I still lie to my mother and my father. I cannot tell them I am lesbian. I am not ashamed because my girl and I have a true and beautiful love together but they are from a different time and would not understand. The only ones in my family who know are my lovely sister who is three years older and looks after me always, also my aunt but she guessed one afternoon when she saw me and my girl in the town square (she is very clever or she knows the signs, I have never asked). I wish I could be honest with everyone but they would say I am just a k** and too young to be sure of my love yet. I am sure.
11 years ago
Its not my job to give advices and it isnĀ“t yours to follow them neither. But iĀ“d like to give something to think about.
Keeping a secret is hard work for everyone involved. It takes energies which might be needed for living your life and loving your love.
I dont like to be put in a box. So why should i put myself into one by calling myself bi, gay, straight or whatever. I have sex with someone. We make eachother horny or we love eachother or both and thats it. The fact of love is, for me at least, much more important than the gender involved.
all the best
My mother and father are very into their church and they many love me but I know they would not like the idea of me with a girl. When I am older maybe I will say this to them. Not now. It is my shame, not to be lesbian but not to tell my mother and father.