Women and Porn

Porn... for most women, it is a burden. There are five categories for women concerning porn: the ones who make it, the ones who like watching secretly, the open watching free spirited women, the women who hate their men being entranced by it, and the ones that are too scared to even give it a thought (they are missing out). As an adolescent, I fit into the last category; It sucked, but I am here now... making videos and enjoying my sexuality. I love watching videos and pleasuring myself to the sights and sounds of sex! I have been the woman that is jealous of the time and cum my man spends with porn, yet I know now that it pleases him to watch and I strive for his happiness... not only that, but it increases his stamina when he is with me. I am happy for those that watch it secretly, yet I know the guilt that follows. So, to all the women conflicted with this tantalizing entity we call PORN, remember it is all for fun and only joy. Do what you are comfortable with and try new things... you may find a new favorite way to reach your climax!
Published by Batgirl64
10 years ago
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NEspermdonor 7 years ago
Love your open mind! 
StudMuffin28 9 years ago
Nice point of view
punkassmike69 9 years ago
I'm a fan of your point of view. Enjoy what you enjoy!
humancondition 10 years ago
Conveyed perfectly!
I do appreciate your philosophy!
maskedman71 10 years ago
I like your perspective you have regarding porn...particularly that you're even making videos now! Enjoy your sexuality...That's why you have it. :wink:
matureBBWlover00 10 years ago
When it comes to stamina, sometimes guys get excited when in the presnse of a hot chick like you, so if your BF pops the cork a little early now and then, take it as a compliment!
jd5020 10 years ago
Love the way you think! !!
adick247 10 years ago
thank you for your perspective. glad to know that you enjoy it, too.
penisbracelet 10 years ago
damn right. met a lot of girls who r scared of my size, its just their imagination and missed out the fun...
tucsonguy5000 10 years ago
simply wonderful and excellent way to explain porn from a woman's perspective