A few thoughts on respect
One of the most curious aspects in the behaviour of certain male members here is the casual manner with which they use words such as "slut", "bitch" and "whore" when referring to their female colleagues, as though totally divorced from the wider social dimension. It is almost as though they were abandoned as infants in a distant forest and left to grow up without any grasp of the consequences of their own vocabulary or ideology.
I've written before about the fact that, despite this being a site dedicated to pornography, we must not turn a blind eye to anyone treating other members here with anything less than the respect they deserve. This applies in particular to women, since they face both the underlying sexism of modern society and the moralistic approbation heaped upon any of their gender who dares express even the scantiest interest in one of humanity's oldest fiction-forms.
This viewpoint is scarcely revolutionary; indeed, It is at its very core the simplest expression of modern manners. However, the fact that it still requires to be stated so categorically shows how far we still have to go before achieving a truly balanced society.
I've written before about the fact that, despite this being a site dedicated to pornography, we must not turn a blind eye to anyone treating other members here with anything less than the respect they deserve. This applies in particular to women, since they face both the underlying sexism of modern society and the moralistic approbation heaped upon any of their gender who dares express even the scantiest interest in one of humanity's oldest fiction-forms.
This viewpoint is scarcely revolutionary; indeed, It is at its very core the simplest expression of modern manners. However, the fact that it still requires to be stated so categorically shows how far we still have to go before achieving a truly balanced society.
11 years ago
how you can to explain us that a lot of women / females applying much higher hating or derogating against men / males not
only through badly words i.e. men pig, shit balls etc. even in sex rasism as real action in many life situations in many fields
so at works, in education...
Today exsist a lot of feminist racist in action nether less than also implemented male rasism. Whole human history has a
many examples of both rasism in action through the centuries and that struggle between them is very interesting like
history of wars and battles where a women is primar subject and a lot of stupid males was killed after involving in females
or cunts controlled sex games over bed where they females posses imaginable powerty above losted males...... I wonna to
say that between gendrers and sexes or females and males always playing the same game .... which sex is dominant....
which sex is winner.... conclusion is various and destiny tell us that sexes tending to submass opposite sexes as naturality
No Gentleman Agreement avaiable in this sick World -
Btw, her exploitation of Down's Syndrome in such a rant is something I find particularly distasteful.
Keep up your standards.
Best regards
As an example, I am currently hosting an advent calendar, featuring 24 of this site's female members. Today, I felt moved to delete two comments left by someone calling themselves HookerLover: the first addressed one of the women as a "yummy slut", whilst the other told a contributor "the more your looking like a slutty whore the more I love you baby!!".
What someone does on their own page is up to them. On my page, we play by my rules. I PM'd him afterwards: "Please do not refer to the women who have generously given of their time to appear in my calendar as "sluts" or "whores". We treat people with respect on my page, and not with the incautious vocabulary of an addled adolescent."
Sadly, he is one of many here who appear never to have entered adulthood.
If a woman enjoys verbal or even physical degredation as part of her sexual life, I have no problem whatsoever with her exploring that aspect of her psyche. Xhamster also provides a vehicle for such exploration, albeit on a mostly virtual level, and some women here invite other members to engage with that fantasy dialogue; again, it's their choice and I respect that.
However, I believe it is completely out of order to assail a woman with sexual commentary (some of which may verge upon the threatening) or to issue sexual demands, when the only indicator of potential interest from her has been listing 'female' as part of her profile.
We should treat Xhamster in the way you would meeting people in a cafe. If the introduction goes well, then she may indeed agree to step into a more private area, with a consequent increase in intimacy. On the other hand, walk up to a total stranger and verbally abuse her or ask if she'd like you to piss in her mouth (sadly, I'm not making any of this up) and you should be exposed as the creep you are. It's a question of common decency.
Sexism can also lead to machismo and misogyny , which means contempt, domination and hatred of the opposite sex .
Discrimination based on sex is based on the traditions , cultures , religions, ideologies and behaviors that pose a difference in status and dignity between man and woman. .