, customer base, and of course a huge mass of subordinates. This is a very strong effect on her character, commanding at work and do not tolerate bickering, so she behaved and house.
In fact, I got used and not paid much attention to the team and mandative tone. The problem is not that the thing is that I became interested in boys, or rather not at all the boys. A month ago, I accidentally came across a website for transsexuals in search of something new. At the time I had finished a very powerful, looking at how the men were inflated in ass of beautiful girls with members between the legs. Since then, the images of busty women members did not go out of my head and my erotic fantasies. I always thought of these miraculously, and not as a fuck "girl" and how to be on her place. I was wondering what they feel when a member comes to them in the ass raspiraya inside wall of the colon, the same interest was to blow, especially to those members of his scenes when males were deep in the throat.
Despite the interest and I'm still afraid. I'll tell you the truth, I'm a terrible coward and a conformist, I find it easier to adjust to others than to express dissatisfaction. I fear very much afraid of pain, afraid of what people might think, even walk down the street without looking up, just afraid to meet with somebody, look. Maybe the thing is that I lived like Christ in his bosom. Forever working mother constantly supplied me with all that I want, I rarely left the house, only to school and then to university. Little contact with humans. All this affected the formation of my personality, and when it is time to look for a girl, I had the idea to become a girl.
Quietly snapped locking the front door, I heard how my mother went flat and put her purse on the shelf. Coming out of the stupor I walked away from the window, the rain, the thunder, and these streams of water running down the window pane fascinated me and I completely forgot about the dishes, cleaning ...
- Hi, how are you day has passed? - I asked the mother leaving the corridor. She stood at the door is closed, already pereobulsya in house shoes and slowly untied the belt of his light overcoat. On the shoulders were dark drops of moisture, but they were very few, so my guess was correct about the taxi.
- Hey, let's not bad, that's just a car service center I gave the wrong time, saw some rain pours? - She replied with a smile and shook her head shaking rare drop of water deposited on the hair. Long black hair spread over her shoulders.
Mom has forty-two years, my father died and left her for another woman. He is a workaholic computer business. Seven years ago, my mother put him to choose, either I or a ten-year contract with Canada. My father took a job, it was very sad, but he fanatic of the business is moving towards the goal of the wreckage of the family. This is how my mother seven years ago there were one. Financial difficulties, we have never had, after all, my mother's work brought a huge profit. Mom regularly three times a week goes to the gym, she says that a successful woman should be successful in everything. That is why in its forty-two at her often looked the man in our rare walks.
- Yes, dozhdina pours just terrible, I thought that the sky will collapse to the ground - I replied smiling helping her take off his coat and hanging it on a hanger in the closet.
- Do not clean up, hang here, first let dry out slightly.
Mother stopped me with his hand on his elbow, I stopped and hung shoulder on the handle of the cabinet. In our apartment five rooms except the kitchen and bathrooms, so I could sit in my office and work, do homework, play games, watch soap operas, it is the main reservoir of my conscious life. Mum lived in my office and in my bedroom doing chores even working at home, alas, this is the price of success. I was left to my own basic amount of time, my mother did not touch me with lessons trusting me in this regard, the only thing I had to do is to wash the dishes and clean up the house.
Since the free time I had a lot, it does not work I was. The thing is that my mother did not tolerate strangers in his house, apparently tired of her with their problems at work, so she hired a maid. Today I started thinking about the problems and did nothing all evening after standing at the window, staring into the wet darkness.
- Alex. You promised me today to wash the dishes.
Reproachfully rock mother pointing at a stack of dirty plates on the edge of the sink.
- Yes, Mom, please forgive me, I'm done, just ran today.
- And what did you do this that do not have time to do anything?
Mama's voice was full of irony and sarcasm.
- I ... er ... - have not found the answer I immediately.
- Clear everything with you again my series about Winchester looked, - she said, and patted me on the head had gone to her.
I put on an apron that would not slap a shirt and began methodically to lay the dishes in the dishwasher, the process is not the most difficult and energy intensive, but sometimes just too lazy, and sometimes like today forget about such a trifle. According to the murmur of water, I realized that my mother is relaxing in the tub, she loves soak in hot water with a cap of foam after the working day. I took out of the fridge a few steaks and threw them into the pan. Roast meat and cook spaghetti just by the time my mother comes out of the bathroom. While the meat was roasting, I stood and thought about his feelings. Let it sounds nasty and izvraschenskih, but I want to become a woman.
This desire to appear in the back of my mind a week ago, I just lay there and engaged in masturbation and realized that I do not have an erection at the beauties with the monitor, but it appeared when I started thinking about the male member, is also not about her, but about someone else. About powerful, thick and long term transplanted veins with red juicy head. Maybe I should have been born a woman, apparently so I have no means the male physique, a little plump, rounded hips and shapely legs, hands, neither Bouguereau muscles and almost no hair. In addition to the nature of the appendage has decided to make a joke and I have a very very small penis. This is one of the reasons that I'm terribly from complexes and are not familiar with the girls, because if suddenly comes to business, things will not work.
Mom came into the kitchen in the home suit, sat down and turned on AUC, even at dinner, and she sits in the tablet parses a lot of cases of their clients, as if she worked alone but all the other numbers just like that, for the sake of creating an image and working masses of people . I put the food in a dish and one pulled her mom ate in silence and buried in the monitor. At the end of dinner, she finally gasped loudly and put PPK.
- Well, that's all. Now this is our contract.
She said gulp drinking a glass of orange juice.
- What's the deal?
Swallowing the lump I asked.
- Yes, you do not need it, just know that all is well now and you can relax. I will go to him, uberёsh dishes?
- Yes, Mom, okay. Go rest.
She patted me on the head and left the kitchen, I was, I was still half of the plate and I proceeded leisurely meal. Finished with dinner, I made the dishes, rinsed his hands and went to him.
In my office I have been waiting for ...
10 years ago