Following that Monday evening when Sue and I met Andrew for the first time we retired to bed to reflect on what we had just experienced. This had been the most significant moment up to this point, possibly the most significant to date, and as we lay holding one another there was an incredible warmth between us. Sue snuggled up to me, quiet, sated and content, eventually drifting off to a peaceful sleep. As she slept I contemplated the events as I recounted them in my mind.
Andrew had in the space of one evening brought a whole new dimension to what Rod had started, Rod to his credit, had maintained his slowly slowly approach in seducing us into the submission he wanted to achieve, firstly securing Sues favours with his masculine sexuality and then moving on to using Sues, by then, sexual dependence on him as leverage to acquire my service as his domestic "slave". Both Sue and I had viewed this as the naturally progressive (descent) elevation into serving BBC. As such, either by design or not nothing Rod had required of us seemed extreme or unreasonable and we were both willing participants in all that had occurred, we had also been forewarned that Andrew among others would become involved so as things with Rod developed we were increasingly more confident and not a little excited at the prospects that lay ahead. By the day Rod set the date for us to meet Andrew we were more than comfortable with Rods decision.
From the moment we were introduced to Andrew it was almost as though Rods "mission" had been to prepare us for his introduction. That evening Rod had been quieter than his usual outgoing self, clearly playing second fiddle to Andrew, sitting largely observing apart from the odd interjection when addressed by Andrew. Andrew on the other hand was full of self-confidence, immediately making himself at home, kicking his shoes off, requiring a drink and from what he said had obviously been well briefed about us by Rod. His self-assurance was epitomised when he nonchalantly without warning stood, approached Sue and got his cock out for her to suck. Within 20/25 minutes of meeting he had his cock in my wife`s mouth and it just seemed like his right to do as he wished. Rod and I exchanged glances but both of us remained silent as Andrew encouraged Sue to "make me feel good" before leading her off to the bedroom.
As Rod and I sat waiting Rod was keen for me not to interrupt Andrew, I remember thinking, don`t interrupt ANDREW! Should it not have been "dont interrupt THEM!", I let it go at the time but looking back I suppose I didn`t quite grasp the dynamic between these guys, even though Rod had explained the "circle", although, at that time it wasnt quite as black and white ( excuse the pun) as we had been led to believe ( will explain when appropriate).
When a grinning Andrew and then a freshly showered Sue returned to the lounge a sequence of firsts unfolded, as Sue entered she made a bee line to where Rod was sitting and knelt at his feet, reaching for him Sue undid and pulled at his trousers. I looked at Rod, he seemed as surprised as me but broke into a smile and gasped "oh yes" as Sue slipped her lips over his semi hard black cock. Andrew at this point said rhetorically "she loves BBC doesnt she". A FIRST. Id never seen Sue instigate sex, not even with me! but here she was sucking Rod at her own volition. A FIRST. To my knowledge Sue had never sucked 2 cocks in one evening. Had Andrew told her to do this? In my excitement I didnt dwell on this, at the time I just thought Sue was doing us proud but when Andrew dragged the stool into the middle of the room and told Rod to lay Sue over it I got an inkling Andrew was directing this. As Rod fucked Sue as hard as he had ever done there was a delight on Andrew face, he encouraged his friend to "fill her". Rod perhaps didnt need telling with the way he was going at Sue, She was like an eel wriggling at squirming as his BBC pounded her body. By the time Rod had finished and filled a panting and whimpering Sue with his cum another FIRST, never had two men fucked her on the same night.
With Rod having finished with Sue Andrew obviously needed further entertainment or maybe to confirm to himself I was complicit in this whole thing by instructing me to clean the mess Rod had left. I approached Sues outstretched legs and gaping pussy with some trepidation, her hole still expanded from Rods use and his cum beginning to escape from deep inside her. Hesitantly I licked the trails of spunk he left on withdrawing but eventually dipped my tongue inside to feel the warm but thickened juices within her. Caving in to my reservations I closed my mind and lapped at Sues pussy, in a surreal moment I heard Andrews and Rods laughter as I became more fervent in my licking, pulling Sue onto my mouth exploring her warm crevice as I searched out Rod cum. My "cleaning" of Sues pussy was a FIRST for me and soon to become a requirement from the guys.
After reflecting on the evenings events I tried to put into context how far Sue and I had come since the initial contact we had made through craigslist. We had began as just a regular couple living our lives in typical conformity, a treadmill existence I agree but none the wiser to the gradual erosion of our "spark", our sex life was in decline and had become, it has to be said, infrequent and due to my lessening libido must have been totally frustrating for a woman of Sues needs. As I lay contemplating this a wave of guilt swept over me as realised, perhaps for the first time, how much I had been failing Sue. The conclusion I drew of course was that first Rodney and now Andrew had completely revitalised the pair of us, given us both a focus, Sue without question had taken to serving these men with gusto, her vitality had returned and the eagerness with which she dropped her knickers for the two of them gave ample demonstration of her renewed excitement of feeling desirable again. I for my part no longer felt the huge responsibility placed on a husband, the guys had provided my very own "safety net". I no longer fretted over my shortcomings, my struggle to be a man. in my heart of hearts I knew I had masculine deficiencies, yes, I can earn and buy all the nice things Sue desires but have always been aware im more beta than alpha, I was convinced I need worry no longer, Rod and Andrew would take care of things. The exchange is, of course, that Id reconcile myself to serving both Rod and Andrew, so it is almost with gratitude I have towards Rod (and soon to be Andrew) that ive been charged with attending to his household chores.
The guys probably didnt recognise at this point just how important they were becoming to us both. To be fair to them they made no secret that they just wanted their fun with us, to fuck Sue and for me to not only accept but serve and not obstruct their use of Sue and as I now know from the duties ive been After mulling this over into the early hours I eventually succumbed to my tiredness and drifted off into my own sleep, the last thing I remember that night is kissing Sue lightly on the cheek, feeling her stir a little and closing my eyes.
Returning home from work a day or two later I entered the kitchen to be greeted home to the sight of a stark naked Andrew preparing himself a sandwich, we swapped peasantries as though having a naked black man raiding the fridge in my own home was the most natural thing in the world. Andrews casual matter of fact attitude made it seem all the more surreal as I sat at the table watching him slice a tomato, his toned torso and flat stomach were as difficult not to admire as the thick meaty black cock and low hanging balls that swayed slightly as he busied himself with his sandwich. He informed me that Sue was upstairs in bed, a clear reference that he had recently taken his pleasure from her. This was the first time either Andrew or Rod had visited without my being present but as Andrew went on to tell me that Sue had rung to invite him over I hardly had grounds for complaint or indeed did I have. A few moments later I heard Sue on the stairs, apparently having heard voices she now came into the kitchen sat on my lap and greeted me with her customary kiss. We all chatted while Andrew ate, Sue having risen made coffee for the 3 of us. This scene of domesticity was then broken when Andrew, having eaten, stood to reveal, somewhat surprisingly to me, his cock had transformed into a raging b**st!! Pointing up towards his stomach, the prominent veins seemed to throb with a life of their own. Taking Sue by the hand he guided her to the table and bent her face down over it before positioning himself behind her dipping his legs slightly to find an angle to fill her pussy with cock as straightening his legs again drove himself inside her. gripping her waist with both hands he began pumping into her slowly with long full strokes but with every forward thrust he made her take the last inch or two with meaningful force causing involuntary gasps from Sue with each hard lunge. as he proceeded to fuck into her and became more urgent he pulled Sues pussy onto him and pounded away at her in equal measure until noisily announcing his imminent explosion, at the moment of emptying himself inside her his thrusting caused the table to sc**** the floor, slopping coffee and upending a vase of flowers as he finished his pleasure.
It was now that he withdrew and stood back pointing to the floor between Sues open legs, I got to my knees as he had instructed and knew what was expected, I pulled at Sues bum cheeks to get access to her reddened swollen pussy and delved my tongue into her warm wet hole, I could distinguish the thickness of Andrews deposit as it seeped mixed with Sues own lighter but creamy juices. I licked at her until my upturned and straining throat began to ache, needing respite I pulled away and sat back on my heels to rest. Andrew seized the moment, "now me cucky" I turned my head and Andrews cock only inches away from my mouth was being held in anticipation, the close proximity of his cock to my mouth was crucial at this moment, it meant there was no time to pause, no awkward hesitancy, I simply opened my mouth to let Andrews cock invade, I now felt the same Discomfort Sue must have felt the first time she was in this position, the sheer thickness of the shaft stretching my mouth to its limit as it was pushed inside, I gagged, of course I did, sucking as best I could to savour the taste of my wife on him, to taste Andrew.
When Andrew was satisfied he pulled away to again sit at the table and rest leaving me still on my knees and Sue still sprawled bent over the table. Sue later confessed that she had heard Andrew putting me through the ordeal of sucking him but dared not move or look round. with Andrew leaving us to our own devices shortly afterwards we both took time to recover our senses, shower, eat and settle down for the evening, our overall feeling though was that of being thoroughly used but content that we had between us pleased and satisfied Andrew
Andrew had in the space of one evening brought a whole new dimension to what Rod had started, Rod to his credit, had maintained his slowly slowly approach in seducing us into the submission he wanted to achieve, firstly securing Sues favours with his masculine sexuality and then moving on to using Sues, by then, sexual dependence on him as leverage to acquire my service as his domestic "slave". Both Sue and I had viewed this as the naturally progressive (descent) elevation into serving BBC. As such, either by design or not nothing Rod had required of us seemed extreme or unreasonable and we were both willing participants in all that had occurred, we had also been forewarned that Andrew among others would become involved so as things with Rod developed we were increasingly more confident and not a little excited at the prospects that lay ahead. By the day Rod set the date for us to meet Andrew we were more than comfortable with Rods decision.
From the moment we were introduced to Andrew it was almost as though Rods "mission" had been to prepare us for his introduction. That evening Rod had been quieter than his usual outgoing self, clearly playing second fiddle to Andrew, sitting largely observing apart from the odd interjection when addressed by Andrew. Andrew on the other hand was full of self-confidence, immediately making himself at home, kicking his shoes off, requiring a drink and from what he said had obviously been well briefed about us by Rod. His self-assurance was epitomised when he nonchalantly without warning stood, approached Sue and got his cock out for her to suck. Within 20/25 minutes of meeting he had his cock in my wife`s mouth and it just seemed like his right to do as he wished. Rod and I exchanged glances but both of us remained silent as Andrew encouraged Sue to "make me feel good" before leading her off to the bedroom.
As Rod and I sat waiting Rod was keen for me not to interrupt Andrew, I remember thinking, don`t interrupt ANDREW! Should it not have been "dont interrupt THEM!", I let it go at the time but looking back I suppose I didn`t quite grasp the dynamic between these guys, even though Rod had explained the "circle", although, at that time it wasnt quite as black and white ( excuse the pun) as we had been led to believe ( will explain when appropriate).
When a grinning Andrew and then a freshly showered Sue returned to the lounge a sequence of firsts unfolded, as Sue entered she made a bee line to where Rod was sitting and knelt at his feet, reaching for him Sue undid and pulled at his trousers. I looked at Rod, he seemed as surprised as me but broke into a smile and gasped "oh yes" as Sue slipped her lips over his semi hard black cock. Andrew at this point said rhetorically "she loves BBC doesnt she". A FIRST. Id never seen Sue instigate sex, not even with me! but here she was sucking Rod at her own volition. A FIRST. To my knowledge Sue had never sucked 2 cocks in one evening. Had Andrew told her to do this? In my excitement I didnt dwell on this, at the time I just thought Sue was doing us proud but when Andrew dragged the stool into the middle of the room and told Rod to lay Sue over it I got an inkling Andrew was directing this. As Rod fucked Sue as hard as he had ever done there was a delight on Andrew face, he encouraged his friend to "fill her". Rod perhaps didnt need telling with the way he was going at Sue, She was like an eel wriggling at squirming as his BBC pounded her body. By the time Rod had finished and filled a panting and whimpering Sue with his cum another FIRST, never had two men fucked her on the same night.
With Rod having finished with Sue Andrew obviously needed further entertainment or maybe to confirm to himself I was complicit in this whole thing by instructing me to clean the mess Rod had left. I approached Sues outstretched legs and gaping pussy with some trepidation, her hole still expanded from Rods use and his cum beginning to escape from deep inside her. Hesitantly I licked the trails of spunk he left on withdrawing but eventually dipped my tongue inside to feel the warm but thickened juices within her. Caving in to my reservations I closed my mind and lapped at Sues pussy, in a surreal moment I heard Andrews and Rods laughter as I became more fervent in my licking, pulling Sue onto my mouth exploring her warm crevice as I searched out Rod cum. My "cleaning" of Sues pussy was a FIRST for me and soon to become a requirement from the guys.
After reflecting on the evenings events I tried to put into context how far Sue and I had come since the initial contact we had made through craigslist. We had began as just a regular couple living our lives in typical conformity, a treadmill existence I agree but none the wiser to the gradual erosion of our "spark", our sex life was in decline and had become, it has to be said, infrequent and due to my lessening libido must have been totally frustrating for a woman of Sues needs. As I lay contemplating this a wave of guilt swept over me as realised, perhaps for the first time, how much I had been failing Sue. The conclusion I drew of course was that first Rodney and now Andrew had completely revitalised the pair of us, given us both a focus, Sue without question had taken to serving these men with gusto, her vitality had returned and the eagerness with which she dropped her knickers for the two of them gave ample demonstration of her renewed excitement of feeling desirable again. I for my part no longer felt the huge responsibility placed on a husband, the guys had provided my very own "safety net". I no longer fretted over my shortcomings, my struggle to be a man. in my heart of hearts I knew I had masculine deficiencies, yes, I can earn and buy all the nice things Sue desires but have always been aware im more beta than alpha, I was convinced I need worry no longer, Rod and Andrew would take care of things. The exchange is, of course, that Id reconcile myself to serving both Rod and Andrew, so it is almost with gratitude I have towards Rod (and soon to be Andrew) that ive been charged with attending to his household chores.
The guys probably didnt recognise at this point just how important they were becoming to us both. To be fair to them they made no secret that they just wanted their fun with us, to fuck Sue and for me to not only accept but serve and not obstruct their use of Sue and as I now know from the duties ive been After mulling this over into the early hours I eventually succumbed to my tiredness and drifted off into my own sleep, the last thing I remember that night is kissing Sue lightly on the cheek, feeling her stir a little and closing my eyes.
Returning home from work a day or two later I entered the kitchen to be greeted home to the sight of a stark naked Andrew preparing himself a sandwich, we swapped peasantries as though having a naked black man raiding the fridge in my own home was the most natural thing in the world. Andrews casual matter of fact attitude made it seem all the more surreal as I sat at the table watching him slice a tomato, his toned torso and flat stomach were as difficult not to admire as the thick meaty black cock and low hanging balls that swayed slightly as he busied himself with his sandwich. He informed me that Sue was upstairs in bed, a clear reference that he had recently taken his pleasure from her. This was the first time either Andrew or Rod had visited without my being present but as Andrew went on to tell me that Sue had rung to invite him over I hardly had grounds for complaint or indeed did I have. A few moments later I heard Sue on the stairs, apparently having heard voices she now came into the kitchen sat on my lap and greeted me with her customary kiss. We all chatted while Andrew ate, Sue having risen made coffee for the 3 of us. This scene of domesticity was then broken when Andrew, having eaten, stood to reveal, somewhat surprisingly to me, his cock had transformed into a raging b**st!! Pointing up towards his stomach, the prominent veins seemed to throb with a life of their own. Taking Sue by the hand he guided her to the table and bent her face down over it before positioning himself behind her dipping his legs slightly to find an angle to fill her pussy with cock as straightening his legs again drove himself inside her. gripping her waist with both hands he began pumping into her slowly with long full strokes but with every forward thrust he made her take the last inch or two with meaningful force causing involuntary gasps from Sue with each hard lunge. as he proceeded to fuck into her and became more urgent he pulled Sues pussy onto him and pounded away at her in equal measure until noisily announcing his imminent explosion, at the moment of emptying himself inside her his thrusting caused the table to sc**** the floor, slopping coffee and upending a vase of flowers as he finished his pleasure.
It was now that he withdrew and stood back pointing to the floor between Sues open legs, I got to my knees as he had instructed and knew what was expected, I pulled at Sues bum cheeks to get access to her reddened swollen pussy and delved my tongue into her warm wet hole, I could distinguish the thickness of Andrews deposit as it seeped mixed with Sues own lighter but creamy juices. I licked at her until my upturned and straining throat began to ache, needing respite I pulled away and sat back on my heels to rest. Andrew seized the moment, "now me cucky" I turned my head and Andrews cock only inches away from my mouth was being held in anticipation, the close proximity of his cock to my mouth was crucial at this moment, it meant there was no time to pause, no awkward hesitancy, I simply opened my mouth to let Andrews cock invade, I now felt the same Discomfort Sue must have felt the first time she was in this position, the sheer thickness of the shaft stretching my mouth to its limit as it was pushed inside, I gagged, of course I did, sucking as best I could to savour the taste of my wife on him, to taste Andrew.
When Andrew was satisfied he pulled away to again sit at the table and rest leaving me still on my knees and Sue still sprawled bent over the table. Sue later confessed that she had heard Andrew putting me through the ordeal of sucking him but dared not move or look round. with Andrew leaving us to our own devices shortly afterwards we both took time to recover our senses, shower, eat and settle down for the evening, our overall feeling though was that of being thoroughly used but content that we had between us pleased and satisfied Andrew
11 years ago