Got a Problem with my Raw BB videos?

I am going to address all those who have a problem with my raw sex bareback videos.

One girl messaged me and told me that I fuck raw too much, and asked me if I'm clean.

I'm clean # 1. number 2, you only know what i LET you see. Meaning, You think the 2 different girls that I fucked raw in those videos are the ONLY girls I fuck? For your information, the 20 or so girls that I fuck who i DO use condoms with just don't like to take videos! But you wouldnt know that unless i LET you see that by showing it to you, so don't think that just because you saw 4 measly video clips of me (which actually was only 2 encounters because 1 video was split into 3 clips)that you know everything about me and my life! You only know what i LET you see!

You notice that every video that you see me and RachelSamantha aka Rachelfox in, that we ALWAYS use condoms! We never fucked without a condom. There are plenty other girls that I've ALWAYS used condoms with. But you wont see that unless i LET you see that!

But whether or not I use condoms with other girls is besides the point and irrelevant, because If we were really getting together and it was really an issue with you, all you need to be concerned with is that I wear a condom with YOU! Which is no problem, thats what they make them for.

But a lot of you who sit up on your high horses about the subject are naive anyway. Why? Because of this; just because a guy wears condoms do you think that means that he's clean? No. That doesnt mean that he's clean just because he wears them, he could have something but just doesnt want to go without having sex, so he wears condoms just so he doesn't spread anything (hopefully, if he has a conscious). But YOU are naive because in YOUR mind YOU think that just because somebody wears condoms that means they are clean! That means their ok! wow. Its YOU who need to have YOUR head examined if you think and believe that!

Those of you who sit up on your high horses about the subject are ALSO hypocrites! Why? because now you have something to say about the bareback videos, BUT YOU SURE SAT THERE AND WATCHED THE WHOLE THING AND JERKED OFF TO IT! then you want to sit back and talk bad about it? Now, AFTER it made you CUM? Don't lie, keep it real, i SEE how many views my bareback videos got!

Don't worry about my safety I take care of myself and get tested all of the time. I'm not too worried about it because its not ME who is getting seeded! I really worry more about gohnnorea, so i make sure i clean my dick immediately with soap and water afterwards (because if you DONT, gohnnorea will form in your dick's uretha from the ass fluids that are left on your dick and sit inside there) and make sure the girl cleans her hole beforehand. Truth be told its easier to catch hiv from biological women. Why? because you can wear a condom all you want, but that wont help you when you go down to eat her pussy, because you're wearing a condom on your dick but then you already ATE the disease when you ate her pussy! The biggest mistake that you can ever make is to think that you cant catch that shit from a biological woman! I have biological women too, so yes thats the real reason why I get tested regularly.

Finally, what I really intend to say is this; There is a method and reason behind EVERYTHING that I do. And its this:

I actually DO have other videos with me using condoms with other girls, but I specifically uploaded some of the raw sex videos FIRST, JUST TO SEE WHO WOULD SIT UP ON THEIR HIGH HORSES AND JUDGE ME! Now I know who my real friends are!

So to everybody ELSE, I'm glad you enjoyed the videos and thank you for your compliments.


Published by DonnyLuvTS
10 years ago
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bbcsupafreak 6 years ago
I only Fuck Raw with Daddy Don,how else can I do Ass2Mouth for him when he Cum?
SouthernBelleSlut 8 years ago
Very well said Hon! I love your profile! I would so shoot some Videos with you! And you seem like your on top of things(no pun intended) so we could go BB if you want!
christy2858 8 years ago
you can fuck my sissy pussy bare any time.....that's what sissies are for
Sissyboi69420 9 years ago
You can fuck my pussy bareback and breed me any day!! Kisses
Love ur vids keep cum daddy....fill me up sweets
QueenOfFreaks 9 years ago
to cbreez : Relying on statistics : )
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cbreez 9 years ago
to QueenOfFreaks : truth be told if relying solely on what someone simply tells you everyone is at risk, if u ever had a child thought u were pregnant or thought u got someone pregnant u are at risk,, no one knows for certain how this man made laboratory created disease got here but its up to all of us to protect ourselves as much as we know how, not judge the infected but the disease, an if u see something you don't like simply turn to something else, i was in a 4yr relationship when my ex cheated an he still doesn't know who he got infected by an swears i was the male he was with now we both carry something neither asked for or deserve,, less judgement more knowledge, btw the term clean is offensive to anyone,, being + doesn't make one dirty,
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DonnyLuvTS Publisher 9 years ago
to QueenOfFreaks : I understand that you being a woman would make you be on the defensive, but what i was really saying is that if its a biological woman who HAS IT, there is no way you can keep yourself from catching hiv from her even though you wear a condom if you gonna be down there eating her pussy anyway. And thats the truth. You say thats petty but actually its not, its a fact that needs to be told because there has been a long standing myth that a man can't catch hiv from a women too. Where it originated from or who got it first doesn't concern me. When you were talking about how its easier to catch it from down low men etc, you were talking about the easier way for "women" to catch it, which is totally off subject and out of context because i wasn't talking about how women catch it. I said nothing about that because that wasn't the subject. I'm speaking from a man's point of view of how what a top man who barebacks needs to concern himself with.
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elainetgrl 9 years ago
I'm all on your side hon! If you don't get to know your partner at all, maybe condoms are a good idea. Me, I prefer to know my partners, their erotic tastes, likes and dislikes. I've no problem at all expression my passion for bareback! Doesn't mean I'm BB only, just means I enjoy it, with others of a like mind. Those who judge probably wouldn't make good erotic partners! Luv you and what you share baby...and one day, maybe it'll be me taking what your offering, all bareback in one of these clips!
QueenOfFreaks 9 years ago
Love your Page and Don't Care for the Negative Feedback about Barebacking [ Personally I Like it :smile: ] but too Mention/Throw Dirt on a "Biological" aka Real Woman is Obviously what U Meant is Petty & Uncalled 4. & the Actual Truth to Be Told is it's easier to Catch Hiv from a Bi Guy or a "Down Low/in the Closet" Type of Guy and that is Facts. Therefore having sex with a Real Woman is not a Real Reason y U Should Get Tested. It's a Real Reason Y Everybody that's Fucking U Bareback Should Go get Tested. Still Love your Vids tho! Keep em Cuming Big Dick !
divedog1960 10 years ago
I agree I luv bb too.. but don't do it due to safety.. had a special friend years back who was the proud owner of a dick that looks much like yours... and we did do bareback it was awesome and I still get so horny every time I think of his dick.. oooo I miss that dick... and his filling my ass with his cum.. and he would stay hard and keep fucking me.. till he would cum again..mmmmmm
leeallan2314 10 years ago
Like any large number of people who see your videos, you will encounter some annoying people, unfortunately. I love your videos. Keep up the great work.
atlcdluvr 10 years ago
Nicely said, donny
nasteesissi 10 years ago
I love them! And respect your words and your preferences. I'm just appreciative that you share. Just wish I was closer to show you in person and sit your your high, thick, juicy horse!
mayrasmoker 10 years ago
Hi Donny! I read it all..respect!!!
tonto23 10 years ago
Very well said! Keep up the good work.And thank You for sharing with us !