A few more thoughts on community: the sequel

I realise that I have already spoken at some length upon the topic of 'community' within this site. However, in the shadow of my current 'advent calendar' project, there are a few additional notes I wish to make.

I never cease to be amazed by the level of trust, openness and courtesy shown to me by those I'm honoured to call 'friend'. Even though this is a forum in which very few of us are able to reveal our complete identities, concerned by the possible repercussions upon our professional and personal lives, the intimacy shown is still quite astonishing. I have, via Xhamster's personal message channel, managed to discuss extremely delicate subjects (and even offer advice) in a very honest manner, for which I thank everyone within my personal circle.

My mother once told me that you get out of life what you put in, and this is never truer than when it applies to relationships. Whether those relationships take place in what we laughably call the Real World or in some virtual bypass along the Internet superhighway, they are all equally valid. I thank you all for making this a great place to meet, converse and be honest.

Published by rodent1
11 years ago
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hottstuff1982 11 years ago
Interesting thoughts, and very astute.
rodent1 Publisher 11 years ago
That is so sweet of you two: thanks.
rodent1 Publisher 11 years ago
to Leaflee : I hadn't, until I checked it out: Miles Scott, Batkid. Lovely story.

My mother was/is a huge influence upon me, not least in the way I treat women.
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shaggyinit 11 years ago
I truly adore the way this community can work sometimes, but there are always some that spoil it. I'm sure you know the reason i am on here a lot isn't because of what happens, but WHO it happens with, there are some very special people on here, people i can have a laugh with, ones i have serious conversations with, All of which i try make laugh and smile.

On here, times are good..
jacexxxooo 11 years ago
to rodent1 : well yes i guess i would be but we have not talked much yet 'cause we only just met ... and i have been working a lot so i have not had time to even be around much Honestly what with my mom and julia wanting things for xmess and the car not working so i have to walk to work and home i am shocked i get on here at all at the moment lol i will be on here more when things calm down but then porn sites do take a back seat to life .. ^.~
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You are a great long distance friend! I agree with what you say here and your Mom has an excellent gift of teaching, "What goes around, comes around"! Also, so happy about the calendar project!
Side note, non porn related. Did you happen to see the news story about Batboy in San Francisco? Very inspirational for every human!
bigharv69 11 years ago
I will! Thank you.
rodent1 Publisher 11 years ago
to bigharv69 : Not so that we cannot talk. PM if you wish, my friend.
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bigharv69 11 years ago
I have found the same. We haven't talked in a while but when we do, I enjoy our conversations. I figure you've been busy with your calendar project. Which by the way, I'm very excited to view once you are done. I enjoy reading your blogs and thank you for your friendship.
rodent1 Publisher 11 years ago
to jacexxxooo : You do realise, Jace, that you are among those shiny folk I'm referring to? (And no, I haven't forgotten I promised you a question for your new item, especially as I have found my Walkman.)
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jacexxxooo 11 years ago
well that was really vary nice .. and better then the i hate that everyone is a bot note we see all the time . ^.^ i am glad your meeting really nice people here i have meet some nice people too and honestly if i was not working a lot more as of late i would be here more ... i loved the blog keep having a good time ^.^