Some things you should know if you want to troll o

hey everyone, this is Brandon and i have to say a few things about some people on here. we love all the love we get on here either in posts, comments, and P/Ms but there are a few people who act like complete dicks towards me. I dont understand why some people have to be like that and verbally attack me when i have not done a single thing to them or even said one single word to them before in my life. yes i know my grammar isnt proper but it is how it is, im not in school anymore so i dont sit here and proof read everything i put up and almost every time i post something on here i do so quickly. i dont know if these people actually think that verbally attacking me by calling me "an idiot" and also " a small dick dumbass that doesnt deserve to have sierra" just a few for example will get her to leave me for someone over the internet. what i think is that they are just really jealous that i get to have my way with sierra any time i want when they have to come on here to get off because they cannot find a partner in real life, but thats just my theory on this. Im a nice guy and very polite and it takes alot to get me pissed off. if you cannot say anything nice dont say anything at all and just move on to another page to troll on there because the comments and posts will be removed from our page, and P/Ms i will respond to politely at first. also the negative things towards me dont get to me but they really piss off sierra, i just shrug the attempts at hurting me off. we also do have alot of good people that are on here leaving us some love so i just would like to say thank you for being civilized and polite like a normal person should be. so keep that love coming for us and we will return the favor with new galleries and videos. have a great day all you little perverts out there and once again keep the love coming.
Published by b_s_86_94
11 years ago
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ScoraJ 11 years ago
i just got done lookibg at your page (great so far), and already i see just the opposite of what you report some people have said. you are doing the right thing by not paying attention to jackasses on here. some are filling a need to actually being able to feel tough, and in control, some are religous ya yas who think they can change you, and some are just jerks.
your both fun to watch, and seem to enjoy each other, and that's what counts. just have sierra tell them to suck her left tit, and fuck off, and then hit the block button. :smile:
johann2 11 years ago
They're just jealous and to be honest who wouldn't be after seeing sierra?
jayrose 11 years ago
people like to be haters brandon, you know what you have and what you got. yall two built it together and as long as you two are happy that's all that counts. don't pay attention to other rude ass, ignorant comments. As long as you and your lady are happy thats all that counts. have a great day man
curious_ny 11 years ago
Don't even give them the time of day. There will always be someone out there who is jealous. By letting them know it is bothering you, they are winning. The more you ignore them, the more it will piss them off. Thanks for sharing your stuff. :smile:
joeblack33 11 years ago
Well put man. You're right they are jealous.
bqspa 11 years ago
Just let them hate, that's because you're doing something right :wink:
b_s_86_94 Publisher 11 years ago
thank you and i know this, its not them that get to me. its the fact that it gets to my wifey and thats what gets to me. getting to me is one thing but once someone gets to her i flip my lid lol.