This really is goodbye

Hello. This will be the very last blog that I post for Xhamster.

A few months ago, after nearly two years of successful uploading, one of Xhamster's reviewers removed one of my videos. Their claim was that the title that I have been using in all my videos since the very beginning, "TheDeGrader Presents", violated this site's rule regarding the use of watermarks. I immediately sought to reason with the staff, explaining that the the titles I've used interchangeable with watermarks in order to overturn the removal... negotiations were unsuccessful. Angrily, I left this site intending to never come back but I found myself missing this site so I decided to randomly upload a new video (Arnold Schwartzenpecker: The Legend), just to see what would happen. You could all imagine my elation when the video was approved.

I dunno why or how my video got approved; I suspected that another reviewer (one who can clearly differentiate between a watermark and an intro title) got to it first. With my optimism fully restored I began to resume activities here... that was until the recent removal of Cum Dumpsters, Part 2. This time around, in contrast to my angry, insule-laced response, I approached Xhamster's staff in a composed, respectful manner in order to get to the bottom of their inconsistent handling of my uploads. I have deduced that there is an internal division amongst Xhamster's review team, meaning that there those who don't think of my titles as watermarks while there are those who believe that any form of written text seen in video constitutes as such. This deduction has led me to determine that, depending on which type of reviewer gets to the video first, my videos may or may not get approved... this is a fact that I cannot accept.

I wrote a long message to Xhamster's Contact Support, basically calling them out on these inconsistencies. I've been sending them the same message 24 hours for about now... they haven't even had the decency nor common courtesy to respond. I know that I'm being ignored and I'm not going to stand for it. There are other Adult tubes just as popular as this one that would love to host my content... I've already been headhunted by a few of them since my videos have become more widely recognised around the web. Do y'all know what this means? It means that I don't need to put up with such indifference anymore. It means that I don't need to put up with such unprofessionalism anymore. It means that I don't need Xhamster anymore. So I've been forced to make a really tough decision... to leave this site behind for good this time.

The truth is that I've been contemplating this for awhile now. I've been neglecting to make this announcement because I wanted to wait until I found a suitable replacement for this site. Finally, I found that replacement in the form of My debut upload for the site? Cum Dumpsters, Part 2. Once I get settled in there, I will start to dump all of my new content there. Additionally, I will be uploading videos the videos that have been deleted from here such as The Exploited Ebony Compilation, The Recent Days of Preston Parker, and Broke Bitches, Part 1 (a Broke Amateurs compilation) among others.

For those of you who wish to continue subscribing to my new content, y'all are gonna have to go elsewhere to do so. Here are the direct links to sites I currently operate:

1) For

2) For

{Note: There's nothing here yet but, believe me, there will be very soon so please be patient}

3) For

4) For

5) For

So there you have it. Again, if y'all wanna see my new videos, these are the only places you're gonna be able to find them from now on.

Before this whole mess, I really enjoyed being a part of this community and I will always appreciate all of the praise and support that my videos have garnered from users of this site. Sadly, it's time for me to move onto greener pastures. What's even more sad is that all of this could've been avoided had Xhamster's staff been willing to adhere to simple reasoning and compromise. Their incompetence and their stubbornness has cost them one of this site's finest uploaders and they only have themselves to blame for that. Their loss will become another porn tube's gain.

The only way I would ever condiser the remote possibilty of resuming here is if Xhamster were to comply to my terms, which they probably never will. I'm done fighting with them about this issue but if any of you Xhamster diehards wanna try to appeal to them on my behalf, you're welcome to do so here:

Xhamster Contact Form:

I would suggest highlighting "Feedback" as your subject. Who knows, maybe if enough users appeal, Xhamster may fold... I remain skeptical though.

So I guess this really is goodbye. It's been nice.

Take care.

Published by TheDegrader34
10 years ago
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Hardigun35 10 years ago
One of the best contributors to this sight, you will be missed.
Kevvo23 10 years ago
I wanna cry......your vids are hands down the best wanking to your uploads..will definitely in the future. Cheers for.the heads up.....
Brewkakke 10 years ago
Sorry things didn't work out here for you. Good luck with your future endeavors. You did a lot of good work here while it lasted. Bon voyage...
Your compilations are awesome, it'll be a shame to not see you on here again, I have an xvideos profile for the extreme content they got on there so I'll subscribe when I can be bothered to sign in on there

You could have success on pornhub too seeing as they made a category based on your vids if I remember correctly
pinkhunter 10 years ago
Dam, gonna miss the fli ks
stupid12345 10 years ago
I can't believe it is really over! Thank you for all the pleasure your videos have caused me. Out of everyone on this site I wacked off the most to your videos. Thanks again! God Bless You
snk990 10 years ago
Hello, to be honest i wasn't that familiar with this profile as we became friends not too long ago, but as i got to see the compilation videos you created here, will say are incredibly Fantastic and the best mix someone has ever posted here. I know how it feels when you don't get the respect you deserve and the xhamster team not being reasonable. i've made a blog too in the past saying i was done here and fed up but changed my mind because of friends, and people who always supported me right from the beginning, thanking me for contributions. i still hate what goes on here on a daily basis with petty users , video deletions etc but i said this site is very social and the best tube site out of any other out there. I hope you will reconsider still trying to negotiate with the reviewers/staff because it will be sad exiting this way but whatever the decision is I respect it and wish you all the best.