Thanksgiving Blog

Hello everybody:) So thanksgiving is tomorrow and its one of most important holidays (at least in my opinion) of the yr next to my bday lol So its that one time of the year when
u can say a couple things:

"I want to get stuffed" obviously a non sexual mind would think oh she wants to get stuffed with turkey stuffing. Well i want to get stuffed with something else ;) lol

I haven't said this one but a couple of friends of mine have said it
"Let me have some of that juicy breast" a N.S.mind would say oh he wants some of the turkey breast vs a sexual mind oh boy he wants tits lol

One of my biggest fantasies during thanksgiving is not even eating the turkey but have him eat me out and have him stuff me with his cock on the dinner table. Oh yeah let me be the main dish and his cum be my gravy. Have him put gravy all over my breasts and have him lick my juicy breasts. Among other things lol ;)

Well guys & gals I hope u guys/gals enjoy ur turkey day to the fullest and i also want to take the chance to thank the awesome guys out there ;) (u know who u guys are lol :p)! I know I'll def try ;) lol So lets go eat some stuffing!
Published by ansonia13
11 years ago
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pagolddomer 11 years ago
You would be my Thanksgiving feast anyday!
perpetualsex7 11 years ago
Woah dirty girl
kareemk101 11 years ago
love to have you as my main dish, the good thing, I will never run out of your sweetness, I can keep eating you again and again. Love your juicy breasts, you can have my cock instead of a turkey this year. It is well fed, thick and very active. Your sweetness, will squeeze on it to get the juice out for you, then you can have a creampie for dessert on your sweet pussy, tummy and super sexy breasts.
Young_Outlaw_3 11 years ago
Best Blog Ever!!!
Young_Outlaw_3 11 years ago
I want the juicy breast!!! Plz plz plz... I would love to stuff you with my white gravy!!! Hehe
TTT_X 11 years ago
What a great post! I love the way you think! Yes basting the breast keeps them firm and delicious. The stuffing will help keep you warm and satisfied. I hope you have a gratifying thanksgiving day.