Hello Spunky hows tricks. Very good miss. Hows Bullseye these days he okay too. O yes miss we get on like a house on fire. But I always thought dogs didnt like cats Spunky cum on tell me what sort of hold have you got on Bullseye Spunky. Well miss I will let you into a little secret Bullseye is a bit like myself in that he also has a weak bladder. And what has he done Spunky. Well miss I went round to grannies and found him weeing on her prize Geranium. What happened Spunky. Well Bullseye went a bit pale once he knew I had seen him. No the plant you nana Spunky. Well miss it shrivelled up and wilted a bit like Grandads cock on a Saturday night. How you know that Spunky. Saw em through the catflap last weekend miss. So whys Bullseye your new mate then. I promised to keep quiet in return for his protection. Protection from what Spunky. That scruffy tomcat from no 10 the other day he kicked my catflap in. So who does granny blame for her prize Geranium wilting then. Thats easy miss she think its Grandad
Published by nightowl90
11 years ago
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bow2you 11 years ago
Good punch line, hope spunky can survive. xx