Thanks Y'all! 1000th days on xH

I would like to thank to all of y'all for amazing friendships and to those who are no longer active on xH, I still thank you.
I chat with several awesome users and are friendly. Sure some will take a while to respond, I know they're busy, better late than never.
Here on xH, have amazing videos and pics, some may be reposts, some share it with permission, some not.
Sure, there are rude and annoying users similar to facebook, and deserve to be reported and blocked, others don't meant to be rude and cross the line without realizing it until now.
Others are here to enjoy porn, share the videos for others to enjoy, to make porn so they can share and contribute to xH.
Even to make REAL FRIENDS, sharing their material so they can compliment each other and their partner, Share it to other on their profile with their permission
Even meeting up so they can hook up and make a great video so they can contribute to xH community.
Make videos just for fun, love, or helping them to spice up their love life without breaking up their relationship because they respect love.
Yet, everyone needs love, gay or straight, I don't judge, some respect each other, some don't due to their "religion" and hate.
EVERYONE HAS NEEDS, being alone feels so depressing, some focus on their careers, jobs or on xH on a depressing mood, started to become rude perverted users, annoying just like fb's poke button. At least xH has the awesome "disliked" button because fb got OWNED!
Others are here to meet their special person for love and romance, some are here for friends with benefits in case their current relationship doesn't end well
Some don't get any romance and are desperate, most of them can't control their perverted mind, while some are patient and being a good gentleman or lady.
We're here to enjoy xH so each of us can socialize with others, for adult chat & entertainment or non-adult chat & entertainment like sports (right guys?), travel, cuisine, culture, fashion (right ladies and newyorkers?) lifestyle, and much more.
So enjoy using xH everybody!

Published by mextreme09
10 years ago
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anrianri 10 years ago
nice plz added