Very Horny story.... 1 - 3
Part 1
It was his suggestion that they all met up for a get together. a weekend away in a country house would be nice, he said. and they'd all agreed. so here she was.
she was nervous and excited in equal measure. you see, she'd come to see one person in particular. she'd never met him before, not in person anyhow. she'd chatted to him over the internet and seen his photo, but now she was about to see the 3D version.
there were a handful of people in the lobby when she walked in, pulling her little weekend bag behind her. but she didnt take in any of the other faces, she had seen him first. the butterflies in her stomach were doing acrobatics worthy of a gold medal. he had looked up when he heard her heels on the marble floor, and he'd looked right at her.
she swears that time stood still. they just seemed to stare at one another for an age. then he moved forward. which was good because she couldn't move.
"hi" he said, and the most wonderful smile lit up his handsome face. he was even nicer than his photo. "hi" she breathed. he leaned forward and went to kiss her on the cheek. as he drew near and she could feel his warmth she closed her eyes momentarily and breathed in his scent. god he smelled good. and then his lips were on her skin. ever so gently. would he be able to feel the heat in her cheek? he smiled as he pulled away. she smiled back, speechless.
"how was your journey?" he asked.
it took a moment to take in what he'd said. "sorry?" she asked.
"your jou"
"my journey, yes sorry. it was fine. great." she shook her head. he smiled again. what was wrong with her, she'd conversed with men before. but this one she wanted. desperately. she'd thought of nothing else for the whole drive. for the past month.
"listen, how about i take you to meet the guys and then i'll take you upstairs" "eh?" the word came quickly. she realised how she must have sounded. unbeknown to him, she'd visioned him saying those words several times in her daydreams. "yes of course" she giggled nervously hoping to cover herself. and he did take her over and introduce her to the other people. they all seemed really nice. then he told them he'd be back when he'd shown her where her room was. they walked up the grand staircase, it was only on the first floor he'd explained. it was a beautiful house; all marble, gilt and grandeur. very romantic. when they reached the door of her room, he slotted the key in and unlocked it. she was so glad he had taken charge, she was a mess. she had left her brain in the lobby it felt. how was it possible to want someone SO much. she had wanted to grab his bottom as she stared at it whilst climbing the stairs. good job he hadnt noticed her blushing.
"here you are" he said, and placed her bag on the bed.
"thanks" she smiled. "really" "are you ok?" he asked with a slight frown, "you're very quiet" "yeah, fine" she looked at him full in the face. god he was good looking. "a bit overwhelmed?" something like that she thought. not with meeting the strangers, like you may think though. he stepped forward. "its so nice to finally meet you" his lips were the perfect shade of pink. a perfect cupids bow.
"likewise!" if only you knew. and then without another word he had placed his arms around her. his warm body was pressing against hers. oh boy. she wrapped her arms round his neck carefully as he held her round the waist. the tingle went from her arms straight down to between her legs.
he felt wonderful. would he be able to feel her heart hammering in her chest? the hug lasted, which she was thrilled about. she didnt want to let him go AT ALL. he let out a nervous giggle and slowly pulled away. but not fully. as they separated he looked her in the eyes. she gazed back, happy to see her reflection in them. she was grinning broadly.
"im so glad you came" he said. "im so glad i came" why did he have to smell do damn good. he beamed at her.
please kiss me, she thought, please. you're close enough, you wouldnt have to move very far. she tried to send the thought telepathetically from her eyes to his.
but sadly, he stepped away. "ill leave you to get settled, then maybe you could join us in the bar?" no, stay here. undress me with your eyes, then your hands. let me feel those fingers undoing my buttons. let me feel your lips on my neck and your hands on my body. i beg of you.
"yes. of course" she nodded.
he nodded too, then with a wink, he went to the door and walked out of it. she grunted then she too walked over to the door. she placed her forehead against it. the wood was cool against her hot skin. why couldnt he have forgotten he was a gentleman, just for now. she knew from talking to him that he wouldnt have made a pass of that nature that soon, if at all, but damn it, she was frustrated. she was just about to move back to the bed and her bag when the door suddenly opened.
"i forgot to leave you your" she spun round. "key" he added. he looked puzzled, then within seconds he had his arms round her again and was holding her closer than she'd ever been held.
please kiss me this time she thought, and pleaded silently. please. and as if he heard her his eyes gazed into hers and his mouth leaned down to hers.
"yes" she sighed "yes do" and after looking at her intensely once more, he moved slowly and rested his lips against hers. there was a hunger and an urgency in her stomach but this is exactly how she wanted it. slow - and teasing. and it was. his lips tasted hers softly and tenderly, like it would never end. she closed her eyes and breathed him in.
for a long while they kissed, eventually him parting her lips with his tongue and then tasting the inside of her mouth. his hands moving gently over her body, squeezing lightly when he reached her buttocks. the thin material covering them doing nothing to prevent her feeling his every fingertip. her hands glided over his back, across his buttocks, and back up. they came to rest on his face and she held his cheeks in her hands while his mouth became more forceful. he lifted her now and placed her on the bed.
"are you sure you"
she stopped his words with a finger over his lips. she nodded. they both smiled. laying down had pulled some of the silk material away from her chest and she was pleased to see his eyes roam over the contours of her breasts. he took off his shirt and then laid on top of her. his mouth kissed hers more eager now and his hands moved freely over her curves. it was no good, she was wearing one too many clothes. she sat up and lifted her arms above her head. she looked at him and he knew she was asking him to remove her dress. so he did. his eyes focusing on her breasts, which were round and heaving, and the flimsy material of her black lace bra doing nothing much to cover them. he smiled broadly. as did she.
he knelt up on the bed and nervously she reached for his zip. she could see him straining at the crotch, which she was more than thrilled about. as she released him and removed his trousers to his knees, he kissed her hard. they lay back and he shuffled out of the rest of his trousers. his skin felt wonderful against hers. she wanted to be completely naked with him but there was plenty of time for that yet. his mouth was finding her neck and her arms and her stomach and her thighs. he avoided the breasts and between her legs. he was teasing her. she liked it. did he want her to touch him yet? he looked fit to burst. did he want her to take him in her mouth?
Every part of her was screaming out for this man to touch her. everywhere. his fingers were stroking her, taking in almost every inch. his hand slid up her thigh slowly, then gently he traced a line over the lace of her panties. his thumb circled her through the material, he could tell how much she wanted him by the wetness on his skin.
she breathed in sharply and arched her back forcing his full hand against her. she wanted to touch him, badly, but his position prevented it. she was sure it was deliberate. oh he was good. his tongue teased her lips gently and then without notice his fingers had slipped her panties aside and found their way inside. another intake of breath. he deftly stroked the clitoris making her moan her pleasure. he moved his mouth down to her breasts. he kissed along the edge of the lace. then with his other hand he slowly released one of the nipples from the cup.
it was pointing at him, pink and hard, willing him to take it in his mouth. which he did. this was pure pleasure. his tongue circled the whole of the nipple before his mouth closed around it and he began the gentle sucking motion. she was in heaven, she was sure of it. she was ready to come and he'd barely started. where had he learnt to touch a woman like that? she felt the orgasm building inside her as his fingers moved softly but quickly over the clitoris. "now" she mouthed "oh god, now" and his fingers quickened and pressure increased. she gripped any part of him she could reach as the orgasm heightened and her breath got faster. "yes" she called "please, yes" and she came, her body bucking against his hand. she fell back against the bed, her breathing heavy. his face came level with hers. she smiled, then bit her lip coyly. "wow" she sighed happily. he smiled back at her.
Part 2:
She needed to touch him now, needed to see him. She rolled over onto her side as he rolled over to his back. He was so sexy. She stroked a hand over his chest and looked down at him. “talk about a welcome party!” he grinned.
She laughed. He lifted his head and kissed her on the lips. It lingered briefly before suddenly he was on his feet. There was a feeling of disappointment in her stomach, she was still horny and yet he was getting up. ‘Was that all for now?’ She considered. But he stood in front of the bed and reached out both hands to her. She responded by giving him her hands and he pulled her to her feet. He kissed both her palms then released one hand. He turned and pulled her with him. He was taking her to the bathroom. He opened the door and led her inside.
Normally she would have taken in the décor in every detail but she was transfixed by him. “shall we freshen up after our long journey’s?” he asked. But even as he said it he was opening the glass door of the shower and turning it on. He turned and looked at her. His hand reached for her face and rested it on her cheek. “you’re beautiful” he smiled. Then his lips were against hers. And his arm about her waist. He pulled her close. A thousand butterflies danced in her stomach. And they were heading to a lower part of her anatomy as his mouth became hungrier. She ran her hands up and down his back, letting her nails graze down his spine.
“mmm” he moaned against her mouth.
His hands were on her hips now, sliding down to her panties. He parted from the kiss and looked enquiringly at her as he hooked the sides with his fingers. She nodded instinctively. Slowly they passed over her thighs and calves as he removed them for her. She stepped out of them as they reached the floor. As he was crouched there, he leaned in towards her and kissed her thighs. Then she could feel his warm breath between her legs. She gasped as one breath caught her unexpectedly, hot and heavy.
But he raised himself back to stand with her. The bra was next to go obviously. His hands were around her back and undoing the catch. She allowed him to remove it, however she hindered his progress slightly by reaching for his groin midway. He looked at her and smiled knowingly as she stroked his %&*$# through the material. It distracted him from the job in hand. She loved the feeling of him in her hand. He was ample and ready for her. When the bra was off he kissed her again.
Then, “shall we?” he asked. And gestured towards the shower. She nodded.
“lets get rid of these then” he said, and he pulled off his underwear in one quick movement. He stepped into the shower, pulling her in after him.
The water splashed over them, hot and comforting. He manoeuvred both their bodies under the spray. She watched him intently as he stood under the shower head, closed his eyes and let the water soak his hair and face. Her eyes roamed over his body , taking it all in. It was as her eyes had reached his %&*$# that he opened his eyes. She blushed as he followed her gaze. He smiled, took her hand and led it to his %&*$#. As she took it in her hand tentatively, he lifted her face and covered her mouth with his. She allowed him to part her lips with his tongue and they explored each others mouths. As the kiss became more passionate her grip on his member became firmer. His hands roamed her body. God this felt so good. His %&*$# was hard and eager.
She pulled away from the kiss, and without a word pushed him against the shower wall. She knelt down and then looked up at him. She smiled broadly. There was anticipation on his face. She winked at him before leaning her head towards his groin and slowly taking the head of his %&*$# in her mouth. He gasped.
It was just the head at first. She held it in her mouth and rolled her tongue around it. She alternated the rolling of it so that he could feel the soft, then rougher top side of her tongue. He moaned. His hands were in her hair now. She sucked lightly and slowly before moving her mouth over the whole of his %&*$#. The pleasurable noises he made spurred her on. She glided her mouth up and down the shaft, enjoying the hotness of it. She paused every time she reached the head and sucked, firmer and firmer. His hands held tighter into her hair. She slid the %&*$# back fast, into her mouth, so quickly in fact it caught the back of her throat. She gagged briefly, but carried on. Her mouth moved quicker against the shaft now, almost like her mouth was %&*$# his %&*$#. His moans were getting louder. This made her happy. She carried on until suddenly his arms were under his armpits and she was brought quickly to her feet. He kissed her firmly then spun her round and placed her against the shower wall. He parted her legs with his knee and slid his hand between her legs. He stroked her clitoris before slipping his finger deep inside her. He kissed her while stroking her this way. Then his finger disappeared and moments later it was replaced by something else. She could feel the head of his %&*$# at her entrance. He moved his hips so it teased at the entrance. She grabbed his buttocks, willing him closer. And then he was. He had guided himself inside her and the whole length of his shaft was filling her. She moaned “oh God”.
He resumed kissing her. Her hands were alternating between gripping his buttocks and gliding her nails along his spine. He moved inside her slowly at first. She could feel the length of his shaft stroking her insides. His hand was at her breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers. This was sheer bliss. She waited a while before doing what she had wanted to since he first entered her. Then once, as his %&*$# was fully inside her again, she did it. She squeezed her inner muscles tight. “Ohhhhh” he groaned. He hadn’t been aware how tight she could be. She could bring a toothpick off, it was a gift. She smiled as he looked at her full in the face. She bit her lip coyly and shrugged her shoulders. He grinned. She released the muscles as he glided out to the tip of her. Then as he was in her again she squeezed tight once more. He laughed. “You’re good!”
And as she beamed at him, he pressed his body against her close. The rhythm became faster now. Both of them were gripping each other as he thrust harder and harder inside her. She felt they would fall through the wall soon. The water cascaded over them splashing all over the screen onto the floor. He lifted one of her thighs with his hand and held it against his hip as he slammed his %&*$# inside her. She was practically screaming with desire now and both were breathing heavy.
Part 3:
She wore her orange dress for tonight, it had a flowing skirt and was cut daringly low showing her ample bosom. ‘If you’ve got it flaunt it’ she thought to herself as she put it on. Now, as she caught his gaze pass to it occasionally, she knew she’d picked the right dress for this evenings ‘entertainment’.
She looked him over too, he had a suit on, cut just right, and she had always had a thing for a guy in black trousers. He was leaning nonchalantly against the fireplace with one arm in the waiting room as he chatted to some others. Making hand gestures as he was describing something to them. She couldn’t help but notice the shape of his arse through his trouser, the arse she had been pulling into her just a short time ago….
A bell sounded waking her from her short lived daydream. She found him by her side again as he smiled and offered her his arm to escort her to dinner. With all the others they filed into the dining room, looking at their names on the table plans as they passed. She noticed that the tables were quite small, it was after all a quaint little family run hotel after all, but what surprised her was there was only one other person on her table. She glanced up at him as he winked at her, a strange smile playing upon his lips.
She gave him a quizzical look but let him guide her to the exact table, set in a small alcove with candles lighting the walls from brackets set within. He pulled her chair out for her and she slid into it, he gave a glance around the room as others were busy with their seating and he quickly leant down and gave her a quick kiss on the back of her neck before moving to his seat just next to her. She started a little at this and parted her mouth a little, raised eyebrows, but quickly regained her composure. No one else here knew of her closeness to this wonderful man sitting with her now but suspected that some were putting two and two together now. Especially with this seating arrangement she now found herself in, what was he thinking of she wondered?
The starter came and was enjoyable enough. She was more caught up in the conversations she was having with him as they both described their college years and some of the more humorous pranks they had each been involved in skirting with danger all the time. Thinking of this she realised that his hand had been touching her leg briefly over her skirt as he chatted to her, he was sitting very close to her now! As he continued talking his hand stayed on her leg and began lightly stroking it. It felt loving and intimate to her and she smiled at him to let him know how much she liked it.
This continued for a short while as she was absorbed by his touch, conversation and especially his eyes as she sunk further into the flicker of the candlelight reflected in his dark pupils. She suddenly felt his hand on her bare flesh on her thigh. With a quick glance down she realised that her skirt had been riding up at the front as he had been stroking her. Darting a glance around the room she saw that everyone else was engaged in their own private conversations, the low hum of voices filling the dimly lit room. She noticed the table cloth was hanging low enough to hide what was happening, ‘what was happening?’ she thought. Unsure of what he intended she just looked at her plate and then up at him. Again that smile, that lovely smile of his as he looked knowingly at her. She found herself caught up in the moment again as his hand stroked gently up and down the inside of her thigh, each time going that little bit further up. ‘How high would he go?’ she wondered, even as she did so she found herself parting her legs a little, encouraging him.
She soon found out. It wasn’t long until his fingers grazed against her knickers, she had put on her silk ones for this evening and she gasped as she could feel the sensation of his touch easily through them. With the afternoons pleasures she’d had running through her mind and his fingers running over her knickers she knew that she was getting wet very quickly again. Oh God, he was going to feel it too, surely he wouldn’t carry on in public like this? She glanced around again nervously, she’d never done anything like this before! She should stop it her brain was crying out to her. However, her body was responding differently. Her legs parted more, her breathing was faster and she could feel her heart racing now. She let him continue.
From the corner of her eye she saw him quite calmly take another sip of his soup, as he did so he slipped his hand under her knickers taking her by surprise. She jumped as the sensation of his bare flesh upon her pussy sent a jolt of excitement up her spine. He was stroking her slowly heightening her excitement all the time. She was trying to concentrate hard, she mustn’t show in her face what was happening to her, but it was hard for her not to. This was so wrong but it was making her so horny too because of it. He then took his thumb and started to slowly roll it around her clit which encouraged it to swell more. She gave a low groan at this which was thankfully lost in the murmer of the chat in the dining room.
He turned to her then and as she lifted her head to meet his he leant down and lightly brushed his lips against hers. Her eyes half closed she whispered softly ‘More….’. More what she wasn’t sure, but she wanted it for certain now. He kissed her harder then, firstly on the lips and then his tongue parted her lips for a deeper sensual kiss. She was lost in the moment with him completely now and almost didn’t realise it when she felt his finger slide into her. Again she moaned during the kiss and she involuntarily clenched her muscles around his finger as he began to slide it in and out of her, his thumb continuing to steadily bring her to what she knew was inevitable orgasm.
Could she hide it from other diners? She wasn’t sure she cared anymore as a tightening feeling was growing in her below. A pressure that needed release. For what seemed like an eternity but was probably only moments she felt she was going to cum here in public. She grabbed his tie with her hand and pulled him more to her, her mouth hungrily devouring his, deep gutteral, almost a****listic sounds emanating from her throat. She felt his other hand slide gently over one of her breasts, her nipple immediately hardening in response through her gown.
She felt an explosion of pleasure rip through her body, a spasm so intense she cried out, only muffled by his mouth clamped over hers. He could feel the strength of her orgasm and tried to shield her as best her could. Her body was wracked by continuing spasms and she shuddered with each one, her breathing rapid and her low moans uncontrolled but thankfully inaudible still in the room. She was lost for a time in the emotion of the moment but began to gather herself up for what she was certain was going to be shocked looks from some, or even all, of the diners opposite her. She looked up…
And saw other happily continuing their meals around their part of the room. She couldn’t believe it! How had they managed to not get caught? She turned to her lover and he raised his eyebrow and smiled at her again. “That was only the starter, the main course is coming soon.” he winked at her. She couldn’t help but laugh out loud at this. What made her laugh louder was that a couple of diners looked at her because of the noise she’d made laughing!
It was his suggestion that they all met up for a get together. a weekend away in a country house would be nice, he said. and they'd all agreed. so here she was.
she was nervous and excited in equal measure. you see, she'd come to see one person in particular. she'd never met him before, not in person anyhow. she'd chatted to him over the internet and seen his photo, but now she was about to see the 3D version.
there were a handful of people in the lobby when she walked in, pulling her little weekend bag behind her. but she didnt take in any of the other faces, she had seen him first. the butterflies in her stomach were doing acrobatics worthy of a gold medal. he had looked up when he heard her heels on the marble floor, and he'd looked right at her.
she swears that time stood still. they just seemed to stare at one another for an age. then he moved forward. which was good because she couldn't move.
"hi" he said, and the most wonderful smile lit up his handsome face. he was even nicer than his photo. "hi" she breathed. he leaned forward and went to kiss her on the cheek. as he drew near and she could feel his warmth she closed her eyes momentarily and breathed in his scent. god he smelled good. and then his lips were on her skin. ever so gently. would he be able to feel the heat in her cheek? he smiled as he pulled away. she smiled back, speechless.
"how was your journey?" he asked.
it took a moment to take in what he'd said. "sorry?" she asked.
"your jou"
"my journey, yes sorry. it was fine. great." she shook her head. he smiled again. what was wrong with her, she'd conversed with men before. but this one she wanted. desperately. she'd thought of nothing else for the whole drive. for the past month.
"listen, how about i take you to meet the guys and then i'll take you upstairs" "eh?" the word came quickly. she realised how she must have sounded. unbeknown to him, she'd visioned him saying those words several times in her daydreams. "yes of course" she giggled nervously hoping to cover herself. and he did take her over and introduce her to the other people. they all seemed really nice. then he told them he'd be back when he'd shown her where her room was. they walked up the grand staircase, it was only on the first floor he'd explained. it was a beautiful house; all marble, gilt and grandeur. very romantic. when they reached the door of her room, he slotted the key in and unlocked it. she was so glad he had taken charge, she was a mess. she had left her brain in the lobby it felt. how was it possible to want someone SO much. she had wanted to grab his bottom as she stared at it whilst climbing the stairs. good job he hadnt noticed her blushing.
"here you are" he said, and placed her bag on the bed.
"thanks" she smiled. "really" "are you ok?" he asked with a slight frown, "you're very quiet" "yeah, fine" she looked at him full in the face. god he was good looking. "a bit overwhelmed?" something like that she thought. not with meeting the strangers, like you may think though. he stepped forward. "its so nice to finally meet you" his lips were the perfect shade of pink. a perfect cupids bow.
"likewise!" if only you knew. and then without another word he had placed his arms around her. his warm body was pressing against hers. oh boy. she wrapped her arms round his neck carefully as he held her round the waist. the tingle went from her arms straight down to between her legs.
he felt wonderful. would he be able to feel her heart hammering in her chest? the hug lasted, which she was thrilled about. she didnt want to let him go AT ALL. he let out a nervous giggle and slowly pulled away. but not fully. as they separated he looked her in the eyes. she gazed back, happy to see her reflection in them. she was grinning broadly.
"im so glad you came" he said. "im so glad i came" why did he have to smell do damn good. he beamed at her.
please kiss me, she thought, please. you're close enough, you wouldnt have to move very far. she tried to send the thought telepathetically from her eyes to his.
but sadly, he stepped away. "ill leave you to get settled, then maybe you could join us in the bar?" no, stay here. undress me with your eyes, then your hands. let me feel those fingers undoing my buttons. let me feel your lips on my neck and your hands on my body. i beg of you.
"yes. of course" she nodded.
he nodded too, then with a wink, he went to the door and walked out of it. she grunted then she too walked over to the door. she placed her forehead against it. the wood was cool against her hot skin. why couldnt he have forgotten he was a gentleman, just for now. she knew from talking to him that he wouldnt have made a pass of that nature that soon, if at all, but damn it, she was frustrated. she was just about to move back to the bed and her bag when the door suddenly opened.
"i forgot to leave you your" she spun round. "key" he added. he looked puzzled, then within seconds he had his arms round her again and was holding her closer than she'd ever been held.
please kiss me this time she thought, and pleaded silently. please. and as if he heard her his eyes gazed into hers and his mouth leaned down to hers.
"yes" she sighed "yes do" and after looking at her intensely once more, he moved slowly and rested his lips against hers. there was a hunger and an urgency in her stomach but this is exactly how she wanted it. slow - and teasing. and it was. his lips tasted hers softly and tenderly, like it would never end. she closed her eyes and breathed him in.
for a long while they kissed, eventually him parting her lips with his tongue and then tasting the inside of her mouth. his hands moving gently over her body, squeezing lightly when he reached her buttocks. the thin material covering them doing nothing to prevent her feeling his every fingertip. her hands glided over his back, across his buttocks, and back up. they came to rest on his face and she held his cheeks in her hands while his mouth became more forceful. he lifted her now and placed her on the bed.
"are you sure you"
she stopped his words with a finger over his lips. she nodded. they both smiled. laying down had pulled some of the silk material away from her chest and she was pleased to see his eyes roam over the contours of her breasts. he took off his shirt and then laid on top of her. his mouth kissed hers more eager now and his hands moved freely over her curves. it was no good, she was wearing one too many clothes. she sat up and lifted her arms above her head. she looked at him and he knew she was asking him to remove her dress. so he did. his eyes focusing on her breasts, which were round and heaving, and the flimsy material of her black lace bra doing nothing much to cover them. he smiled broadly. as did she.
he knelt up on the bed and nervously she reached for his zip. she could see him straining at the crotch, which she was more than thrilled about. as she released him and removed his trousers to his knees, he kissed her hard. they lay back and he shuffled out of the rest of his trousers. his skin felt wonderful against hers. she wanted to be completely naked with him but there was plenty of time for that yet. his mouth was finding her neck and her arms and her stomach and her thighs. he avoided the breasts and between her legs. he was teasing her. she liked it. did he want her to touch him yet? he looked fit to burst. did he want her to take him in her mouth?
Every part of her was screaming out for this man to touch her. everywhere. his fingers were stroking her, taking in almost every inch. his hand slid up her thigh slowly, then gently he traced a line over the lace of her panties. his thumb circled her through the material, he could tell how much she wanted him by the wetness on his skin.
she breathed in sharply and arched her back forcing his full hand against her. she wanted to touch him, badly, but his position prevented it. she was sure it was deliberate. oh he was good. his tongue teased her lips gently and then without notice his fingers had slipped her panties aside and found their way inside. another intake of breath. he deftly stroked the clitoris making her moan her pleasure. he moved his mouth down to her breasts. he kissed along the edge of the lace. then with his other hand he slowly released one of the nipples from the cup.
it was pointing at him, pink and hard, willing him to take it in his mouth. which he did. this was pure pleasure. his tongue circled the whole of the nipple before his mouth closed around it and he began the gentle sucking motion. she was in heaven, she was sure of it. she was ready to come and he'd barely started. where had he learnt to touch a woman like that? she felt the orgasm building inside her as his fingers moved softly but quickly over the clitoris. "now" she mouthed "oh god, now" and his fingers quickened and pressure increased. she gripped any part of him she could reach as the orgasm heightened and her breath got faster. "yes" she called "please, yes" and she came, her body bucking against his hand. she fell back against the bed, her breathing heavy. his face came level with hers. she smiled, then bit her lip coyly. "wow" she sighed happily. he smiled back at her.
Part 2:
She needed to touch him now, needed to see him. She rolled over onto her side as he rolled over to his back. He was so sexy. She stroked a hand over his chest and looked down at him. “talk about a welcome party!” he grinned.
She laughed. He lifted his head and kissed her on the lips. It lingered briefly before suddenly he was on his feet. There was a feeling of disappointment in her stomach, she was still horny and yet he was getting up. ‘Was that all for now?’ She considered. But he stood in front of the bed and reached out both hands to her. She responded by giving him her hands and he pulled her to her feet. He kissed both her palms then released one hand. He turned and pulled her with him. He was taking her to the bathroom. He opened the door and led her inside.
Normally she would have taken in the décor in every detail but she was transfixed by him. “shall we freshen up after our long journey’s?” he asked. But even as he said it he was opening the glass door of the shower and turning it on. He turned and looked at her. His hand reached for her face and rested it on her cheek. “you’re beautiful” he smiled. Then his lips were against hers. And his arm about her waist. He pulled her close. A thousand butterflies danced in her stomach. And they were heading to a lower part of her anatomy as his mouth became hungrier. She ran her hands up and down his back, letting her nails graze down his spine.
“mmm” he moaned against her mouth.
His hands were on her hips now, sliding down to her panties. He parted from the kiss and looked enquiringly at her as he hooked the sides with his fingers. She nodded instinctively. Slowly they passed over her thighs and calves as he removed them for her. She stepped out of them as they reached the floor. As he was crouched there, he leaned in towards her and kissed her thighs. Then she could feel his warm breath between her legs. She gasped as one breath caught her unexpectedly, hot and heavy.
But he raised himself back to stand with her. The bra was next to go obviously. His hands were around her back and undoing the catch. She allowed him to remove it, however she hindered his progress slightly by reaching for his groin midway. He looked at her and smiled knowingly as she stroked his %&*$# through the material. It distracted him from the job in hand. She loved the feeling of him in her hand. He was ample and ready for her. When the bra was off he kissed her again.
Then, “shall we?” he asked. And gestured towards the shower. She nodded.
“lets get rid of these then” he said, and he pulled off his underwear in one quick movement. He stepped into the shower, pulling her in after him.
The water splashed over them, hot and comforting. He manoeuvred both their bodies under the spray. She watched him intently as he stood under the shower head, closed his eyes and let the water soak his hair and face. Her eyes roamed over his body , taking it all in. It was as her eyes had reached his %&*$# that he opened his eyes. She blushed as he followed her gaze. He smiled, took her hand and led it to his %&*$#. As she took it in her hand tentatively, he lifted her face and covered her mouth with his. She allowed him to part her lips with his tongue and they explored each others mouths. As the kiss became more passionate her grip on his member became firmer. His hands roamed her body. God this felt so good. His %&*$# was hard and eager.
She pulled away from the kiss, and without a word pushed him against the shower wall. She knelt down and then looked up at him. She smiled broadly. There was anticipation on his face. She winked at him before leaning her head towards his groin and slowly taking the head of his %&*$# in her mouth. He gasped.
It was just the head at first. She held it in her mouth and rolled her tongue around it. She alternated the rolling of it so that he could feel the soft, then rougher top side of her tongue. He moaned. His hands were in her hair now. She sucked lightly and slowly before moving her mouth over the whole of his %&*$#. The pleasurable noises he made spurred her on. She glided her mouth up and down the shaft, enjoying the hotness of it. She paused every time she reached the head and sucked, firmer and firmer. His hands held tighter into her hair. She slid the %&*$# back fast, into her mouth, so quickly in fact it caught the back of her throat. She gagged briefly, but carried on. Her mouth moved quicker against the shaft now, almost like her mouth was %&*$# his %&*$#. His moans were getting louder. This made her happy. She carried on until suddenly his arms were under his armpits and she was brought quickly to her feet. He kissed her firmly then spun her round and placed her against the shower wall. He parted her legs with his knee and slid his hand between her legs. He stroked her clitoris before slipping his finger deep inside her. He kissed her while stroking her this way. Then his finger disappeared and moments later it was replaced by something else. She could feel the head of his %&*$# at her entrance. He moved his hips so it teased at the entrance. She grabbed his buttocks, willing him closer. And then he was. He had guided himself inside her and the whole length of his shaft was filling her. She moaned “oh God”.
He resumed kissing her. Her hands were alternating between gripping his buttocks and gliding her nails along his spine. He moved inside her slowly at first. She could feel the length of his shaft stroking her insides. His hand was at her breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers. This was sheer bliss. She waited a while before doing what she had wanted to since he first entered her. Then once, as his %&*$# was fully inside her again, she did it. She squeezed her inner muscles tight. “Ohhhhh” he groaned. He hadn’t been aware how tight she could be. She could bring a toothpick off, it was a gift. She smiled as he looked at her full in the face. She bit her lip coyly and shrugged her shoulders. He grinned. She released the muscles as he glided out to the tip of her. Then as he was in her again she squeezed tight once more. He laughed. “You’re good!”
And as she beamed at him, he pressed his body against her close. The rhythm became faster now. Both of them were gripping each other as he thrust harder and harder inside her. She felt they would fall through the wall soon. The water cascaded over them splashing all over the screen onto the floor. He lifted one of her thighs with his hand and held it against his hip as he slammed his %&*$# inside her. She was practically screaming with desire now and both were breathing heavy.
Part 3:
She wore her orange dress for tonight, it had a flowing skirt and was cut daringly low showing her ample bosom. ‘If you’ve got it flaunt it’ she thought to herself as she put it on. Now, as she caught his gaze pass to it occasionally, she knew she’d picked the right dress for this evenings ‘entertainment’.
She looked him over too, he had a suit on, cut just right, and she had always had a thing for a guy in black trousers. He was leaning nonchalantly against the fireplace with one arm in the waiting room as he chatted to some others. Making hand gestures as he was describing something to them. She couldn’t help but notice the shape of his arse through his trouser, the arse she had been pulling into her just a short time ago….
A bell sounded waking her from her short lived daydream. She found him by her side again as he smiled and offered her his arm to escort her to dinner. With all the others they filed into the dining room, looking at their names on the table plans as they passed. She noticed that the tables were quite small, it was after all a quaint little family run hotel after all, but what surprised her was there was only one other person on her table. She glanced up at him as he winked at her, a strange smile playing upon his lips.
She gave him a quizzical look but let him guide her to the exact table, set in a small alcove with candles lighting the walls from brackets set within. He pulled her chair out for her and she slid into it, he gave a glance around the room as others were busy with their seating and he quickly leant down and gave her a quick kiss on the back of her neck before moving to his seat just next to her. She started a little at this and parted her mouth a little, raised eyebrows, but quickly regained her composure. No one else here knew of her closeness to this wonderful man sitting with her now but suspected that some were putting two and two together now. Especially with this seating arrangement she now found herself in, what was he thinking of she wondered?
The starter came and was enjoyable enough. She was more caught up in the conversations she was having with him as they both described their college years and some of the more humorous pranks they had each been involved in skirting with danger all the time. Thinking of this she realised that his hand had been touching her leg briefly over her skirt as he chatted to her, he was sitting very close to her now! As he continued talking his hand stayed on her leg and began lightly stroking it. It felt loving and intimate to her and she smiled at him to let him know how much she liked it.
This continued for a short while as she was absorbed by his touch, conversation and especially his eyes as she sunk further into the flicker of the candlelight reflected in his dark pupils. She suddenly felt his hand on her bare flesh on her thigh. With a quick glance down she realised that her skirt had been riding up at the front as he had been stroking her. Darting a glance around the room she saw that everyone else was engaged in their own private conversations, the low hum of voices filling the dimly lit room. She noticed the table cloth was hanging low enough to hide what was happening, ‘what was happening?’ she thought. Unsure of what he intended she just looked at her plate and then up at him. Again that smile, that lovely smile of his as he looked knowingly at her. She found herself caught up in the moment again as his hand stroked gently up and down the inside of her thigh, each time going that little bit further up. ‘How high would he go?’ she wondered, even as she did so she found herself parting her legs a little, encouraging him.
She soon found out. It wasn’t long until his fingers grazed against her knickers, she had put on her silk ones for this evening and she gasped as she could feel the sensation of his touch easily through them. With the afternoons pleasures she’d had running through her mind and his fingers running over her knickers she knew that she was getting wet very quickly again. Oh God, he was going to feel it too, surely he wouldn’t carry on in public like this? She glanced around again nervously, she’d never done anything like this before! She should stop it her brain was crying out to her. However, her body was responding differently. Her legs parted more, her breathing was faster and she could feel her heart racing now. She let him continue.
From the corner of her eye she saw him quite calmly take another sip of his soup, as he did so he slipped his hand under her knickers taking her by surprise. She jumped as the sensation of his bare flesh upon her pussy sent a jolt of excitement up her spine. He was stroking her slowly heightening her excitement all the time. She was trying to concentrate hard, she mustn’t show in her face what was happening to her, but it was hard for her not to. This was so wrong but it was making her so horny too because of it. He then took his thumb and started to slowly roll it around her clit which encouraged it to swell more. She gave a low groan at this which was thankfully lost in the murmer of the chat in the dining room.
He turned to her then and as she lifted her head to meet his he leant down and lightly brushed his lips against hers. Her eyes half closed she whispered softly ‘More….’. More what she wasn’t sure, but she wanted it for certain now. He kissed her harder then, firstly on the lips and then his tongue parted her lips for a deeper sensual kiss. She was lost in the moment with him completely now and almost didn’t realise it when she felt his finger slide into her. Again she moaned during the kiss and she involuntarily clenched her muscles around his finger as he began to slide it in and out of her, his thumb continuing to steadily bring her to what she knew was inevitable orgasm.
Could she hide it from other diners? She wasn’t sure she cared anymore as a tightening feeling was growing in her below. A pressure that needed release. For what seemed like an eternity but was probably only moments she felt she was going to cum here in public. She grabbed his tie with her hand and pulled him more to her, her mouth hungrily devouring his, deep gutteral, almost a****listic sounds emanating from her throat. She felt his other hand slide gently over one of her breasts, her nipple immediately hardening in response through her gown.
She felt an explosion of pleasure rip through her body, a spasm so intense she cried out, only muffled by his mouth clamped over hers. He could feel the strength of her orgasm and tried to shield her as best her could. Her body was wracked by continuing spasms and she shuddered with each one, her breathing rapid and her low moans uncontrolled but thankfully inaudible still in the room. She was lost for a time in the emotion of the moment but began to gather herself up for what she was certain was going to be shocked looks from some, or even all, of the diners opposite her. She looked up…
And saw other happily continuing their meals around their part of the room. She couldn’t believe it! How had they managed to not get caught? She turned to her lover and he raised his eyebrow and smiled at her again. “That was only the starter, the main course is coming soon.” he winked at her. She couldn’t help but laugh out loud at this. What made her laugh louder was that a couple of diners looked at her because of the noise she’d made laughing!
11 years ago