Mission to Bloodhoof Villiage

Okay, this is going to either be the stupidest thing Iā€™ve tried yet, or one of the absolute best. I donā€™t think thereā€™s much middle ground in this one. Either way, I think it's going to be a crossroads in my journey.

But what the heck, lets back up and give you the whole story.

So if you read my first blog post ā€œThe Path That Led Me Hereā€
you know that my first little World of Warcraft fling was with a Tauren character. Now whether that started my Tauren obsession, or whether it was already brewing and thatā€™s why I was a little more flirty than usual - Iā€™m not sure. But either way, itā€™s something that stuck with me.

And itā€™s started really coming through on my blood Elf character, Sarendiel


More images of Sarendiel.

Now before I get to the heart of this idea lets catch up with Sarendielā€™s journey so far. I definitely feel like I know her personality now, or maybe itā€™s more that she has grown into a projection of my own personality, or parts of it at least. My own obsessions, passions, fears, curiosities and kinks. (Iā€™m stalling, I know Iā€™ll try to keep it moving). Sheā€™s starting to be a character i can easily become.

Sarendiel was born and grew up in Falcon Wing square. A small city just outside of the capitol, Silvermoon City. She grew up with one younger sister and her parents. They have some marginal standing in the community, they often represent Falcon Wing Square in political matters. They are a conservative, tradition blood Elf family, and her upbringing reflects that. At a young age they began preparing Sarendiel to become a priestess. Eager to please, she focused all of her attention on her studies. She quickly moved to the top of her class, dedicated to her studies, and a path to become High Priestess someday. All in all a daughter to be proud of.

All that being said, she has lived a sheltered life. And that combine that with the subtle, but unwavering tenant of blood elf racial superiority that she was taught, and without even knowing it her mind closed in some ways even as it opened in others. In her struggle to keep up with her studies, to impress her family, and to set herself above the other students she never stopped to question.

In her first year of school at Silvermoon she found herself mingling and talking with the other races of the world. She finally started to second guess the doctrines that had been drilled into her all those years. Those two parts of her mind warred with each other until she thought they would tear her psyche apart. On the one side, the things she had been taught up until this point gave her power, abilities, potential. On the other hand those same teachings told her that her race stood far above the other races And that wasn't lining up with the experiences she was starting to have. She found that she liked talking to the other races, liked hearing about their history, and their culture.

She began arguing with teachers, she pushed back against authority at every chance. If it hadnā€™t been for her families standing and her blossoming abilities, she would have been expelled.

In the end, it didnā€™t matter. After a long sleepless night of turning over her entire life up until that point in her mind, she decided to leave. It wasn't a rational decision, she didn't write out a list of pros and cons. Instead it was a moment when everything inside her just seemed to line up and point in one undeniable direction. She packed her few belongings in the dark, and left the gates of Silvermoon city as the skies turned their first shade of morning pink. No note, no goodbyes, she walked out into the world.

Okay, thatā€™s the story part. That's Sarendiel up until now. And Iā€™m having a wonderful time developing that story as I play.

But given my audience here, lets jump into the kinky part.

Back up a little, with a slight re-write.

During Sarendiel's first year at her studies in Silvermoon she was drinking away some of the days questions and worries with a group of classmates at the Wayfarerā€™s Rest Tavern. They were all well on their way to inebriated when a group of adventurers, a handful of different races among them, walked in and ordered drinks at the bar. Her friends gave them disdainful glances, snickers and half whispered insults. As they drinks continued, the whispers grew louder, the insults grew crueler. The adventurers had to be able to hear them. But they didn't respond in with insults of their own .They were guests, and they maintained their poise. Their behaviour should have put the immature antics of her classmates to shame, but instead it emboldened them.

Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was something that had been building for so long that this moment was inevitable. Sarendiel stood up, walked across the room and kissed the Tauren in the group full on the mouth. She didnā€™t know what she was expecting to happen, she hadnā€™t really thought it through. She just wanted to shock them, to lash out in some way. She wasnā€™t ready for the Tauren stand up, towering over her, and pick her up like she was a c***d's doll. He carried her to a small room upstairs only separated from the common room by a thin gauzy curtain, and use her like she had never been used before.

She wasn't a virgin. She hadn't been for a while. But everything about the way that huge powerful b**st took her felt new.
He didn't ask, he took.
He didn't stop and make sure she was comfortable every few minutes, he held her small body in his strong hands and took used her for his pleasure.
He didn't ask her what she wanted to do next, he did it to her, and would have even if she had told him to stop.
(this really happened in the game too, it was a very memorable moment, enough that I even wrote him a letter in game, and in character the next morning, but just like in real life, he never wrote back).

The next morning she woke up hung over, with only foggy memories of the night before, and sore in places she didn't even know she could be sore.

She packed up some of her things, and left without saying good bye. She made her way to Thunder Bluff (that trip was another one of my favorite moments in the game. No sex, but fun, flirting and innuendo, and very memorable).

Iā€™m getting too caught up in the story again, this whole ā€œthingā€ i'm thinking about trying is only partially in the story, and partially just me and my weird obsession.

And there it isā€¦ Iā€™m obsessed with the Taurens. So many reasonā€¦ Probably mostly self explanatory. The size, the strength, broad shoulders, big strong hands, broad back, deep gravelly voicesā€¦.. I suspect that Tauren males are to female players when blood Elf females are to male players.

In the Sarendiel story, she is going to start over in Mulgore. Even though sheā€™s levelled past it sheā€™s going to start way back at the Tauren starting zone, as a sort of penance for her past insults and prejudice, and in the hopes of making up for her ignorance. Her intentions, at least to begin with, were pure.

But even as I started playing through that story, I found myself flirting talking to or just saying ā€œhiā€ to about every Male Tauren character I came across. And then I really sunk to a new level and started talking to the male NPCs as I played. Yaā€¦ thatā€™s just sad. I know... I know... But the first step it admitting you have a problem, right And the second step is giving into that problem and completely over doing it. And the third step is having that problem hold you down, pressing your chest against the rough wooden floor while you arch your hips up and back to, begging for it to take you harder as you struggle to think straight while your insides are rearranged by its frenzied assault on your tender little pussy. Isn't that how it goes?

I was talking to someone on here while I was sliding down that slippery slope and he gave me an assignment of sorts.

Iā€™m going to get some of the details wrong, I was kinda getting worked up and my brain was in that fluttery place. I told him how silly I felt about it, and how this little obsession is getting out of control. Rather than talk me down, he fed into it. He told me that I need to pleasure every single male in blood Hoof village. And that I need to do it in either emotes or ā€œsayā€ (so that itā€™s completely visible). And that I need to put up screenshots of each one.

(you'll read this, let me know if I got any of that wrong)

Yup, that did it. That sent me right over the edge and pretty much made my little brain melt down.

So Iā€™m going to do it. ā€œDo whatā€ you ask? ā€œAll youā€™ve done is babble aimlessly so farā€ you say.

Okay, I've danced around it long enough. Let's just lay it out.
Iā€™m going to make my way through the entire villiage of bloodhoof. Iā€™m going to do at least a little scene with every single male Tauren NPC. Now I know what youā€™re saying ā€œSara, theyā€™re NPCs, you canā€™t really roleplay with an NPCā€.

So I guess what Iā€™m actually going to do is narrate a scene with each NPC. Either in /say, or using /emote.

Iā€™m going to post screenshots of each one in a series of blog posts.

There are three ways that you can help me. And this is going to put my friends list to the test.

First, tell me to do it.
Just writing this idea out i'm having second, third, and fourth thoughts. I'm kinda leaning towards not doing it write now. Maybe more than kinda. And there are two reasons, tow main anxieties. First - that i'm just being stupid ,going too far and doing something that has gone from kinky and fun to just silly. Second - that the people I've met here, and that I'm getting along with better than I thought I would, aren' t really interesting in this and are jsut going to think i'm being silly.

And I think i've hit that point where anxiety becomes a barrier. I'll need some encouragement if I'm goign to go forward.

Second, help me create some personalities.
I'll put a list of every NPC in bloodhoof below. I think it might be a little outdated, and it doesn't specify if they are Tauren, or if they are male or female.

But I don't think I'm going to be very good at filling in that other personality. I dont' think I can be the personality I crave. I'm going to try, and maybe I'll surprise myself, but I've got a feeling it's just not part of who I am. Which is probably why I crave it. So if you could just give a little bit on one or more of the NPCs, just some bit of personality I can go from. A kink, some history, if you want to go further and give a few ideas on what might take place. beginnings especially. I'm having a hard time imagining that many different beginnings.

And third, if you want to roll a Tauren, bloodhoof isn't very far from the starting zone. If you want to lend a hand (or other appendage) in a more personal way....

bloodhoof NPCs from

bloodhoof Village NPCs

Quest Givers
Baine bloodhoof
Harken Windtotem
Maur Raincaller
Mull Thunderhorn
Ruul Eagletalon
Skorn Whitecloud
Yaw Sharpmane
Zarlman Two-Moons
Vorn Skyseer

Class Trainers
Krang Stonehoof
Narm Skychaser
Yaw Sharpmane
Reban Freerunner
Sunwalker IopiĻ‰ Ļ–

Profession (Tradeskill) Trainers
Chaw Stronghide
Pyall Silentstride
Uthan Stillwater (just west of bloodhoof Village)
Yonn Deepcut

Harant Ironbrace
Harb Clawhoof
Harn Longcast
Innkeeper Kauth
Kennah Hawkseye
Mahnott Roughwound
Moorat Longstride
Varg Windwhisper

Various Services
Brave Cloudmane - (Directions)
Brave Darksky - (Directions)
Brave Ironhorn - (Directions)
Brave Rockhorn - (Directions)
Brave Strongbash - (Directions)
Brave Wildrunner - (Directions)
Kar Stormsinger

Magrin RivermaneĻ‰

Already off the list:
Troll Male Var'jun (this ones a troll, and i think i've already bitten off more than i can... ummm... chew? so not this one)

Ahab Wheathoof (not this one. If you know the story of the character you'll know why. It's links on the wiki page.)




Published by Sarasita1984
10 years ago
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Jayplex 10 years ago
I love the idea, look forward to seeing more updates on this. :smile:
elfcum 10 years ago
Cute. I'm interested to see what little shell remains of your elf after a few months of having her body turned into a worthless meat condom for massive tauren studs. And no, blood elf females are not only what taurens are to greedy whores like you; every slutty elven, draenei, or human bimbo toy you're only just learning how to be, is. An exciting experiment, with a painfully obvious outcome. I like it.
logan_8 10 years ago
Nice. I'll write later and let you know my "thoughts". Initially, I think the subconscious desires coming through are pretty hot.
Zinthra 10 years ago
Frankly, I think you needn't worry about whether this idea would be far-fetched, or silly, or whatever - it is something new, something unique, and what is probably most important is that is it is something personal you want to do. In all honesty, I think that just because it's something new and different it will be liked by people - and even if it is just you who enjoyed it, that's still already a reason to do it! (But then again... do you need more convincing to gobble on Tauren cock than... well, tauren cock?)