Christmas Present to the wife.

Well today for Xmas I gave the wife a gift voucher for a at a very special undergarment shop.
She was thrilled.
The next present was preceed by a little poem I had written her.

To my Wonderful wife Louise.

Itā€™s funny you know, the way things go.
I was buying a toy that might give you some joy.
I wanted to share my expressions of care.
Wished to give you my love that fits like a glove.
The price I paid, thought out of plastic be made.
But I got a shock, itā€™s solid as rock.
It is made of steel and it is for real.
Started as a joke, now I wear the egg yolk.
A bad year youā€™ve spent so I wished to repent.
To make you secure, I sought out a cure.
A massage to relax and maybe climax.
No rushed advances, because I now know the chances.
No affairs have I had so donā€™t be too sad.
No affairs can there be, because you hold the key.
Tantric sex there can be, for no touching for me.
So now at your leisure I can give you some pleasure
I love you, cherish you and adore you..
Merry Christmas, Mark (There are PSs.)
PS. You now have both keys to the lock.
PSS. This was meant to be a bit of a Christmas joke.
PSSS. Itā€™s up to you how you use it.
It does come with a nasty insert. Apparently it screws in easily.
But it does not screw out. So once itā€™s in place it stays there till the lock is undone!
Love You Love You Love You Love You Love You Love You Love You Love You Love You Love You

I then handed the gift bag to her which contained my chastity cage.
It took her a while to figure out what it was exactly. The it dawned on her I was to used on me not her.

Well I didn't know how she was going to take it. Was she going to be upset, angry, humourously amuzed or interested????

Well the answer is that I am now wearing this metal cock cage padlocked on. She has the keys and they are all ready hidden.

I wonder what the future may hold. I'll let you know.
Published by mooneemark
11 years ago
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