The Good Men of XHamster
In recognition of the Good Men of Xhamster:
You know, there are just a lot of really good men here. I see your comments, your profiles, blogs and so many of you do such a great work with it all in many different ways.
We've all seen the horrible, gross and disgusting things other "men" (using that word loosely) post. While I can't blame them in a way, for I do think the site tends to drive a lot of men a little nuts, there's just no excuse for it. You good guys know that too and I'm sure feel the same way.
Sadly, I think we'll never be able to change the worst of it, but we can and do push-back against it.
The whole "porn culture" is still rather infected with the misogynistic, sexist, homophobic ways but we can at least try to contravene. Over the years there has been a lot of valid criticism against porn, especially from women, and, frankly, I think it's done some good. For example, I've always liked lesbian porn but in comparison to what it was once was, things are much better now.
So, when you read something a "man" said your friend and it makes you feel like this:
And you know your friend might be feelling like this as a result:
Continue to show her and all your women friends that it's really all about this:
And the above can be equally true for your social friends as well as anyone you have a more intimate relationship with on whatever level that is.
So, to all the good men of XHamster, regardless of your profile style, content, orientation, keep up the great work! So many of you are doing really good things to create the sexy, fun, safe-for-women social space here.
You guys rock!
Talking Heads - The Great Curve:
Song lyrics here:
A world of light...she's gonna open our eyes up
A world of light...she's gonna open our eyes up
She's gonna hold/it move/it hold it/move it hold/it move it hold/
It move it
A world of light...she's gonna open out eyes up:
You know, there are just a lot of really good men here. I see your comments, your profiles, blogs and so many of you do such a great work with it all in many different ways.
We've all seen the horrible, gross and disgusting things other "men" (using that word loosely) post. While I can't blame them in a way, for I do think the site tends to drive a lot of men a little nuts, there's just no excuse for it. You good guys know that too and I'm sure feel the same way.
Sadly, I think we'll never be able to change the worst of it, but we can and do push-back against it.
The whole "porn culture" is still rather infected with the misogynistic, sexist, homophobic ways but we can at least try to contravene. Over the years there has been a lot of valid criticism against porn, especially from women, and, frankly, I think it's done some good. For example, I've always liked lesbian porn but in comparison to what it was once was, things are much better now.
So, when you read something a "man" said your friend and it makes you feel like this:
And you know your friend might be feelling like this as a result:
Continue to show her and all your women friends that it's really all about this:
And the above can be equally true for your social friends as well as anyone you have a more intimate relationship with on whatever level that is.
So, to all the good men of XHamster, regardless of your profile style, content, orientation, keep up the great work! So many of you are doing really good things to create the sexy, fun, safe-for-women social space here.
You guys rock!
Talking Heads - The Great Curve:
Song lyrics here:
A world of light...she's gonna open our eyes up
A world of light...she's gonna open our eyes up
She's gonna hold/it move/it hold it/move it hold/it move it hold/
It move it
A world of light...she's gonna open out eyes up:
11 years ago
I'm one of them.
I mean, I erased several times my account then I came back, everytime changing my behaviour,
adding or erasing friends, I have a "rescue" profile and it's out of the rules, but I experimemnted
site crashes and I prefer to mantain it.
Am I a zombie?
No, please, don't answer, I prefer to have the illusion to be a vampire, even a Nosferatu is better
than a zombie.
I was on your profile to send you a link, then I seen the title of this post.
don't forget to visit my real about me
Anyway, I came up with those general categories. Newbies and Trogs can be OK if sometimes annoying, mostly they just need to trained and assisted. Goats are mean and should be blocked (man, woman or other), Trolls will try all kinds of things (multiple profiles "trollfiles") including trying to cross lines and generally mess things up for people, especially targeted are women -- LCD kicking in there. Trolls can be dangerous if they are actually trying to pull of some sort of con-game. The Zombies are the really dangerous ones. I've not run into any Zombies but I'm guessing there are some here. So, yes, given where we find ourselves, free site (@YAY!2 for that), it is difficult. I totally commiserate with you about dealing with all you must put up with. I promise to do my very best! to keep things positive. In fact, I think for a lot of the Tops and Doms here (all genders, etc), we seem to have more or less collectively decided, informally, to enforce positive vibes. Naturally, there will be conflicts and since we play with fire (BDSM check-list items), we may virtually see and hear things outsiders or novices might misunderstand. Shurg. It's always been like that. But, over time, we do get to know people by talking in these more reserved spaces -- meaning our comments around videos, blogs, etc. Oh, and I hope it goes without saying that all those good things any of the Tops or Doms bring can be equally, and often better, brought by anyone regardless of how she may identify. We're all this equally together. Your great profile is such a perfect example of that latter point.
So, anyway, when was the last time you made "ice box cake." You take Nabisco Famous Chocolate Wafers and fresh whipped cream (it must be real cream only, no cool whip). You alternate layers -- chocolate wafer, cream, wafer, cream, wafer, cream.. You make a delicious log and then cover the entire thing with the delicious whipped cream and then with wax paper. Put it in the frig. "the ice box" and the cream infuses into the wafers and they expand and become cake-like. You slice on the diagonal making for a very attractive plate. Delicous. Top with shaved chocolate.
This huge digression is a Happy-Valentine's-Day-chocolate-whipped-cream-ice-box-cake-hug message to my new friend.
Thanks for you excellent comment, Princess.
It's probably difficult to separate fantasy from reality for them. Luckily the good men do realise we are mostly just average people and talk to women(& men) like we would in real life.
I remember that I taped and wrote down the song Road to nowhere from the Talking Heads and played it on piano.We still had casette tapes then(back in the days of the dinosaurs)LOL