My first party, final part!
I couldn't stand up or anything and some guys grabbed me and pulled me to my feet and walked me into the party. There was like 15 guys there and they all started laughing and clapping as they made me walk in and I just wanted to die I was so embarrassed. They were all like calling me names and yelling stuff at me as these guys made me walk around in front of everyone so they all got a good look at me. I kept stumbling cos I still couldn't control myself and they laughed every time I nearly fell. One guy pulled the front of my dress down to show my little breasts and they started teasing me about it, telling me I forgot my training bra and that they had bigger tits than me and I just couldn't stop crying and whimpering as they paraded me about.
They were all like taking pictures of me on their phones and someone lifted my dress up to take a photo of my pussy and then he like yelled out to everyone there was cum leaking down my thighs and they started laughing even louder and high fiving each other. I was so humiliated, my face and dress covered in cum and drool and my body exposed but mostly I was scared, terrified of what these men would do to me next I was like trembling all over and just sobbing non stop praying it would all be over. My head started to spin as it carried on they were groping my ass and my little boobs and yelling abuse at me and taking picture after picture and I guess I blacked out cos that's like the last thing I remember.
When I woke up whatever they gave me must have wore off cos at last I could move again although my whole body was so sore. As I looked around at where I was I burst into tears again, I couldn't believe how mean it was. It was morning and they had just tossed me outside by the bins when they got bored with me like I was just a piece of trash. I was slumped between binbags with my dress only covering my belly and I still had no panties on. My pussy was sore and as I tried to fix my dress it was still soaked in cum, as was my hair and face. I have no idea what happened after I blacked out but at least a couple more guys must have cum on me judging by how much jizz there was all over me, in my hair and my ruined dress and on my face and everything. I stumbled slowly home, hoping no one looked at me, knowing they'd see just a disgraceful slut covered in spunk barely able to walk.
As I went home I remembered all the guys taking pictures and filming me before I passed out. I never found out what they did to me but I'm sure the pictures are out there somewhere...
I hope you all enjoyed reading! Tell me what you think happened... or maybe one of you was even there and you know what you did to me...
11 years ago
Don't you like it?