My First Masturbation to Porn – A True Story

My first masturbation to porn happened with the September 1977 issue of Penthouse magazine, and this is my true story. A year before, in 1976 during summer break from school, my friend Bob introduced me to porn. He was taking care of a neighbor’s pets while they were on vacation, so he had access to their home. He had found a huge pile of old Playboy magazines in their garage. One day, he took me over there to show me the magazines.

We flipped through them without saying a word. My heart raced and my dick grew. I had never seen such gorgeous girls in such slutty poses! I had a huge boner which I was hoping he wouldn’t see. Trying to hide my big erect cock in my pants, I went home and masturbated like crazy to the porn images I had seen.

Shortly after that, we moved to a new town, but the memory of those hot magazines and pictures of slutty beautiful women stayed with me, and I wanted more! At my new home, I noticed that in our large grocery store near my house there was a big camera and magazine section, inside the store, but in a separate area. In my frequent trips to buy film there I noticed that they had lots of porn magazines behind the counter. Playboy, Penthouse, Oui, Gallery and many more were there, but you had to ask for them. I was far too shy and afraid of the counter ladies to ask for one. They looked about the same age as my mom and I was worried they would be disproving, or worse, would tell my mom!

But after seeing all that hot porn behind the counter, I would stroke my really erect and hard cock thinking about that porn! I knew I had to buy one of those magazines to masturbate with. The idea grew and the desire got stronger as the months went by. During the summer of 1977 my family took a two week trip out of town. I had to stay home because I had a part time job. This was my perfect opportunity! If I could just buy one of those magazines I could masturbate non stop for days and days in my empty house!

Working up the nerve, I road my bike to the store. My cock was hard and I had to hide it by having my hands in my pants pockets as I walked into the magazine and film section. But once there, I became too nervous to walk up to the counter. I pretended to look at the cameras and other items for sale. Families came and went, buying film or other items at the counter. I just couldn’t buy porn with people behind or in front of me at the counter! I waited for the counter to be empty of customers. Time went by, and more time, and even more time! After spending a long long time waiting for an opportunity when nobody would be at the counter, my time finally came! The counter was empty of customers, and there was just a little old lady working behind the counter.

I walked up to the counter, my heart racing, but I was so nervous! But as she walked up to me I lost my nerve! It was like trying to buy porn from my grandmother!

“Can I help you?” She asked.

“Umm, yes.” I stammered. I chickened out.

“I’d like to buy a roll of film please.”

After paying for my absolutely un-needed film and being completely humiliated at my failure I slowly peddled my bike back to my house.

But, the idea of masturbating to images of sexy women only grew stronger. I masturbated that night, naked in bed, spreading oil on my cock and balls. I stroked my cock up and down, pumping it hard as I imaged buying that porn and looking at it. I had a huge orgasm thinking about buying that porn at the store.

The next day, I once again screwed up my courage and peddled back to the store. My cock was hard entering the store, but quickly softened. There was a man and woman working behind the counter. Again I pretended to be interested in other items, and again I had to wait for various people to buy things from the counter. After half an hour of pretending to shop, the woman behind the counter came around to me, probably suspicious that I was up to something due to how long I was standing around looking.
“Can I help you young man?” She asked.

“Uhhh, no thank you!” I stuttered to her. “Just looking.”

“I see,” she said. “Well if you need anything just let me know.” She walked back to the counter.

Again my heart was racing, and again I felt the lack of courage and humiliation rising up in me. I was on the verge of chickening out again, but felt such a strong desire to buy a magazine of porn! And then suddenly, the counter became briefly empty of customers and I realized it was now or never if I was going to get that porn!

My heart was racing so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack! I walked up to the counter, it seemed like a mile away. I felt like everyone in the store was looking at me! At the counter, the woman came up to me again.

“Can I help you young man?” She asked again.

“Yes” I managed to croak out of my suddenly dry mouth, I felt like I was about to pass out. My face was hot feeling, my hear racing, I’m sure I was blushing.

I looked at the magazines behind the counter, trying to determine which one would have the most slutty porn for me to feast my eyes on and masturbate my hard cock to.

“Ummm, a Pent - Penthouse magazine p-please.” I managed to stutter to her.

A frown briefly touched her face, but without a word she turned, reached down to a Penthouse magazine in the rack, which was covered in a plastic bag, and handed it to me.

“Anything else?” She asked.

“No thank, thank you.” I stammered.

My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to pass out right there. I paid for my porn, she put the magazine in a paper bag and handed it to me. VICTORY! I was excited beyond belief!

Without another word I instantly turned and trying not to run, headed for the exit as fast as I could. I had done it! I was so excited! I had bought my first porn magazine! My cock was rock hard again and I wanted so bad to touch it!

I peddled my back the fastest I think I had ever peddled it and ran into my bedroom, my porn magazine still in the bag. I took off my clothes, spread a towel on the bed, put baby oil on my cock, and then very slowly pulled my treasure out of the paper bag.

I stroked my rock hard and slippery cock as I pealed the plastic bag away from the Sept 1977 issue of Penthouse magazine and brought it out. I slid my hand up and down my cock’s slippery hardness while looking at the cover photo, which was of a shapely nude woman, her lower half hidden by a sexy pair of panties, her naked belly and bottoms of her big breasts showing from underneath the closed blinds of a window, her eyes peaking out from the parted blinds above.

I opened the magazine, hoping for porn, and was rewarded beyond my wildest dreams. There were pages and pages of the hottest stories and images I had ever seen. I stroked my slick, hard cock as I read each story, looked at each photo spread. I could only stroke through a few pages before the urge to shoot my hot, sticky, white cum overwhelmed me. I shot a huge load all over the towel, making sure I didn’t get any on my precious porn magazine.

Each night thereafter, and multiple times during the day, I would get naked, lie on my bed, view the pages and pages of porn and cum hard. The biggest orgasms however were always at the pet of the month.

She was a very sexy Asian woman with big tits and an amazing cunt, which she displayed as she masturbated with oil, her fingers playing with her clit and appearing to be slightly entering her cunt. I probably had 100 major orgasms just with her spread, and it took me a long time before I could masturbate past her spread to the rest of the magazine. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was learning the fine art of edging, something I can do now for hours on end!

Eventually, I masturbated my way through the whole magazine and got the urge for more Penthouse magazine porn. I ended up visiting that store many more times over the months. For the next two years, especially after I got my driver’s license and could drive myself to the mall book store, I bought each month’s issue of Penthouse, and eventually tried Chic, Hustler and a few others. Late in 1978 I got my first girlfriend, and after that I didn’t need to buy magazine porn anymore!

I guess to this day I still am hooked on that feeling of nerves because even though I don’t need the magazines anymore (thanks xhamster!), I’ll still from time to time venture to my local adult book store. Just to feel that nervous sexual energy of forbidden fruit!

Interestingly, I just recently found on the internet pictures of the cover of that magazine, and the actual photos of that hot Asian woman that I used to cum to over and over again. I’m putting them in my photos section for you to see. And you know what? The funny thing is I masturbated over them again today and once again she brought me off! Damn, porn is wonderful!

What about you? When was the first time you masturbated to porn? Leave a comment!

Published by Tommie_tomm2
11 years ago
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Tommie_tomm2 Publisher 4 years ago
Love it! The older generation of wankers looking to help the younger generation - turning them into pornosexuals. Nice!
Tommie_tomm2 Publisher 4 years ago
to jodyp1737 : Thanks for the comment - glad it brought back such hot, nasty memories!
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jodyp1737 4 years ago
Great story well written, so many of us lined the newsagents pocket and I bet the markup was high. I’d love to here the story from the other side of the counter and how they laughed at nervous young wankers. I’ll look for the Mayfair pics in your gallery. Thanks for sharing brought memories back to an old stroker still pounding the poke even these days with XH so much easier. J
Tommie_tomm2 Publisher 4 years ago
to Jonj8282 : So hot, you and I share the same story! Getting porn was so nasty back then, it was in person, not virtual the way it is today. That made is so much more worthwhile. God, everytime I went into an ABS or bought a Penthouse from a clerk I had to look them in the eye. Always got my blood going! And the masturbation session when I took my prize home was so fucking amazing!!!
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Jonj8282 4 years ago
Great story and i empathise with all your emotions and feelings. I had been ogling the top shelf mags for years before i saw a Mayfair that i just had to have. But i was too young so crazily I slipped in inside a computer magazine and took it to the counter. Ive never stolen anything but my lustntook over and luckily the lad at the counter just asked for the price of the computer mag. I ran home and wanked opened the Mayfair and it was a dream cum true. The gorgeous women, with large breasts and glorious bushes had my cock spurting in no time. But I hid the mag in my room and wanked to it at every opportunity. It also started my porn mag buying habit that i still have to this day
franker 5 years ago
great story, made me feel young again too.
Jerry04 5 years ago
I had to laugh while reading the story because i identified with the terror of going in the store trying to by the magazine.
fd8984596 6 years ago
Many a memory here - THANKS
Tommie_tomm2 Publisher 7 years ago
to NiceGuyJoey93 : Good one! Funny how we shared that very similar experience! 
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NiceGuyJoey93 7 years ago
barely respond...."yehhhh.. Yes". Still to this day I can picture her in my mind...she had long curly brunette hair and was chomping on her gum, she was older but not too old and had bright red lipstick. As she picked up each grouping, turn it around for the number to key in, smacking her gum, I was mortified, told me the total and I placed it in the counter, now looking away. She took the money and said "here is your change" as I was now required to hold out my hand and have some direct interaction with her. She gave me my change, placed the magazines in the bag, which was now bulging with THREE packets, so at least 9 or more magazines. The entire transaction felt like it as taking an hour (but was probably 1 minute) and I stood still, praying no one would come in seeing me buy these from a woman!!! The absolute best part was when she said (handing them over to me)... "You have fun now"..and smiled while chewing her gum. I could have literally hugged her, because in that instance I realized she knew how nervous I was, she knew what I would be doing, and she was OK with it. I know it seems so silly know, but she seemed to validate that it was ok to feel horny as a teenage boy, and to buy these magazines. I remember my nervous shoulders coming down and I said thanks...looking her directly in the eyes. Then I walked out slowly, then quickly home as my calmness turned to excitement at my new treasures. :wink:
NiceGuyJoey93 7 years ago is so funny now how my first attempts at buying magazines are so similar to yours. Mine was at a convenience store near our house that I could actually walk to, about 4 blocks away. I was actually 16 but looked much older, with some slight facial hair. I was just as nervous with my heart racing and my first two attempts I only ended up with Sports Illustrated magazines (and not the swimsuit ones either). :wink:. I got so mad at myself for spending my hard earned money on those magazines when I really wanted the sex magazines (as I called them). But eventually I got the courage one day and went back telling myself that they had them for a reason (for people to buy them) and if the person checking out said I shouldn't have it then I would just leave quickly. :wink:

The store actually had them on a separate rack (but it was to the side of the checkout counter) so if you went up to were only there for that. :wink:. I would walk around the store and look at the regular magazines always peeking to see when there was no crowd at the counter. And being a convenience store that had gas pumps, you would have to act quickly. So I rarely had time to peruse the selection. And they would have a grouping of 2-3 magazines in one plastic. They tended to be international or British magazines, as the Playboy and Penthouse were at the top of the rack and I dare not ask the checkout person.

So I would go quickly when I saw an opening...grab what seemed to look good with a 10 second view...put it on the counter with my money and not look up. Usually it was men doing the checkout and nothing was said. Again I would get the paper sack and walk home legs shaking from the experience and then from the anticipation. Also from the nervousness that other people may have seen me or could see what I had as I walked out of the parking lot and down the streets.

I did this a few more times making sure there was enough time in between (or so I thought) that the checkout person wouldn't recognize me ( if it was the same one from a previous visit). Lol. My best and at the time most nervous was when I walked to the store and saw only one car out front with a guy talking on the pay phone. (Yes those did exist). :wink:. So I thought now is my time, I walked in and didn't see anyone at the counter but could hear the rustling behind the wall behind the counter. So I was guessing the guy was getting additional items to stock out front. This was my time then...and I had $30 so I could get 3 of the grouped plastic magazines $7 each..plenty to cover the tax and not have to come back for months. No one around... Perfect time. I then quickly selected 3 kinds that looked and went to the counter. I placed them down and right then a WOMAN walked around the wall to check me out. I was stunned and couldn't move. She looked at me, smiled and had the gall or maybe she just wanted to have fun with me and asked..."is this all for today?" I literally (like you ) could
Tommie_tomm2 Publisher 7 years ago
to mikeron : Awesome Mikeron, nothing better than some mutual masturbation while stroking to a hot magazine full of porn!
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mikeron 7 years ago
My parents were divorced and I lived with my hot, sexy mom. She never wore much around the house and I was always getting glimpses her naked body. I was JUST a teen and my young cock was hard all the time and I jacked off 3&4 times a day. My friend who lived across the street was 4 years older than I. We would do sleep overs and he would show me his Dad's Playboy collection. I loved looking at the magazines and jacking off with him. We started jacking each other off and rubbing our cocks together looking at their tits and asses.
Tommie_tomm2 Publisher 8 years ago
to garcost48 : Absolutely! She was a total sexual hottie and she radiated that through the pictures. The photographer did a great job, and yep, 40 years later still jerking to it!
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garcost48 8 years ago
When you wrote "Asian with big tits oiling her clit" my mind immediately flashed to an image I remember in great detail, especially the little red jade sculpture that was in the pictures. Going to your profile and seeing the exact picture that was in my mind had me laughing. That beautiful asian beauty probably has no idea the impact her photos had on so many of us young males discovering our sexuality at that time, and what those pictures have on us still to this day 40 plus years later!
Tommie_tomm2 Publisher 9 years ago
to Jmuncut : Wow, luck to get film so early! I remember those 8mm, so hot. How far we've come, right?
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Jmuncut 9 years ago
I started with ladies in bra and panty ad in magazine then seen first playboy I jackoff hundreds of times to it. I found my dad had a 8mm black & white smoker. Didn't have a projector. I said something to a friend he said he had one and his dad had a couple porns
Waited one night dad went to work. My sisters were busy and my mom was upstairs. Was in the garage set up the projector in a corner that couldn't be seen if someone came in the door. Turned off the lights and started the film it was 2 couples they got naked and the ladies had hairy pussy the guys wasted no time going down on them they started sucking there cocks. My cock was so hard I unzipped and pulled my hard cock out within and couple minutes shot a Hugh load on my stomach. Heard a noise shutoff the projector and turned on the lights. Almost was busted by my sister. It was summer made a thing of every Saturday camping in backyard watching porno.
Tommie_tomm2 Publisher 9 years ago
Definitely, Penthouse and Hustler were awesome wanking material for sure!
hornychap 9 years ago
My first wank was to a sexy scene in a book. John Updike's Rabbit Run, which was in the study at home- one of my parents' hundreds of books. I was about 11. Later I discovered that Dad had some Playboys and other magazines hidden in a press.... things only got better! All these had been brought into Ireland illegally owing to the censorship laws. I went abroad for the first time in the mid-70's and discovered Penthouse and Hustler. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Tommie_tomm2 Publisher 9 years ago
Yes, I loved those letters, such hot stuff!
tieherup77 9 years ago
My first and best memories were from the gorgeous breasts and faces from a Playboy. Always got me raging hard and ready to drop trou all times of the day. A lot of our neighbors had them around the house which I got to investigate and enjoy under certain circumstances. Few years later the Penthouse Letters inspired me to add some diversity of stimulation in my solo ventures and I experimented with rubbing on satin which was awesome and addictive. Hm, maybe I should post my own story? Thanks for provoking such tingling memories with such a hot buildup!
Tommie_tomm2 Publisher 10 years ago
Thanks for the commcomments, good to hear I wasn't the only Penthouse fan!
baulch21 10 years ago
So similar to my experience, if I remember correctly I started playboy. These I borrowed from the collection at work (every engineering workshop had a stash in those days). But the first one I paid for was also a Penthouse. I spent many happy hours with that one!
o2bhornee 10 years ago
I started off with Sears catalogs, but my dad used to subscribe to Penthouse. Once a week my dad had to go to a meeting at night. My mom worked week nights. So Wednesday night was my night to masturbate by looking at pictures, and reading articles.
Tommie_tomm2 Publisher 10 years ago
Awesome Dogface! I agree, nothing better than the feeling you get walking in, knowing you are getting wanking material, and knowing THEY know too!
dogface999 10 years ago
Its hard to describe just how much I enjoy pornography and masturbation. Ever since I saw my first porn mag I have been utterly hooked. The thrill of buying porn mags has stay with me even into the age of unlimited internet porn. I love the thrill I get from buying porn from sex shops and newsagents with female staff. I make no attempt to hide the throbbing boner in my pants and I usually buy tissues and baby lotion in the same purchase as my porn. I would love to be watched by a woman as I masturbate to porn. In my fantasies I browse the shelves of porn at the newsagents and then fall to my knees and start wanking whilst the lady at the counter watches me.
maztx 10 years ago
Nice story
Tommie_tomm2 Publisher 10 years ago
Yes. Jerking in the early days was to women in mail catalogs for Sears or JC Pennys!
NYLooking100 10 years ago
Great story and I can relate!
prbbq69 10 years ago
Very hot. You definitely know how to tell a story.