List of Shooters Who Are Better than Peter North *

This isn't in any particular order:

1. Mark Rockwell (obviously)

2. Manuel Ferrara (when he tries)

3. Falco Zito a.k.a. "Mario Cassini"

4. Arnold Schwartzenpecker (of course)

5. Preston Parker

6. Ian Tate (when he tries)

7. The Broke Amateurs Guy (he's gotta be point blank though)

8. Jonni Darrko

9. Winston Burbank

10. Shaggy (debatable)

11. Kris Slater (also debatable)

12. Richard Moulton ""New""

13. Danny D ""New""

Sorry Pete but your crown was taken a long time ago.

Published by TheDegrader34
11 years ago
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Brewkakke 10 years ago
to Biker99 : Jordan had a higher scoring average, won more titles and had a much higher field goal percentage. Bryant is a great player no doubt, but Jordan was undoubtedly better.
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TheDegrader34 Publisher 10 years ago
to Decipher : Richard Moulton started his career at an older age than Peter North is now so the the whole age excuse isn't gonna play here.
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Better than a man over 50 years old, well I'd hope so
chamberri 10 years ago
to Brewkakke : Isaac.
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TheDegrader34 Publisher 10 years ago
to kamikazi9 : After seeing how much Danny has improved overall recently, I can honestly agree that he is better than North. I was going off his loads from a few yrs back, which weren't all that impressive or well aimed. Now he can control his "gun" and his loads appear to be be bigger now too. I'll add him to the list..
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TheDegrader34 Publisher 10 years ago
to loudsparx : Yes he sure is... Access to his site costs like $30 though so no thanks. Unless a paysite is cheap or I can password hack it, I don't deal with it.
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loudsparx 10 years ago
And the dude from exploitedcollegeteens is up there...
loudsparx 10 years ago
to chamberri : I agree. That kid X from jawjackers, urbanamateurs etc is a factor in all areas of face covering...
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TheDegrader34 Publisher 11 years ago
Jizzblaster2k said:

"I also think you have to acknowledge that some people like thick, creamy cumshots while other prefer the watery ones.
For me it's clearly the watery cumshots that mostly catch my attention. As I said I like the splatter, the surprising hits and the girls be astonished by the force and amount of cum.
Others might be attracted by the sheer amount of creamy cum. And I have to give credit to those, since the 'result' is usually more visible than with the watery ones.
However, I think it remains a question of preferences rather than one of who's really 'better' than another. Always remember, those are all awesome shooters and when they can restrain themselves for one or two days before the shoot and point their fully loaded cock directly to the girls faces they do a hell of a (cum-) job! :wink:"


This is the best answer. I agree with all of it.
I also think you have to acknowledge that some people like thick, creamy cumshots while other prefere the watery ones.
For me it's clearly the watery cumshots that mostly catch my attention. As I said I like the splatter, the surprising hits and the girls be astonished by the force and amount of cum.
Others might be attracted by the sheer amount of creamy cum. And I have to give credit to those, since the 'result' is usually more visible than with the watery ones.
However, I think it remains a question of preferences rather than one of who's really 'better' than another. Always remember, those are all awesome shooters and when they can restrain themselves for one or two days before the shoot and point their fully loaded cock directly to the girls faces they do a hell of a (cum-) job! :wink:
How about James Brossman and Sabby? I know that both shoot rather watery - at least when they are at the peak of their horniness. But it's the splatter all over the face, cum splashing of the nose and into the hair, that really drives me crazay. And, of course, a decent close up on what they have done to the girls...
Biker99 11 years ago
to Biker99 : BTW..Honestly I'm not sure if Jordan is better than Bryant...numbers are there...and the impact in the game too...they're very similiar damn
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Biker99 11 years ago
to TheDegrader34 : Lebron is better than Oden because he's better than him in "everything"....I'd would say that North = Jordan, Arnold= Bryant, Rockwell= Durant XDDDDD...Cheers mate!
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TheDegrader34 Publisher 11 years ago
to Brewkakke : What the what?? Did you even watch the Rockwell videos? He's way more accurate than North has ever been throughout the entirety of his career. Furthermore, Bangbros-era Preston had Arnold's explosiveness and Peter's volume so how can you honestly say that neither of them are better than North? Forget factoring in whether or not the girls seem to like him more bc that has absolutely nothing to do with determining who's a better shooter. People might like Greg Oden better than LeBron James but does that make him a better player than LeBron? Hell no.
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Brewkakke 11 years ago
By the way, who's the Brazilian dude from Brazilian Facials, and the black guy who shoots big, thick loads on a black girl named Sasha? Those dudes can definitely shoot. :wink:
Brewkakke 11 years ago
I wouldn't put Schwartzenpecker above Pete or even Preston Parker. Rockwell shoots like a cannon, but his accuracy is hit and miss, he stands too far back and a lot of it dribbles down her body or on the floor, or he shoots over her head completely. Pete doesn't have quite the volume he used to, but his accuracy has gotten very proficient. His cum is so thick that the girls always wear it well. Also, girls like him more than Rockwell, so they look happier to take his loads which is a turn on.
kamikazi9 11 years ago
easyer 11 years ago
In your chart missing Johnny Fender ( with A.Schwartzwenpecker made vidz in Deep Throat This Series and some are really two men bukkake ) Faceblaster ( the name says it all though it's difficult to find vidz of him, he worked on bukkake scenes ( " No swallowing allowed " and " Baker's Dozen " series, and usually was the first blowing a big load on girl's face ) and a brazilian guy that worked some years ago for Reality king's site " Mike in Brazil " called Anspermio. He shot like a fountain.
Lately Peter North seems to blow not so big load that made him so famous.
Keep it up your great work.
TheDegrader34 Publisher 11 years ago
to edjr80 : I made a Shaggy comp awhile back and Kris Slater's shots can be seen on the second half of a joint comp I made which also features James Deen. Plus I reserved a segment for him on my All-Star Face Blasters 3 video. Check some of my recent blogs for the links and specific markers when you get a chance.
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chamberri 11 years ago
lmao! Not every good shot shoots,Rodney Moore,Suave xxx,dwayne cummings and L.T. are heavy pasters.
TheDegrader34 Publisher 11 years ago
to chamberri : I like Jake Steed but his loads aren't voluminous to compete with North's.

That guy from those Urban X videos is arguably the best Black shooter I've seen since Lexington Steele. Unfortunately, he's lacking in feats and the girls he works w/ are mostly fat and unattractive. I would love to see him make the jump to mainstream porn so I can see him shoot the top notch starlets.
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TheDegrader34 Publisher 11 years ago
to edjr80 : lol No he shouldn't. He's a 2-3 streamer at best and he can't aim for shit. He usually redeems his countless misses with the omnidirectional drip-off at pint blank range over a bitch's face, which isn't impressive in the least. Peter North pretty much crushes Danny in every stat imaginable.
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chamberri 11 years ago
The guy X from urban amateurs. Xhamster search "droppin loads" it's the 6minute one added by ricknasty. Jake Steed too.
edjr80 11 years ago
Danny D should be on the list
edjr80 11 years ago
I agree that Peter is well past his prime and I agree with most of the list just because I don't know who the last 2 are lol
gthis79 11 years ago
you should post there cum shots bro
TheDegrader34 Publisher 11 years ago
to Biker99 : What the load looks like isn't the only factor to consider when judging who's got a better load; I hope you aren't basing your opinion solely off of how gooey North's loads are.

As for Rockwell, he's been shooting pretty consistently going on about 4 years now so there's nothing to suggest that he'd fall off anytime soon.
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TheDegrader34 Publisher 11 years ago
to Pornomania : No... just no. How is Burbank the world champ when he's not even getting past his collaborator, Jonni Darrko? An argument can be made for Rockwell or Parker although the latter's loads are kinda lacking in volume nowadays. TBH, Parker might be past his prime... maybe if he'd stop having so much sex in his personal life then he'd be able to shoot like he once did. For now, I'd say it's between Rockwell, Burbank, or Darkko for the crown.
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loudsparx 11 years ago
Anselmo is ahead of em all except maybe rockwell. Did u not put him on the list cuz he's not active?
Pornomania 11 years ago
Why do I get the feeling that you have something almost personal against Peter North? I'm a huge fan of the Loadman, but I will admit he seems to have fallen of. Also, he hasn't appeared in a single one of his label's production for some time now. Winston Burbank is unquestionably the current world champion (though it occurs to me that Burbank also has failed to appear in any Evil Angel productions for some time.