Found today...
July 21st...typical monday for a plumber or so i thought, changing some water meters in the Alliquippa section of Pittsburgh, first call of the day, no luck, meter is in the basement, laundry on first floor..but the second call, jackpot, nice looking girl answers the door, and points me to the basement, down the steps and there in front of me, a table covered with her clothes! I got started on the meter change but could'nt keep my eyes off the table, i could see lace and silk my cock stirring in my pants. I had to look...and damn, i started picking thru the pile, and found 6 pair of panties and thongs that i figured she could live without, but me and my cock could not, i put them in my tool bag, and covered them with a towel i carry, just for this reason. The rest of the day, i kept looking at them and feeling them, knowing when i got home, i would be wearing them, and here i sit surrounded by her fragrant, soft panties and thongs, time to wear them and take some pics and stroke my cock until i shoot some hot cum all over them...mmmmm,,plumbing a job to be proud of!
10 years ago
God, you are a really lucky man for being able to get to so many homes and so many dirty laundry.
Keep sharing your adventures.