My new relationship...

I'm finally confident enough to write it here.
... *blushing* ...

I've been in a new relationship for almost 3 weeks now.
A lot of people have been congratulating, thanks! ^o^

What I didn't tell openly yet is that my new partner is indeed a woman. :D
I'm madly in love with her and it really feels like there are butterflies in my stomach when I'm with her.
I wish we can be together forever. :)

She doesn't know about my profile here or about my fantasies yet...
I'm still waiting for a while before I disclose any of my weirder fetishes to her. :P
Published by mistressmiyoko
11 years ago
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anthony_weston 11 years ago
I'm just catching up and I'm so happy to read this! :smile: I'm sure you will handle the introductions perfectly since that seems to be your natural way of doing things. My guess, she'll only love you more since she'll get to see what a tremendous talent you are. In advance of that day, should it come. let me be one of the voices in the chorus who welcome her and, if I could, I'd like her to know how much your global set of XH friends admire and respect you.
aussie1 11 years ago
Ask what HER fantasies are. See what she says.
mistressmiyoko Publisher 11 years ago
Thank you! ♡
I really love you comments and PMs. Let's talk again! ☆
mistressmiyoko Publisher 11 years ago
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but real life is sometimes more difficult than fantasy, as you surely know. :wink:
cockkicking 11 years ago
I hope for you that she shares at least a few of your fantasies. :smile:
Best wishes for your future together!