This is bullshit, every video that has been delete

Even though the user deletes his or her account. It still considers it in the database even though it's not existing no more, so why can't we watch it still. No watermarks, not complaints from copyright shit, so why delete it when the user deletes the account?

Then when we go to put the video counts as a repost? I have uploaded like loads of videos over the past 3 months and only 4 of them made it through...then 2 of them got deleted a couple weeks after due to copyright material.

This is a porn site that shares shit...they bought it somehow, they should be aloud to share it, with or without watermarks.
Published by DiNuke
11 years ago
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McGeil 10 years ago
I agree, the thing with the watermarks are complete crap. Very often I have to edit a video for a long time just because a tiny little watermarks is appearing at the very end of a vid, GRRRRRRRR!!!!
V-the-gifted-one 11 years ago
Totally agree