Training Tanya


Tanya was in a rut. She had recently got divorced because her jack-ass of a husband had been dipping his cock in anything with a pulse. She had done very well out of it and had a substantial settlement that set her up for life. The problem now was that she was bored. Seriously bored. She had no need to go to work and had lost contact with most of her friends because of her dreadful ex. So she had turned to the internet. And then she had started to discover some of the darker corners of the internet.......
She discovered a site called xhamster and started spending a lot of time there, playing with her pussy constantly, which she had never done before as she was a good girl, not some common slut. She always felt mortified with embarrassment when she came from her own fingers, but it didn't stop her. Slowly and without her even noticing she started gravitating towards the BDSM videos. They fascinated her.....she had never imagined anything like that existing, but now it was turning her on and she was massaging her pussy to the deviant thoughts of submission.
Frankly, she was disgusted with herself, and when she thought back to her masturbation sessions her cheeks burned in shame, even though nobody knew except her. She vowed to keep off the site and kept to her pledge for a couple of weeks, but her pussy started itching and she found herself drawn back against her will. While she was going through this struggle, she noticed that lots of people had profiles on xhamster and were chatting merrily away, and she fought and fought the urge, but ultimately her itchy pussy won through and she signed up to xhamster.
It took a little time to think of a user name and then she was on. She admitted in her profile to being submissive but not knowing much about it, and she said that she had no interest in a relationship, only chat. Of course, being female she lied about her age and said she was only 24 when in reality she was 29. She also said she preferred a mature man rather than a youngster to talk to.
Well, she wasn't prepared for the avalanche of attention! Every guy on the planet seemed to be hitting on her, but most were just dickheads and she spent a couple of hours deleting all the crap.
Finally she ended up with half-a-dozen guys she was chatting to. She wasn't sure what to do, as she'd never chatted online before and it was a strain keeping up all the conversations. Nevertheless a couple of guys torpedoed themselves with stupid comments and another two just disappeared without comment. She had loads more people messaging but she ignored it for the moment. She was down to two to chat to, and she was quite happy chatting to both at the same time, truth be told.
Over the space of a couple of months, these conversations flourished and Tanya was doing a lot of rubbing her pussy, imagining the submission. She was initially torn about what to do about the fact she was chatting to two Masters as they slowly got more demanding. In he end, unsurprisingly to some perhaps, the younger one got too demanding and blew it. So Tanya got left chatting to a 61 year old guy, although he had told her he was 51, and to be fair looks real good for his age.
Carrying on for a while the 61 year old lucky guy who we should know was called Michael started slowly turning the screws on youngish but definitely naive Tanya.
The next time that Tanya signed in to xhamster she was immediately met with a demand that hadn't happened in the last few months. Michael was messaging her and he had infinite patience hence he was the last one there. Michael had finally made the rather shocking (to Tanya) demand that he see her naked.
Tanya was in a quandary although she had become used to Michaels demands over time. This was more serious and she wondered whether she should show her body online. A few short months ago she would have thought this was total bullshit, but now she wasn't so sure. After a week of torment (and Michaels demands), she gave in and posted pictures of her body online. She wore a hood for total anonymity.


When Tanya finally posted the pictures Michael was over the moon. He knew an important milestone had been crossed. The pictures themselves were not important - it was the action of posting them. the pictures themselves showed a fit late 20's body that delighted him, and excited him thinking how he might abuse it later.
After carefully looking at the photos, he messaged her back, expressing his disappointment that she had not removed all her body hair before taking the photos, and wondering whether she was being disrespectful on purpose.
Tanya was mortified by Michaels response. Not so long ago she would not have given a shit, but after so much chat with Michael she was devastated. She had shown her body to him after so long and she had been certain that he would be delighted. That he was disappointed made her feel terrible! She felt she had to get it right and please him. She asked how he wanted her to present her body to him and apologised for her last effort. In her more lucid moments she wondered what the hell she was doing but she seemed powerless to overrule her pussy.
The next day, she spent a couple of hours making sure she had removed every last hair from her body, Then she put on a dog collar as he had demanded yesterday and retook the photos. After she had posted them she waited anxiously for Michaels reaction.
Michael didn't react at all because he wasn't there..... He did not appear online for three days and this just made Tanya even more anxious and willing to please. She wasn't to know it but Michael was watching her under a false ID and by keeping her wanting to please him, he was conditioning her to be more subservient to him. When he finally did reappear online Tanya was so relieved she would probably have done anything to please him. Michael had already seen the pictures with his false ID but he took his time and then told her that they were OK, but he expected more effort next time. Tanya was beside herself with disappointment. She had so wanted to make a good impression yet had failed AGAIN! Her mind was in turmoil and she didn't know which way to turn. Into this maelstrom, Michael dropped his (ever so reasonably sounding) suggestion that she should call him Master in future. In the midst of her crisis she agreed without even noticing. Michael then pointed out that as she had not made enough effort to please him with the photos, she must be a lazy slut and in future he was just going to call her slut for short.
So ended Michael and Tanya, and so started Master and slut......
Master knew there was much work to be done on slut yet and continued at his own pace. The very next day he started with more demands for photos, but never enough to make slut really fearful. By the end of the next month he knew every inch of sluts body though the photo's and within two months had persuaded her to not wear the mask, although she still had not taken a clear face shot. He then decided to push for a cam 2 cam meeting.
Slut spent almost all her spare time that week taking more photo's for Master and posting them. Master never seemed quite happy enough and expected more, and slut was exhausted by the end of the week, whilst at the same time retaining a vague feeling that she had not pleased Master as much as she should have done. Finally she saw the message she long knew was coming but dreaded. Master wanted to talk to her cam2cam. She had seemingly forgotten how to refuse him anything and agreed for the next Monday at 8pm. She then spent the days waiting in terror of what would happen but seemingly powerless to stop it.


On Monday slut spent a considerable length of time getting ready for Master and went online at 8pm as arranged. And then she waited and worried whether she had got it wrong as Master was nowhere to be found. She wanted to give up and come offline but felt compelled to wait, not quite understanding why. Finally at 10 past 10 Master appeared. He gave no comment about being late, instead just asking slut why she was wearing clothes. Slut was flustered and said she thought that they were just having a chat. Master patiently explained that of course that was correct, but he also expected something interesting to look at, instead of some overmade up ugly slut hiding her cunt from him.

"Get those fucking rags off now, slut" Master barked at her

In shock, slut did as she was told pleasing Master greatly although she would never know that.
The months of patient conditioning were now paying off and he was about to start getting his pay back.

"On your knees, legs spread and hands behind your head slut" Master continued.

When she had complied he looked carefully at the pretty young woman on his computer screen, his cock was rock hard and he felt a massive sense of satisfaction at what he had achieved. He had a beautiful young woman 40 years younger than him obeying him without question. He seriously thought that life could not get any better!

"I hope you are going to make every effort to please me slut, because with a disgusting body like that, no one else is going to want you. Even your ex-husband found something better to fuck, because you are so unbearably ugly, slut. Is that clear slut?" Master asked in a disgusted voice.
Inside he was laughing but all his face showed was disgust for the slut on the other end of the webcam.

A tear slid down slut's cheek. She felt a rush of love for Master, that he was prepared to spend time on her when she was so worthless made her feel so grateful and she knew she had to always do her utmost to please Master in order to show her gratitude.

"Yes Master, I will always try to please you Master" slut replied meekly and rather self consciously as she was not yet used to talking to people naked displaying herself.

"Now," master continued " The position you are in is 'attention', and I expect you to remember it. Your body should be straight, hands behind your head with your elbows in line with your shoulder blades. Your knees should be 50cm apart and your eyes should be fixed straight in front of you. Clear, slut?"

"Yes, Master" whispered slut.

"stand up slut, feet 100 cm apart and keep the rest of your body exactly the same".

slut got to her feet, slightly relieved as her knees were starting to ache. She opened her legs as required and then kept in position.

"This is your second position slut" explained Master "the position is 'stand to attention'. make sure you understand the difference because when I give you the order I expect the correct position slut. Have you got it so far slut?"

slut replied in the affirmative and Master glanced at his watch and saw it was only 10 minutes until the film he wanted to watch was on TV.

"OK slut, you are doing OK so far. Get back into your attention position, with a cushion under each knee. I am going to stop allowing you to see me on webcam now slut. you have no need to see me, only to hear me" And with that Master covered up the lens of his webcam.
slut did as she was told and when she was in position the screen where Masters face had been was blank and it made her feel lonely. But when he spoke a warmth gushed through her and she knew she wasn't alone. She kept herself straining in the attention position though as she knew Master could still see her, and she wanted to give Master the best impression she possibly could.

"Right slut, I want you to repeat after me - 'my husband left me because I am an ugly slut and a shit fuck' go ahead slut"

And she repeated it.

"Keep repeating it slut, until I tell you to stop" Master said.

She started repeating it over and over again loudly and clearly whilst trying not to think, but just to do as she was told.

Master was over the moon with how this was going. He turned the sound down quietly so he could only just about hear her drone on in the background, then he put the film on and sat down with a contented sigh and an enormous hard on.

Every time the adverts came on, he turned his attention back to slut and had her do stretching exercises for two minutes, but he didn't let her stop chanting her mantra at all. The exercises kept slut from seizing up and getting cramp, but she was visibly tiring. Master just smiled and thought "what a dumb bitch, she just has no idea where this is going. I guess she would run now if she knew!"
When the film finished, he taught her one last position, because he was feeling quite sadistic right now.

"Stand to attention slut", he shouted at her. "Now bend your legs so that you are half way into a sitting position and hold it. This is called the stress position, and you will adopt this position any time I say slut, clear?"

slut could only nod, because she was still repeating her mantra about being ugly and a shit fuck. Within a minute or so, it was plain that slut was struggling to stay in position. She had a sheen of sweat on her face, silent tears were sliding down her cheeks, and snot bubbled out of her nose.
After she had held the position three minutes, Master told slut she could stop repeating her mantra. He could see she couldn't hold the position much longer and he wanted to know what she would say when she failed. Because there was no way he was going to let her out of position. He got a sadistic delight in watching her ultimately fail.

Slut was now in a world of pain now. Trying to hold the position was torture, but she knew if she could just hold it a little longer, Master would be proud of her. Her mind had almost shut down now. She couldn't think of anything except 'stay in position!'. When she got to nearly five minutes, she knew she was finished - She didn't move out of position, but her legs just gave way, and she slowly toppled over, sobbing in despair. She was devastated that she had failed her Master yet again. And this reinforced her belief that she was worthless, and made her want to cling even tighter to her Master, who, alone, seemed capable of guiding her.

Master watched all this, enthralled. He watched her, lying on the floor crying pitifully. Slut looked so pathetic right then that anyone would have felt sympathy for her. But not Master, he was delighted with the way things were going, and he could see the psychological effects of the night working their magic for him. When he had composed himself, and trusted himself not to smile again, he put an angry expression on his face and took the cover off his webcam.

"SLUT!" he shouted, " Get your skanky ass up and fucking stand to attention!"

It made slut jump, so immersed in her own misery was she, but she jumped up as if an electric shock had just gone through her. She took the 'stand to attention' position and realised that she could see Master again through his webcam, and he did not look pleased. Her heart sank and slut started blubbing afresh.

" you really are fucking useless, slut. I don't know why I bother with an ugly useless slut like you. Do you want this to fucking end right now slut?"

Now slut was terrified. She couldn't cope on her own, she already knew that. She needed Master's guidance and protection. "Please Master" she sobbed "I am so sorry Master, I will try harder Master, I promise. I'll do anything you want please don't leave me Master"

Master almost had to switch his webcam off again, but just managed not to smile. " Fucking useless bag of shit. If I keep guiding you, then you will need to be punished. But I'm not convinced you want to be punished do you slut?"

"I do, I do Master. Please punish me Master. Please do whatever you consider necessary Master, I really want this please Master!" slut sobbed. She had snot all over her face now and looked a completely disgusting mess.

Master hugged himself in delight, but kept his stern countenance for the webcam. He had been certain he could get her to beg for her own punishment and he had been right!. 'Fucking superb' he thought happily.

"OK slut, if that's what you really want. First of all we will not have any contact for a week, because I need a break from your useless ugly ass, slut. You will report back same time next week, and you had better not be wearing any fucking clothes this time when you do slut. Second, you will write me 1,500 lines every day - 10,500 in total. The line you will write is ' I am a totally useless and ugly slut, and only Master can help me.' This will take up most of your time slut. Tomorrow you will go out, for no more than two hours and get all the food and suchlike that you will need in the next week, and don't forget a large supply of paper and pens for your lines slut. As soon as you get back you will be confined to your house for the week, and you will remain naked except for the dog collar that you have slut. Finally you will repeat your mantra - 'my husband left me because I am an ugly slut and a shit fuck' every day for one hour before you go to bed, and you will be in the attention position while you are doing it slut. It that all clear slut?"

She nodded " Yes Master, thank you for giving me another chance Master". She felt a massive sense of relief that her Master would still be here for her, but wondered how she would manage a whole week without seeing him.

Master grimaced " We will see slut. Now fuck off and get organised. I will send you an email with your instructions and then I need to switch this computer off so I don't have to look at your fucking disgusting face anymore slut" - and with that he just disappeared. He went through the events of the night in his head and was very pleased with himself. She was becoming totally compliant, and he smiled with anticipation. The next week for her would focus her even more on him as she would have practically no time to think of anything except the sentiment in the lines, and then the hours mantra every night would hammer into her head what a disaster her life was before she met Master. With that thought, he had a massive cum, which he had had building all night, and then went to bed relaxed and satisfied.


slut was exhausted, and it was 3am now. she really needed to shower but she didn't have the energy and she knew she would have to get up early in the morning to get everything done for Master, so she dragged her weary body to bed, set the alarm for 6am and fell straight into a deep sleep.
When the alarm went off she jolted awake looking around in bewilderment. She never set the alarm, she didn't need...........Then it all came flooding back, and she jumped out of bed in a panic. She felt a little surprised at how sore and stiff her body was, and then remembered how long she had spent in her 'attention' position. She jumped in the shower and tried to put her day into some sort of order. She found it quite difficult to focus, and think straight. Every time she tried to think all she could do was think about how Master was the only person who could help and guide her. She found her lack of focus confusing, then gave up trying to think about it as it was too difficult. She decided she would write it all down to try and work it out, then she remembered Master had told her he was going to send an email. She sighed in relief and thought how lucky she was to have such a considerate Master, who thought of everything, so she didn't have to worry about anything. She felt her love for him grow deeper and felt her cunt pulse in desire. Not so long ago, when that happened she would have played with herself, but Master had forbade that weeks ago, and it didn't even cross her mind to touch herself....
She got out of the shower and after checking her body all over and removing any hair she found, she went to the computer and found the email from Master. She started to fret when she realised how hard this week would be, but all she knew was that Master knew best, so she soon cheered up, made up her shopping list and went out to get her weeks supplies. By the time she got back her two hours were almost up, and she stripped off and put her dog collar on. She put all her clothes in the washing machine as she wouldn't need any for a week, put all her shopping away, and then got her paper and pens ready to write her lines.
She had bought a huge amount of A4 paper for her lines - far more than necessary, but she suspected she would be writing a lot more and wanted to be prepared for her Master. She had worked out she could get 33 lines on each side, so 66 to a sheet meaning that she needed to do 23 sheets both sides each day. After she had done the first sheet she looked at the clock to see it had taken her 20 minutes. She knew she couldn't keep that pace up and realised it would probably take her 9 hours of solid writing. She got stuck in hurriedly as it was already nearly midday and she needed an early night after only 3 hours last night.
With a break to get some food and a couple of toilet breaks, she finished at 10.30pm. She hadn't really noticed but during the day, she hadn't thought about anything at all except the line she was writing - 'I am a totally useless and ugly slut, and only Master can help me.' In fact now, she couldn't STOP thinking about it. She got ready for bed which only involved cleaning her teeth, as she was naked and she had to keep the dog collar on all the time. Then she knealt down by the side of her bed and assumed the 'attention' position and then repeated her mantra out loud for an hour - 'my husband left me because I am an ugly slut and a shit fuck'. If Master could see her now he would have been pleased because her eyes were glazed over and she seemed empty of thought, more like a robot than a woman.......
When she had finished it was almost midnight and she fell into bed and dreamed about being a useless ugly slut and that Master was the only person who could help.
Slut set the alarm for 8am the next morning to try and catch up on her sleep. When the alarm went off she jumped out of bed and showered quickly and went over her body to remove any hair and then sat down to start her lines. She didn't bother with breakfast as she wanted to start straight away. She could feel her wrist was sore from all the writing yesterday. She had found an elasticated support bandage for her wrist, but she knew her wrist would slow her down regardless and she had to get it done whatever. With a two hour break in the middle to do some housework she managed to finish at 9.30pm. She was going to do some more housework to catch up but she felt drained and went to the side of the bed and chanted her mantra for an hour then just fell into bed again. The next few days were much the same, but she finished a little later every day as her wrist got sorer and towards the end started swelling up. By the Sunday morning she was an automaton, running on autopilot. She had set the alarm for 5am to get an early start, did not shower, just checked and removed any hair and started straight away. She was slowing down badly now, and it was only the thought of Master that kept her going, but she managed to finish at 9pm. This was good because on the next day she had to be online at 8pm for Master, so she must finish her lines by then. Consequently she wanted to start at midnight as she was now so slow. After chanting her mantra slut managed almost two hours sleep, then got straight up and started writing her lines. She managed to finish, removed the support bandage, checked she was hairless and then at 8pm assumed the 'attention' position in front of the webcam and waited for Master.
If slut had been able to think clearly, she would have realised that she had thought of nothing at all that was not to do with Master, for the last 5 days - But she seemed incapable of clear thought now.
Master came online at just gone 11pm, having just got back from the restaurant he had eaten at. He kept the cover on his webcam so he couldn't be seen, and studied slut carefully. She didn't look too good at all, and she was swaying slightly but constantly. But that was to be expected as she had been waiting in position for him for over three hours. He looked carefully into her eyes - there didn't seem to be so much....'spark' there as last week. It is hard to describe but it looked like there was 'less' of a person behind the eyes than last week.
Master sighed contentedly and carried on looking slut over, she looked exhausted and also it looked like she had lost a bit of weight. 'She must have been too busy writing to have time to eat' He thought to himself happily. He had an enormous hard on looking at slut, knowing that the picture in front of him was all his own work.
So far Master had said nothing. "stand at attention slut!", he barked, and a light seemed to switch on in her eyes, although still dimmer than before. She got into position, and then Master exercised her for 15 minutes to get her blood flowing again. When he had finished that he told her to get all her lines and train the webcam on them, and turn the pages over at ten second intervals so he could check each page. While she was doing this Master sat back and watched a video, not being interested in her lines. He glanced at her occasionally to check, and the lines looked perfect, but slut was basically showing her lines to nobody. It took her almost an hour and a half to complete showing her lines, and she felt so happy that she had finished on time, and hoped master would be too. When she had finished she put the webcam back in its normal position and assumed her 'attention' position, and waited for Master's next order.
Master's dinner at the restaurant had been quite convivial, with a couple of glasses of wine. Combined with slut turning over pages of lines and a not so good video, and Master had dozed off in his chair. He didn't wake up until 4.30am but slut was still there in front of him. When he got his surroundings he looked at slut and then his watch and thought 'Fuck, now I'm going to have to exercise her again, stupid fucking slut.'
He had noticed earlier, the tampon string hanging out of sluts cunt, so he thought he would make it a bit more entertaining for himself. He got her to change her tampon. The old one was heavily soaked in her menstrual flow, and he made her put it in her mouth and start sucking all the crap out of it while he exercised her. Her eyes registered disgust for a split second but she didn't hesitate and put it straight in her mouth. It looked quite funny and Master struggled not to laugh out loud, especially as she was bouncing around doing exercises while the string hung out of her mouth.
When he had finished exercising her he got her to take the tampon out so he could look at it. It still had some crap left in it, so he made her put it back in and carry on sucking.

"Right slut, I have some assignments for you." He said
"Firstly I want you to buy a wig, as close to your natural colour and style as possible, and get all the necessary accessories so you can keep it in good order and wear it slut. You can do this online for about £200 all in slut, which I know isn't a problem for you. Oh and get an eyebrow pencil if you don't have one slut.
Secondly, buy a leather leash for your dog collar, and a name tag engraved simply 'Property of Master'. Put the name tag straight on the collar, which is now the only item of clothing you will wear in the house slut. Hang the leash up by the back door slut.
Thirdly, you will be under curfew in future. You may leave the house between 8am and midday only. This can be any day, but you may only go out twice per week slut. All your errands must be done in this time. You may dress normally when you go out, except no bra. In fact throw all your bras away slut as you will not ever be allowed to wear them again.
Lastly, I want you to do a video tour of your house in detail. I want to know every nook and corner of your house. Send it to me tomorrow and report here the day after at 8pm again slut.
I will send your assignments in an email as well slut. Now take your tampon out of your mouth and throw it away, get your shredder and shred all those lines and then go to bed. Do not get up before 6pm, you need to rest that ugly fucking body of yours slut.
Oh, and I almost forget, keep repeating your mantra every night before bed slut."
And then he turned his computer off and went to bed.
Slut did as she was told and tried to think over the events of the evening, but she just kept coming back to one thought - Master knows best, so she must do what he says. She gave up trying to think about it, and finished what she had to and then went upstairs and assumed her 'attention' position and repeated her mantra for an hour before collapsing into bed in exhaustion.


to be continued.........

Published by uglyoldslag
10 years ago
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curiousdavid 4 years ago
Blimey, he knows which buttons to press.
love it
chuckwolf63 5 years ago
Nice BDSM via internet story, Wendy.  Can't wait to read part 2
domavn 6 years ago
Good start
Exactly what I wanted to read, and very erotic, getting aroused at the thought of the next chapter.
forestlover123 10 years ago
Good evening

Its a good example of how to condition a young lady and change here mind set without any actual physical contact between the parties. I like the way you have resisted the temptation to introduce detailed sex. It has been left the the imagination which will make the first meeting between slut and master all the more interesting.
chooch571 10 years ago
Wow, I'm captivated. Well written!
snorkie1979 10 years ago
Good start slut want read more.
honeybox 10 years ago
Mmmmm when's the next part x
bigdave67 10 years ago
loved it cannot wait for the next chapter x
malk87 10 years ago
Can't wait to read the next part
claudiayleo 10 years ago
Wendy! Just as the Master in this story, it's degradation makes me longing for more!
fannylicker57 10 years ago
This has me logging on every minute to find out your fate Wendy! Just like the Master in this story, your degradation makes my cock rock hard and I yearn to find out more!
tonygoodbody 10 years ago
Like it. But I would also like to see the video as well, especially as you pass the mirrors in the house. There you can have long selfies of you playing with yourself.
Keep it coming.
oldognewtrix 10 years ago
Your story is moving along nicely, not too hurried and not too contrived either. The fact that the submissive waits patiently upon the words/Orders of her Master shows that her needs of dependency are growing. More please ....
oldognewtrix 10 years ago
Oh yes, mind control is so important. The Master has to instill within the submissive its need to satisfy its Master.
oldognewtrix 10 years ago
The build up is just how it really happens, the Master/Owner has to make the submissive aware that it is she/he/it who desires to be controlled and that the Master/Owner is there because of that need.
jayjam1 10 years ago
You've nailed it. Well written exploration of the beginnings of a dynamic.
oldognewtrix 10 years ago
Wonderful stuff, and how much it reminds me of when i controlled someone after years of being a submissive myself ! More as soon as possible !
bozwell 10 years ago
A fantastic story cant wait for the continuation
tonygoodbody 10 years ago
Brillianter if there is a word!
tonygoodbody 10 years ago
It seems that you are masking yourself in Tanya's personna...I'm sure others will see this, too... In any event, most of these things are autobiographical and I look forward to the next part.
Tigerman33 10 years ago
Well written, slut. So, is this you?