My night of pleasure (part 1)

I have set the parameters of my own destiny and I alone will suffer at my own hand

It is very rare for me to specifically set out to tie myself up, and to self torture myself, more of a desire after dressing, this was the last time I dressed and what happened.
I get a tremendous desire to dress as a tart or a lady ether way so I start with a shower, shave, clean my teeth. I then lay out my clothes that I shall wear. At this point I prepare my bits for tucking, I also attachĆ© the electrodes just in case I get in the mood for a bit of pain latter on (always do), there are 3 wires to contend with, 2 on dick and the 3rd is plugged in to a convenient hole, I then take a length of tape 4ā€ wide and place this on my stomach I then squat with my legs apart and tuck under pulling it as far back as it goes, then bring the tape between my legs and pull back and up my back to keep everything in place, this gives me a very flat profile and a felling of extreme femininity, next I pull on a pair of beige support tights that compresses my legs, hides my hair on my legs and flattens my tummy a little bit, Iā€™m at this point Horney as a wagon load of monkeys but can do nothing about it, I then pull up my tights to just below my Brest line and put on a waist cincture at the same time bring the wires up to the centre of my bust , next comes the panty girdle this smoothes the line between my waist cincture and hips then the shinny hose or black hose and finally the Playtex girdle and boobs followed by a short dress, almost ready, just the makeup and wig to Finnish of the whole ensemble, and this is how I always dress, so if I write another story, I wonā€™t be boring you with all this detail unless I do something different.
So Iā€™m ready for the day, the first thing I do is to sort out the camera and tripod stand and get it all set up and at the same time start to consider what shots to take, as itā€™s such a sunny day Iā€™ll go outside for my photos, at this point I go to my inspirational favourite Flickr photography friends to get some ideas, so I sort out a few props and get set up for the first photo and start to snap away, all the time Iā€™m doing this I have this wonderful feeling between my legs, a sort of emptiness with a tingling sensation and I can feel the bulge straining against its captivity, so I finish my photos and start to think about my dinner, itā€™s a very small dinner and a very large drink, then answer a few emails and decided to bind myself up very tight for the evening.
I have a set of ropes that I prepared some time ago all cut to specific length and finished off with an eye at the ends, the eye is for a padlock and is always a struggle to pull the rope tight enough so I can fit the lock,
I put 4 turns of rope around my ankles and double cincture and pull tight and snap on a padlock, I repeat this just below and above the knees, I tie my thighs differently as in the past the ropes tend to work their way down and become slack, so now itā€™s 4 turns with no cincture and the padlock is at the back with a 2ā€ steel ring attached for latter use, next is a long rope which has an eye at each end, I double this and pass it round my waste and form a simple slip knot at my back, pulled fairly tight the ends fall down behind my thighs and are pulled between my legs and used to form a double cincture for my thigh ropes, then I pull the ends up my front and snap locked to my waste rope, I make sure that the steel ring at the back is not snagged, thatā€™s it my legs are tied fucking tight and will not come off no matter how I struggle, we move on to the arms and elbows.

I have a rope which has been formed in to a loop of 4 turns and has been assembled using glue, alternatively you can use a belt, but I prefer rope, this I place behind me on the bed and within reach a longer rope, (I am sitting on the edge off the bed), on to my legs I place 4 pieces of tape, a rope for my wrists, and 2 padlocks are hooked over my waste rope for latter, I insert ear plugs the type you get at rock concerts these are moistened and pushed all the way in, total silence, next I plug in the stereo wires and tape the plugs together and put my hands behind me and put the loop rope over my wrists and begin to work the loop up my arms to just above my elbows, I can still touch my hands in front of me and this is important to complete this bond, I pick up the longer rope that has a snap lock at each end and in the centre a key ring that has been forced through the rope, I pass the snap lock to and hold it in my teeth, over my shoulder under my elbow across my chest under the other elbow and over the other shoulder, both snap locks are connected to the key ring and I must say this operation is not easy and need to be modified, the purpose of this rope is to stop the loop from falling down my arms when Iā€™m struggling to get free, and to keep your arms close to the body, Iā€™m sweating and nearly exhausted from all this effort, I retrieve the larger piece of tape and place over my mouth and unlike gaffer tape it will not come off with drool, I like ball gags but for a long session and spending most of my time on my back this is more comfortable, I then do a visual cheque on the ice key above me and the emergency keys and knife in the oil can, allā€™s well, and fit the last 2 pieces of tape over each eye.
Totally blind, deaf and speechless I retrieve my wrist rope and place the 2 padlocks behind me, I stand up as it is easier to tie my wrists but my thigh mussels donā€™t like it but I force myself thro the pain and begin to tie my wrists together, the rope is prepared with a sliding nose at one end and a small chain at the other, I hate big knots so the sliding nose is spliced so that it is not bulky, Iā€™ve also fitted a key ring which is forced between the strands of the rope to prevent over tightening when Iā€™m pulling (and I hope in agony) against the slip knot, I stand up place my wrist into the slip knot and pull tight then I form a half hitch and place my other hand in, I repeat until Iā€™ve counted 4 turns of rope on each wrist, and by twisting each wrist in turn tighten up until my wrists are an inch apart, then I passĆ© the end of rope over and in between my arms that has the chain attached to form a cinch. The moment of truth has arrived, I feed the chain through the steel ring on my thighs bring it back up lock the two chains together with the two padlocks, one lock through the chain and locked the other through the lose end and locking it to the first and remember that both these locks open with the same key just in case one of these locks fails.
Click, click, my journey has begun.
The sweet surrender of one's body and mind in tight loving bondage is just so wonderful.
Iā€™m now totally fucked and randy as hell and can do nothing to relive myself.
I feel like a parcel all wrapped up and ready to post.
Every part of my body is screaming sex to me.
I see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, but Iā€™m thinking it.
I pull, I twist, I stretch, I test my bonds, and the sweet caress of unyielding rope is so exciting.
I begin to dream and fantasize; my journey has only just begun.
I relived my sexual adventures with my x partners.
I have set the parameters of my own destiny and I alone will suffer at my own hand........................I am terrified................................................cont.
Published by Lana-d1
10 years ago
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Someone50 5 years ago
great !
parkmate 7 years ago
I have re read this description; of course it is a little difficult to envisage the exact configuration of your bondage but nevertheless it is exciting to read what you do. I think it might be nice to watch what you do. Going to move on now to the next installment.
parkmate 7 years ago
Loved reading this; I got so very excited thinking of you xx
oldognewtrix 7 years ago
So detailed and so well thought out ...
slusandy 9 years ago
Detailed, exciting description! It makes me hot!