The Harassment of Female xHamster Users Must Stop
I just sent the following to Help & Support - let's see if they do anything to change things:
09/29/13 04:14:25 AM
Why should a female member of this site be subjected
to this type of harassment and abuse? And why should
a female member feel compelled to upload screenshots
of this despicable behavior in order to shame the
perpetrators into not repeating their actions against
other unsuspecting females? Isn't that your job as
administrators to protect users from being preyed
This is not the first and probably won't be the last
female user of this site to be bothered in this way. But
it doesn't mean nothing should be done because their
isn't an easy, one-size-fits-all solution. And I'm
tired of witnessing my female friends on xHamster be
chased-away by this kind ignorant nonsense.
I am asking for your help. And I'm willing to provide
whatever of mine that you need. I would appreciate
a response ASAP as I feel the frequency of these
types of incidents has been increasing lately. The
result is as I described above:
the loss of many of our fine female members, and when
is it ever a good thing to have fewer females around?
Lol, hope to hear from you soon.
This link is an example of the latest abuse against our female acquaintances & friends:
This is one of FORTY! FOUR, ZERO! This is just against @MinxGirl and these are only the ones she's chosen to upload!
This has to end. And it starts with all of us male xHamster users. We need to stop a moment and look in the mirror, because in some way shape or form, we are all guilty. We've all engaged in inappropriate behavior at one time or another and not apologized for it. And who hasn't kept right on going rather than defend or stand-up for someone being bothered or harassed?
Answer me this, Guys of xHamster:
If it was your girlfriend or your wife on the street or otherwise out in public being talked to like this, would you let the scumbag(s) doing it get away with it? What if it was your mother or your sister or even your daughter or niece? What about then?
Well, if you did or would, then you don't have the right to call yourself a man, let alone a human being. Nobody's perfect, but everyone who visits this site does so for escape and pleasure. And even if your pleasure is pain, who wants to be distracted from your chosen form of it by bullshit & nonsense?
The other way this is going to change is if everyone - whether victim, witness or bystander - contacts the Administrators of xHamster and demands change. Threaten to leave, delete your profile, cancel your subscription: whatever it takes to get them to respond.
Continue to visit both this post and my blog for future updates. I'm not stopping or quitting until this gets done. Anyone that wants help, leave your comments below and/or contact me directly by PM.
Thank you in advance. Peace and love to all of you, always.
I just sent the following to Help & Support - let's see if they do anything to change things:
09/29/13 04:14:25 AM
Why should a female member of this site be subjected
to this type of harassment and abuse? And why should
a female member feel compelled to upload screenshots
of this despicable behavior in order to shame the
perpetrators into not repeating their actions against
other unsuspecting females? Isn't that your job as
administrators to protect users from being preyed
This is not the first and probably won't be the last
female user of this site to be bothered in this way. But
it doesn't mean nothing should be done because their
isn't an easy, one-size-fits-all solution. And I'm
tired of witnessing my female friends on xHamster be
chased-away by this kind ignorant nonsense.
I am asking for your help. And I'm willing to provide
whatever of mine that you need. I would appreciate
a response ASAP as I feel the frequency of these
types of incidents has been increasing lately. The
result is as I described above:
the loss of many of our fine female members, and when
is it ever a good thing to have fewer females around?
Lol, hope to hear from you soon.
This link is an example of the latest abuse against our female acquaintances & friends:
This is one of FORTY! FOUR, ZERO! This is just against @MinxGirl and these are only the ones she's chosen to upload!
This has to end. And it starts with all of us male xHamster users. We need to stop a moment and look in the mirror, because in some way shape or form, we are all guilty. We've all engaged in inappropriate behavior at one time or another and not apologized for it. And who hasn't kept right on going rather than defend or stand-up for someone being bothered or harassed?
Answer me this, Guys of xHamster:
If it was your girlfriend or your wife on the street or otherwise out in public being talked to like this, would you let the scumbag(s) doing it get away with it? What if it was your mother or your sister or even your daughter or niece? What about then?
Well, if you did or would, then you don't have the right to call yourself a man, let alone a human being. Nobody's perfect, but everyone who visits this site does so for escape and pleasure. And even if your pleasure is pain, who wants to be distracted from your chosen form of it by bullshit & nonsense?
The other way this is going to change is if everyone - whether victim, witness or bystander - contacts the Administrators of xHamster and demands change. Threaten to leave, delete your profile, cancel your subscription: whatever it takes to get them to respond.
Continue to visit both this post and my blog for future updates. I'm not stopping or quitting until this gets done. Anyone that wants help, leave your comments below and/or contact me directly by PM.
Thank you in advance. Peace and love to all of you, always.
11 years ago
is so unpredictable. All of us could and can to have own standards about these questions. Words like slut, whore or bitch or many
other like that on this web is normal so as life using them very often in badly attitude. Xhamster isnt something like church or court
where we must accept a lot of rules, limits and bounderies as normal sense. Xhamster is place for exploring our sexuality and
sensual behaviour in expressing our sex lust and all sexes wishes and feelings. There are so differencies in there as we have so much
individuality in each human beings, each of us is unique and uncopied till stupid scientist didnt successed to implement in practice
DNA genetical manipulated reproducing a copies of humans or achieved to wide our lifes in never end. I am thinking that God still
keep our massed World under his control, and when or if he would be pissed off he would be capable to total destroying our uncontroled
First off, if I'm being unrealistic, why do you care? Sadism? I didn't use or mention your name in my post. In fact, if you looked, friends that we share-in-common commented positively on this post. So what could it be?
Do you feel personally threatened by this post or posts of this type? Your profile says you don't accept requests from users with penis avatars. So why would you object to a safer and more civil xHamster?
You mentioned in a previous comment about, "...a porn site where nobody uses real names and many supposedly female members are really males..." Are you referring to @teengirerin or "Mike" or whatever his real name is? I was friends with "her" as well, until "Mike" came clean. I know the two lesbians are fake and the cat's been dead for years. Did you or were you referring in general to the nature of xHamster itself?
Or is this about @fotisampini? He was on My Friends list too, and he has good content uploads. But he violated @MinxGirl's personal space with his unwanted messages. Why shouldn't he or anyone else be called out? Blocking doesn't prevent the perpetration of the same or similar behavior against someone else, so why shouldn't they have their nose rubbed in their mess? Maybe they'll think twice the next time the opportunity arises.
Then is it you are secretly "that guy" too or are you standing-up for that kind of behavior? Is all the art, poetry and b&w photos on your profile just a cover? On the DL, are you a "troll"? Otherwise why take such an interest if you are not engaging in this type of negative behavior?
So please Sir, show off. I have presented my questions in many of their possible permutations. I have clearly stated my agenda. Now, the floor is yours - make your case. And, in addition, please expound upon your hypothesis concerning my "bogus outrage".
Unlike IMRL, I wait patiently for your reply.
"Expressing your outrage is emotionally satisfying and provides immediate self-validation - in fact it's a bit like the reason most of us are here - to pleasure ourselves."
Really? So is that what you are doing, Sir, by returning to this post? By being "realistic", do you feel any better? Do you feel "satisfied" and "validated"?
A few things YOU might want to think about...
I realize that xHamster doesn't have the Manpower to police each and every comment, but I DO expect the site owners to react, when abuse is being reported.
This site is nothing without all the private users, and they (we) should therefore be protected in some way against the blatant idiocy of some users, WHO can't distinguish porn from reality.
Give them hell!!
You have raised an important issue. Without general respect for all, there cannot be enjoyment for all.
Plus, not for nothing, but just because they're blocked doesn't prevent them from doing it to someone else, right?
But thanks for your comments.
Like I mentioned in my post, if it was your girlfriend, wife, sister, etc., you might react differently - more protective, more like a male human being. Maybe you're too selfish & self-centered for that - I don't know. Sorry we won't be able to count on you.
But thanks for your comments - adds to the debate.
Be well Anna PJs.