Training love muscles, sth everyone should know
basically its a two part set of training the muscles you hold your bladder and stop your urinal stream.
1st set is short contractions of 1sec hold, 1sex release
2nd set is longer holds (5-10sec) and longer releases of same lengh.
always train this with empty bladder and when relaxed. do it once a day, before going to bed or after waking up.
it will raise the strengh of contractions, and make your orgasms stronger, your cum-contractions harder and yeah ... more fun you know.
basically its a two part set of training the muscles you hold your bladder and stop your urinal stream.
1st set is short contractions of 1sec hold, 1sex release
2nd set is longer holds (5-10sec) and longer releases of same lengh.
always train this with empty bladder and when relaxed. do it once a day, before going to bed or after waking up.
it will raise the strengh of contractions, and make your orgasms stronger, your cum-contractions harder and yeah ... more fun you know.
10 years ago