Has Grandad found you yet Spunky. No Miss he has not and he wont be looking for me tomorrow thats for sure. Whys that then Spunky. The Old Codger goes to church on a Sunday forgive us all our sins and all that malarky and we all know he has lots of sins to be forgiven for dont we. Like what Spunky. Threating to put my balls in a pickle jar thats along with the smoking like a chimney drinking like a fish and having more ladyfriends than an alley cat. How you know all this Spunky. Well Miss me and my associates keep a close eye on him Granny gives me extra fish suppers for valid information. In other words Spunky your a snitch. Not exactly Miss just trying too protect my assets nudge nudge.Anyway Spunky why dont you go to church aswell. They barred me Miss the last time I went. Why was that dare I ask.Well Miss they asked for a deposit for the church roof so I left them one. That was rather generous of you Spunky what sort of deposit did you leave them. Well Miss I wee weed in the font well they did ask for a liquidation fundfor the roof.You naughty boy Granny will not be best pleased.I know I also weed on her pot plants strerwth did they grow quick her verandah was like a jungle on my next visit. You been visiting Granny too. Yes Miss. Well thats next times story bye bye. TTFN Miss.
Published by nightowl90
11 years ago
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bow2you 11 years ago
Spunky should realise where is feed comes from.