The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton - Episode Tw
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton -
Episode Two:
Recap: Kellykins2u and the red-headed Russian girl are just getting done with their tryst in Kellykins' cabin. Kelly is happily impressed with the Russian girl's lingual expertise, and is looking forward to their next close encounter. Annapajamas and Flesh Gorton are in the endless closet of Anna's cabin, and are about to start playing Dress Up with the ladies clothing therein, while Dale Ardor and Dr. Jerkov are both climaxing in a steamy 69 session on the floor of the Bridge of the Dimensional Wing, which is just coming up to the Cliffs of Dover on the way to pick up its last passengers.
Dale just came in Flexi's mouth. This is the first orgasm Dale has ever had as a male, and it was mind blowing for her! She was used to Flesh fucking her and giving her the most amazing multiple orgasms! But this new experience was ...different. More intense. One shot and she was done, whereas before she could cum in steps, each one more intense than the last. As a woman she could cum for hours, which is why she always wanted to start with cuddling and kissing and progress gradually from there. Now, after having a male orgasm she was starting to understand why the male of the species wanted to have a poke and then roll over and rest. This was so intense! ...Hmmm, she thought. Maybe I WILL have sex with Flesh! --I WILL! That way he will understand why foreplay is so important! He DID say he got wet a lot as a female. That man was such a stud as a man; he's probably gonna be a complete slut as a woman! The more Dale thought about the idea of putting peter to Flesh the harder her erection she got!
Meanwhile, Flexi was just putting his jump suit back on and fretting with the controls of the ship. They were coming in to the British Isles and he needed to zero in on their next xHamsterite guest. He smacked his lips with satisfaction, still tasting Dales hot semen. He'd always wanted to get into both Dale's AND Flesh's pants. Now that he'd gotten into “Flesh's” he was looking forward to sampling “Dale.”
MEANWHILE: Annapajamas and Flesh Gorton were trying on undies. Flesh was getting more and more turned on watching Anna peel off one panty-and-bra set and trying on another.
Anna was starting to get used being naked with a woman who was a man. The idea of having sex with another woman (who was in reality a male) was intriguing to her! She loved giving handjobs and blowies to guys. She'd always wanted to really, REALLY intimate... with a girl. This could be her chance! --After all, Flesh was really just a guy in a woman's body!
And what a body he had! Nice long auburn hair. Not quite as red as Anna would like, but close. Great titties that stuck out proudly, with nipples that pointed up toward the heavens! God, yes! Anna would love to suck on those beauties! A waist that Anna could almost span with both hands, an innie belly button with the cutest little emerald belly stud that set off his hair so well! Just the slightest, trimmed pussy hair that matched the hair on Flesh's head and a fat, hot looking little pussy that at the moment was as wet as it could be. Anna thought, ah HA, Flesh is turned on by me! I think I could see myself tribbing and even 69ing with him –HER!
Flesh WAS turned on by Anna's charms! The male in him wanted to throw her over a shoe rack and fuck her! He knew he couldn't because he did not have the apparatus to fuck her with, but he had a fully functional woman's body and at the moment all he could think of was eating Anna's cookie! He imagined it tasted heavenly! He noticed she was almost as wet as he was. His pussy was so wet the nectar was running down his legs! Hers was just very moist! She was turned on to me, he thought!
“Flesh, have you ever been with a woman?” Just as soon as the words came out of her mouth Anna realized how ridiculous that sounded. Of course he'd been with a women! Dale! “I mean, have you been with a woman since you were changed into one?” That didn't sound much better, but it was REALLY strange talking to this person and not knowing how to address him/her.
“I was just about to ask you the same thing!” Flesh blurted. “I mean, I know I'm not a man at the moment, and I was just wondering...” his words trailed off. He thought HE was sounding weird, too! He giggled nervously. Which made Anna giggle, too. This was a pretty ridiculous discussion they were having! When they both laughed, that broke the ice between them and they began to jabber at each other.
“How'm I doing as a woman?”
“Have you ever done it with another man?”
“I mean, how am I acting, really? As a female? How'm I acting as a female? Am I acting right?”
“I mean... I don't know WHAT I mean” Anna said. “Well, yeah, you're doing fine. You wiggle in and out of those panties just like a woman would. You SOUND like a woman. ...You LOOK like a woman!”
“Thank you! --I think! I mean, if I'm going to be a female I guess I ought to ACT like one, don't you think?”
“YES! Seriously!”
They got quiet and neither knew what to say next, so they both took dresses from the closet and began to put them on.
“Can you help me with this?” Flesh said. “I've never worn a dress before, and...”
Anna felt like she needed to sooth his nerves, so she told him he should bunch it up and pull it down over his head. “Like this,” she said as she put her own little number on. It was sexy! A little black dress that didn't reach down to her knees.
“Good God, Anna! How do women wear these things”! There's barely anything to this dress!” Flesh was fussing with the hem and the slit in the side of his dress. His was black, too, but it was a party dress. It only reached halfway to his knees, and the slit went almost all the way up one leg to his crotch.
“Well, you certainly picked one to start with that isn't easy to wear! Here, try this one.” She gave him a different dress that was longer, fuller and loud and flowery.
“Isn't this what you'd call a moo moo?” Flesh was skeptical. “I dislike moo moos on a woman!” He emphasized the word, “woman.”
You ARE a woman now, dear! Better get used to it!”
At that, Flesh lost it and busted out into a crying jag. “I'm sorry,” he said. “I guess I'm starting to FEEL like a woman, too!”
“There, there!” Anna rushed to him and took him into her arms. As short as Anna was, she noticed that Flesh was even shorter. Curvy but tiny. Anna liked the way he felt as she hugged him to her. Flesh absently kissed Anna on the neck. Anna looked at the girl and they both melted into a kiss on the lips.
Wow! Anna thought. I'm making out with this girl. --Guy! And it feels GOOD! She kissed him again. ...And then again. Flesh cupped Annas breast with one hand and put his other on her opposite hip. Some things are the same, whether you're a girl or a guy.
MEANWHILE, BACK ON THE BRIDGE: “Dale,” Jerkov said, “would you go to the transporter room and welcome our next guest, please? His name is 'Miniskirt-boy.”
“His? Is he a TS?”
“Why, yes he is. Is that a problem?”
“No, no! Not at all! I was just curious...” Dale walked out of the bridge. As she walked down the hall she thought about this new arrival. “He's a TS! He likes men! I'm new at this, and I really don't know what I'm doing, but if he likes men maybe he looks like a girl. I can maybe work my way up to doing Flesh a step at a time! I mean, he probably has a thingy. I'll offer to suck it for him! Then I'll butt fuck him! Yeah! I think I like having masculine orgasms! Maybe Flesh will let me butt fuck HIM, too! He likes to put it in MY ass; I'll show him what it feels like! The more Dale thought about this the more excited she got, and the more excited she got the heavier and more turgid her dick got. It was GROWING! She started to salivate, thinking about having another cock in her mouth in less than an hour. Dale really was a slut, truth be known. She really enjoyed sucking cock. The idea of eating another girl's pussy was what she wasn't sure about!
This line of thinking made her think about eating Flesh's pussy. He certainly did enjoy going down on her, and she's always known that her own pussy tasted good. She'd tasted her own pussy almost before she knew what a pussy was! Or a cock. ...Actually, pussy tasted BETTER than cock, when you get right down to it. It's just that Dale enjoyed making a cock harden in her hot wet mouth. It gave her a sense of accomplishment! A sense of power! She had “the force,” so to speak!
Boy! She sure had “the force” now! Her hand absently fondled the growing bulge in the pants of her jump suit. She LIKED having an erection!
She walked up to the transporter room slit and entered without breaking stride. The slight figure she saw inside was wearing a miniskirt and heels. Well, duh! “Miniskirt-boy?” she queried. The person whirled around to look at her. “My name is Dale Ardor. Welcome aboard! You are standing in the transporter room of the star ship Dimensional Wing.” She paused to let that sink in. “ Please! Let me walk you to your state room, and I'll explain on the way why we selected you to help us. We have a mission of the utmost urgency, as it seems, and you and a few others have the unique ability to help save the Earth for truth, justice and the... er... human way. By the way, your name is Sammy, I believe?”
Sammy was disoriented. He'd been walking down the street in London when suddenly he was bathed in a harsh white light and then he was in this room! He was still in mid-stride when this big handsome man startled him by walked up behind him –from where, Sammy did not know—and started talking to him. The man smiled at him, though, and he did have a nice deep voice that made Sammy's toes tingle and his clitty stand.
Dale took Sammy by the hand, placed his arm in hers just like a man taking a lady's arm and looping it under his to go for a stroll. She escorted him up to the wall, and Sammy flinched when the wall opened up for them. Dale walked him out the hole.
Dale and Sammy both had a cock-stand as she nonchalantly escorted him down the hall. It was only a few paces to Sammy's cabin, but they both were ready for it!
MEANWHILE IN ANNA'S CLOSET Flesh was crying and Anna felt the need to comfort him. Actually, they were making out while standing there in the closet. An innocent kiss on Anna's neck led to a lip kiss, and then another. Each one got a little warmer and a little warmer. Anna was getting into kissing this new female with the soft lips and gentle touch. It was almost like being back in her younger days when girls practiced kissing each other during sleep-overs, except this time this girl knew how to kiss!
One kiss led to another, and after maybe 35 kisses and a whole lot of caressing, they were both stark naked and playing with each others nether regions. The closet was starting to feel hot to both of them and the closest mirrors nearest to them were beginning to steam up.
Finally Flesh could not take it any more, so he suggested, “Let's go into the other room!” Anna thought that was a capital idea. Otherwise they were going to have to throw some of those delicious clothes down on the floor and get them all wrinkly!
They both fell on the bed in a tight clench. Two pairs of hands nervously glided over two very sexy feminine bodies, all four hands so excited they trembled. Anna was finally getting her fantasy of loving another woman fulfilled and Flesh Gorton was about to get his first pussy since Dale Ardor cut him off when they were both changed into their opposite sexes.
AS THEY ENTERED SAMMY'S CABIN, Dale picked the slight gurl up and threw him on the bed. Sammy smiled excitedly at this big handsome hunk of a male specimen. Dale immediately reached under the Miniskirt-boy's miniskirt and latched onto the gurl's panties.
Sammy timidly interjected, “Please don't! Let me?”
“But I want to suck your cock!”
“--I'd rather suck yours! Please?” Sammy waited just a split second and then reached for Dale's jumpsuit zipper.
“Well, all right, but I really want to suck yours, too, Sammy!” Dale said as Sammy was pulling her zipper down. Dale's big hard cock popped out. Sammy immediately engulfed it! “Oh, God! That feels SOO good!” Dale said, throwing her head back and losing her train of thought as she gave in to the shear pleasure of having her cock sucked into a hot mouth. The second time in her entire life that she enjoyed a blowjob! Jeez, she thought! I knew Flesh loved it when I gave him a blowie, but I never realized just how GOOD it felt!
Sammy was enjoying HURself, too! He LOVED sucking cock almost more than anything else in the world! This one wasn't the biggest he'd ever seen, but it was right up there in the top ten! He imagined, I'm gonna practice my deep throat on this magnificent monster! And he did! He did the best he could, taking more than half of it into his mouth and past his tonsils!
Dale marveled at Sammy's skill at swallowing her cock! She could barely take Flesh's dick that far, and when she tried she almost always gagged on it, it was that big! Sammy was not gagging at all, but he did slather her phallus with saliva and gave her a VERY wet, sloppy BJ! Dale made a note to try that the next time she sucked Flesh. ...IF she ever got to suck him off! The thought occurred to her that they may be STUCK in these new bodies ...FOREVER!! But then as soon as that thought registered she thought, this feels awfully good! Could I trade girl orgasms for guy orgasms? They're both so different! A male orgasm is SO intense! But a girl's lasts a long time and just gets more and more and MORE intense!
While Dale was weighing this in her mind she could feel her male-gasm building! Her dick was getting harder and longer and she could feel the pressure building in her newly grown testicles! She felt light-headed as she began to feel like her sperm was starting to boil! She could tell she was gonna explode in just a few seconds as Sammy teased and licked her fierce erection!
“God, Sammy! Let me suck your dick!” she screamed! Sammy only made a “Mmmph” humming sound as he could not speak with this big cock almost lodged in his esophagus! He wanted her to cum down his throat instead of into his open mouth! He'd only accomplished this a couple times! He had worked on Dale's dick with such enthusiasm that he wanted to feel her spraying her seed directly into his stomach! He WANTED this! He NEEDED this! And by God, he was determined to swallow her whole! He Plunged his lips further along her rock hard cock!
Dale was about to blow! Her cock got as hard as it possibly could and her balls began to contract! She could feel the flood gates straining!
...FIRE! They blew open and the cum started rushing up her cock hose to force its way into Sammy's throat! Spasm! Spasm! Spasm! She squirted a half dozen times!
Sammy's throat contracted rhythmically so he wouldn't gag, and as he felt Dale blow, he forced her cock even FARTHER down his throat! He could feel her seed shooting down his esophagus and directly into his stomach! As his throat contracted, Dale felt as though he was MILKING her cock! She came completely! She felt weak and empty from having drained her balls so thoroughly! She was completely satiated as a male, but the female in her still felt the overwhelming need to suck this amazing gurl's wienie!
She lifted him up bodily and jerked Sammy's panties to the side with her teeth, and then she inhaled his tiny member into her mouth! It was still soft, but warm, and she was sure she could breathe life into it! Sammy tried to push her head away, but he was no match for her strength, and he still hadn't caught his breath from having had her dick down his throat. He panted deeply and tried to get his breath back, but while he did he began feel his little cock responding to Dale's oral efforts. This feels WONDERFUL, he thought! He wasn't used to being a suckee instead of a sucker! He began to relax and let it happen! His cock slowly inflated and grew longer and harder!
This guy's cock is not as huge as Flesh's, Dale thought. She tried to swallow his member just like he had swallowed hers! Dale had gone some time without sex until today. She needed cock! The thought occurred to her to let him fuck HER in the ass. ..That is if he would CARE to. “Sammy, I'm going to fuck you in your ass-pussy, but first I want you to fuck me in mine. Would you? Please? I really want you to!”
“OK!” Sammy simply said, adding a smile for this hunk. “You are a great cock sucker, you know!”
“I've had a little experience!” Dale started explaining to him what had happened to her and Flesh, and told him that they hoped that he and the rest of the passengers could help them defeat the dastardly Emperor Wing. Then she went back to sucking his cock while he processed this in his mind.
His head was spinning, but it was more because of her oral endeavors than what she'd just told him. Understanding would come later. Right now the effect her mouth was having on his dicky was foremost in his mind! His cock was getting harder and harder, and he told her he loved what she was doing to him, but if she wanted him to butt-fuck her she'd better let him up and take her jumpsuit the rest of the way off!
“OH! ...OK!” She let his cock pop out of her mouth and then smiled at him while she took the jumpsuit off. Then, getting on her hands and knees on the bed, she wiggled her ass to entice him. It fleetingly occurred to her that a male would not do that, but then she wiggled again just for spite! She WANTED to be ass fucked by this shemale! It just seemed the right thing to do (since she didn't have a pussy at the moment and had to make do with what she had). What was the old saying? “Improvise, adapt and overcome!” That seemed kinda appropriate lately!
Episode Two:
Recap: Kellykins2u and the red-headed Russian girl are just getting done with their tryst in Kellykins' cabin. Kelly is happily impressed with the Russian girl's lingual expertise, and is looking forward to their next close encounter. Annapajamas and Flesh Gorton are in the endless closet of Anna's cabin, and are about to start playing Dress Up with the ladies clothing therein, while Dale Ardor and Dr. Jerkov are both climaxing in a steamy 69 session on the floor of the Bridge of the Dimensional Wing, which is just coming up to the Cliffs of Dover on the way to pick up its last passengers.
Dale just came in Flexi's mouth. This is the first orgasm Dale has ever had as a male, and it was mind blowing for her! She was used to Flesh fucking her and giving her the most amazing multiple orgasms! But this new experience was ...different. More intense. One shot and she was done, whereas before she could cum in steps, each one more intense than the last. As a woman she could cum for hours, which is why she always wanted to start with cuddling and kissing and progress gradually from there. Now, after having a male orgasm she was starting to understand why the male of the species wanted to have a poke and then roll over and rest. This was so intense! ...Hmmm, she thought. Maybe I WILL have sex with Flesh! --I WILL! That way he will understand why foreplay is so important! He DID say he got wet a lot as a female. That man was such a stud as a man; he's probably gonna be a complete slut as a woman! The more Dale thought about the idea of putting peter to Flesh the harder her erection she got!
Meanwhile, Flexi was just putting his jump suit back on and fretting with the controls of the ship. They were coming in to the British Isles and he needed to zero in on their next xHamsterite guest. He smacked his lips with satisfaction, still tasting Dales hot semen. He'd always wanted to get into both Dale's AND Flesh's pants. Now that he'd gotten into “Flesh's” he was looking forward to sampling “Dale.”
MEANWHILE: Annapajamas and Flesh Gorton were trying on undies. Flesh was getting more and more turned on watching Anna peel off one panty-and-bra set and trying on another.
Anna was starting to get used being naked with a woman who was a man. The idea of having sex with another woman (who was in reality a male) was intriguing to her! She loved giving handjobs and blowies to guys. She'd always wanted to really, REALLY intimate... with a girl. This could be her chance! --After all, Flesh was really just a guy in a woman's body!
And what a body he had! Nice long auburn hair. Not quite as red as Anna would like, but close. Great titties that stuck out proudly, with nipples that pointed up toward the heavens! God, yes! Anna would love to suck on those beauties! A waist that Anna could almost span with both hands, an innie belly button with the cutest little emerald belly stud that set off his hair so well! Just the slightest, trimmed pussy hair that matched the hair on Flesh's head and a fat, hot looking little pussy that at the moment was as wet as it could be. Anna thought, ah HA, Flesh is turned on by me! I think I could see myself tribbing and even 69ing with him –HER!
Flesh WAS turned on by Anna's charms! The male in him wanted to throw her over a shoe rack and fuck her! He knew he couldn't because he did not have the apparatus to fuck her with, but he had a fully functional woman's body and at the moment all he could think of was eating Anna's cookie! He imagined it tasted heavenly! He noticed she was almost as wet as he was. His pussy was so wet the nectar was running down his legs! Hers was just very moist! She was turned on to me, he thought!
“Flesh, have you ever been with a woman?” Just as soon as the words came out of her mouth Anna realized how ridiculous that sounded. Of course he'd been with a women! Dale! “I mean, have you been with a woman since you were changed into one?” That didn't sound much better, but it was REALLY strange talking to this person and not knowing how to address him/her.
“I was just about to ask you the same thing!” Flesh blurted. “I mean, I know I'm not a man at the moment, and I was just wondering...” his words trailed off. He thought HE was sounding weird, too! He giggled nervously. Which made Anna giggle, too. This was a pretty ridiculous discussion they were having! When they both laughed, that broke the ice between them and they began to jabber at each other.
“How'm I doing as a woman?”
“Have you ever done it with another man?”
“I mean, how am I acting, really? As a female? How'm I acting as a female? Am I acting right?”
“I mean... I don't know WHAT I mean” Anna said. “Well, yeah, you're doing fine. You wiggle in and out of those panties just like a woman would. You SOUND like a woman. ...You LOOK like a woman!”
“Thank you! --I think! I mean, if I'm going to be a female I guess I ought to ACT like one, don't you think?”
“YES! Seriously!”
They got quiet and neither knew what to say next, so they both took dresses from the closet and began to put them on.
“Can you help me with this?” Flesh said. “I've never worn a dress before, and...”
Anna felt like she needed to sooth his nerves, so she told him he should bunch it up and pull it down over his head. “Like this,” she said as she put her own little number on. It was sexy! A little black dress that didn't reach down to her knees.
“Good God, Anna! How do women wear these things”! There's barely anything to this dress!” Flesh was fussing with the hem and the slit in the side of his dress. His was black, too, but it was a party dress. It only reached halfway to his knees, and the slit went almost all the way up one leg to his crotch.
“Well, you certainly picked one to start with that isn't easy to wear! Here, try this one.” She gave him a different dress that was longer, fuller and loud and flowery.
“Isn't this what you'd call a moo moo?” Flesh was skeptical. “I dislike moo moos on a woman!” He emphasized the word, “woman.”
You ARE a woman now, dear! Better get used to it!”
At that, Flesh lost it and busted out into a crying jag. “I'm sorry,” he said. “I guess I'm starting to FEEL like a woman, too!”
“There, there!” Anna rushed to him and took him into her arms. As short as Anna was, she noticed that Flesh was even shorter. Curvy but tiny. Anna liked the way he felt as she hugged him to her. Flesh absently kissed Anna on the neck. Anna looked at the girl and they both melted into a kiss on the lips.
Wow! Anna thought. I'm making out with this girl. --Guy! And it feels GOOD! She kissed him again. ...And then again. Flesh cupped Annas breast with one hand and put his other on her opposite hip. Some things are the same, whether you're a girl or a guy.
MEANWHILE, BACK ON THE BRIDGE: “Dale,” Jerkov said, “would you go to the transporter room and welcome our next guest, please? His name is 'Miniskirt-boy.”
“His? Is he a TS?”
“Why, yes he is. Is that a problem?”
“No, no! Not at all! I was just curious...” Dale walked out of the bridge. As she walked down the hall she thought about this new arrival. “He's a TS! He likes men! I'm new at this, and I really don't know what I'm doing, but if he likes men maybe he looks like a girl. I can maybe work my way up to doing Flesh a step at a time! I mean, he probably has a thingy. I'll offer to suck it for him! Then I'll butt fuck him! Yeah! I think I like having masculine orgasms! Maybe Flesh will let me butt fuck HIM, too! He likes to put it in MY ass; I'll show him what it feels like! The more Dale thought about this the more excited she got, and the more excited she got the heavier and more turgid her dick got. It was GROWING! She started to salivate, thinking about having another cock in her mouth in less than an hour. Dale really was a slut, truth be known. She really enjoyed sucking cock. The idea of eating another girl's pussy was what she wasn't sure about!
This line of thinking made her think about eating Flesh's pussy. He certainly did enjoy going down on her, and she's always known that her own pussy tasted good. She'd tasted her own pussy almost before she knew what a pussy was! Or a cock. ...Actually, pussy tasted BETTER than cock, when you get right down to it. It's just that Dale enjoyed making a cock harden in her hot wet mouth. It gave her a sense of accomplishment! A sense of power! She had “the force,” so to speak!
Boy! She sure had “the force” now! Her hand absently fondled the growing bulge in the pants of her jump suit. She LIKED having an erection!
She walked up to the transporter room slit and entered without breaking stride. The slight figure she saw inside was wearing a miniskirt and heels. Well, duh! “Miniskirt-boy?” she queried. The person whirled around to look at her. “My name is Dale Ardor. Welcome aboard! You are standing in the transporter room of the star ship Dimensional Wing.” She paused to let that sink in. “ Please! Let me walk you to your state room, and I'll explain on the way why we selected you to help us. We have a mission of the utmost urgency, as it seems, and you and a few others have the unique ability to help save the Earth for truth, justice and the... er... human way. By the way, your name is Sammy, I believe?”
Sammy was disoriented. He'd been walking down the street in London when suddenly he was bathed in a harsh white light and then he was in this room! He was still in mid-stride when this big handsome man startled him by walked up behind him –from where, Sammy did not know—and started talking to him. The man smiled at him, though, and he did have a nice deep voice that made Sammy's toes tingle and his clitty stand.
Dale took Sammy by the hand, placed his arm in hers just like a man taking a lady's arm and looping it under his to go for a stroll. She escorted him up to the wall, and Sammy flinched when the wall opened up for them. Dale walked him out the hole.
Dale and Sammy both had a cock-stand as she nonchalantly escorted him down the hall. It was only a few paces to Sammy's cabin, but they both were ready for it!
MEANWHILE IN ANNA'S CLOSET Flesh was crying and Anna felt the need to comfort him. Actually, they were making out while standing there in the closet. An innocent kiss on Anna's neck led to a lip kiss, and then another. Each one got a little warmer and a little warmer. Anna was getting into kissing this new female with the soft lips and gentle touch. It was almost like being back in her younger days when girls practiced kissing each other during sleep-overs, except this time this girl knew how to kiss!
One kiss led to another, and after maybe 35 kisses and a whole lot of caressing, they were both stark naked and playing with each others nether regions. The closet was starting to feel hot to both of them and the closest mirrors nearest to them were beginning to steam up.
Finally Flesh could not take it any more, so he suggested, “Let's go into the other room!” Anna thought that was a capital idea. Otherwise they were going to have to throw some of those delicious clothes down on the floor and get them all wrinkly!
They both fell on the bed in a tight clench. Two pairs of hands nervously glided over two very sexy feminine bodies, all four hands so excited they trembled. Anna was finally getting her fantasy of loving another woman fulfilled and Flesh Gorton was about to get his first pussy since Dale Ardor cut him off when they were both changed into their opposite sexes.
AS THEY ENTERED SAMMY'S CABIN, Dale picked the slight gurl up and threw him on the bed. Sammy smiled excitedly at this big handsome hunk of a male specimen. Dale immediately reached under the Miniskirt-boy's miniskirt and latched onto the gurl's panties.
Sammy timidly interjected, “Please don't! Let me?”
“But I want to suck your cock!”
“--I'd rather suck yours! Please?” Sammy waited just a split second and then reached for Dale's jumpsuit zipper.
“Well, all right, but I really want to suck yours, too, Sammy!” Dale said as Sammy was pulling her zipper down. Dale's big hard cock popped out. Sammy immediately engulfed it! “Oh, God! That feels SOO good!” Dale said, throwing her head back and losing her train of thought as she gave in to the shear pleasure of having her cock sucked into a hot mouth. The second time in her entire life that she enjoyed a blowjob! Jeez, she thought! I knew Flesh loved it when I gave him a blowie, but I never realized just how GOOD it felt!
Sammy was enjoying HURself, too! He LOVED sucking cock almost more than anything else in the world! This one wasn't the biggest he'd ever seen, but it was right up there in the top ten! He imagined, I'm gonna practice my deep throat on this magnificent monster! And he did! He did the best he could, taking more than half of it into his mouth and past his tonsils!
Dale marveled at Sammy's skill at swallowing her cock! She could barely take Flesh's dick that far, and when she tried she almost always gagged on it, it was that big! Sammy was not gagging at all, but he did slather her phallus with saliva and gave her a VERY wet, sloppy BJ! Dale made a note to try that the next time she sucked Flesh. ...IF she ever got to suck him off! The thought occurred to her that they may be STUCK in these new bodies ...FOREVER!! But then as soon as that thought registered she thought, this feels awfully good! Could I trade girl orgasms for guy orgasms? They're both so different! A male orgasm is SO intense! But a girl's lasts a long time and just gets more and more and MORE intense!
While Dale was weighing this in her mind she could feel her male-gasm building! Her dick was getting harder and longer and she could feel the pressure building in her newly grown testicles! She felt light-headed as she began to feel like her sperm was starting to boil! She could tell she was gonna explode in just a few seconds as Sammy teased and licked her fierce erection!
“God, Sammy! Let me suck your dick!” she screamed! Sammy only made a “Mmmph” humming sound as he could not speak with this big cock almost lodged in his esophagus! He wanted her to cum down his throat instead of into his open mouth! He'd only accomplished this a couple times! He had worked on Dale's dick with such enthusiasm that he wanted to feel her spraying her seed directly into his stomach! He WANTED this! He NEEDED this! And by God, he was determined to swallow her whole! He Plunged his lips further along her rock hard cock!
Dale was about to blow! Her cock got as hard as it possibly could and her balls began to contract! She could feel the flood gates straining!
...FIRE! They blew open and the cum started rushing up her cock hose to force its way into Sammy's throat! Spasm! Spasm! Spasm! She squirted a half dozen times!
Sammy's throat contracted rhythmically so he wouldn't gag, and as he felt Dale blow, he forced her cock even FARTHER down his throat! He could feel her seed shooting down his esophagus and directly into his stomach! As his throat contracted, Dale felt as though he was MILKING her cock! She came completely! She felt weak and empty from having drained her balls so thoroughly! She was completely satiated as a male, but the female in her still felt the overwhelming need to suck this amazing gurl's wienie!
She lifted him up bodily and jerked Sammy's panties to the side with her teeth, and then she inhaled his tiny member into her mouth! It was still soft, but warm, and she was sure she could breathe life into it! Sammy tried to push her head away, but he was no match for her strength, and he still hadn't caught his breath from having had her dick down his throat. He panted deeply and tried to get his breath back, but while he did he began feel his little cock responding to Dale's oral efforts. This feels WONDERFUL, he thought! He wasn't used to being a suckee instead of a sucker! He began to relax and let it happen! His cock slowly inflated and grew longer and harder!
This guy's cock is not as huge as Flesh's, Dale thought. She tried to swallow his member just like he had swallowed hers! Dale had gone some time without sex until today. She needed cock! The thought occurred to her to let him fuck HER in the ass. ..That is if he would CARE to. “Sammy, I'm going to fuck you in your ass-pussy, but first I want you to fuck me in mine. Would you? Please? I really want you to!”
“OK!” Sammy simply said, adding a smile for this hunk. “You are a great cock sucker, you know!”
“I've had a little experience!” Dale started explaining to him what had happened to her and Flesh, and told him that they hoped that he and the rest of the passengers could help them defeat the dastardly Emperor Wing. Then she went back to sucking his cock while he processed this in his mind.
His head was spinning, but it was more because of her oral endeavors than what she'd just told him. Understanding would come later. Right now the effect her mouth was having on his dicky was foremost in his mind! His cock was getting harder and harder, and he told her he loved what she was doing to him, but if she wanted him to butt-fuck her she'd better let him up and take her jumpsuit the rest of the way off!
“OH! ...OK!” She let his cock pop out of her mouth and then smiled at him while she took the jumpsuit off. Then, getting on her hands and knees on the bed, she wiggled her ass to entice him. It fleetingly occurred to her that a male would not do that, but then she wiggled again just for spite! She WANTED to be ass fucked by this shemale! It just seemed the right thing to do (since she didn't have a pussy at the moment and had to make do with what she had). What was the old saying? “Improvise, adapt and overcome!” That seemed kinda appropriate lately!
10 years ago