A thick dark experience
This thick dark guy said if you want my dick you must drink my piss
A beat I did not miss to say yes PLEASE
Can I drink it straight from your hose?
Holding with two hands what’s hanging out is still more than my clit
This is a real organ for fucking I want my hole sliding over it.
Hard but soft like only dick skin is
It just keeps going in and in and in.
Impaled, I feel like I’m just hanging by this almighty rod
Hands hold me, skin much rougher I’m pinned at a good angle for him
I feel his coarse pubes and I love them.
Easily we slide back and forth him getting tenser and me relaxing,
Soon I will turn around and orally serve him so greedily
That most men would blow immediately at the thought
Of how filthy this whore in front of them is.
You are so strong, so powerful, so beautiful
I’ll lap up every last drop
From your thick dark meat...
10 years ago