Best Living Arrangement


What is or was your best living arrangement?
Lets hear it. If you are a girl, did you had a buy friend and maybe girlfriend, or MM, or MMF,friends with benefits, Milf, whatever your story, was or is, let hear it.

I think that would be really interesting to hear.
It doesn't matter who you are, lady or guy, same difference, it is all interesting
Published by trueman_darling
10 years ago
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ukmoist1 7 years ago
I've lived with both men and women in various combinations over the years and, for me personally, the best living arrangement is on my own. Sorry that it's not sexy or anything, but it suits me. I would definitely say that, if you are going to live/share with two women, however, they need to be very good friends, otherwise, you can frequently find yourself in the middle of some pretty unpleasant situations.
I've never actually lived with a partner - too little patience with people to have a partner, but have lived (shared accommodation) with two women, who were both independently more than happy to have casual "benefits" (which was nice) ...
trueman_darling Publisher 10 years ago
really? nobody want to say anything :smile:
i thought this something what everybody has or wants, or dreams about.
come on, lets hear it