Favorite Stockings?

We would love to hear which brands of stockings or pantyhose you like wearing best. What is it that you like best about them? They way they feel on your legs? How they make your legs look? What colors do you like?

As Wolford Fatal are harder & harder to find, which seamless pantyhose are the next best? Nothing is sexier than seamless!
Published by Stock74
15 years ago
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jennaballet1 7 years ago
I love the DIM brand from France, I have several pairs different styles and colours, Bought some wolfords the other week to try, I think its the name you pay for. Bloch adaptor toe are really nice so soft, http://uk.blochworld.com/product/T0850L
Bobbie_Nylons 8 years ago
Tan FF's and Black RH&T
jack_it100 10 years ago
Black, white and tan stocking's are my favorite, I've worn them many times myself.
johnnyhemisphere 11 years ago
I have found George to be quite comfortable and soft great to wear under my jeans .The doyea are good just lounging around the house. But the best fit I have found so far have been cheapies from a dollar store .As for colour Ilike nude or black and white. On a sexy brunette with nice legs and shapely ass I like blue pantyhose
Nylondlegs 11 years ago
I tend to agree with Peristero, vintage have a feel a type of nylon that is no longer made. For modern hosiery: CDR (Cecilia de rafael) pantyhose, pantyhose from Nylonz, stockings (Gio, eliganti) from StockingSHQ, but one of my favorites are some large toe from simplyclassic stockings on ebay. message me for the link if you want. I have posted some videos wearing them, and they are not very expensive!
Stock74 Publisher 11 years ago
New favorite - Falke Seamless 20 D. Wow, what a fit, and feel fantastic. Worth every penny
cuubanheel 11 years ago
Early years I was always a stocking fan and especially fully fashioned, luckily my gf would wear them for me on a regular basis. As time has elapsed I've become more of a sheer tights / pantyhose admirer. There are some great makes out there and as you get to no and love them Wolfords have become a firm favourite. The gf, now my wife has worn many for me and the Wolfords do indeed stand out as a quality brand, particuarly fond of the seamless range. Recently I've become aware of a special brand, Platino cleancut made in spain and very, very shiny. There aren't to many retail outlets for these phose, shapings of canada sell them http://www.shapings.com/pantyhose/cleancut-15-pantyhose.html and have a great youtube vid showing there manufacture. I unfortunatly can't report on there qualities as Mrs doesn't wear nylon much these days, so a birthday or christmas gift isn't happening at this time, but from what I have seen of this brand if your a shiny nylon lover you will be sold.
peristero 12 years ago
Love any kind of stockings but vintage stockings are the ulmimate turn on for us. Eleganti and Cervins are the best fit for my petite stocking slut...When it comes to color tan, chocolate and contrast seam and welt ff nylons are the top choices..Cheers
fizzy11 12 years ago
love black and white hold up stockings most. make my wife's legs look fucking hot.
crzs 13 years ago
not only love the feel of them on a ladies legs , but ahve worn the wifes a few times , love the active support kind and the tight feel of them on my legs , wore them a few times in the winter when it was very cold out and they kept my legs warm and felt really good , wish it were more acceptable for guys to wear them
vassarette silky thigh highs ..... are probably the best and most comfortable
hypedup 14 years ago
I love the way they feel. The smoothness and silkiness and the way they enhance the feeling of sensation on your legs. I love the way they look - the tightening, narrowing contours and the shine, especially under the right light.

As for colours - black is of course the ultimate, but I adore red, blue and purple. I love opaques in neon brights, but I love pastel shades as well. Shiny party tights are a favourite too.

American Apparel are probably my favourite brand right now.