My Favorite Fantasies and Turn Ons

Sometimes i feel like a broken record, answering the same questions over and over about what excites me, what i do in real life and what is just fantasy. Typically this is followed by an offer to make my fantasy a reality. While i appreciate the offer, most of my fantasies are just that, fantasies! In fact the majority of my fantasies, things that excite me and get me very wet to think about, are things that i would never want to experience in reality, with anyone (neither with my husband nor anyone else).

i am very happily married and we are 100% monogamous with each other. i am not repressing desires to cheat on him, or experience kinkier things, i am simply allowing my fantasies to fulfill a curious part of me that might otherwise get me in trouble. With that said, here are some of my favorite fantasies, most of which run through my mind from time to time when i masturbate, or when i am making love to my husband. To be very clear, these are not things i have done (like in my other blogs) but rather, things that excite me to think about doing.

Remote Controlled Stimulation in Public (i will do this one day):

The idea of having pleasure, and even pain, delivered to my body, under my clothes in public, is something that has always excited me. Sadly, the reports I have read on “vibrating remote controlled panties” and similar products have been poor at best, with limited range and little stimulation. One day, I fully expect to own and enjoy a perfect wearable device that can be controlled over the Internet, works well, is comfortable and undetectable (silent) to others nearby.

i would like something that i could wear under clothing, with an internal vibrating phallus (4" to 6" tops) and a clit vibe as well. In addition, i want the device to be capable of delivering mild shocks both internally and on my clit, based on direction that is delivered to the device via the Bluetooth on my phone. The control of my device would be done through a web interface, so my husband could be at work, or at home, or sitting across the table from me with his smartphone, controlling the intensity of the vibrations and the frequency and intensity of the shocks. i think it would be amazing to have no control over how much pain or pleasure he chose to deliver to me (other than sending him texts begging for mercy) under my clothing. If it ever got to be too much for me, and i couldn't get to privacy to remove it (i.e. in the car with a friend), i could always turn my phone off as a last resort. If anybody knows of such a device, please PM me! The closest thing i had found was the We-Vibe 4 Plus, but now i am very interested in, and intrigued by, the Lovense product.

Body Paint Nude in Public (i would do this in the right situation):

At my advanced age (pushing 40) it is not often that a completely new fantasy finds its way into my mind. Today was an exception to that rule when i watched this video:

The idea of walking around in public wearing nothing but shoes and a painted on bikini got me instantly wet, although the woman in the video was able to pull it off better than i could since her breasts do not hang and sway like mine. While we spend lots of time au natural on nude beaches, where the endless parade of nude bodies allows us to feel anonymous and blend, the idea of being essentially nude in crowds of clothed people is insanely exciting to me. If you have links to similar videos, please share with me via PM. i did find one other link to a download of a private sex scene with Holly Michaels wearing a painted on bikini which I will happily share if You are interested. Also cool, but not as exciting as being in public wearing only paint, Mmmmm!

Giving Control to a Stranger (i have role played this with hubby, won't do IRL otherwise):

This is a big one for me. Sometimes i have willing submitted to a Dom/me to be used for their pleasure and entertainment, other times They have taken me against my will, perhaps by a*****ion, purchasing me at a slave auction, winning me in a wager, etc. Sometimes i am physically bound using ropes, chains, collars, cuffs and bondage furniture (love the idea of being bent over and bound in a stockade), other times my bonds are more mental or emotional (blackmail, extortion, deception for example).

Regardless of the form the fantasy takes, what gets me really wet is knowing that i have no choice but to serve, please and endure what happens to me. It is almost like, in my mind, if i am bound and doing kinky (or even disgusting) things it is ok, because i have no control, but if i did them willingly, by choice, i would just be a dirty slut.

Dividing My Body in Half (not something i would actually want to do with strangers):

There is something very exciting about a wall dividing my body in half. Usually i imagine i am in a BDSM club with my hands and head on one side of a wall, secured in openings much like a standard stockade, while the rest of my body is on the other side in a different room, bent over a bar that keeps me standing with my torso parallel to the ground, with my ankles cuffed and anchored to the ground four feet apart. This leaves my back, sides, stomach, ass, sex, legs and hanging breasts very much exposed to any torments or pleasures that guests at the club wish to anonymously bestow upon my flesh, and the room is handsomely appointed with whips, floggers, clamps, plugs, dildos and vibrators.

On the other side of the wall, there is seating for those who wish to observe my facial expressions and guess what might be occurring on the other side of the wall. Is my ass being slapped? Are my swaying breasts being fondled or perhaps clamped with weights pulling on my sensitive nipples? Is my pussy or ass being fucked by an endless parade of hard cocks, filling me with cum that drools from me and dries on my thighs? Is my back being flogged while a vibrator is held against my clit, forcing me to endure pain and pleasure and overstimulation as orgasms are ripped from my body?

There is also a table near my face where i can see food and beverages that guests can enjoy, or feed to me if they feel i have earned it, usually by sucking their cocks and swallowing their cum first when they step up on the platform below my head to bring their groins to my mouth. Often the wall is designed with multiple sets of opening for necks and wrists, and i am but one of several slaves bound for the enjoyment of guests. We can turn our heads to see each other, and hear the cries of our neighbors as a particularly sadistic and cruel Dom/me works their way down the line in the room behind us, the screams and tears giving me the anxiety of knowing the pain that will likely soon come to me.

Ponyslave Training (i would role play this with hubby if the equipment were available):

After seeing this video on xHamster, i began to have fantasies of roleplaying a ponyslave scene with my husband:

The thing that most excited me about this particular film is the setup where the hitch to the cart includes a dildo attached to the hitch bar (if You know of others like this, please share). i enjoy losing myself imagining being in the pony's place, tacked up in our barn by my husband for my morning workout with my arms immobilized, a tail in my ass and a thick dildo in my sex while my full breasts are left to hang and sway unsupported. He would lather my body liberally with insect repellant if i had been well behaved, or He would leave me dependent on Him to shoe insects off my exposed body with His whip if he felt i needed more humiliation and training in submission.

After walking me in the pasture to get me used to the sensation of the hitch moving the dildo in my sex, He would step onto the cart and use the reins and his crop to direct my movement, guiding me along our wooded trails and open lawn. i would do my best to please Him, and hope that He would not take me on the trail that runs close enough to the road to be seen by passing motorists, particularly in the fall and spring when there is less vegetation providing privacy. i imagine pulling Him in the cart in the open field near the woods and hearing a small plane approaching a nearby airstrip, my heart racing as He waits until the last minute to guide me under the cover of the canopy of leaves as the plane flies low over our home. Mmmmmm!

Poker Game Entertainment (not something i would actually want to do):

i have a long running fantasy of serving my husband and his group of single buddies while they play poker. In my fantasy, i am typically dressed conservatively, just getting some drinks for the guys when they first arrive at our home, promising to get out of their hair so they can tell their dirty jokes and carry on, when one of them jokes that it sure would be nice to have a sexy cocktail waitress while they play. i laugh off the subtle compliment and leave them alone, but then a bit later for a laugh i put on a corset and short skirt and bring a round of beers to the guys in my best German beer wench look, with my breasts practically laying on the shelf provided by the corset.

As jaws drop, my husband suggests i stick around to distract the guys, so he will do better and win more money which i laughingly point out will only amount to $50 tops. As i distribute the beers, giving each of his friends a better look at the tops of my breasts and my cleavage, i take a deep breath and make a counter offer. “i have a better idea. How about you each chip in $50 to start with and i will get all the drinks you need tonight, whenever you need them. Whenever i am not needed to get drinks, i will be kneeling under the table sucking the cock of the person who won the most recent pot (of which i will also get 20%). i will also expect each of you to tip me at least $20 for each load of your cum that i take in my mouth, which will serve to incent me to do exceptional work with my mouth, and you to hold off as long as possible each time. With that said, if any one of you fine gentlemen cum in my mouth 5 times during the evening, i will lose the corset and skirt and continue to serve the rest of the evening naked. Who’s in?”

In my fantasy, the table is quickly covered with five $50s (one from each of my hubby’s buddies). My husband glares at me, frozen in shock before reaching into his wallet as well to pony up the sixth $50 bill. When the last guest leaves many hours later, i am exhausted, naked and full of cum, and there is close to $900 in the “nadia kitty” between the $300 starter fund, $20 cum tips and my 20% pot share. Nobody seemed to mind that they were leaving with far less money than they had when they arrived, and they were much more eager than normal to get the next game scheduled. :-)

Public Exhibition (not something i would actually want to do):

While i have spent countless days lounging nude on beaches with hundreds and even thousands of others seeing me, it doesn’t feel like exhibitionism when i am just one of many naked bodies enjoying the beach. Also, i have from time to time done some flashing, typically while on vacation, either from the car or “accidentally” in public places, which is also very exciting. But, the fantasy i have about public exhibition usual revolves around the old nightmare about showing up at school and realizing you are naked.

In my fantasy, i am typically going about everyday activities in places where i know people, and i am the only one who is naked, but it seems perfectly natural to me, even though their reactions make it crystal clear that they find it shocking. Perhaps i am at the grocery store, picking up my husband’s dry cleaning, having lunch at an outdoor table at a café, walking my dog down the street, going for a bike ride, anything really. Just normal everyday stuff, except i am naked, and have no idea why i shouldn’t be.

Adding Others to Our Lovemaking (not something i would actually want to do):

When my husband and i make love, i often fantasize about others being in bed with us. My most common fantasy is that i am on top, 69ing with another woman, while my husband fucks me from behind. While i devour her pussy, she fondles my hanging breasts, pinches and teases my sensitive nipples, and licks and nibble on my clit, bringing me to orgasm much faster than the fucking alone. When my husband fills me with his cum, she eagerly cleans my sex thoroughly with her tongue, swallowing my husband’s cum from my body. Other times when i am 69ing with my husband (again, i am on top), and he is sliding a dildo in and out of my sex, i imagine another man is fucking me while my husband watches from beneath me.

BDSM Party (not something i would actually want to do):

Another favorite fantasy of mine is the idea that i would be taken to a private BDSM party in a distant town by my husband, believing we are just going to observe and enjoy the show. He dresses in a traditional black tuxedo, and i wear a black cocktail dress with a garter belt and stockings, and some 3” heels (no bra or panties). Once we are there, we mingle with the hundred or so other guests, have drinks, eat some food, and watch with great interest and shock as couples and groups engage in various activities for their pleasure and ours.

Then, after we have been there for awhile, our attention is drawn to a central stage where our host announces that the feature entertainment is about to begin. We all gather around the dimly lit round stage in the middle of the room when i feel my husband’s lips kissing my neck and nibbling on my ear, whispering to me “Are you excited sweetheart? Are you ready, because you are the entertainment tonight.” As i process what he has told me, convinced that he is just joking, i feel my arms being pulled behind my back and handcuffed before i can react. A blindfold covers my eyes, a collar is placed on my neck and i am leashed and paraded through the crowd of people for what seems like hours (though it is really just minutes as we make a couple trips around the stage in the crowd) as i feel countless hands groping my body through my black cocktail dress, pinching my hard nipples, smacking my ass, cupping and fingering my dripping sex.

Awkwardly i am led up a couple steps to the stage in my heels and i struggle a bit as my ankles are shackled and attached to the floor 4 feet apart by what sounds like chains. The leash is removed and i feel a bar being positioned at my waist before my handcuffs are removed and i am bent forward so my torso is parallel to the ground and my wrists and neck are secured in a stockade. As calloused hands lift the back of my dress, exposing my garter framed ass and sex to the folks behind me, i feel cold metal on my back and feel scissors cutting the dress away from my body. The crowd cheers as the dress is pulled roughly away from me and my breasts sway freely below my body.

My heart races as the blindfold is removed and i realize that lights are now shining brightly on my body, leaving me not even a shred of modesty. The host steps in front of me and places a pen in my right hand, holding a document in his hand and announcing to the crowd “This fine woman’s husband has contracted his wife to our use for the evening, stating she wants this, she just doesn’t know it. Miss nadia, if you will kindly sign the contract as well, your evening of service will commence, and can only be stopped by your husband, should he deem any treatment you receive to be more than you can handle.” My head races and spins, i hear my heart pounding in my ears and i tremble visibly as i sign the document, knowing that so many of my fantasies and fears are about to come true.

The moment i finish signing my name the blindfold is returned to my eyes as the crowd cheers loudly. My night has just begun, and i am used as a demonstration slave for many implements and devices that the host is selling over the next hour or so, with guests being invited to try the whip, or clamps, or electro stimulation devices on my body to see if they wanted to buy them. For the next 3 hours i am left bound in the stocks with weights dangling from clamps that bite into my tender nipples while the party continues, with a never ending stream of anonymous cocks sliding into my mouth, ass and pussy leaving countless loads of cum drooling from my body and giving me more orgasms than i have ever experienced in one night. Several women also present their cunts to me to be eaten, most are clearly freshly fucked as i eat the loads of cum from them.

By the end of the night, i am numb with pleasure and pain, the clamps are removed from my nipples and i am removed from the bondage on the stage and invited to again mingle with the crowd, my hands are cuffed again behind my back, the blindfold is removed, and i am naked except for my garters and stockings and the dried cum that covers my face, back, ass and thighs. In a haze i wander weakly, looking for my husband while the strangers in the crowd exchange knowing looks, i have no way to know who has done what with my bound body during the prior hours, but based on their looks, i suspect they all have enjoyed me in some way.

Lesbian (not something i would actually want to do now, did some minor experimenting many years ago):

People often ask me if i am straight or bi, and i guess because i have many fantasies that involve being with another woman or women, i should say that although i am straight, i have many bi fantasies. Usually they are very tender fantasies of seduction, where a friend makes a pass at me and i decide to give in to the temptation, and we make love for hours, exploring each other’s bodies and bringing each other waves of pleasure and comfort. Other times i am submitting to a Domme who uses me as her plaything and is entertained by my submission, humiliation and suffering.

Age Difference (i would role play this with Hubby only):

Often i fantasize about being with a Master who is much younger or older than me. There is a certain exciting humiliation that goes along with the idea of serving unconditionally an 18 year old man with limitless stamina and limited skills. Likewise there is exciting humiliation in the idea that i would submit to a Master many decades my senior, giving my relatively youthful body to Him, regardless of the wrinkled shell of a body He now inhabits.

Slave Training (i would role play this with Hubby):

There is nothing quite as exciting to me as the fantasy of finding myself in the position of being a slave trainee at a facility that prepares sex slaves for sale to wealthy private clients. How i get to that point varies (much like the scenarios in the Giving Control to a Stranger scenario above) but once i am there, often being trained alongside many other male and female trainees, i have lost all hope of escape and regaining my freedom. All i can do is try to minimize my discomfort by pleasing my trainers, and hope that when i am sold, i find myself in an acceptable position.

We are constantly reminded that the best of us will be purchased by wealthy owners worldwide, and we will live in the lap of luxury, while those of us that perform less exceptionally will be sold to brothel owners in the ghettos of dirtiest cities in the world, left chained to dirty mattresses waiting for the next disgusting man in need of a place to deposit his seed. Naturally we have no way of knowing if this is true, but the fear that it might be encourages me and the other slaves to compete vigorously to be the best at all we are instructed to do, turning us from reluctant victims to eager to please sexual machines, much to our trainers delight!

Insects (not something i would actually want to do with strangers):

Another fantasy I have is to be bound outdoors, helpless to defend myself against insects. Perhaps something is sprayed on my body to attract them, or applied only to areas where my captor want to attract the pests. Perhaps I am staked to the ground in the grass where they will naturally encounter me. Ants, spiders, bees, mosquitoes, flies, any kind of bug that I would normally swat or flick off my body would have free access to my flesh. Often this bondage is occurring with an audience, for their entertainment.

In my fantasy, there is typically a timer, or a task that needs to be completed before I will be released from my bondage. Maybe I have to bring 5 men to orgasm, leaving me to convince 5 men in the audience (or more if they stop me before they cum) to let me suck their cocks until they cum. I have to plead with them to let me blow them, because they are enjoying watching my discomfort as my flesh is pinched, bitten and stung. The humiliation of having to beg for a cock in my mouth (or my pussy or ass, depending on the bondage) is incredible and very exciting.

Interracial Gangbang (not something i would actually want to do):

A long running fantasy of mine is to be the object of desire and attention for a group of black men (typically members of either a basketball or football team). In my fantasy, there are usually 4 to 10 men that i meet at a bar where they are blowing off steam after a loss. They buy me many drinks and compliment me constantly, so by the time one suggests that i come back to their hotel suite, i am so flattered by their attention, and feeling no pain from the drinks, that i agree.

When we get back to the room, we do some more shots, and their demeanor changes rapidly. Instead of telling me how sweet and beautiful i am, or telling me how gorgeous my curves are, they start telling me to show them my floppy white titties, or shake my round booty for them. They start telling me i am a good little white ho, and that a good white ho belongs on her knees, sucking their big black cocks. i try to excuse myself but quickly realize this is not an option when the alpha of the group whispers in my ear “If you wanna walk out of here as you walked in, you will lose those clothes and show me and my homies a good time to help us unwind. Once we have all cum at least once, you are free to go, understand bitch? Besides, I saw the way you were looking at us in the bar, you want this as bad as we do, so strip and show us that pretty pink fuck hole and your tight little backdoor.”

Knowing i have no choice, and one of my oldest fantasies is about to come true, i do as i am told, and kneel naked on the floor to suck their cocks. Hours later, my mouth, breasts, pussy and ass have been fucked and cummed on/in more times than i can count, and a couple of them wipe their cocks clean with my clothes, throw them to me and usher me to the hallway, locking me out of the room as i dress in my clothes covered with their cum in the hallway of the hotel. This video reminded me of this fantasy very closely:
Published by nadia877
10 years ago
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nadia877 Publisher 2 months ago
to DirtySocksDaddy : Thanks Hun... i appreciate that You take the time to read and understand what i share.  :smile:
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DirtySocksDaddy 2 months ago
You write well, and some of this is very hot. This line in particular evoked a very erotic and visceral image for me: "Are my swaying breasts being fondled or perhaps clamped with weights pulling on my sensitive nipples?"

I appreciate the clarity around what you would and wouldn't actually want to do. My submissive gives me lots of ideas all the time while she masturbates, and if one catches my interest, I usually ask her if it's a fantasy or something she would actually want to explore. Having them written out like this would be very handy.
nadia877 Publisher 1 year ago
to LYL6278 : Thanks Hun, i look forward to getting to know You. :smile:
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LYL6278 1 year ago
Fantastic profile... intriguing and alluring I absolutely love clicking a link in you posts to see where it goes... I'll be back
escalade2020 1 year ago
to nadia877 : I would love to have a wife like you who wants to be an exhibitionist, imagines gangbang (though not doing it for real LOL), maybe loves to get a BBC (OMG- but just in fantasy), loves to get fucked in the ass, and usually puts on a butt-plug!  
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nadia877 Publisher 1 year ago
to escalade2020 : Thanks Hun!  You get it!
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nadia877 Publisher 1 year ago
to escalade2020 : Thanks Hun.  :smile:
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escalade2020 1 year ago
Interesting fantasies! You look to be an insatiable woman! Many women have such dreams. Even if you do not do some of them in reality, you can talk about them with your hubby but let him know they are just fantasies. Also I have seen videos of women with remote control vibrators! I hope you get the one you like! 
nadia877 Publisher 2 years ago
to NjuNeobicno : *nods and smiles*  Can be very exciting!!!
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NjuNeobicno 2 years ago
I also have a fantasy to be in role of much younger or older master to some married you sed there is some interesting Dom sub feeling in this age difference fantasies...
nadia877 Publisher 3 years ago
to slavecum33 : No Sir... well, a little... the fear is exciting!!!
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slavecum33 3 years ago
sexy fantasies. pet does'nt fear insects bites or sting?
nadia877 Publisher 4 years ago
to Hotgirlfriend88 : Thanks... always nice to know when others enjoy reading what i share of myself.
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Hotgirlfriend88 4 years ago
Getherwetter 4 years ago
to nadia877 : I found it interesting, thank you for putting it out there!
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nadia877 Publisher 4 years ago
to Getherwetter : Thanks Hun for going into my info, i apreciate folks who want to know more about me and are willing to read what i share. :smile:  
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Getherwetter 4 years ago
You really put a lot of time into this, I sure hope others actually go this far into your profile. You are a complex and very compelling woman. I'm following out of curiosity. Love the fact you "get" the difference between fantasy and reality to.
nadia877 Publisher 4 years ago
to phillymark1 : :smile:  Thanks so much for taking the time to read what i share.
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phillymark1 4 years ago
That was a very interesting group of fantasies.  I like that you specified whether you would actually do the or not and commented on what about the fantasy you found exciting.  I was aroused at the description of some of the fantasies even though I do not normally enjoy them myself.  I did appreciate the video of the pony training.  Thanks for being so open with your readers.
nadia877 Publisher 4 years ago
to ropstvo : Thank You kind Sir, for taking the time to read what i share!!!  :smile:
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ropstvo 4 years ago
Your article is beautiful, I think I will return to read it more carefully, point by point. Thanks for your idea!
nadia877 Publisher 4 years ago
to Mmmm3920 : Personally, i would need to know that others would not be able to hear it... i suspect she would have similar concerns.
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Mmmm3920 4 years ago
I also have to remote control fantasy. I but one and trying to convince my wife to go out in public with it. 
nadia877 Publisher 5 years ago
Thanks Hun, glad You enjoyed a peek behind the curtain, so to speak. :smile:
nadia877 Publisher 5 years ago
That is always nice to hear!  Thanks for Your comment!
nadia877 Publisher 5 years ago
to resw : Of course... thanks for taking the time to read what i share. :smile:
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resw 5 years ago
Always fascinating to hear a woman's fantasies. Thank you
nadia877 Publisher 5 years ago
to HardMario : Thanks Hun, always nice to know when folks enjoy reading about my thoughts. :smile:
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HardMario 5 years ago
This is so sexy... kinky, frank, detailed. I could reread it over and over.
nadia877 Publisher 6 years ago
to paarrth : Thank You so much... it is very enjoyable to share, but even more rewarding when others take the time to read and also enjoy my fantasies!!!  
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