Anybody ever found porn on a pc you did not expect
I think it is very hot to find somebody's pornstash or search history. You get to see what they are secretly in to, or when they are doing it. All sorts of interesting things. Ive had several occasions where i found porn on a laptop or pc.
I help alot of people out with repairs etc, usualy for free, with good reason.
The hottest occasion was a female flatmate, that had all kinds of hot porn in her search history. The hottest thing about that was i could see when she was on her room watching it! Or had been watching it, better said.
On another occasion i found some private folders on my neighbour's laptop. He had several video's of himself jerking off, cumming in underwear and all kinds of bizar stuff. Some naked footage of his GF.
You ever seen or experienced this yourself? Plz share.
I help alot of people out with repairs etc, usualy for free, with good reason.
The hottest occasion was a female flatmate, that had all kinds of hot porn in her search history. The hottest thing about that was i could see when she was on her room watching it! Or had been watching it, better said.
On another occasion i found some private folders on my neighbour's laptop. He had several video's of himself jerking off, cumming in underwear and all kinds of bizar stuff. Some naked footage of his GF.
You ever seen or experienced this yourself? Plz share.
11 years ago