List of Shooters Who Are Better than Peter North *
This isn't in any particular order:
1. Mark Rockwell (obviously)
2. Manuel Ferrara (when he tries)
3. Falco Zito a.k.a. "Mario Cassini"
4. Arnold Schwartzenpecker (of course)
5. Preston Parker
6. Ian Tate (when he tries)
7. The Broke Amateurs Guy (he's gotta be point blank though)
8. Jonni Darrko
9. Winston Burbank
10. Shaggy (debatable)
11. Kris Slater (also debatable)
12. Richard Moulton ""New""
13. Danny D ""New""
Sorry Pete but your crown was taken a long time ago.
1. Mark Rockwell (obviously)
2. Manuel Ferrara (when he tries)
3. Falco Zito a.k.a. "Mario Cassini"
4. Arnold Schwartzenpecker (of course)
5. Preston Parker
6. Ian Tate (when he tries)
7. The Broke Amateurs Guy (he's gotta be point blank though)
8. Jonni Darrko
9. Winston Burbank
10. Shaggy (debatable)
11. Kris Slater (also debatable)
12. Richard Moulton ""New""
13. Danny D ""New""
Sorry Pete but your crown was taken a long time ago.
11 years ago
"I also think you have to acknowledge that some people like thick, creamy cumshots while other prefer the watery ones.
For me it's clearly the watery cumshots that mostly catch my attention. As I said I like the splatter, the surprising hits and the girls be astonished by the force and amount of cum.
Others might be attracted by the sheer amount of creamy cum. And I have to give credit to those, since the 'result' is usually more visible than with the watery ones.
However, I think it remains a question of preferences rather than one of who's really 'better' than another. Always remember, those are all awesome shooters and when they can restrain themselves for one or two days before the shoot and point their fully loaded cock directly to the girls faces they do a hell of a (cum-) job!
This is the best answer. I agree with all of it.
For me it's clearly the watery cumshots that mostly catch my attention. As I said I like the splatter, the surprising hits and the girls be astonished by the force and amount of cum.
Others might be attracted by the sheer amount of creamy cum. And I have to give credit to those, since the 'result' is usually more visible than with the watery ones.
However, I think it remains a question of preferences rather than one of who's really 'better' than another. Always remember, those are all awesome shooters and when they can restrain themselves for one or two days before the shoot and point their fully loaded cock directly to the girls faces they do a hell of a (cum-) job!
Lately Peter North seems to blow not so big load that made him so famous.
Keep it up your great work.
That guy from those Urban X videos is arguably the best Black shooter I've seen since Lexington Steele. Unfortunately, he's lacking in feats and the girls he works w/ are mostly fat and unattractive. I would love to see him make the jump to mainstream porn so I can see him shoot the top notch starlets.
As for Rockwell, he's been shooting pretty consistently going on about 4 years now so there's nothing to suggest that he'd fall off anytime soon.