Rant time.

Ok, I usually try to keep my bitching and moaning to a minimum, but I have to get this out. I am so sick of guys that I meet up with that lie to me and end up treating me like shit. If you want to just have a 'booty call' that is fine. Just be nice, and not married. If you are bi-curious and want someone to play around with, that is fine too, just be nice and not married. If you just want to be friends and hang out, that is fine too, but be cool and don't act like you don't know me out in public, or freak out if we happen to run in to one of your co-workers. I am not looking for a relationship, and I make that clear, but if we like each others company and are ok with being 'friends with benefits', lets keep that clear so no one gets hurt. Tell me what is going on in your head. Don't lie about stupid shit that does not matter, or big shit that does. The truth hurts, but it is a hurt I can deal with. I know I am an unconventional person, but we all are different, that is what makes us beautiful.

I just want to clear the air with anyone I may meet through this site, that all I am looking for is someone to have fun with, in any capacity, from quick fucks, to throwing the football around in the yard, or hanging out in bars, whatever, is someone who will be nice to me, be honest with me, and have good personal hygiene (you know who you are). I don't care if you are overweight, older, impotent, have a small penis, have lop-sided boobs, or have any other personal physical hang-ups. If you are nice to me, and treat me like a human being, I can overlook pretty much anything.

Now for the other part.

Married men. I hate cheaters. If you are in an LTR, DO NOT try to get together with me on 'the down low'. If you are married, or in any kind of non open relationship, leave me out of it. If your wife/GF/BF/SO/etc. wants to have a three way, we can work with that, but I have to have that clear in the beginning, and will probably have to meet that person before anything physical happens.

I'm just tired of being lied to and treated badly.

Published by process357
10 years ago
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