The simultaneous gulp from both of us was audible around the dinner
table. An assembled group of 3 work colleagues with partners had joined us
for dinner at our new home and the meal was going really well until that
question. We had a prepared answer, of course, but it always seemed to
catch us out.
"It wasn't really me Sue fancied at first. A close friend of mine was into
her when we first met but I realised she was meant for me."
"I met Grant when he was invited to his friend's party and I was there as
his friend's partner," said Sue.
"Oh, love at first sight," said Lisa from the office!
"Yes, more or less," I said, just catching Sue's wry smile.
The conversation moved on to how the others had met and my mind had a few
moments to recap the truth of our first meeting. In those days, I had a
secret. I still have the secret except I share it with Sue. I was
bisexual. Initially I though I was totally gay. I had had a few brief sauna
experiences with men but as I hit my late teens I suddenly found women
quite attractive too and started not only dating, but screwing as many as I
could as if to prove my heterosexuality. I abandoned men completely until
at 20, I became friendly with a work colleague, Steve. Now Steve should
have been gay. He wasn't effeminate at all though he was of medium build
and with muscles where required, short, really blonde hair, stunning blue
eyes, clean shaven and little freckles on his arms. He knocked me for six
and didn't even know it.
He thought we were doing "lads things" but in fact I was following him
around like a lap dog. In the changing rooms after squash, I would glance
at his soft cock, beautiful round balls and gorgeous blonde pubic hair
which gently spread up to lightly cover his chest. When he met Sue, I was
devastated. He still had time to do "lad's things" with me but he spoke a
lot about Sue. Sue was very attractive. She was a full 5 inches shorter
that Steve's 6 feet and a blonde also. She had breasts that were not too
obviously big but when she decided to dress in a low cut dress, they
suddenly became her main feature, such was their firmness. Her smile
lightened a room and she had a wicked, slightly raunchy look about
her. There was one little trick where she shook her hair then flicked it
back as she looked at you which seemed to say "it's here if you want it!"
Sue had confided in me one night that Steve was pretty plain in bed. I
think the phrase was "wham, bam, thank you Mam!"
He could have been as plain as he wanted as long as I could get my mouth
wrapped around his cock!
Sue continued saying that she wanted more adventure. She said she had asked
him to have sex outdoors in risky places, or even to have sex with another
girl present. I had jokingly suggested another man would blow his mind when
she said she had even asked him that too.
"Sex is just fun and love is forever," she said to me that night.
Scroll forward three weeks and Steve is having a party in his rented garden
flat. There were about 30 people there and I had been let down by my
supposed date. I spent the night talking to strangers and watching Steve
get a little drunk. Sue was being very saucy both with other people and
with Steve, making a big show of kissing him in the middle of the room and
even feeling his crotch in full view of any who cared to look
(i.e. me). She kept looking at me when she kissed him or groped him,
smiling an odd kind of smile. One thing is for sure I was horny as fuck and
she knew it. Steve was getting so drunk, I thought that she was going to
try and knock him out with booze and then make a play for me!
It was after 1.00 am and I saw her take Steve out to the back garden. It
was pretty dark out there because of a high brick wall at the bottom and
thick bushes up either side. They disappeared into the darkness. I suddenly
had the urge to see what they were doing. This might have been my only
chance to see Steve in action. My drunken mind had also lessened my sense
of risk and before I knew it, I also had slipped out into the dark through
the kitchen door.
The street lights at the front of the building gave a yellow glow which
meant that there was some light and I slowly made my way up the path. I
heard movement beside Steve's shed and saw Sue on her knees sucking him. I
had to get closer if I was going to see anything so I edged further up the
path, on to the grass and stood in a pitch black area out of the glow of
the lights. His jeans were at his ankles and his cock was stiff as hell and
looked fabulous. Steve was well gone and was gripping Sue's head to push
his cock in and out of her mouth, however his eyes were closed and he
looked as though he was on automatic pilot. Sue was working hard at him,
Steve was doing bugger all but just standing there, cock erect, grunting.
Sue stood up and slipped her top and bra off, and then I saw her pull up
her skirt and slip her briefs down.
"Kiss my nipples, Steve," I heard her whisper.
Steve's response was inaudible but it might as well have been, "in this
state I couldn't find my own cock in the toilet."
Sue was panting and fingering herself with one finger while her hand
gripped Steve's semi-erect cock. It looked to be a thick 6.5 inches and
uncut with a thick patch of hair around his balls.
"C'mon Steve, I need this," she panted.
I leaned forward to try and see her tits and slipped on the edge of the
garden path, stumbling into the semi-light.
"Oh sorry Sue, I just wondered where you had both gone to," I mumbled
"Don't worry about that Grant," she said, "if you can get your cock harder
than that," nodding at Steve's cock, "I want you to fuck me against that
shed! Let's try and get him up to speed first," she continued, her hand
pulling his cock in my direction.
Sue pulled my shoulders downwards as she dropped to her knees again and
took Steve's cock in her mouth. I was still half bent when she beckoned me
down to the same position. "Let's do him together," she said, offering me
his cock.
I gently took my first taste of Steve. This was unusual, having gay sex
with a girl present but it was highly charged to me, a slightly "left of
centre" bisexual. I could see Sue half smiling as we shared Steve's
cock. It was a little over 6 inches and the foreskin was quite loose and
easy to pull back, revealing the head beneath. His pants were around his
ankles and he was half sitting on a long wooden plant stand, the sort that
would be in a greenhouse to hold cuttings. Steve's eyes were blearily shut
and he was mumbling encouraging sounds as we both slurped on him. He was
totally unaware what was actually happening.
His cock had risen to my early estimate of its full size and Sue struggled
to get a condom on him, handing me one at the same time. She backed herself
on to him and his cock slipped into her. She did all the running, pushing
her backside into him as his cock slid under into her slit. I took the
opportunity to stand behind her, with one hand cupping her right breast,
and kissed Steve. His lips opened and his alcohol laden tongue slid into my
mouth. He had no idea who it was so I took full advantage, gripping his
head firmly and kissing him fully on the lips. He started to slide and
ended up on the garden path, flat out.
"Come on big boy," said Sue, as she lay flat out on the narrow wooden
"bench" and opened her legs.
I slid the condom on and entered her easily. She was wet, very wet, so it
slid in quite easily as I started to ride.
"That's more like it" she said, as my slightly larger and thicker cock
invaded her.
I gave her a great ride, even though I say so myself and during the
session, she seemed to orgasm at least twice. Her drunken state eventually
brought the session to an end and Sue was of the impression that I had cum.
"I'm heading home," she said as she pulled up her briefs and made herself
presentable. "I'm not sharing a bed with that drunk, he might wet it."
When we re-entered the house it was empty and Sue pulled on a coat and
headed off on the short walk to her house.
I locked up and went back out to the garden finding Steve snoring on the
path in the near darkness. His pants were still at his ankles and his cock
was still slightly erect, though not fully. I slid out of my pants and
briefs and enjoyed the cool air around me. I pulled Steve's loose fitting
pants off and I knelt to suck his cock. It took over 15 minutes before,
slowly, his soft moaning was transferred to some movement and his cock
rose. I had a nice 6.5 inches of my beloved Steve in my mouth and he was
still moaning. I pulled him on to the grass and lay on top, kissing him
while stroking his hard cock. My own was painfully stiff. I then had an
I slipped back into the house and raked around until I found some KY. He
had told me that sometimes Sue wasn't wet enough so I remembered he would
have some. I stretched my used condom on to his cock and lubricated it then
straddled him while facing him and sat down on his rigid member. The
subsequent ride was unbelievable. If you can imagine being fucked my your
best absolutely straight friend you may get some idea of how I felt. My own
rigid cock was bouncing up and down in front as I rose and fell on Steve's
cock. Steve was an active partner in the sex though his eyes remained shut
throughout. I had absolutely no idea at this stage if he knew what was
happening, thought he was having Sue, or was out of it. One thing, he was
suddenly horny.
His cock seemed to swell in me and his breathing stopped, followed by a
grunting sound. I froze, thinking he was becoming more aware, but in the
quiet moment while I sat still, I could feel his cock pulsing in me and I
knew he was cumming. I clenched my buttocks to drain him completely before
wanking myself with his dwindling penis inside me. My cum should have hit
him in the face but such was the force of my ejaculation that it shot
straight over him into the gloom and only the last dribbles landed on his
naked belly. It took a lot of work to get Steve inside and on to a sofa, as
well as pulling on his pants to make his decent. Steve then fell fully
In the morning, he seemed to have absolutely no recollection of any of the
night though when Sue returned later, the twinkle in her eye and the
innuendo suggested she might have had some idea of what I had done.
It took three months for her to eventually dump Steve and, after a suitable
few weeks, start dating me. Steve was getting bored anyway and there was no
ill feeling. Before we became an item, Steve said he found her to be a
little too kinky for his tastes. She had even suggested he bring another
guy along for sex. He continued by saying that the thought of another
looking at his cock while it was hard, or worse still, touching it, made
him feel sick. Little did he know that his cock had done more than that!
The story above had been only my introduction to Sue and as we became fully
acquainted over the next few weeks I discovered that she never felt one
cock was enough and wanted me to help her find other men, bisexual or
straight to feed her cock craving which I discovered, was second only to
mine. She kept her flat but we tended to sleep over in either her place or
mine at the weekends. I couldn't imagine how I was going to go up to
straight guys in a pub and suggest they join me for sex, even if my
girlfriend was present but Sue had a better idea.
It actually worked first time. What we did was to go out on the town
ensuring we had enough drink to loosen our inhibitions and morals. She
loved me to take a half Viagra. Not that I needed it, but certainly, if I
took one, my cock had a mind of its own! We would spend the evening in some
noisy downtown club. Fridays were always good as there were more groups of
guys on the pull. Sue and I would initially dance together and she would
get very frisky, firstly with me, and then with any guy or guys who were
around. She would fix on her target say, at the bar and start chatting
leaning into him, patting his hand, complimenting him on his bum or telling
him how sexy he was. She would then manoeuvre him to a quiet corner and
kiss him, feeling his cock until he was hard. This would last 15 to 20
minutes before she would thank him for getting her so hot and say she had
to get back to her boyfriend who would have to shag her to cool her
down. The little victim would then look so forlorn as he thought he just
lost a hot randy chick.
"Would you have liked to fuck me?" she would then ask.
"You bet," was the usual reply.
"Well with my boyfriend it's always a quickie and he's not the jealous type
as long as he gets his rocks off so why don't you come along and give me a
real seeing to after he's done?"
With a little more gentle persuasion and a smile from me while tapping my
watch, she could usually hook them. Sometimes she would have to take a hand
and either press it to her tits or, if he was swithering, push it between
her wet thighs and that clinched it. I had to act quite drunk so usually I
was a heck of a lot more sober than him. In the taxi I would sit back and
let her fool around with him and when we got to the house, she would
immediately start on him first.
The first time we went out with this in mind I was terrified. Sue reminded
me that it was the guy who would feel guilty, not us! The guy she picked
was a bit young for my tastes. He had to be 18 but he looked a couple of
years younger. He was with a group of about 6 mates but as they were all
drinking heavily he was slowly being pushed to the perimeter of the
group. He was watching every attractive girl who went past and we noticed
him rubbing his crotch a few times. We were both 23 at this stage so he did
seem a bit young however Sue said that a randy inexperienced guy would be
good for a first attempt.
She went to the bar and as she fumbled to buy a drink for herself, she
dropped her purse right beside him and gently kicked it away from the
group. As he was on the edge of his group, he quickly knelt down and
recovered it. I could see Sue offer to and buy him a drink. She was
stunning from where I was sitting. Her white all in one dress, hugged her
hips and rested well above her knees. The low cut top exposed the top half
of her firm breasts and her hair hung in soft curls, sometimes covering
part of her face. She would brush it back and then toss her head to keep it
their in a most provocative way. Her nipples were pronounced and her
beautiful teeth and smile made her a dick magnet!
The lad was hooked and she found it quite easy to walk him over to a slight
backwater behind a pillar where I could still see but they were cut off
from the line of his friends' vision. Sue was a vamp and this skinny your
guy with his `trendy but looking too big for him' clothes was taken. I
could imagine what she was saying by her body language and from his, I knew
that he liked her breasts, thought she was sexy and would love to fuck
her. When she kissed him, he almost passed out and I saw her hand briefly
brush his crotch and squeeze what looked like a very stiff dick.
When she surfaced and his flushed face calmed down, she took his hand and
led him in my direction. I slumped slightly in the seat to look as though I
was the worse for wear and when she introduced "Simon," I shook his hand
and said, "As usual, one is never enough for Sue."
This let him realise I wasn't going to be an obstacle in the way of his
night of sex. Sue led Simon out of the club and I followed. We taxied back
to my flat, which was nearest and I slumped as though sleeping while she
kissed this immature schoolboy-lookalike! He was cute however, and his
youth and light stubble gave him a slightly effeminate look.
In the flat, she sent him to shower and suggested he come out with just a
towel. She dashed into the small shower in my bedroom and I stayed
slumped. I was secretly very excited at the idea of watching "my" Sue being
fucked by a boy. The door opened and Simon came out as instructed, if
slightly sheepish, and I dashed past him into the bathroom, leaving him in
the lounge. As I closed the door I heard Sue come out from the bedroom and
invite him in.
By the time I showered, I gently opened the door and, completely naked, I
tiptoed across the hall in the darkness and looked into the room. Sue was
on the bed facing the door, her legs drawn up and apart and a hairless
boy-arse was facing me, his head buried between her legs, slurping noisily
at her cunt as she whimpered and held his head in place. My cock was stiff
as fuck. The full 7 inches curved upwards and was almost painful with its
hardness. I had no idea how much I would get to play with this lad but I so
wanted to. His balls were visible between his legs, dangling in their
sacs. His cock, I assumed was upright and out of sight from this angle. I
so wanted to watch more before joining.
Simon climbed up the bed, kissing Sue as he went. He may have looked like a
virgin but he wasn't acting like one. He spent some time on her nipples and
moved to kiss her with an urgency that suggested he was going to run out of
air and die on the spot. His breathing was heavy and his hands were
everywhere. Sue gripped him and flipped him on to his back and at last I
saw his cock. If mine was hard, his was a rod of iron. It was about 8
inches long but very thin compared to mine. He had quite tight skin but it
peeled back at the top. It was very fair and the colour of the rest of
him. His hairs were quite fair and his balls looked quite red compared to
his body. He flopped back and Sue dived straight on top. She slithered down
the bed, with her arse now facing me, and enveloped his cock in her mouth.
"Oh my God, that's amazing," he said. "I love being sucked."
"Don't dare cum yet," she said, "I've enough energy for you, and Steve if
he comes in."
"Eh, is he going to, eh, join us?" he said incredulously.
"Depends if he's still awake, but would it bother you?"
"Dunno -- don't think so. It would be kind of kinky I suppose," he replied.
My cue!
"What a fantastic sight," I said as I walked in, my cock 7 inches ahead of
I saw Simon's head angle sideways to see what I was doing, then he zoomed
in on my cock. I assume he had never seen another erect cock in his
life. What Simon had in length, I had in width and he hardly took his eyes
off it as I stood at the side of the bed. I so wanted to stick my cock in
his mouth but thought better of it.
I started to lick Sue as she sucked him, my tongue entering her moist cunt,
its lips peeled back to aid entry. I took it in turns to lick cunt then
arse and she loved it. Of course licking his saliva helped enormously
too. She slid up the bed and planted her open slit on his mouth, covering
him with her thighs as she did so. Sue then slid back down lay directly on
top of Simon and let his cock slide between her legs. About 1.5 inches
stuck out from between her buttocks. I leapt over and started to kiss her
buttocks and then let my tongue stray on to his cock head. If he was aware,
he wasn't letting on to me. Whether he thought the sensation was the work
of Sue's thighs or not, I don't know. The precum dribbled out of the tip
and I licked every drop.
Sue then rolled Simon on to his face and started to kiss his body. He was
covered in goose bumps as she did this, but when she started to rim him he
reached another planet. His bum arched upwards to give her better access so
she put her hands between his legs and gripped his cock, stroking it softly
as she buried her tongue in his arse. He was moaning as loudly as having
his face buried in the pillow would allow. I moved over and as Sue pulled
back slightly, I replaced her. There is something about a young man's
virgin rosebud that tastes so wonderful. The skin texture is soft and
slightly sweet and Sue's saliva made entry very easy. Once more, I don't
know her he knew the switch had happened.
"Simon, you're going to fuck me," she commanded.
She rolled him on his back and took a condom from the drawer, opening the
pack and placing it in her mouth. She had this technique of rolling it on
with her mouth which only worked so far with my thick cock, but enabled her
to roll it all the way down Simon's long thin pencil.
"Fuck me but don't cum yet Simon," she told him.
She lay on her back and Simon climbed on to her in the missionary
position. He fumbled a bit for entry so I put my hand between his legs and
said, "Let me help."
He looked startled as I gripped his wonderful teen cock and aimed it into
Sue's waiting sex. He slid in without stopping so I had to quickly withdraw
my hand as he started to pummel her. His fucking was quite frantic but as
he did so, I kept telling him how much it excited me to see his hard cock
fill my girlfriend. He slowed, I assume to stop cumming, and this gave me
an opportunity to start rimming him.
"I just want to see what Sue was raving about a few minutes ago," I said
just as my tongue slid into his hole.
Again, a startled look but he then just pushed into my face, and worked
back and forth from fucking to being tongued.
"I have to stop or I'm going to blow. Does your boyfriend want to fuck
you?" said this little sweetie.
Sue lay as Simon climbed off. I lay flat as Sue climbed on top of me, with
her back to me and started to sit on my cock. As Sue and I were regulars I
had the pleasure of fucking bareback. I was surprised when I felt firm
fingers grip my cock and realised that Simon was holding my cock as I
entered Sue. I also felt his other hand cup my balls. Obviously he didn't
want the opportunity to touch another guy's cock and balls pass him by. One
thing is for sure, his touch was like an electric shock through me and the
ensuing blood rush made Sue gasp as she lowered on to my thicker cock.
As Sue rode, Simon kissed her and I thrust upwards to meet her downward
push. Sue was in heaven. I may have talked about my pleasure as the
presence of this virgin bisexual, but to Sue, it was all she ever talked
about. She loved the attention of two guys and for some reason, got even
more excited when they handled each other in front of her, a fantasy I was
happy to help with. The following 10 minutes went past in a blur with all
my sensations focussed on my cock while Simon used his expert tongue to
great use on Sue. At one point he even managed to lower himself to the
point of entry and I briefly felt his tongue against my cock under the
pretext of licking Sue's clitoris.
This was good and I wasn't going to last much longer. I had to get my hands
on him more positively so I encouraged Sue to climb off just after her
second climax. Simon collapsed back on to the bed, his cock, still covered
in a rubber, defying gravity in its upward erection. I leaned over quickly.
"You want to give me a hand Sue?" I said as my mouth engulfed his cock and
my hand gripped his shaft firmly.
"Oh my God," was all he said.
I wasn't sure if it was shock at being sucked by a guy or pleasure at the
sensation of my expert lips on his cock but he did nothing to stop me and
Sue made no effort to join me either. I ripped the condom off and went back
to sucking while gently pulling his foreskin back.
"Oh Christ!"
Now I knew it was pleasure. Sue silenced his mouth my kissing him
deeply. One hand reached for her tits his other gently fingered her and I
gently stroked my own cock as I sucked. I felt the end was nigh.
He erupted into my mouth, I think trying to warn me while Sue smothered his
lips as I heard a grunt. The fluid was wonderfully thin and copious. Some
was swallowed and some leaked out and ran down his cock. My own cock
emptied over his balls in similar volume though, I must say, of thicker
content. Sue managed to coordinate a little climax of her own as Simon had
continued his fingering of her cunt.
The ensuing silence was broken by Simon suddenly inhaling, as though he
hadn't breathed for around 5 minutes. "Fuck and I can't even tell my mates
about this, at least not all of it," he said nodding in the direction of my
dwindling cock.
Simon satisfied Sue and I for a good few months. We managed to push his
bisexuality a little further but really not much. Sue started to get
twitchy again!
I knew when Sue was twitchy as she started looking at guys in the street
and imagining what she, and I, could do with them. She could be quite
embarrassing with her smiling and staring, especially at a promising
"The bar thing worked once, it's bound to work again. I have a new bar in
mind," she said.
Why did I have those butterflies again?
When I saw the Rose and Crown, my heart stopped beating. There was a major
shopping centre being built nearby and this traditional pub was where most
of the guys working on the site were drinking. It wasn't a rough pub as
such but it certainly wasn't a woman's pub either. It was the sort of place
where guys went to be guys. There was a games room with darts and snooker,
a great big gantry bar but it was the sort of place where you wouldn't
complain if the white wine wasn't chilled enough!
"Oh come on Sue," I bleated as we stood outside, thankfully plainly dressed
(i.e. jeans and t-shirt), I still thought she looked provocative.
"I had a drink in here on the way back from Lucy's the other night and the
guys were really friendly." Lucy was a friend of Sue's. She continued, "You
had a really young little guy the last time and now I want a man, don't
She was inside before I could say anything. We had been quietly drinking
for around 15 minutes when 2 guys came up to us and stood for a few seconds
before one of then looked and said, "Sue?"
"Hi Jake, hi Sam," said Sue and looking at me she continued, "These are the
guys who were so kind to me the other night when I got lost."
We did the formalities.
Sam really was a striking guy. He was around 6 feet tall, well built
without a trace of fat and probably only about 27 or 28. The most striking
thing, apart from his glistening white teeth was his wonderfully blue black
skin. I assumed he was of Caribbean origin though his accent was pure
British. Jake was more of your traditional Londoner. Again he was over 6
feet and well built. A little heavier than Sam but he had a well trimmed
beard (more a stubble) and a shaven head with just enough hair to suggest
the image was to defend his encroaching baldness. He looked to be around 32
or so.
"And this is your boyfriend," Jake continued. It was a statement rather
than a question.
"This is the guy," said Sue, as though continuing a conversation started
some prior time.
"I see," he said, drifting into silence.
I must have looked a complete pillock as I looked back and forth to Sue and
the guys but the conversation changed back to their work, our work etc. We
drank quite happily and much as these guys looked like workmen, they were
also squeaky clean and well turned out.
I ended up speaking with Sam who told me that he and Jake had been good
friends since he had joined their present company, 2 projects ago. He had
experienced a lot of racist taunt and Jake had not only stood up for him
but had become a great friend. Now they tended to do everything
together. It was a heart warming story except Sam repeated "everything."
"How about a taxi, a pizza, a few beers and your place?" said Jake.
"Thought you would never suggest it," said Sue as we whisked out of the
door and did just that.
I couldn't believe this would head for sex as nothing suggestive had been
said at all and even back at the flat we munched the pizzas and popped the
"So Sue tells me you haven't been up to speed recently," said Jake
suddenly, looking at me.
"Uh?" said I.
"Well some guys," continued Jake," can become pussyboys and, like their
women, need taken in hand. Sam and I are here to help -- Pussybusters --
that's us."
Sue laughed as Jake lifted her and kissed her fully on the lips, his hand
slipped straight up her t-shirt and he fondled her loose breasts. Sam
quickly slipped over and sat beside her, his hand on her other breast.
"You can strip and watch," said Jake to me.
Since I seemed to be superfluous to the action, I followed his advice and
stripped to sit on the chair opposite and stroke my cock.
Sam slowly stripped Sue while Jake stripped himself. He pulled off his
boxers to reveal a substantial cock, about 6.5 inches long but nicely thick
and uncut. It curved upwards and outwards from his body with the urgent
need of release normally associated with an early teen rather than an
adult. When Sam stripped, he pulled off his white Jockeys and I was pleased
so see that his cock did nothing to shatter the illusion that black guys
are well endowed (even I know that not all are, but this one was). Sam had
about 8 inches but his girth made it really impressive. I figured it was as
wide as my forearm and I couldn't wait to see him in action.
The two guys certainly kept Sue happy. They licked her out (in turn) stuck
alternate cocks in her mouth and Jake even straddled her face with his
arse. Sue obliged as Sue would, by rimming him! The sight of this hunk of a
hairy guy, stark naked, his cock curved upwards and his face towards me
having Sue's tongue up his arse really got me going. Sue was no shrinking
violet so most forms of sex and took great delight in giving guys what no
other woman would. Jake stroked his cock gently as he pushed his buttock
into Sue's face. Sam stood idly by stroking his big, black meat and I sat
watching, quietly wondering if I would get a chance to get my hands on
either guy. They showed no signs whatsoever of being remotely interested in
Sue leaned forward to suck on Sam's wonderful cock. She slid his foreskin
back making sure I saw every movement. She ran her tongue around his cock
head and swallowed as much as she could manage. Jake, keen to get started
had slipped on a condom and, as Sue bent over, entered her cunt from the
rear. She gasped as he slid into her and, as she faced me, her tight little
tits swung downwards. She squealed more in pleasure than pain, the black
cock meat stifling most of her moans.
"You like seeing your little tart being fucked by a man, pussyboy?" Jake
said between thrusts.
I nodded in a slightly embarrassed way as I stroked and watched.
He held her shoulders as he forced his cock hard into her.
"We're both going to cover her in cum when we finish and leave you to mop
her up any way you can," he said, obviously struggling to find what would
turn us on.
I still nodded.
"Come one Jake, let me give her a real big man cock," said Sam, pulling his
cock from her mouth and walking around to the rear of Sue.
"Oh yes," said Sue, "we both want to see what a real man cock is like."
Sam rolled Sue on to her back and opened her legs. I was extremely excited
at the view of her gaping cunt, glistening with juices and slightly red
against the rest of her skin. Her pubic bush was neatly trimmed around it
and her vaginal entrance looked like a large soft mouth waiting for
something really tasty. She was very, very wet.
Sam looked at me and said, "Come on pussyboy, get in close and watch as I
fuck your woman. I want you to see and smell, hear and smell me fuck her!"
I walked over. Sue lay at the edge of the bed, her legs up in the air in a
"V" as Sam's cock, almost struggling to stand erect with its size versus
weight ratio, aiming towards her cunt. He was no a****l though. He gently
teased her entrance with Sue gasping every time she thought he was going to
enter her. He eased the head in, and pulled it back. Her wet juices
glistened on the extremely stretched rubber. Soon he had managed to get in
enough to fuck and started a gentle thrusting. Sue's whimpers of pleasure
suggested she was in a happy place with a long black cock in her cunt. When
he started a real stroking he brought her faster to orgasm than I had every
By this time, I was below the action, my head under the edge of the bed
looking up at the fucking. His cock was inches from my face, and, though
not sure of the outcome, I lifted my head up and licked the latex clad dick
as it fucked and then held my tongue there are he went in and out. I gently
handled his balls and pulled them back slightly from the hammering they
were taking against Sue. They were hot and leathery. Then I moved my hand
to grip the base of his cock as he fucked. It was brick hard.
>From somewhere outside my enclosed environment, I heard Jake say, "So you
want to suck some cock too, pussyboy?"
My arm was gripped and I was whirled around, in a kneeling position to face
Jake's very hard cock.
"Suck it," he commanded.
The cock was in my face, pre-cum trailing from its head, a thick pubic bush
and balls sagging low beneath. He thrust it towards me and I accepted it. I
didn't take long to get into my stride and soon he was holding my ears and
fucking my face.
"You are the best sucker I have ever had," said Jake. "Jeesus that's good!"
I looked over at Sue, just close to me on the bed, her face flushed and the
black cock hammering into her and felt a rush of excitement as though I was
on d**gs. In that split moment, my mouth filled with warm fluid. At first I
thought I was bleeding but the slightly salty taste which I remembered from
my previous encounter, filled my mouth and jolted my memory. I had to
swallow, I had no choice. I tried to pull back but the fluid was pumping
into me and trickling down the side of my lips. Jake's howl was like a wolf
on heat.
"That was better than any cunt," he said as his cock plopped out of my
mouth and I coughed the little sperm left out on to the carpet.
Sue's next orgasm seemed to coincide with Sam's. I quickly shot across,
gripping his balls and licking his cock base as I felt the pumping action
of his cum firing into Sue even though it was contained in its rubber
sac. When he slid out, I was still below and the heavy cock thumped on to
my face as I wanked furiously. In one action, Sam slid off the condom and
emptied it over my face. I erupted. I tried to cover the jettison of cum
with my other hand but it just sprayed sideways in two directions, covering
both my kneeling legs. I completely keeled over and felt as though I passed
out for a few seconds.
When I next took stock of my environment, Jake was half dressed and Sam was
standing in his Jockeys, his semi-hard wet cock poking out of the fly and
still dripping cum. These guys were no romantics! They were gone inside 10
minutes, Jake's cell phone number in Sue's hand.
It took me only 15 minutes to recover enough to give Sue the ride of my
lifetime, though perhaps not hers!
We had gone from a simple, accidental threesome, to being predators on some
young drunk, to being on the receiving end of 2 "thug-types," and all
within a short space of time. In no way was Sue finished with this journey.
Her fertile imagination kept working on even more encounters from then
until the present day!
table. An assembled group of 3 work colleagues with partners had joined us
for dinner at our new home and the meal was going really well until that
question. We had a prepared answer, of course, but it always seemed to
catch us out.
"It wasn't really me Sue fancied at first. A close friend of mine was into
her when we first met but I realised she was meant for me."
"I met Grant when he was invited to his friend's party and I was there as
his friend's partner," said Sue.
"Oh, love at first sight," said Lisa from the office!
"Yes, more or less," I said, just catching Sue's wry smile.
The conversation moved on to how the others had met and my mind had a few
moments to recap the truth of our first meeting. In those days, I had a
secret. I still have the secret except I share it with Sue. I was
bisexual. Initially I though I was totally gay. I had had a few brief sauna
experiences with men but as I hit my late teens I suddenly found women
quite attractive too and started not only dating, but screwing as many as I
could as if to prove my heterosexuality. I abandoned men completely until
at 20, I became friendly with a work colleague, Steve. Now Steve should
have been gay. He wasn't effeminate at all though he was of medium build
and with muscles where required, short, really blonde hair, stunning blue
eyes, clean shaven and little freckles on his arms. He knocked me for six
and didn't even know it.
He thought we were doing "lads things" but in fact I was following him
around like a lap dog. In the changing rooms after squash, I would glance
at his soft cock, beautiful round balls and gorgeous blonde pubic hair
which gently spread up to lightly cover his chest. When he met Sue, I was
devastated. He still had time to do "lad's things" with me but he spoke a
lot about Sue. Sue was very attractive. She was a full 5 inches shorter
that Steve's 6 feet and a blonde also. She had breasts that were not too
obviously big but when she decided to dress in a low cut dress, they
suddenly became her main feature, such was their firmness. Her smile
lightened a room and she had a wicked, slightly raunchy look about
her. There was one little trick where she shook her hair then flicked it
back as she looked at you which seemed to say "it's here if you want it!"
Sue had confided in me one night that Steve was pretty plain in bed. I
think the phrase was "wham, bam, thank you Mam!"
He could have been as plain as he wanted as long as I could get my mouth
wrapped around his cock!
Sue continued saying that she wanted more adventure. She said she had asked
him to have sex outdoors in risky places, or even to have sex with another
girl present. I had jokingly suggested another man would blow his mind when
she said she had even asked him that too.
"Sex is just fun and love is forever," she said to me that night.
Scroll forward three weeks and Steve is having a party in his rented garden
flat. There were about 30 people there and I had been let down by my
supposed date. I spent the night talking to strangers and watching Steve
get a little drunk. Sue was being very saucy both with other people and
with Steve, making a big show of kissing him in the middle of the room and
even feeling his crotch in full view of any who cared to look
(i.e. me). She kept looking at me when she kissed him or groped him,
smiling an odd kind of smile. One thing is for sure I was horny as fuck and
she knew it. Steve was getting so drunk, I thought that she was going to
try and knock him out with booze and then make a play for me!
It was after 1.00 am and I saw her take Steve out to the back garden. It
was pretty dark out there because of a high brick wall at the bottom and
thick bushes up either side. They disappeared into the darkness. I suddenly
had the urge to see what they were doing. This might have been my only
chance to see Steve in action. My drunken mind had also lessened my sense
of risk and before I knew it, I also had slipped out into the dark through
the kitchen door.
The street lights at the front of the building gave a yellow glow which
meant that there was some light and I slowly made my way up the path. I
heard movement beside Steve's shed and saw Sue on her knees sucking him. I
had to get closer if I was going to see anything so I edged further up the
path, on to the grass and stood in a pitch black area out of the glow of
the lights. His jeans were at his ankles and his cock was stiff as hell and
looked fabulous. Steve was well gone and was gripping Sue's head to push
his cock in and out of her mouth, however his eyes were closed and he
looked as though he was on automatic pilot. Sue was working hard at him,
Steve was doing bugger all but just standing there, cock erect, grunting.
Sue stood up and slipped her top and bra off, and then I saw her pull up
her skirt and slip her briefs down.
"Kiss my nipples, Steve," I heard her whisper.
Steve's response was inaudible but it might as well have been, "in this
state I couldn't find my own cock in the toilet."
Sue was panting and fingering herself with one finger while her hand
gripped Steve's semi-erect cock. It looked to be a thick 6.5 inches and
uncut with a thick patch of hair around his balls.
"C'mon Steve, I need this," she panted.
I leaned forward to try and see her tits and slipped on the edge of the
garden path, stumbling into the semi-light.
"Oh sorry Sue, I just wondered where you had both gone to," I mumbled
"Don't worry about that Grant," she said, "if you can get your cock harder
than that," nodding at Steve's cock, "I want you to fuck me against that
shed! Let's try and get him up to speed first," she continued, her hand
pulling his cock in my direction.
Sue pulled my shoulders downwards as she dropped to her knees again and
took Steve's cock in her mouth. I was still half bent when she beckoned me
down to the same position. "Let's do him together," she said, offering me
his cock.
I gently took my first taste of Steve. This was unusual, having gay sex
with a girl present but it was highly charged to me, a slightly "left of
centre" bisexual. I could see Sue half smiling as we shared Steve's
cock. It was a little over 6 inches and the foreskin was quite loose and
easy to pull back, revealing the head beneath. His pants were around his
ankles and he was half sitting on a long wooden plant stand, the sort that
would be in a greenhouse to hold cuttings. Steve's eyes were blearily shut
and he was mumbling encouraging sounds as we both slurped on him. He was
totally unaware what was actually happening.
His cock had risen to my early estimate of its full size and Sue struggled
to get a condom on him, handing me one at the same time. She backed herself
on to him and his cock slipped into her. She did all the running, pushing
her backside into him as his cock slid under into her slit. I took the
opportunity to stand behind her, with one hand cupping her right breast,
and kissed Steve. His lips opened and his alcohol laden tongue slid into my
mouth. He had no idea who it was so I took full advantage, gripping his
head firmly and kissing him fully on the lips. He started to slide and
ended up on the garden path, flat out.
"Come on big boy," said Sue, as she lay flat out on the narrow wooden
"bench" and opened her legs.
I slid the condom on and entered her easily. She was wet, very wet, so it
slid in quite easily as I started to ride.
"That's more like it" she said, as my slightly larger and thicker cock
invaded her.
I gave her a great ride, even though I say so myself and during the
session, she seemed to orgasm at least twice. Her drunken state eventually
brought the session to an end and Sue was of the impression that I had cum.
"I'm heading home," she said as she pulled up her briefs and made herself
presentable. "I'm not sharing a bed with that drunk, he might wet it."
When we re-entered the house it was empty and Sue pulled on a coat and
headed off on the short walk to her house.
I locked up and went back out to the garden finding Steve snoring on the
path in the near darkness. His pants were still at his ankles and his cock
was still slightly erect, though not fully. I slid out of my pants and
briefs and enjoyed the cool air around me. I pulled Steve's loose fitting
pants off and I knelt to suck his cock. It took over 15 minutes before,
slowly, his soft moaning was transferred to some movement and his cock
rose. I had a nice 6.5 inches of my beloved Steve in my mouth and he was
still moaning. I pulled him on to the grass and lay on top, kissing him
while stroking his hard cock. My own was painfully stiff. I then had an
I slipped back into the house and raked around until I found some KY. He
had told me that sometimes Sue wasn't wet enough so I remembered he would
have some. I stretched my used condom on to his cock and lubricated it then
straddled him while facing him and sat down on his rigid member. The
subsequent ride was unbelievable. If you can imagine being fucked my your
best absolutely straight friend you may get some idea of how I felt. My own
rigid cock was bouncing up and down in front as I rose and fell on Steve's
cock. Steve was an active partner in the sex though his eyes remained shut
throughout. I had absolutely no idea at this stage if he knew what was
happening, thought he was having Sue, or was out of it. One thing, he was
suddenly horny.
His cock seemed to swell in me and his breathing stopped, followed by a
grunting sound. I froze, thinking he was becoming more aware, but in the
quiet moment while I sat still, I could feel his cock pulsing in me and I
knew he was cumming. I clenched my buttocks to drain him completely before
wanking myself with his dwindling penis inside me. My cum should have hit
him in the face but such was the force of my ejaculation that it shot
straight over him into the gloom and only the last dribbles landed on his
naked belly. It took a lot of work to get Steve inside and on to a sofa, as
well as pulling on his pants to make his decent. Steve then fell fully
In the morning, he seemed to have absolutely no recollection of any of the
night though when Sue returned later, the twinkle in her eye and the
innuendo suggested she might have had some idea of what I had done.
It took three months for her to eventually dump Steve and, after a suitable
few weeks, start dating me. Steve was getting bored anyway and there was no
ill feeling. Before we became an item, Steve said he found her to be a
little too kinky for his tastes. She had even suggested he bring another
guy along for sex. He continued by saying that the thought of another
looking at his cock while it was hard, or worse still, touching it, made
him feel sick. Little did he know that his cock had done more than that!
The story above had been only my introduction to Sue and as we became fully
acquainted over the next few weeks I discovered that she never felt one
cock was enough and wanted me to help her find other men, bisexual or
straight to feed her cock craving which I discovered, was second only to
mine. She kept her flat but we tended to sleep over in either her place or
mine at the weekends. I couldn't imagine how I was going to go up to
straight guys in a pub and suggest they join me for sex, even if my
girlfriend was present but Sue had a better idea.
It actually worked first time. What we did was to go out on the town
ensuring we had enough drink to loosen our inhibitions and morals. She
loved me to take a half Viagra. Not that I needed it, but certainly, if I
took one, my cock had a mind of its own! We would spend the evening in some
noisy downtown club. Fridays were always good as there were more groups of
guys on the pull. Sue and I would initially dance together and she would
get very frisky, firstly with me, and then with any guy or guys who were
around. She would fix on her target say, at the bar and start chatting
leaning into him, patting his hand, complimenting him on his bum or telling
him how sexy he was. She would then manoeuvre him to a quiet corner and
kiss him, feeling his cock until he was hard. This would last 15 to 20
minutes before she would thank him for getting her so hot and say she had
to get back to her boyfriend who would have to shag her to cool her
down. The little victim would then look so forlorn as he thought he just
lost a hot randy chick.
"Would you have liked to fuck me?" she would then ask.
"You bet," was the usual reply.
"Well with my boyfriend it's always a quickie and he's not the jealous type
as long as he gets his rocks off so why don't you come along and give me a
real seeing to after he's done?"
With a little more gentle persuasion and a smile from me while tapping my
watch, she could usually hook them. Sometimes she would have to take a hand
and either press it to her tits or, if he was swithering, push it between
her wet thighs and that clinched it. I had to act quite drunk so usually I
was a heck of a lot more sober than him. In the taxi I would sit back and
let her fool around with him and when we got to the house, she would
immediately start on him first.
The first time we went out with this in mind I was terrified. Sue reminded
me that it was the guy who would feel guilty, not us! The guy she picked
was a bit young for my tastes. He had to be 18 but he looked a couple of
years younger. He was with a group of about 6 mates but as they were all
drinking heavily he was slowly being pushed to the perimeter of the
group. He was watching every attractive girl who went past and we noticed
him rubbing his crotch a few times. We were both 23 at this stage so he did
seem a bit young however Sue said that a randy inexperienced guy would be
good for a first attempt.
She went to the bar and as she fumbled to buy a drink for herself, she
dropped her purse right beside him and gently kicked it away from the
group. As he was on the edge of his group, he quickly knelt down and
recovered it. I could see Sue offer to and buy him a drink. She was
stunning from where I was sitting. Her white all in one dress, hugged her
hips and rested well above her knees. The low cut top exposed the top half
of her firm breasts and her hair hung in soft curls, sometimes covering
part of her face. She would brush it back and then toss her head to keep it
their in a most provocative way. Her nipples were pronounced and her
beautiful teeth and smile made her a dick magnet!
The lad was hooked and she found it quite easy to walk him over to a slight
backwater behind a pillar where I could still see but they were cut off
from the line of his friends' vision. Sue was a vamp and this skinny your
guy with his `trendy but looking too big for him' clothes was taken. I
could imagine what she was saying by her body language and from his, I knew
that he liked her breasts, thought she was sexy and would love to fuck
her. When she kissed him, he almost passed out and I saw her hand briefly
brush his crotch and squeeze what looked like a very stiff dick.
When she surfaced and his flushed face calmed down, she took his hand and
led him in my direction. I slumped slightly in the seat to look as though I
was the worse for wear and when she introduced "Simon," I shook his hand
and said, "As usual, one is never enough for Sue."
This let him realise I wasn't going to be an obstacle in the way of his
night of sex. Sue led Simon out of the club and I followed. We taxied back
to my flat, which was nearest and I slumped as though sleeping while she
kissed this immature schoolboy-lookalike! He was cute however, and his
youth and light stubble gave him a slightly effeminate look.
In the flat, she sent him to shower and suggested he come out with just a
towel. She dashed into the small shower in my bedroom and I stayed
slumped. I was secretly very excited at the idea of watching "my" Sue being
fucked by a boy. The door opened and Simon came out as instructed, if
slightly sheepish, and I dashed past him into the bathroom, leaving him in
the lounge. As I closed the door I heard Sue come out from the bedroom and
invite him in.
By the time I showered, I gently opened the door and, completely naked, I
tiptoed across the hall in the darkness and looked into the room. Sue was
on the bed facing the door, her legs drawn up and apart and a hairless
boy-arse was facing me, his head buried between her legs, slurping noisily
at her cunt as she whimpered and held his head in place. My cock was stiff
as fuck. The full 7 inches curved upwards and was almost painful with its
hardness. I had no idea how much I would get to play with this lad but I so
wanted to. His balls were visible between his legs, dangling in their
sacs. His cock, I assumed was upright and out of sight from this angle. I
so wanted to watch more before joining.
Simon climbed up the bed, kissing Sue as he went. He may have looked like a
virgin but he wasn't acting like one. He spent some time on her nipples and
moved to kiss her with an urgency that suggested he was going to run out of
air and die on the spot. His breathing was heavy and his hands were
everywhere. Sue gripped him and flipped him on to his back and at last I
saw his cock. If mine was hard, his was a rod of iron. It was about 8
inches long but very thin compared to mine. He had quite tight skin but it
peeled back at the top. It was very fair and the colour of the rest of
him. His hairs were quite fair and his balls looked quite red compared to
his body. He flopped back and Sue dived straight on top. She slithered down
the bed, with her arse now facing me, and enveloped his cock in her mouth.
"Oh my God, that's amazing," he said. "I love being sucked."
"Don't dare cum yet," she said, "I've enough energy for you, and Steve if
he comes in."
"Eh, is he going to, eh, join us?" he said incredulously.
"Depends if he's still awake, but would it bother you?"
"Dunno -- don't think so. It would be kind of kinky I suppose," he replied.
My cue!
"What a fantastic sight," I said as I walked in, my cock 7 inches ahead of
I saw Simon's head angle sideways to see what I was doing, then he zoomed
in on my cock. I assume he had never seen another erect cock in his
life. What Simon had in length, I had in width and he hardly took his eyes
off it as I stood at the side of the bed. I so wanted to stick my cock in
his mouth but thought better of it.
I started to lick Sue as she sucked him, my tongue entering her moist cunt,
its lips peeled back to aid entry. I took it in turns to lick cunt then
arse and she loved it. Of course licking his saliva helped enormously
too. She slid up the bed and planted her open slit on his mouth, covering
him with her thighs as she did so. Sue then slid back down lay directly on
top of Simon and let his cock slide between her legs. About 1.5 inches
stuck out from between her buttocks. I leapt over and started to kiss her
buttocks and then let my tongue stray on to his cock head. If he was aware,
he wasn't letting on to me. Whether he thought the sensation was the work
of Sue's thighs or not, I don't know. The precum dribbled out of the tip
and I licked every drop.
Sue then rolled Simon on to his face and started to kiss his body. He was
covered in goose bumps as she did this, but when she started to rim him he
reached another planet. His bum arched upwards to give her better access so
she put her hands between his legs and gripped his cock, stroking it softly
as she buried her tongue in his arse. He was moaning as loudly as having
his face buried in the pillow would allow. I moved over and as Sue pulled
back slightly, I replaced her. There is something about a young man's
virgin rosebud that tastes so wonderful. The skin texture is soft and
slightly sweet and Sue's saliva made entry very easy. Once more, I don't
know her he knew the switch had happened.
"Simon, you're going to fuck me," she commanded.
She rolled him on his back and took a condom from the drawer, opening the
pack and placing it in her mouth. She had this technique of rolling it on
with her mouth which only worked so far with my thick cock, but enabled her
to roll it all the way down Simon's long thin pencil.
"Fuck me but don't cum yet Simon," she told him.
She lay on her back and Simon climbed on to her in the missionary
position. He fumbled a bit for entry so I put my hand between his legs and
said, "Let me help."
He looked startled as I gripped his wonderful teen cock and aimed it into
Sue's waiting sex. He slid in without stopping so I had to quickly withdraw
my hand as he started to pummel her. His fucking was quite frantic but as
he did so, I kept telling him how much it excited me to see his hard cock
fill my girlfriend. He slowed, I assume to stop cumming, and this gave me
an opportunity to start rimming him.
"I just want to see what Sue was raving about a few minutes ago," I said
just as my tongue slid into his hole.
Again, a startled look but he then just pushed into my face, and worked
back and forth from fucking to being tongued.
"I have to stop or I'm going to blow. Does your boyfriend want to fuck
you?" said this little sweetie.
Sue lay as Simon climbed off. I lay flat as Sue climbed on top of me, with
her back to me and started to sit on my cock. As Sue and I were regulars I
had the pleasure of fucking bareback. I was surprised when I felt firm
fingers grip my cock and realised that Simon was holding my cock as I
entered Sue. I also felt his other hand cup my balls. Obviously he didn't
want the opportunity to touch another guy's cock and balls pass him by. One
thing is for sure, his touch was like an electric shock through me and the
ensuing blood rush made Sue gasp as she lowered on to my thicker cock.
As Sue rode, Simon kissed her and I thrust upwards to meet her downward
push. Sue was in heaven. I may have talked about my pleasure as the
presence of this virgin bisexual, but to Sue, it was all she ever talked
about. She loved the attention of two guys and for some reason, got even
more excited when they handled each other in front of her, a fantasy I was
happy to help with. The following 10 minutes went past in a blur with all
my sensations focussed on my cock while Simon used his expert tongue to
great use on Sue. At one point he even managed to lower himself to the
point of entry and I briefly felt his tongue against my cock under the
pretext of licking Sue's clitoris.
This was good and I wasn't going to last much longer. I had to get my hands
on him more positively so I encouraged Sue to climb off just after her
second climax. Simon collapsed back on to the bed, his cock, still covered
in a rubber, defying gravity in its upward erection. I leaned over quickly.
"You want to give me a hand Sue?" I said as my mouth engulfed his cock and
my hand gripped his shaft firmly.
"Oh my God," was all he said.
I wasn't sure if it was shock at being sucked by a guy or pleasure at the
sensation of my expert lips on his cock but he did nothing to stop me and
Sue made no effort to join me either. I ripped the condom off and went back
to sucking while gently pulling his foreskin back.
"Oh Christ!"
Now I knew it was pleasure. Sue silenced his mouth my kissing him
deeply. One hand reached for her tits his other gently fingered her and I
gently stroked my own cock as I sucked. I felt the end was nigh.
He erupted into my mouth, I think trying to warn me while Sue smothered his
lips as I heard a grunt. The fluid was wonderfully thin and copious. Some
was swallowed and some leaked out and ran down his cock. My own cock
emptied over his balls in similar volume though, I must say, of thicker
content. Sue managed to coordinate a little climax of her own as Simon had
continued his fingering of her cunt.
The ensuing silence was broken by Simon suddenly inhaling, as though he
hadn't breathed for around 5 minutes. "Fuck and I can't even tell my mates
about this, at least not all of it," he said nodding in the direction of my
dwindling cock.
Simon satisfied Sue and I for a good few months. We managed to push his
bisexuality a little further but really not much. Sue started to get
twitchy again!
I knew when Sue was twitchy as she started looking at guys in the street
and imagining what she, and I, could do with them. She could be quite
embarrassing with her smiling and staring, especially at a promising
"The bar thing worked once, it's bound to work again. I have a new bar in
mind," she said.
Why did I have those butterflies again?
When I saw the Rose and Crown, my heart stopped beating. There was a major
shopping centre being built nearby and this traditional pub was where most
of the guys working on the site were drinking. It wasn't a rough pub as
such but it certainly wasn't a woman's pub either. It was the sort of place
where guys went to be guys. There was a games room with darts and snooker,
a great big gantry bar but it was the sort of place where you wouldn't
complain if the white wine wasn't chilled enough!
"Oh come on Sue," I bleated as we stood outside, thankfully plainly dressed
(i.e. jeans and t-shirt), I still thought she looked provocative.
"I had a drink in here on the way back from Lucy's the other night and the
guys were really friendly." Lucy was a friend of Sue's. She continued, "You
had a really young little guy the last time and now I want a man, don't
She was inside before I could say anything. We had been quietly drinking
for around 15 minutes when 2 guys came up to us and stood for a few seconds
before one of then looked and said, "Sue?"
"Hi Jake, hi Sam," said Sue and looking at me she continued, "These are the
guys who were so kind to me the other night when I got lost."
We did the formalities.
Sam really was a striking guy. He was around 6 feet tall, well built
without a trace of fat and probably only about 27 or 28. The most striking
thing, apart from his glistening white teeth was his wonderfully blue black
skin. I assumed he was of Caribbean origin though his accent was pure
British. Jake was more of your traditional Londoner. Again he was over 6
feet and well built. A little heavier than Sam but he had a well trimmed
beard (more a stubble) and a shaven head with just enough hair to suggest
the image was to defend his encroaching baldness. He looked to be around 32
or so.
"And this is your boyfriend," Jake continued. It was a statement rather
than a question.
"This is the guy," said Sue, as though continuing a conversation started
some prior time.
"I see," he said, drifting into silence.
I must have looked a complete pillock as I looked back and forth to Sue and
the guys but the conversation changed back to their work, our work etc. We
drank quite happily and much as these guys looked like workmen, they were
also squeaky clean and well turned out.
I ended up speaking with Sam who told me that he and Jake had been good
friends since he had joined their present company, 2 projects ago. He had
experienced a lot of racist taunt and Jake had not only stood up for him
but had become a great friend. Now they tended to do everything
together. It was a heart warming story except Sam repeated "everything."
"How about a taxi, a pizza, a few beers and your place?" said Jake.
"Thought you would never suggest it," said Sue as we whisked out of the
door and did just that.
I couldn't believe this would head for sex as nothing suggestive had been
said at all and even back at the flat we munched the pizzas and popped the
"So Sue tells me you haven't been up to speed recently," said Jake
suddenly, looking at me.
"Uh?" said I.
"Well some guys," continued Jake," can become pussyboys and, like their
women, need taken in hand. Sam and I are here to help -- Pussybusters --
that's us."
Sue laughed as Jake lifted her and kissed her fully on the lips, his hand
slipped straight up her t-shirt and he fondled her loose breasts. Sam
quickly slipped over and sat beside her, his hand on her other breast.
"You can strip and watch," said Jake to me.
Since I seemed to be superfluous to the action, I followed his advice and
stripped to sit on the chair opposite and stroke my cock.
Sam slowly stripped Sue while Jake stripped himself. He pulled off his
boxers to reveal a substantial cock, about 6.5 inches long but nicely thick
and uncut. It curved upwards and outwards from his body with the urgent
need of release normally associated with an early teen rather than an
adult. When Sam stripped, he pulled off his white Jockeys and I was pleased
so see that his cock did nothing to shatter the illusion that black guys
are well endowed (even I know that not all are, but this one was). Sam had
about 8 inches but his girth made it really impressive. I figured it was as
wide as my forearm and I couldn't wait to see him in action.
The two guys certainly kept Sue happy. They licked her out (in turn) stuck
alternate cocks in her mouth and Jake even straddled her face with his
arse. Sue obliged as Sue would, by rimming him! The sight of this hunk of a
hairy guy, stark naked, his cock curved upwards and his face towards me
having Sue's tongue up his arse really got me going. Sue was no shrinking
violet so most forms of sex and took great delight in giving guys what no
other woman would. Jake stroked his cock gently as he pushed his buttock
into Sue's face. Sam stood idly by stroking his big, black meat and I sat
watching, quietly wondering if I would get a chance to get my hands on
either guy. They showed no signs whatsoever of being remotely interested in
Sue leaned forward to suck on Sam's wonderful cock. She slid his foreskin
back making sure I saw every movement. She ran her tongue around his cock
head and swallowed as much as she could manage. Jake, keen to get started
had slipped on a condom and, as Sue bent over, entered her cunt from the
rear. She gasped as he slid into her and, as she faced me, her tight little
tits swung downwards. She squealed more in pleasure than pain, the black
cock meat stifling most of her moans.
"You like seeing your little tart being fucked by a man, pussyboy?" Jake
said between thrusts.
I nodded in a slightly embarrassed way as I stroked and watched.
He held her shoulders as he forced his cock hard into her.
"We're both going to cover her in cum when we finish and leave you to mop
her up any way you can," he said, obviously struggling to find what would
turn us on.
I still nodded.
"Come one Jake, let me give her a real big man cock," said Sam, pulling his
cock from her mouth and walking around to the rear of Sue.
"Oh yes," said Sue, "we both want to see what a real man cock is like."
Sam rolled Sue on to her back and opened her legs. I was extremely excited
at the view of her gaping cunt, glistening with juices and slightly red
against the rest of her skin. Her pubic bush was neatly trimmed around it
and her vaginal entrance looked like a large soft mouth waiting for
something really tasty. She was very, very wet.
Sam looked at me and said, "Come on pussyboy, get in close and watch as I
fuck your woman. I want you to see and smell, hear and smell me fuck her!"
I walked over. Sue lay at the edge of the bed, her legs up in the air in a
"V" as Sam's cock, almost struggling to stand erect with its size versus
weight ratio, aiming towards her cunt. He was no a****l though. He gently
teased her entrance with Sue gasping every time she thought he was going to
enter her. He eased the head in, and pulled it back. Her wet juices
glistened on the extremely stretched rubber. Soon he had managed to get in
enough to fuck and started a gentle thrusting. Sue's whimpers of pleasure
suggested she was in a happy place with a long black cock in her cunt. When
he started a real stroking he brought her faster to orgasm than I had every
By this time, I was below the action, my head under the edge of the bed
looking up at the fucking. His cock was inches from my face, and, though
not sure of the outcome, I lifted my head up and licked the latex clad dick
as it fucked and then held my tongue there are he went in and out. I gently
handled his balls and pulled them back slightly from the hammering they
were taking against Sue. They were hot and leathery. Then I moved my hand
to grip the base of his cock as he fucked. It was brick hard.
>From somewhere outside my enclosed environment, I heard Jake say, "So you
want to suck some cock too, pussyboy?"
My arm was gripped and I was whirled around, in a kneeling position to face
Jake's very hard cock.
"Suck it," he commanded.
The cock was in my face, pre-cum trailing from its head, a thick pubic bush
and balls sagging low beneath. He thrust it towards me and I accepted it. I
didn't take long to get into my stride and soon he was holding my ears and
fucking my face.
"You are the best sucker I have ever had," said Jake. "Jeesus that's good!"
I looked over at Sue, just close to me on the bed, her face flushed and the
black cock hammering into her and felt a rush of excitement as though I was
on d**gs. In that split moment, my mouth filled with warm fluid. At first I
thought I was bleeding but the slightly salty taste which I remembered from
my previous encounter, filled my mouth and jolted my memory. I had to
swallow, I had no choice. I tried to pull back but the fluid was pumping
into me and trickling down the side of my lips. Jake's howl was like a wolf
on heat.
"That was better than any cunt," he said as his cock plopped out of my
mouth and I coughed the little sperm left out on to the carpet.
Sue's next orgasm seemed to coincide with Sam's. I quickly shot across,
gripping his balls and licking his cock base as I felt the pumping action
of his cum firing into Sue even though it was contained in its rubber
sac. When he slid out, I was still below and the heavy cock thumped on to
my face as I wanked furiously. In one action, Sam slid off the condom and
emptied it over my face. I erupted. I tried to cover the jettison of cum
with my other hand but it just sprayed sideways in two directions, covering
both my kneeling legs. I completely keeled over and felt as though I passed
out for a few seconds.
When I next took stock of my environment, Jake was half dressed and Sam was
standing in his Jockeys, his semi-hard wet cock poking out of the fly and
still dripping cum. These guys were no romantics! They were gone inside 10
minutes, Jake's cell phone number in Sue's hand.
It took me only 15 minutes to recover enough to give Sue the ride of my
lifetime, though perhaps not hers!
We had gone from a simple, accidental threesome, to being predators on some
young drunk, to being on the receiving end of 2 "thug-types," and all
within a short space of time. In no way was Sue finished with this journey.
Her fertile imagination kept working on even more encounters from then
until the present day!
11 years ago