Pornindustry,the other side of glamour

For some time now i've been researching the true world of porn,the people in it ,actresses and actors
I've been contacting some of them ,mostly retired ones because the active ones still try to hold on to the glamour,after al it's theyr job isn't it? Anyway i found some articles that i'd like to share


here is a documentary played on channel 4 (gb)**gs-again/

May i point out the article written by thelambofdeth : With thx to Thelambofdeth for the discovery of this article

Published by kikivd
10 years ago
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kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
to christianbalerant : Off course you are right,people should watch a professional pornmovie and watch the details but all they see is two or more beautyfull girls "fucking",how and why do pornstars only take off theyr pantys after the movie is allready for 3/4 gone?? when you go inside a womans vagina with two or more fingers why in most cases the fingers and vagina are and stay dry? don't aroused girls get wet? isn't arousel exactly what makes vagina's wet? do any of the gods of creation realise how enoying and sometimes painfull it can be to introduce two fingers into a dry vagina ?why pornstars spit on vagina's ? because it's allready wet? i don't think so and there are so many others worse details
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christianbalerant 10 years ago
These articles are very illuminating. As for those who argue your points...just open your eyes and watch porn on here as if you were looking at it for the first time---not after years of being numbed by the barrage of images. If you look at it objectively, there's no way that most of it is in any way a positive for the "actresses." If it was your daughter or sister, you would be retching and rending your garments.
kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
to Gabriele : ok ,let's sharpen our tools lol
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to kikivd : Let's sharpen our medieval axe... :smile:))
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kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
to Gabriele : What can i add to this ? it's exactly what i feel and would love to :smile:
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Undeniably there is a very bad side to porn for which I blame the male dominace of the multi million dollar/euro porn industry creating a never ending stream of more terrible than erotic clips to satisfy an ever growing market while the actual content becomes quite horrible at times. Watching clips here at certain times makes my blood boil to such an outrageous extend where i want to execute one half of porn bosses and castrate the remaining other half!
Porn Actresses are in a similar position next to cow breeding and cow slaughtering for the sake of fresh meat and more profits which is disgusting!
kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
to tomcat59 : i agree with you in this particular case as to where the fault lies ,i talked to many escotrts as well as "pornstars",it isn't about the fact that escorts are treated badly but can you imagine someone with the background she had and being fysically invaded on a daily basis not turning to alcohol and drugs ? most of the retired pornstars live an anonymous life after they get to old to perform and under poor conditions due that most haven't a retirementfund or another financial support ,quoting a star " who wants to marry a pornstar"
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tomcat59 10 years ago
I'm personally related to a woman who was a part of the porn business in New York in the 80.s and also did some upscale escorting ( basically prostituting but with more famous or rich people ) . She also did some legitimate modeling work in NY and other places. She had a very unhappy childhood with an overbearing and abusive father and a passive mom...and so left home at age 18 and went to NY. She did very well financially and always spoke of how well she was treated ( like a lady). However...she is now in her late 50's...recovering alcoholic and in very poor health. She quit porn, married a succesful attorney in a midwest state....then became involved in a fast crowd involving cocaine, and drunkenness and sex divorce...a few suicide attempts...many times in rehab...she's finally sober. But what a price!...Who is to say that this whole mess wasn't due to an unhappy and abusive childhood....or a result of her involvement at an early age in the porn/escort business??
kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
to amy8amy : Nobody ever said porn isn't appealing ,you have to understand that maybe every day new faces ,beautyfull girls are discovered like you say but have you ever asked yourself where theyr predessors went? what happens to the less succesfull? the drop outs? how many of these beautyfull girls you mentioned are still there after 3-4 years ? and in what conditon ??
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amy8amy 10 years ago
If porn is so bad then why do all these hot young girls do it? There's a new fresh face every day when I scan videos. When we made porn like Utah Girls, we had pick of the litter. Thank God for open minded young women!
kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
i'm a social worker working on prostitution,porn and other kindnesses,you speak of elite escorts ,true they are ok but did you ever took a look at the minors ? i don't think so
kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
you got to be kiding me ,you really got to be !! actresses who don't want to work bareback are simply sent home ,they have a monthly control but what happens between the controls??
kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
wtf?? me narrow minded?,i'm realistic and don't close my eyes to what is happening ,you see only what you want to see or hear
kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
like i said before ,i went there and spent a lot of times talking to girls ,not the big stars but the others who are on drugs,alcohol and std's,i know very well that when the joboffers are getting less because of getting older or theyr adiction becomes too visible they go into the escortjobs or cams ,btw did you watch the two video's or the one from the bbc? it's mindblowing ,or don't you want to see the truth ??
kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
siffredi admits since long that the inustry sucks big timed
kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
and how would you know about the european pornindustry ? the usa is since ages full of european girls ,mostly from hungary,tsjech republic,ucraine ,i've been to la and the valley ,i saw enough ,thank you very much ,watched the two video's ?
kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
i suggest you look at the both you tube vids at the back ,might open your eyes ,if you want to off course :wink:and to your information the us pornindustry is the worse exept maybe for the japanese
kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
to Thelambofdeth : thx for the nice comment my friend :smile:xx
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Thelambofdeth 10 years ago
That BBC documentary is an eye-opener. Everyone needs to see it. Same with the articles. Very informative, and insightful..
kikivd Publisher 10 years ago
thank you for your very nice comment :smile:
dyonysos 10 years ago
it's about time someone makes some kind of regulations for the industry