Cumshot Tributes....some musings!

Greetings All,
Here over the last few months as I have added more cum shot tributes to my collection I have encountered a lot of odd situations.

Amongst the more interesting ones are;

1) Stolen Identities - Normally a male who poses as a female, if you go to tastytrixie dot com you will "smoke one out" right away(I have spoken with the real "Trixie" about this btw and she is aware of her "doppelganger" as she calls him.) It appears this might be the case with fortyeightnhorny, who appeared, engaged me in lengthy conversations on Yahoo, then disappeared after I fulfilled "her" request for a tribute.(Update, this same person deletes and recreates their account in a bizarre fashion almost monthly, literally having made DOZENS of profiles over the last few years.) Needless to say these leave me feeling as if I have been had. People ask me why I leave those up, well I guess it is to remind myself of all the times I have been burned.

2) The Bermuda Cum Tribute Triangle - The others are people who beg for them, then do not even have the decency to post under the video or on my wall "Thanks" or acknowledge them in some way. My suspicion is that these might fit into category 1, or might belong to a man whose wife, GF, FB, or ex have no idea he is posing as a couple of female, see item 1 again. Maybe it is just me having been raised in the South, but after all that effort, some form of appreciation would be in order I feel. Let me add to this, if you are not going to even give me the common decency to "Thumbs Up" my tribute to you and post a comment under it, then do not even ask for one in the first place.

3) The "If you can't do one for me right this second then FUCK OFF and die you little dicked asshole" crowd. - Contrary to current rumors, I was not put on this Earth to drop my whitey tighties and just crank out a 4 or 6 oz load of sperm for any xhamster troller on command. These things take time to set up, then I have to crank off with a camera in one hand, try and shoot a good load, then clean up my old laptop and put it all away. Not to mention the downloading part, all covert I might add. Not easy, but still I have been blocked/unfriended/banned by a person on here because they acted like a spoiled c***d. The exact quote was "If you can't do it right now, then forget it." So I did lol!

4) The "Drive By" - My absolute favorite is the male, female, man posing as a woman or couple, and couple whom I have never talked to, or heard of, to come driving by and toss a "hey tribute me" out the window as they continue on. If you want me to go to all of this effort then I expect it to be a two way street, how about some interaction. When it comes to the cold, detached, anonymous jerk off experience, I can have that all day on here with Christy Canyon, Ona Zee, Trinity Loren, and Samantha Anderson, all without the extra effort. A cumshot tribute is all about interaction, naughtiness, taboo, eroticism, perhaps a tad bit of creativity. It is a much more intimate experience than just masturbation! Next to web camming, phone sex or being in the same room, it is about as close as you can get to intercourse without touching. If all you want is for your wife, ex, or what not to be "degraded" because of something that happened, or you just feel the need to shit all over her, then leave me out of it!!!!!! There is not one woman I have given a tribute on here that I would not take out to dinner, hold hands with, or kiss on the mouth if I got the chance, so perhaps I am just not on the same wavelength so to speak.

5) The Promise - Another one that is up there. The almost teenage boy type pleading and or begging where all kinds of crazy promises are made if you will just please tribute my wife/GF/FB etc, I will surely do X,Y, or Z for you. It is funny how many sky high promises can me made by men to get what they want. This is in a way a continuation of the "I will just put the tip in" or "I promise I will pull out" or "I promise I will not cum in your mouth" type crap that men have been BSing women with for millennia!!! It normally revolves around some picture or video they will take of their wife/GF/FB done just for me. Invariably once the load of jizz has been delivered, and the poser has cranked his tool to the video, he moves on to his next mark for the scam to repeat itself. We are all busy these days, and there is indeed a life outside xhamster. So I give a grace period of 30-45 days for a "promise" to be made before consider the person a liar and move on. After this period I will be calling them out, "Big Deal" you say? Think about this once someone has been called out, how likely do they think they will be able to SCAM a tribute out of other men in the future?

Going forward I am going to start being a little more picky about how I do these things. Do not expect me to do one for you unless you are willing to comply with some of the following ground rules;

A) Interactive Communication - If you do not want to talk to me, visit a little either on IMs here, or via Y I M, Skype or e-mail, then perhaps you need to get your cum tribute jollies somewhere else. This should be a two way street where we are nice to each other. Not where I am serving you in some form of Cyber BDSM type arrangement.

B) Posed Pictures - Why do I ask for posed pictures? Well because there are too many pathetic losers out there who want to pose as a female or couple, and get their jollies by pretending the experience is real. So when I ask for a posed picture that tends to weed a lot of these people out. Not to mention it feels far more "special" when I know a female or couple went to the effort to make a picture just for me. The back and forth of a custom or posed shot, followed by the return of the tribute video makes the whole experience far more erotic, and develops a different connection if you will, even if it is over cyber space. Also a lot of "posers" can be exposed when you see them not posting any new content, and all the pictures of their "wives" are from 2007 or sometime in the distant past.

C) Web Camming - This is a touchy subject, and one that is the least important of all my criteria for doing a tribute. If for some reason you can't pose for me, perhaps just turning on the web cam for a minute and showing me that it is not some poser dude is fine. You do not have to show your face, I have "played" on cam with couples before where the dude was on cam, and his wife sat next to him talking and/or interacting just out of sight. This last one is not a must, but it helps to develop a atmosphere of trust. When I start hearing all about how the webcam is broken, my computer is too old, the "female" or "couple" only post pictures that were from 2007 or before (what is it with that year for pics on here, anyone else notice that?) then a red flag starts to go up. Not everyone can get on cam, some people have families, or jobs where they simply can't risk it, that is ok, but not every single person on here is like that. I have cammed with men and women on here both, and the "genuine" ones are pretty easy to spot. As cheap as really nice ones are these days, there is no real excuse for most people not to have them. Some people simply do not want to get on them, I can understand that, but then look at A and B. If you can't pass the A, B, or C test, then do not blame me if I get suspicious. Also, what is up with so many people checking the field on their profile that says they have a cam, then when asked say they do not have one. That excuse is getting really old these days lol! Update 11-22-21 - Virtually every laptop, tablet, smart phone etc made today comes with a super high quality camera that is light years ahead of what webames were like 7 years ago when this post was made, yet to this day I see this constantly. All the excuses, yet they want me to turn my cam on for them.

The truth is probably 90% of all the profiles on this site are single men. If you are a single man and want to cam jack to get off, just say so, we live in an age where being bi or bi-curious is "accepted" like never before. My guess is per above there are deeper issues than just needed to cum when it comes to these people.

Hope I did not come off as a total ass, but doing a tribute for a "faker" or doing one and not even getting it acknowledged is no fun at all. Perhaps this will separate some of the wheat from the chaff!!!!

For those of you whom I interact on a regular basis, just read this post with amusement. Some of you are ironclad 100% real, and some I am anywhere from 50-95% sure are real.

If you still want that cumshot tribute from me, well all the above information should give you a better idea on how to get one. If I am going to go to all this effort, I expect the requesting party to put out a little effort on their own, it is only fair!

FYI sometime recently I came out of retirement, did one, and guess what, they have "Ghosted" me every since!

Dick Stroker

(Updated 1-10-20)

"Target" for my cumshots was from around 2003, it gave many years of loyal service, but it gave up the Ghost in 2018, and was finally thrown away in 2019. So see this blog for that explanation;

Update on 11-22-21: Boy, I sure wish I could get a tall draft of Beer for every single time I showed this to some LAME LOSER MALE who was posing as a "female" or "couple" read it and got butt hurt, then blocked me. Go ahead and block me, you won't get a tribute for sure after you block me you sad freak!
Published by matureBBWlover00
10 years ago
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matureBBWlover00 Publisher 3 years ago
to laurrren : Hey, I hope you are doing well these days!
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matureBBWlover00 Publisher 3 years ago
to gr81lake : Yep, more people than ever on here suck!
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matureBBWlover00 Publisher 3 years ago
Yep, and their behavior seems to be getting a LOT WORSE here recently.
matureBBWlover00 Publisher 4 years ago
As you might have noticed I came out of "Retirement" for a very special person, after having been all but begged into making a tribute, and you guessed it, I am being Ghosted now.............................
matureBBWlover00 Publisher 6 years ago
to gr81lake : Feel free to use my words as you need them, agree 100%
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gr81lake 6 years ago
Amen brother, nothing worse than doing a tribute for a fake user, or not getting even a thanks or thumbs up as acknowledgement for your efforts!!! Good post, been wanting to type something exactly like this on my page as well.
matureBBWlover00 Publisher 10 years ago
to laurrren : Dang, once you gave me access to your private galleries, I would have drank your bathwater in gratitude lol!
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matureBBWlover00 Publisher 10 years ago
to josh007 : Thanks for the kind words. Somehow I would not classify myself as "normal" under any circumstances lol!
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josh007 10 years ago
Hi Dick, stumbled across your profile and this blog and thought a lot of what you said rings true. Single str8 male here - not looking for a cumshot tribute but just enjoying the site like you. Happy to discuss any of this if you want. You seem normal.
laurrren 10 years ago
I agree with your ground rules. I've heard from many different men that "women" will often ask for a tribute and say they will do something in return, such as give a passcode for their gallery, and then the woman never follows through. And it's fairly typical for people to get what they want and then just vanish. It's pretty shitty, in my opinion. It's similar to a man getting a passcode for your gallery, and then he just stops communicating. Users like that normally get blocked by me. Regardless if it's online or in real life, people will take advantage of you and are usually just in it for themselves. It's sad that so many people are like that, but what can you do?

But I think it's smart that you have decided to set up some ground rules - it will make it a lot easier to weed out the assholes and fakes.