Rules and Regulations in a BDSM relationship with

1. It is expected that you will strive to be up front with me at all times. It is important that if you are feeling frustrated or discouraged, you let me know. You are extremely important to me and because this is about encouraging you and helping develop you, it is important that I know when you are frustrated. Learning does not take place very well in that environment.
2. If what we share does not seem to be meeting yours needs or you think you need/require something more, share that. It might be possible that I have thought of it and it may not be a good idea at the moment or, if it does seem reasonable and I cannot provide it, I might be able to provide a way.
3. Communicate regularly about all aspects of your life, not just what you think I want to hear or just the sexual aspects. I want to know the whole you. I find you to be an interesting person and want I get to know you on a deeper level in all respects. D/s less about sex than it is a sharing of hearts and deep desires in all areas of life.

1. You will be permitted no other Dominants or Masters. I want your profile content to be edited such that any requests of men to speak with you are to be forwarded to me. You are free to speak to girls as much and as freely as you desire.
2. Unless permission is given in advance, you are to play with no one else in a sexual manner.
3. You are not permitted to cum without my permission. You can play but not enough to reach orgasm.
4. Each morning you will check your email to see if I have any particular instructions for you that day. It could be something simple such as a particular clothing choice or something a bit more detailed. Ensure you save enough time to check. It could be a simple note of affection and encouragement. I like to do that.
5. You will establish a journal online where I may view it. The journal will contain reports of assignments I have asked you to complete along with anything else you desire. For example, you could journal about how we played this morning.
6. Periodically you will be given assignments. It is expected that once discussed and finalized, you will complete the assignment in the time fashion indicated. A report of these assignments will be written along with any other designated requirements fulfilled.
7. During the school day you will find time for quiet reflection. For one minute during each school day, you are to find a corner or somewhere else relatively private to stand and reflect on what it means to be Mine.
8. A simple anklet will soon be given to you. It is not to be removed. This anklet will be discreet and will serve as a collar. It will signify that wherever and whenever you walk, each step is ultimately mine to direct.
9. My assignments and attention to me is to be a priority over any other online activity.
10. At any point you purposefully or inadvertently break any rule, you will notify me.

1. You will be encouraged and adored verbally and in writing.
2. I will write stories only for you and develop ourselves as characters within the stories.
3. I will provide you with random surprises.
4. You will be permitted to have as many orgasms as your body can bear.
5. You will discover in an atmosphere of love, encouragement and respect the depths of your submissiveness that you did not even know existed.
6. You will be continually adored, cherished and treasured.

Punishments - depending on the severity of the offense, I may:
1. Deliver a spanking
2. Make a writing assignment that is to be blogged where I may view it.
3. Restrict you from Internet activity related to anything but school.
4. Make an assignment for you to perform.
5. Institute a quiet time in which we will not have interaction.
Published by darkfey
11 years ago
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