Well Spunky are you there. Yes Miss Im here. Has Grandad caught up with you yet then. No Miss problem is I believe he may well be looking for me for committing another offence. What have you done now Spunky. Well Miss it was like this you know how it wasrather hot yesterday dont you. Yes I do carry on. Well miss it was like this I was feeling thirsty and Grandad caught me drinking out of the toilet bowl again he went mental he said it was the vets for me when he finds the number in the telephone directory. Blimey that sounds serious Spunky. Not exactly Miss I managed to out manourver the old codger and hid his glasses where he would never find them. O yes and where was that exactly. I hid them in his wallet you know how mean he is with money last time he opened his wallet there was a war on ha ha ha. I tell you Miss hes not touching my crown jewels. If thats true Spunky hes not going to want to spend money on having your firing pin removed. Hey thanks Miss did I ever tell you yuo are a genius sometimes. No never. Well you are and thats why I love you. G thanks Spunky. Well someone has too cause no one here does ha ha ha. Right wheres that vets telephone number your for it Spunky. You will have to catch me first bye bye.
Published by nightowl90
11 years ago
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bow2you 11 years ago
vet is not for spunky