Are you getting errors with uploaded videos?
Are you getting errors with uploaded videos?
In order to prevent problems, re-encode video to standard MP4 with H.264 or x264 video and AAC audio codec. And stay away from proprietary formats like Sorenson, On2 and any of Microsoft's codecs. Recommended software is MPEG Streamclip, iFFmpeg, QuickTime Player 7, Elasty and AVS Video Editor. And if nothing works, Xilisoft Video Converter will do the job with out complaining. And don't over do it, xHamsters standard encoding is set to max 640 x 480 px and about 512 Kb/s video and 64 Kb/s 41 KHz stereo audio bitrates. Yes xHamster also supports HD. But I don't know the threshold size for HD video. Or in other words where xHamster's encoder chooses to encode uploaded video as HD instead of downscaling it to 640x480 pixels.
Codecs supported by xHamsters encoder:
Video codec identifiers
Standard tools are: GSpot for Windows and VideoSpec and Invisor for OS X.
Aspect Ratio Calculators
Web: http://andrew.hedges dot name/experiments/aspect_ratio/
OS X: dot com/app/id498701237
A great tool for ratios: OS X Dashboard Widget, Proportions
Copying AVC stream and re-encoding SPEEX audio to a new container:
ffmpeg -i IN.flv -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict -2 -b:a 11k -ar 22050 -ac 1 OUT.mp4
In order to prevent problems, re-encode video to standard MP4 with H.264 or x264 video and AAC audio codec. And stay away from proprietary formats like Sorenson, On2 and any of Microsoft's codecs. Recommended software is MPEG Streamclip, iFFmpeg, QuickTime Player 7, Elasty and AVS Video Editor. And if nothing works, Xilisoft Video Converter will do the job with out complaining. And don't over do it, xHamsters standard encoding is set to max 640 x 480 px and about 512 Kb/s video and 64 Kb/s 41 KHz stereo audio bitrates. Yes xHamster also supports HD. But I don't know the threshold size for HD video. Or in other words where xHamster's encoder chooses to encode uploaded video as HD instead of downscaling it to 640x480 pixels.
Codecs supported by xHamsters encoder:
Video codec identifiers
Standard tools are: GSpot for Windows and VideoSpec and Invisor for OS X.
Aspect Ratio Calculators
Web: http://andrew.hedges dot name/experiments/aspect_ratio/
OS X: dot com/app/id498701237
A great tool for ratios: OS X Dashboard Widget, Proportions
Copying AVC stream and re-encoding SPEEX audio to a new container:
ffmpeg -i IN.flv -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict -2 -b:a 11k -ar 22050 -ac 1 OUT.mp4
10 years ago
A note. You can upload HD stuff. And xHamster will most likely show it if you are a paying member. And another thing, re-encode is sometimes not needed in order to repair video files. Copying the video and audio streams as passthru to a new container with FFmpeg might do the trick.