Have been trying to get it for a long time with lots of effort, but it didn't really seem to work, except for today it possibly almost did. I did sort of build a contraption of a loft bed to hang my lower body and legs off on and sort of did reverse leg lifts. Suddenly it felt a lot like masturbation did the very first time (rather overwhelming/burning not exactly pleasurable) and I thought I would jizz my pants but lost track of my movements and it subsided. I guess I fucked my muscles too much for today, haven't been able to get there anymore despite great efforts. I hope it wasn't just semi-asphyxiation effects or something like that.
Almost all coregasm people describe that it mostly only sets on at the end and that it is very quick and intense (more than masturbation orgasm). It isn't really the same thing - sudden ejaculation without erection, no sexual thoughts or arousal required, etc. (as if it is mostly reduced to the reflex only). My theory is that it is a mixture of nerves being stimulated directly by friction in the spinal cord as well as the nervous system automatically overcompensating for weakened muscles by using surrounding muscles (that cannot be accessed voluntarily) and stronger impulses. With some people it might just be friction in the pants plus excitement though. And whatever women experience is mysterious anyway. Some people may be born with slightly displaced spinal cord nerves or vertebral notches and that would explain how only so few seem to be able to get there.
Try to keep up the intensity. Visual stimulation is good, you can be watching things that turn you on, but while doing that also don's let the flexing stop, that is what caused you to lose it.
Almost all coregasm people describe that it mostly only sets on at the end and that it is very quick and intense (more than masturbation orgasm). It isn't really the same thing - sudden ejaculation without erection, no sexual thoughts or arousal required, etc. (as if it is mostly reduced to the reflex only). My theory is that it is a mixture of nerves being stimulated directly by friction in the spinal cord as well as the nervous system automatically overcompensating for weakened muscles by using surrounding muscles (that cannot be accessed voluntarily) and stronger impulses. With some people it might just be friction in the pants plus excitement though. And whatever women experience is mysterious anyway. Some people may be born with slightly displaced spinal cord nerves or vertebral notches and that would explain how only so few seem to be able to get there.